The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 1598: Wasn’t Chase Dream not cured by me?

The shopkeeper looked very young, as if he was less than 30 years old. He was immersed in his abacus and raised his head when he heard the words. He was about to speak. He was taken aback when he saw a pair of black eyes staring at him. The whole person took two steps back.

Duanmu Yawang: "..."

Is she so scary?

Xiao Wuzheng's brows also frowned, his expression unhappy and angered: "Treasurer, are there any tables available?"

"Yes, yes."

The shopkeeper shook his head as he answered, closed his eyes, opened his eyes, and still saw a pair of black eyes, and these black eyes looked carefully, but felt that they were squishy, ​​like obsidian.

It's really beautiful.

Thinking of this, he turned his gaze again and looked at Duanmu Yawang from head to toe.

At this look, I was stunned.

Black-haired and dark-eyed people, are they so beautiful?

He had read about the black-eyed person in the book, but the description in the book made him think that the black-eyed person was almost like a crow, thought it was extremely ugly, did not expect to look like this...The purple eyes and silver hair are not comparable. !

Black hair and black eyes will make people's lips red and white, full of aura. Unlike silver hair, people's skin will be sallow. Light purple is sometimes too light, and the contrast with the whites of the eyes is not obvious, which makes it easy to look dull.

"The shopkeeper!"

Seeing the shopkeeper staring at Duanmu Ya, Xiao Wuzheng squinted coldly, tapping the tabletop lightly.


The shopkeeper had a scholarly face and looked delicate and handsome.

Xiao Wuzheng's words brought him back to his senses. He also turned his gaze back from Duanmu Yawang, swallowed, looked at Xiao Wuzheng and then Duanmu Yawang, and asked, "Are you together?"

"Of course they are together!"

The one who spoke was Xiao Bailu. The shopkeeper kept staring at Duanmu Yawang. He was not happy anymore and snorted sharply, "Is there any free table?"

"should have."

When the shopkeeper saw Xiao Wuzheng and Xiao Bailu, disappointment flashed across his eyes.

Sure enough, all the good-looking people have married and have children.

"What is supposed to be?" Duanmu Yawang wrinkled her eyebrows. "If there is, then there will be no."

"Madam wait a minute." Hearing Duanmu Yawang's voice, the shopkeeper felt very pleasing, and hurriedly raised his voice: "Little Si, here is a guest, let's take the guest upstairs!"


There was a voice responding from the slightly noisy upstairs. Soon, a person with the appearance of a small second hurried down from the upstairs, "The shopkeeper, I'm here."

The shopkeeper pointed to the three of Duanmu Yawang, and said, "Little Four, there should be one spot left on the second floor, right, take them up."

"Left?" Xiao Si was taken aback, seeing Duanmu Yawang, and was stunned again.

"Yeah." The shopkeeper nodded, took a look at Duanmu Yawang, then quickly lowered his head and waved his hand: "Don't froze, take someone up quickly."


Xiao Si came back to his senses, and hurriedly responded, and said respectfully to Duanmu Yawang: "Guest, please come with me."

Duanmu Yawang and the three followed.

On the second floor, I went up and found that it was a private room.

Each table is separated by an elegant screen, and the distance between each table is very wide. After they come in, they can hear people talking and the sound of chopsticks touching porcelain.

Seeing such an environment, the little white deer licked his mouth, "It must be delicious."

"It's not."

Little Four saw Xiao Bailu look like this, and he only thought it was cute, and said with a smile: "Our restaurant recognizes the second place on 29th Street. No one dares to recognize the first one. Anyone who has been here will say yes."

After that, without waiting for the little white deer to speak, he said again: "Little son, you look so beautiful, I will ask the kitchen to give you a fat Xueer to give you a taste, kids like this."

Little Bailu likes people to praise him for his good looks, and when he hears this, his eyes light up, "Pang Xueer? Did you give it away?"

"It's a kind of pastry, soft and sweet, you'll know it in a while. No money, I will give it to you." Xiao Si said, leading them to the place the shopkeeper said, and opened the screen to let them in. .


Little Bailu took advantage, his eyes narrowed, and his appearance was even more snowy and lovely, and said sweetly, "Thank you, brother!"


