As soon as Duanmu Yawang finished speaking, she was hit hard by others. She was unprepared and everyone was knocked around. Before she could react, she was caught by her wrist.

"Who! Let go!"

The man couldn't see his face, dressed in a mess, holding her wrist with great strength, Duanmu Yawang was taken aback by the tugging.

She was about to struggle when she suddenly heard a familiar voice: "It's me."

Duanmu Ya looked at it, and exclaimed, "Ye Nong Ying?"

"follow me!"

Ye Nongying grabbed her wrist and hurriedly walked to a very secret corner.

Ye Nongying looked like a man, but this time it wasn't the appearance of a family prince. She made her face very dark, she had stubble on her face, her hair was a bit messy, and her facial features had changed.

Stopped, Duanmu Yawang saw her staying, "You, why are you like this?"

"I'm not like this, don't you always recognize me?"


Ye Nongying held her chest with her hands and sneered, "You are really good enough, are you blind? I dangled in front of you before and didn't notice me at all."

"It's not to blame me, you don't look at you like this, you don't have a bit of your original appearance on you, who can recognize you." Duan Mu Ya looked innocent and raised her hand, "Besides, I looked for it before. After you came, I haven't found you, and thought you didn't come at all."

"How could I not come." Ye Nongying leaned against the wall, "Dead, I am coming this time too."

"Since it's here, why doesn't it show up again?"

"I'm not to blame you!"

"Me?" Duanmu Yawang pointed at herself, "What does this have to do with me?"

"Why do you have to follow Xiao Wuzheng by your side?" Ye Nong Ying's face was distorted with anger, "Don't you know that I have been avoiding him?"

Duanmu Yawang touched the tip of her nose, "I didn't know you were here, so what did you say..."

"You are blind!"

Ye Nong Ying hum, angrily said: "I don't care, if you think of one more company when you enter the endless city, you will throw him away for me."

"Aren't you still looking for him to lead the way?"

"I have a map, and I came here to participate in the test battle on the map." When Ye Nongying said, she slapped her chest and smiled proudly. "The map I bought in the Supreme Pavilion is really correct. Don't be wronged."

"You really didn't keep up with us, did you?"

"Xiao Wuzheng's speed, how do I follow?" Ye Nongying didn't know what she thought of, and her teeth were itchy, but there were stubbles on her face, something painted in black, yellow, and black, and her facial features were changed. She has a funny face.

"So, you came here by yourself?"

"if not?"

Ye Nongying snorted coldly, "I have lived in Seventy Street for almost seven or eight days, and it took a lot of effort and a lot of money to let me participate in these ghost fights like this."

Duanmu Yawang commented: "It sounds difficult."

"That's true."

When Ye Nongying responded, she glanced at her, puzzled: "I don't understand, why are you so good to show up like a deity? Get purple eyes and silver hair and look like a young man. It's not so attractive. Is anyone paying attention?"

"Did you hear a lot of people scolding me in the crowd?"

"More than a lot?" Ye Nongying curled his lips. "You are simply guilty of public anger."


"But, those people are not very good. A bunch of beaming clowns, don't worry." Ye Nongying waved and patted her shoulder: "But, it's a high zone now. You still have to be careful. you."

Duanmu Yawang smiled, "I'm not afraid."


Ye Nongying turned her eyes and hummed, "Yes, you know poison. If you play yin, no one can play you."

"That's natural."

Duanmuya glanced at the stage. At this time, the stage began to draw the second round. While listening to her name, she smiled and suggested: "What is your name now. If there is a chance, let's fight?"


Ye Nongying sneered and refused, "I still want to go to the polar regions, and I don't want to fight with you. I will accompany you when you want to fight in the endless city."

"Afraid to beat me."

Ye Nongying sneered and refused to answer this question, and Duanmu Yawang said with a serious face: "Really, whoever loses in this battle rule will go. If you accidentally draw a fight between you and me, then..."

