"No!" Ye Nongying explained the name, and said: "You can call me by your name, Brother Mu from now on."

Duanmuya glanced at her and slid around her, and said disgustingly: "You look like you, you still want me to call you Brother Mu, and it's almost the same to call you Uncle Mu!"

"For the sake of your money, I will bear it. You can call it whatever you like."

After speaking, Yu Guang caught a glimpse of a figure, and she cursed in a low voice, glared at Duanmu Ya viciously, and said: "Xiao Wuzheng is back, I'm leaving."

The figure disappeared in a hurry.


Take the money and leave, scumbag.

Duanmu Yawang made a funny comment, and suddenly became even more curious about her relationship with Xiao Wuzheng.

Thinking about this, she walked back slowly.

Xiao Wuzheng shook her fan and asked her in his spare time: "Where were you talking to whom?"

"do not recognize."

Duanmu Yawang made up his face blankly, "I also went to the toilet, and when I came out, I saw him sneaking outside and said a few words."

In each place, men and women went to the toilet on their own side. Duanmu Yawang was in the same direction as the toilet. Xiao Wuzheng listened and didn't ask anything.

Little Bailu gave her a look, and said in his heart: "It's dangerous. He just came back and asked me where you went. I said the same."

Duanmu Yawang rubbed his head with satisfaction, "It seems that I haven't given you the food for more than a year for nothing."


In a round of twenty-person battles, dozens of them were eliminated during the test, and only two hundred people remained. In addition, the time of each round of challenge was not long, and Duanmu Yawang was quickly read by her name.

She heard that the name of the person fighting with her was Huang Fan.

When queuing up to the battle platform, she finally saw Huang Fan.

As the name suggests, Huang Fan is really ordinary.

No, it's almost beyond the ordinary.

He is a thirty-year-old man, short in stature, a little taller than her, and heavier, with small green eyes. When he saw her, he touched his chin and stared at her disgustingly.

Duanmu Yawang sneered secretly.

Everyone's eyes were on Duanmu Yawang. Someone patted Huang Fan on the shoulder. They were not afraid that Duanmu Yawang would hear him. They envied and said meaningfully: "You are so lucky. Just fight someone out. Just remember to start. Lighter, fine-skinned and tender at the bottom."

"I know how to Lianxiangxiyu the best, how can I use it? I touch it, gently touch it." Huang Fan smiled, his eyes unwilling to move away from Duanmu Yawang, "Don't worry."

This is simply unbearable!

Yin Huiyin of the medical system clenched his fists and his bones creaked, "Xiao Yawang, I will teach him a lesson in a while and let him know that his eyes can't look randomly, and he can't talk nonsense!"

"I know."

Duan Muya glanced at Huang Fan, and slowly curled her lips and smiled.

With this smile, Huang Fan only felt that the fairy went down like this, and the bones were almost crisp. He **** and smiled straight-eyed: "Black hair and black eyes are not the same, but the lips are red and teeth are white. I have never seen such a good-looking one. Yeah, it seems my beauty is not shallow."

After finishing speaking, he also looked at Duanmu Ya: "Miss Duanmu, right? Don't be afraid, I will definitely not hit you hard for a while."

Duanmu Yawang watched him smile, but there was no smile in his eyes: "I believe this."

After all, she will be the one who will make the heavy hand!

After the ten pairs of challengers took the stage, the people from the stage gathered around.

More people are more interested in Duanmu Yawang, so there are only a handful of people under the other nine small platforms, and the platform where she and Huang Fan are fighting is crowded with people.

"It seems that everyone is giving face." Huang Fan raised his chin slightly and looked at Duan Muya with a serious face: "So many people are watching, I can't let the water go too far, but you can rest assured that you will definitely not hurt you seriously. of."

Duanmu Yawang watched him smile, and said in a voice that only two of them could hear: "I feel relieved, because you will be the one who was seriously injured."

Before Huang Fan's scalp could react, he banged the gong and drum, and the person who beat the gong and drum loudly said, "The battle, now officially begins!"

Duanmu Yawang watched Huang Fan not move, aura brewing in his body.

