If Xiao Wuzheng is indeed a guest of the Fang family, then he is here at this moment, and thinking about the rumors about family by family during this period of time, everyone can't help but have some thoughts in their hearts.

After listening to the other elders, their eyes were really gleaming, and they suppressed excitement and asked: "Elder, are you sure you are not mistaken?"

The elder hummed lightly, "Although I am the elder, I am not too dim-eyed and can't see what a person looks like!"

"This is true."

The elders hurriedly agreed, and at the same time turned their eyes to Zhu Zhifeng, their words were gentle but oppressive: "Master, it seems that the two young masters have wrongly believed in the wicked. I really did this wrong thing! "

In other words, several elders believed that Xiao Wuzheng was a spy sent by the Fang family, and deliberately disturbed each family and made each family's reputation worse.

With such a big hat down, a calm person like Xiao Wuzheng couldn't help laughing. "I have known the Fang family and dreams for a long time. If I wanted to be disadvantageous to the dreams, I would have been able to do it a long time ago. Now, why wait until now?"

"Who knows if you are looking for the most suitable time?" The elder hummed: "Now the facts are in front of you, and you can't tolerate your sophistry here!"

After that, he said to Zhu Zhifeng: "Master, I think we can take this tip off now!"

When Mr. Xi heard this, his eyes turned black, and he almost fainted, "My lord, elders, Mr. Xiao is really a good friend of the second young master, he is definitely not a spy!"

Guan Shi is not a fool. Although they are dealing with Xiao Wuzheng now, in fact, if Xiao Wuzheng is convicted, it would be equivalent to the day-day professing of adultery by his own master and a woman, and he has done something extraordinary!

So, in any case, they can't let them just come to a conclusion!

As soon as his voice fell, Elder Shi yelled coldly: "Shut up! You are not here as a slave to speak! The master talks, you are a slave who does not know the rules if you are a slave to intervene without authorization, if it is spread out, we will have you like you from house to house. Dog minions, our reputation from family to family has to be dragged down!"

When the elder opened his mouth, he was accused of accusation and hatred, and he didn't give people time to react. After speaking, he glanced back.

Xiao Wuzheng saw this look, and glanced in that direction.

From this look, he discovered that behind the elders, there were several subordinates who did not know when they appeared. Two of them received the eyes of the elder Shi, and immediately flashed away, went behind Guanshi Xi, and pressed them with their hands. In charge of Xi's hands, he said coldly: "Elder, we will take people away to teach a religious rule."

The elder was about to nod in satisfaction, and Zhu Zhifeng glanced at him, "Elder Shi, have you forgotten, we go from house to house, who is the real Patriarch?"

The elder stunned for a moment, and then asked with a heavy face: "Why, the Lord is trying to protect his brother?"

"I haven't figured it out yet. Based on the elder's subjective guess, he said that the owner is covering it?" Zhu Zhifeng smiled softly, and the laughter made the elder tremble.

Zhu Zhifeng said indifferently: "The Lord is very curious, as the head of the twelve elders as the family judge, does he also determine the rules of affairs in the same way on weekdays."

The elder's expression changed quickly, and he said anxiously: "Lord, I understand that you cherish your brother's heart, but you are only guessing at us. Is it too much to hurt the hearts of us elders?"

Zhu Zhifeng clearly said that he was the elder, and when the elder was going to say it, he brought a'men', but when the other elders heard it, they responded angrily at the same time: "Lord, we are the family judge. , Has always been conscientious and working in accordance with the family rules, and for so many years, there has never been a mistake, but you have guessed us like this, is it too much!"

"Yes, it's too much!"

Zhu Zhifeng squinted his eyes, squinting at them.

Several elders felt guilty, but for this time, they also knew that they could not evade, so Qi Qi bluffed to meet Zhu Zhifeng's eyes.

Zhu Zhifeng looked at them for a while, thin lips, "Okay, since the elders said so, are you going to tell me what you are doing?"

"Naturally do things impartially!" The great elder said righteously: "Lord, please let the lord convince people with reason!"

"This is natural."