The two of them must go one.

Ye Nongying frowned, thinking about this issue, and was silent for a while. After a while, she stretched out her hand towards Duanmu Yawang, "Give me the money."

Duanmu Yawang sneered, "Give me a reason why I want to give you money?"

"I'm going to buy those people on stage, I need money."

Duanmu Yawang said very owingly: "Anyway, you and I will fight, and I won't lose, I'm not afraid."

Ye Nongying's gums are grinding, "Why don't you go into business, you really still don't want to eat at a loss!"

"do not do that."

Duanmu Yawang patted her shoulder and asked, "How much did you spend here?"

"Don't mention it, it's almost 600,000 gold ingots." Ye Nongying said with a headache: "This ghost place is peeled off layer by layer. It really costs a lot of money."

Six hundred thousand is fine, less than she thought.

Duanmu Yawang stared at her suspiciously, "Couldn't you have no money after spending 600,000?"

"Miss Qian Ben is too much!"

After saying this, Ye Nong Ying's momentum weakened again, and weakly added: "...In the past, as many as 600,000 were indeed required."

"Will you fall into the family?"

"Bah! You are in the middle of the family!" Ye Nongying stared at her fiercely, "I am a family member to prevent me from coming here. All the black cards have been confiscated, and there is only one that was not input by my spiritual power. The card is still there, but there are only six hundred thousand in it!"

"Oh, in other words, are you really out of money?"

"Nonsense, otherwise I can reach out and ask you for it?"

"Okay." Duanmu Yawang asked her, "How much does it cost to buy this time?"

"It's a high zone now. It's probably more troublesome to operate. This number is indispensable." When she said, she stretched out five fingers towards Duanmu Yawang.

"Five hundred thousand gold ingots?"


"Too expensive, isn't it?" This buyer really burns money.

"Don't tell me, you don't even have half a million." Ye Nongying looked like you don't lie to me, "You don't want to think about it, how much money did you make from a medicine in the Supreme Pavilion? With you Fenglin night, how much do you charge for treating a patient, don't tell me you have no money."

"There is money, but it costs half a million?"

"The high area and the polar area add up to almost 30 streets, and the people here are all a little bit small. If you just give a few thousand gold ingots, you will definitely not be able to buy it."

Duanmu Ya looked at her silently.

Ye Nongying was not angry, "What are you looking at? After going back, it's a big deal, can I pay you one million gold ingots? It's not a loss, and you won't suffer at all."

"Didn't you say that if you came this time, you guessed it would be dead to go back?"

Ye Nong Ying choked.

Duanmu Yawang hummed: "Moreover, I doubt it. You are probably afraid that you will be drawn to fight with me, that you are afraid of losing to me, and you want money to get rid of, so you came to me."

She didn't stay with Xiao Wuzheng all the time. If she wanted to talk to her, she would have more opportunities.

You don’t have to wait until now.

"Don't be like this." Ye Nongying reached out and hugged her hand, acting like a baby with her, "We are friends."

"Let go, you are a man, so what kind of style you are in the public!"

"Oh." Ye Nongying let go of her hand obediently, and said innocently: "I really dare not look for you. What if Xiao Wuzheng notices me?"

"I noticed, what's the problem?" Duan Muya saw that the topic had come to this point, and was immediately satisfied, "Can you give me a reason?"

"He knows my family, what should I do if I let him know that I'm here?"

"Alright alright."

Duanmu Yawang had a headache and was too lazy to mess with her, "Five hundred thousand is it, I'll give it to you." When he said, he took out a card from the embroidered bag and handed it to her.

Ye Nongying suddenly smiled and squinted, "I know you are soft-hearted."

"..." Duanmu Yawang rolled her eyes unhappily, "You haven't told me yet, what is your name now?"

"Mu Yang."

"What?" Duanmu Yawang thought she had heard it wrong, "Shepherd with sheep?" What kind of ghost name?

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