Huang Fan didn’t take Duanmu Yawang’s words to heart at all, but Duanmu Yawang’s words made him a little unhappy, "You beauty, I really want to give you water, but you still don’t appreciate it, so don’t take it. Blame me for being polite!"

After that, as soon as the palm wind came out, Feishen attacked towards Duanmu Yawang!

"It's up, it's up!"

The people watching the excitement in the audience were very excited, "This Huang Fan is a famous pervert. I heard that he is playing against people. Women like to take advantage of them. The weaker the more, the more powerful they are. It’s good to show that it’s taken advantage of, and it’s usually a secret loss."

"Yes, this Duanmu Yawang is definitely not his opponent, and he looks so tender, so Huang Fan can't take advantage of him?"

"That's it."

Many people talked more and more vigorously, their eyes fixed on the stage.

With Huang Fan's attack, Duanmu Yawang didn't even bother to give him a high-five, and pulled out the previous whip with a slap from the embroidered bag. With a slap, he slapped Huang Fan fiercely!

With a metal barb on the golden whip, Duanmu Yawang pulled the whip, and Huang Fan not only broke it in a flash, but even the flesh was plucked down!


The people in the audience were shocked when they saw it, "This, is this too cruel?"

Outsiders feel pain when they look at it, let alone Huang Fan himself?

People didn’t touch them, but were hurt like this. Huang Fan grinned with pain. He stepped back to cover the wound and gritted his teeth and stared at Duanmu Yawang: "I originally wanted to give you a light hand. Since you want to use a weapon, then I too You are welcome!"

When he said, he turned his hand and turned an axe out of the spirit chain.

The axe is half-moon-shaped, half a big basin as big, and the blade is sharp. It looks quite penetrating.

The axe looked very heavy, but Huang Fan held it very lightly. He hummed, "If you are afraid now, you still have time to beg for mercy."

Duanmu Yawang didn't move her eyelids for a moment, "So much nonsense, come now if you want to fight!"

Duanmu Yawang's reaction made Huang Fan very unable to step off the stage. He hummed softly, "Also, since you are so ignorant, don't blame me for being polite!"

When he said, holding the axe in both hands, he slashed towards Duanmu Yawang frantically!

The axe is large, and the aura becomes extremely sharp through the axe. If it is cut, it is normal to break the hand and foot.

The people in the audience exclaimed, "This Huang Fan, I heard that the talent is good, but the reason he was eliminated before was because the woman who had molested her to a famous door was brought down by others."

"So that's it." Someone gloated and said: "Then Duanmu Yawang is set to lose this time."


In the sound of their discussion, Duanmu Yawang quickly stepped forward and avoided it. Before Huang Fan could react, the whip became longer, like an unpredictable snake, and went around behind Huang Fan with a snap. Hit Huang Fan on the back again!


Pulling the whip, there was another deep bloodstain on Huang Fan's back. Huang Fan's spine was numb with pain, and he dodged his waist with pain!

The people in the audience were dumbfounded, "What kind of whip is she? The speed is so fast! I haven't seen how her whip came behind Huang Fan!"

"Yeah, I didn't see it either. Her whip looks really bad. It shouldn't be her spirit chain weapon. Where did she get the weapon?"

There was a heated discussion in the audience, and the fighting on the stage continued. Huang Fan looked at Di Duanmu Ya with the axe again and again, but she avoided it. She used a long braid to beat Huang Fan from a distance.

It's not that Huang Fan didn't know he was going to dodge, but no matter how he dodges, the whip can hit him from all directions, and it's harder than ever!

Huang Fan was beaten all over!

In contrast to him, Duanmu Yawang was unscathed from beginning to end!

This is completely different from Huang Fan's idea of ​​casually teasing a little **** stage, touching two handles, teasing a few words, and eating tofu twice!

"It's impossible, impossible, I won't lose..."

Huang Fan was almost driven mad by Duanmu Yawang. He was panting and clutching the axe and panting continuously. The pain in his body made him feel hot and bleeding in his ears.

But he was unwilling to give up.

Losing to a black-haired and dark-eyed man, how can he gain a foothold on the road in the future?

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