Duanmu Yawang has never had a concept of Xiao Wuzheng's strength. He only feels that he can do no offense in this place like Ziyun City, which is very powerful.

She also received the safest asylum in Tianfeng Inn.

Leaving Liusu Pavilion this time, Xiao Wuzheng just vacantly held her hand. In the blink of an eye, Duanmu Yawang's body shook, and her eyes went dark.

When she straightened up and opened her eyes, she was already on a large-scale aura spacecraft.

She and Xiao Bailu stayed for a while.

What made them even more stunned was that when they looked under the boat, the environment below was completely unfamiliar. It was not like Ziyun City, nor was it like the outskirts of Ziyun City.

She and Xiao Bailu were both sitting on the deck, while Xiao Wuzheng sat at a table on the deck and said lightly, "Come over and have tea."

Duanmuya didn't look past, straightened up and stood by the side of the boat, frowning and asked, "Where is this place?"

Xiao Wuzheng leisurely pouring tea with Erlang's legs upright, and faintly replied: "It should be the Dongluo Empire."


Duanmu Yawang's mouth opened wide in astonishment, and she couldn't believe it: "That is, we went to another empire?" And it was still a blink of an eye?


Xiao Wuzheng shrugged, "Is there a problem?"


Duanmu Yawang responded weakly, but felt a little guilty in her heart.

Because she thought of Ye Nongying.

She originally said she would follow, but now Xiao Wuzheng's speed seems a bit too fast, Ye Nongying... can she really keep up?

Maybe... Can't keep up, right?


It seems that Ye Nongying's trip to the Endless City has just failed.

Xiao Wuzheng narrowed his eyes and stared at her, "Miss Duanmu, sitting on the deck is more comfortable than sitting on a chair?"

"Ahem, no."

Duanmu Yawang touched the tip of his nose awkwardly, holding Xiao Bailu's hand, and the two came to the table together, "I'm just surprised. I went to a neighboring country in the blink of an eye. It's hard to believe."

Xiao Wuzheng smiled faintly, and said nothing.

Duanmu Yawang brought a cup of tea for Xiao Bailu to drink, thinking of something, she reached into the universe bag to get the geography, she quickly turned it over, and said: "According to the geography, the Dongluo Empire seems to be infinite distance. The city is not far away, just like a few empires, when will we be able to arrive?"


Xiao Wuzheng shook his head calmly, "If you are lucky, it will take a couple of days if you are not lucky. I guess it will take at least a few days to get in."


Duanmu Yawang was shocked, "It will take so long?"

Xiao Wuzheng glanced at her, you looked terrifyingly ignorant, and finally he reluctantly explained: "The entrance to the endless city is not always open. It depends on luck."


Duanmu Yawang blinked, "Isn't that a city? Isn't it enough for people to open the city gates to enter the city?"

No matter how rigorous the city is, its gates should be opened every day!

Xiao Wuzheng rubbed his eyebrows, and explained to her patiently as possible: "The endless city is different from ordinary cities, just...nothing, I will explain to you then."


Duanmuya saw him look like a headache, so he couldn't keep asking.

Xiao Wuzheng saw that she was cautious, smiled, and said, "We must have the next boat midway, but certainly not now. There are rooms in the boat, except for the first on the right and the remaining three. You can pick whatever you like. Take a break."


Duan Muya really wanted to take a break, so she entered the cabin.

This spaceship is neither big nor small, but it is a ship with five rooms and a kitchen.

Duanmu Yawang is also the first time to ride such a large boat.

She didn't really choose the room, she just chose the middle room and opened the door.

I found that the spacecraft’s room was not too big, so there was a 1.2-meter-long bed, a small table on which was placed a set of tea sets, and a small cabinet where you could put stacked clothes and Little things, nothing else.

The room of this spacecraft is really a resting place.

Concise, but also comfortable.

Duanmu Yawang took off his shoes and lay on the bed. The bed was very soft, clean and comfortable.

Little Bailu jumped onto the bed, jumped on it twice, and said with a smile: "Sister, this is really comfortable, it's more comfortable than sitting on Fei Fei's aircraft with Fei Fei."

Duanmuya couldn't laugh or cry, "It is better to be able to lie down than sitting."

However, as Xiao Bailu said, the spacecraft's bed was really comfortable. After Duanmu Yawang and Xiao Bailu lay down, they both fell asleep quickly.

And slept for a long time.

However, Duanmu Yawang unexpectedly dreamed.

There were strange hedges in her dream. She dreamed of many people, including Gong Yulan, her brother, her grandfather, Mu Qingchen, Mu Feng, and the Lans, and many others she didn’t know. people.

Those who don't know look so strange, but they look so familiar with a few eyes.

She kept thinking about where these people she had met. The more she thought about it, the more headache she got, but she kept awake all the time.

In addition to these people, the environment in which she lived has moved from the King's Palace of Zhongyong to various places. There are dark and mysterious places, and there are also beautiful fairyland with the sky full of falling clouds, colorful falling clouds, and sky full of clouds.

This kind of dream seemed to last for a long time. The change of characters in different environments, quarrels, wars, blood, verbal abuse, etc. have been flooding her eyes, ringing in her ears, and she suddenly became so confused for some reason.

The surroundings were blurry, but she clearly saw that she herself had been holding the original moving sky sword, as if she was crazy, and she kept slashing it. The more the blood was scented, the more she looked at it, the more frightened she became.

I want to wake up but I can't wake up, just like a nightmare.

I don't know how long it took, she suddenly sat up from the bed, panting against her chest.

Little Bailu hadn't woken up yet, she was a little loud, but still woke him up, he woke up by rubbing his eyes, "Master, what's the matter with you?"


The dreams just now were clear and fuzzy, and some of them could not even be remembered, but the incident she swiped with the original moving sword was vivid, and she remembered it very clearly.

Her lips turned white, she immediately reached out into the Universe Bag and touched it, and she touched the original moving sky sword and took it out.

The original moving sky sword buzzed, bursting out a soft and holy light.

Seeing this light, Duanmu Yawang's restless heart calmed down a lot. The Far East Heavenly Sword was always gentle in her hands. She was clear about this, but the sword aura was indeed strong. As long as she improved her spiritual power and controlled it well, it was certain. It will be fine.


Xiao Bailu saw that she looked at the original moving heavenly sword as soon as she woke up, and felt weird, "What's the matter with you? Or what happened to the original moving heavenly sword?"

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