"You're still quibbling here! You..."

Several elders approached as they opened their mouths, and when they approached, they found that Duanmu Yawang still had a pair of black eyes, a pair of shining black eyes, facing such a pair of black eyes, what they were about to say suddenly returned to their throat.

They hadn't seen the black-haired and black-eyed person for a long time, but they found that Duanmu Yawang was a little different from the black-haired and black-eyed person in their memory.

The black-haired and dark-eyed people I've seen before are all because they can't resist the erosion of spiritual power.

The woman in front of her was different. She was slender but not thin, her skin was as white as fat, her face was the perfect goose face, her eyes were as bright as a morning star, and she was incredibly beautiful.

She is more beautiful than any woman they have ever seen!

Several elders felt that they were hell, how could there be such a beautiful black-haired and black-eyed person in this world?

However, it is also not surprising that Zhu Zhimeng would like her.

It is said that the black-eyed people in this world have been extinct, and the woman in front of her should be a unique existence.

Things are rare and precious, and this woman is a stunner, let alone Zhu Zhimeng, young and energetic, even when they look at it, they feel that evil thoughts are growing!

No one who was present with their gazes missed it. Zhu Zhifeng squinted his eyes, Xiao Wuzheng chuckled his forehead, but the smile did not reach the bottom of his eyes, and his eyes were all cold.

Guan Shi was stunned. He couldn't believe that the Twelve Elders would be so silly!

Duanmu Yawang is no exception, she can clearly see the eyes of these old men change from contempt to disgusting look!

She smiled and smiled like a flower, but there was no temperature in her eyes: "A few old gentlemen, you are also half-footed in the coffin. You are too angry. If you can't survive tomorrow, what should you do?"

She said this vaguely, but everyone present understood it.

"You, you cursed us?"

Several old men were so bluntly told by Duanmu Yawang that they were irritated and angry, "You sordid thing who got out of nowhere, you have to insult us!"

After that, without waiting for Duanmu Yawang to speak, he screamed again: "Also, don't think that you are coming out of the room neatly now, and we will not be able to verify your affair with Zhuzhimeng!"


It was so fast to deny!

Duanmu Ya looked at the corners of her lips with a smile, "Old sir, stubbornly at the people, it seems that you are old, and your qualities and qualities have also been lost!"

"You mean we slander you?"

"This is natural." Duanmu Yawang spread his hands innocently, "I'm here to treat Mr. Zhu. I am a doctor and cannot accept such slander."

Several elders had a conversation with Duanmu Yawang for a while, and felt that she was really clever and not easy to mess with at all.

A few people converged a little, and decided not to talk to her for the time being, "Are you slandering, you get out, let us go in and take a look! You've been standing here, don't you want to delay time?"

Duanmuya's heart jumped, but her face was expressionless, "A few old gentlemen can really laugh, why should I delay time?"

"You want Zhuzhimeng to run away! You don't want us to be caught in bed!"

Duanmu Yawang raised her eyebrows, "Several old gentlemen, you are old and confused. If we really do something shameful, shouldn't it be me who is the first to escape?"

The elders were startled.

Because she really makes sense.

But soon, they felt a little weird again, because they were delayed in front of the room for too long, and they felt like they were delaying time!

The elder made a decisive decision and said to one of them: "Fifth, look at this woman, don't let her run away, everyone else will follow me in to see if the waste wood is still there!"


Hearing these two words, Duanmu Yawang's eyelids twitched. It seems that the environment that Zhu Zhimeng is in now is similar to when she first came into this world.

Manager Xi seemed to be used to it, with helplessness and sighs on his face.

Xiao Wuzheng and Zhu Zhifeng were expressionless.


As soon as the fifth elder heard the words of the great elder, he immediately walked towards Duanmu Yawang, and the two followers behind him also followed him, seeming to be holding Duanmu Yawang up.

Before the person approached, Duanmu Ya looked at her body and quickly returned to the door. She coldly said: "I am not your prisoner. You have no right to move me. Just enter the room and see what you want to see."

She teleported very fast, and several elders were surprised by her flash.

Those with black hair and dark eyes still have such strength?

However, the great elder couldn't wait any longer, and he didn't bother to pay attention to these little things, and said coldly: "Just look at her, let's go in now!"

After that, regardless of other people's behavior, he took the lead on the steps, came to the door of the wing, and walked into the wing.

Several other elders followed.

Zhu Zhifeng, manager Xi, and Xiao Wuzheng also followed.

When several people entered, Feng Zhizhi was icy, sweeping across her face with scrutiny.

Xiao Wuzheng raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "I know, if you make a move, the dream can definitely be reborn."

Before Duanmu Yawang spoke, he suddenly heard the great elder's exclamation: "Here, what is going on?"

Several elders followed to take a look, and also exclaimed, almost speechless.

Because they had no idea that they would see such a scene!

They originally thought that Zhu Zhimeng had inconvenience in their legs and turned the window and left, but if the two people declared adultery in daylight, some traces must still exist.

However, they never expected that Zhu Zhimeng not only did not leave, but was also bandaged like a zongzi, covered in blood, and lying on the bed with an expressionless face!

Seeing such Zhuzhimeng, they almost thought that Zhuzhimeng was a dead person!

Regarding the current situation of Zhu Zhimeng, Manager Xi was shocked, and could not move in a daze.

He couldn't understand the so-called surgery. Every time Duanmu Yawang treated his master in the past, his master was painful. He thought it should be almost the same.

But I didn't expect to see a blood man wrapped in a cocoon!

Looking at Zhu Zhifeng, his face changed a bit, and he strode over, reaching out and probing the nose of Zhu Zhimeng.

There is still breath.

He swallowed twice, as if he was relieved.

Soon, he turned his head and looked towards Duanmu Ya with sharp eyes, and his tone was colder than ever: "Miss Duanmu, right, don't you explain?"

"Explanation, of course."

Duanmu Yawang raised his hand in a gesture of surrender, and said with a smile: "The operation process will be a bit tragic, but no matter how tragic the method is, you can't imagine it after I explain it, but I can guarantee that he is conscious in his legs now. "


When the elders heard this, they stayed for a while.

Duanmu Yawang smiled and said, "Yes, as long as you take good care of the injury and do a good job in rehabilitation, within a few months, Mr. Zhu will be able to walk freely like everyone else."


The whole room was silent.

If you hadn't heard it with your own ears, it would be hard to imagine that this is true!

Zhu Zhimeng has been called by human shark waste for several years. Over the years, how many doctors have determined that he can only do this from now on.

Suddenly, a person with black hair and dark eyes appeared, but he was healed!

How can they not be shocked?

"It's impossible!" The elder yelled, pointing to Duanmu Yawang and questioned: "This must be an illusion created by you and Zhuzhimeng. You want to use this to get through!"

"Old sir, why are you so excited?" Duan Muya stared at him, "If you really doubt it, you will know the condition of Mr. Zhu's leg by yourself, sir."

"You don't need to say, I know!" The elder snorted coldly, and walked towards Zhuzhi Meng.

Whether a person’s legs are conscious or not is the easiest to detect with aura.

For the unconscious legs, the aura of detection can't reach the legs.

The great elder will naturally use aura to detect.

While he was probing, several other elders waited with their breath and breath held.

After a while, the great elder looked flustered and murmured: "This, this is not true..."

The great elder was a little agitated, and several elders didn't dare to provoke him directly, so they couldn't help but reached out, and when they came out, their faces instantly turned pale...

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