Seeing him like this, Xiao Si exclaimed in his heart, why are all three in a family so good-looking?

Little Bailu had never given him food because of his cuteness. Such an experience made him dangle his legs with joy, and he was terribly choked, which made Duan Mu Yawang look very funny.

"What can I eat?" Xiao Wuzheng asked while pouring tea.

"Oh, this is a vegetable brand."

Xiao Si pointed to the screen behind them, "They are all the names of the dishes, and the distinguished guests see what they want to eat, so they can talk to the little one."

Duanmu Yawang: "The idea of ​​engraving the menu on the screen is quite unique." Moreover, there are so many dishes in this restaurant. The screen is so big, almost full of the names of the dishes.

Xiao Si scratched his head, "We have a lot of ideas in our shopkeeper's mind."

Xiao Wuzheng glanced at Duanmu Yawang, "You order?"

Duanmuya looked at him and said, "It's better to order two for each person."

Little Bailu thought of something and raised her cute face: "Brother, can I pack here?"


Xiao Si didn't understand.

"Just buy some to take away, we have our own food box."

"Yes." Xiao Si smiled and said, "We can also provide food boxes."

"Then let's have more, right?" Xiao Bailu looked at Duanmu Yawang eagerly.

Duanmu Yawang naturally agreed.

Although it was a little bit more, but in the end more than 20 dishes were ordered. The dishes written on the screen, in addition to soup and snacks, almost half of the dishes for the main meal were ordered.

Xiao Si was stunned for a moment.

Just three people, is it so edible?

He took the recorded list of dishes and went downstairs in a daze.

After Xiao Er left, Xiao Bailu was still dangling his calves, "Sister, the people in this inn are really kind and easy-going. It's the most comfortable place to be exiled on the street for so long."

Every night before, although they would find an inn to live in, but the food was not very good. Each inn was operated like a fat aunt inn, and they had to sit and eat with others when they had snacks in the room.

It's just like grabbing food!

He can't get enough to eat almost all the time.

Duanmu Yawang: "Fat aunt is also very comfortable."

"It's a bit smaller." Little Bailu shrugged.

Duanmuya looked at her cup of tea, rubbed his head and said nothing.

At this time, the conversation next door just came to their ears.

"Hey, have you heard about it? It is said that a genius doctor has arrived on the Exile Street."

"What genius doctor?"

"I don't know, I heard that the four big families rushed to receive it!"

"Is this a joke? The four big families are rushing to receive it? Unless this person is really a god, it is impossible for the four big families to receive one person at the same time."

"It's true!" The person who started to talk about the topic, seeing that everyone didn't believe it, said: "Do you know the little boy from house to house?"

"Why don't you know?" Another high-pitched voice said, "What are you doing for him, how long has he been a waste?"

"People are not a waste now, they are cured by a genius doctor!"


Hearing this, Duanmu Yawang spouted a sip of tea.

Xiao Bailu and the others also heard the conversation of those people. Seeing Duanmu Yawang spraying water, Xiao Bailu and Xiao Wuzheng were a little disgusted, but they still took out the veil and handed it to her.

Duanmuya looked at the tea from her mouth, and Xiao Bailu asked, "Sister, when were you received by the four nobles?"

"You ask me, who am I asking?" She doesn't know the client, okay?

Xiao Wuzheng did not comment.

The conversation over there continued, "Isn't that impossible to get rid of the dream? It's been cured for so many years? This is amazing, right?"

"This is the greatness of that genius doctor." Another person talked embarrassingly. "I heard that now the genius doctor is being received by the family of Dongjie. Everyone wants to treat him as a guest and ask him to be his own. The family is doing things!"

"Tsk tsk, it's really enviable." Someone sighed: "I was quite different by the four big families. I have never had it before. It seems that the genius doctor will have whatever he wants in the future."

After speaking, there was another sigh.

Duanmu Yawang: "..."

Things that are completely borderless, but these people say it so well, it's really...

"They're not talking about you." At this time, Xiao Wuzheng glanced at her and said coldly.


Did she misrepresent her love?

But, "Isn't Zhu Zhi Meng cured by me?"

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