When Zhu Zhifeng said, he said to the elder: "However, since we want to convince people with reason, now we have not even seen the person of the dream and the woman's face, so we will arrest the servant and cover the guest at the same time. Isn’t the coffin convicted and unreasonable?"

The big elder's eyelids twitched, and just as he was about to speak, Zhu Zhifeng looked at the two people who were pressing the steward.

Zhu Zhifeng's gaze seemed flat, but his aura was too strong. With just one look, the two of them trembled and suddenly let go of the hands that pressed the steward Xi.

Several elders looked at them and almost spurted blood.

Zhu Zhifeng didn't care about them. He looked at Mr. Xi and faintly ordered: "Go and open the door. What is going on, let's go in and find out."

Manager Xi heard this and knelt down and begged: "Master, it's not the time yet, can you wait any longer? Miss Duanmu is taking the initiative to perform surgery on the Second Young Master. It is too dangerous to interrupt rashly..."

"Do you still use this excuse to deceive people now?" The elder sneered: "You let us wait a little longer, so that we can go in again, so that there is no evidence, right?"

Before the great elder spoke a little bit more vaguely, now that even the word "extreme and chi" comes out, Xi Guanshi's eyes are red with anger, "Elder, please don't say anything to insult our two young masters before the matter is finalized!"

The dignified elder was turned back by the small steward of the first and fifth-class mansion. The great elder felt that steward Xi was just hitting himself in the face, and his face became very ugly.

However, the more afraid Mr. Xi is, the more he feels that he has the chance to win, and he doesn’t bother to care about it. After the autumn, he is even more happy to settle accounts, so he said to Zhu Zhifeng: "Lord, this elder does not think that my request is too much. Looking at the evidence, naturally you cannot wait. The more you have to wait, the more it shows that there is a problem! Please also the Lord to decide wisely!"

Zhu Zhifeng said indifferently: "The elder's statement is reasonable, you can open the door, or I will let you open the door and punish you to exile to the lower level, you choose yourself."

Guan Shi's face was pale, and he was loyal to protect the Lord. He would never do it and open the door now.

But exile...

He gritted his teeth and closed his eyes, "Please punish the Lord!"

In other words, he is unwilling to open the door.

Zhu Zhifeng pursed his lips, narrowed his eyes and stared at him coldly, just about to speak, and suddenly heard a clear and pleasant female voice from the courtyard: "Oh, it's just opening the door. Will everyone make a lot of noise? Some?"

As soon as these words came out, Director Xi was shocked.

Everyone looked over quickly.

From this look, I can see the door of the wing in the courtyard not too far away. I don’t know when it has been opened. A black-haired, slender woman leaned against the door with her arms folded, staring at them interestingly. Look.

Black-haired woman?

When several elders saw Duanmu Yawang's hair color, their expressions changed a bit, but soon their eyes were replaced by joy and excitement.

If it is said that Zhu Zhi Meng is after a low-level purple-eyed person in exile on the street, it is not a big crime, but he is afflicted with a black-haired person!

This is the sin of confusing their higher bloodlines!

If things are true, add sin to the dream!

"Miss Duanmu!"

Upon seeing Duanmu Yawang, Guan Xi was full of joy. Regardless of Zhu Zhifeng and a few elders still here, they struggled quickly and ran inside and asked: "Miss Duanmu, how about our second young master's operation? Is it successful?"

Duanmu Yawang watched him run over, frowned without a trace, looked into the room, and rolled her eyes twice.

Seeing the situation in the room, she didn't go up the steps while in charge of Xi, and before approaching the door, she walked over and said lightly, "Don't worry, your master's operation was very successful."

When Mr. Xi heard this, he instantly forgot to move forward, and said in a daze: "Dang, really?"

"Healers don't stop talking."

"You are really doing a full set of dramas!" At this time, several elders, Zhu Zhifeng and Xiao Wuzheng, they also followed in, and it was one of the elders who spoke this sentence.

"put on a show?"

Duanmu Ya looked at the elder who spoke, and said with a smile: "Dare to ask this old gentleman, where do you start?"

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