She blinked, trying to say something, Xiao Bailu suddenly sighed in the medical system.

Duanmuya raised her eyebrows, and told him the voice: "Are you sighing?"

"Master, can't you really let me go out?" Little Bailu grumbled, pouting grievances at her little finger: "With the abilities of the young master, it shouldn't be enough to drag you down."

Duanmuya twitched the corner of her mouth twice, "Ability, are you sure these two words have something to do with you?"

"You insult me!"

Little Bailu akimbo his hips, with a small face bulging: "Little master has lived for so long anyway. Although you seem to be inferior to your ability, it is definitely your illusion!"


Duanmu Yawang shrugged, "So what?"

"Master, don't be like this!" Little Bailu pouted, "It's not fun at all, and you two are both girls pretending to be men. What fun can you have along the way? How nice to take me." , I can make you happy."

Duanmu Yawang knew that Xiao Bailu wanted to come out very much. He had never asked for it before. It is estimated that he came out free and comfortable a few days ago.

Outside, it's better than staying in the medical system.

Duanmu Yawang was a little softhearted, "However, we are about to set off..."

Little Bailu is also a ghost, and she can see that Duanmuya understands the medicine at a glance, and she acted like a baby: "Master, you can find a reason to go out~ Then you can bring me back!"


Duanmu Ya looked to wake up, and it should be okay to take him with him, so she turned around and smiled at Xiao Wuzheng: "I'm going out for a trip. At this time, I should have come for nothing. I'll pick him up?"

"Go for nothing?"

Xiao Lingfan stared, his voice raised in vain, "Are you kidding me?"

Duanmu Yawang sighed and said helplessly: "He must go with me if he is making trouble, so take him to play."

"You have to understand that this play is estimated to kill people!" Xiao Lingfan said disapprovingly: "People are still so young, are you sure you want to do this?"

"I'm sure."


A strange light flashed in Xiao Lingfan's eyes, and he turned his head to look at Xiao Wuzheng, and resolutely said with his arms akimbo: "Then I will go too!"

Xiao Wuzheng's eyelids twitched, "Where are you going, you are not allowed."

"All children can go, why can't I?" Xiao Lingfan was unhappy, and hummed: "Besides, you have promised me before that you can let me go. You didn't specify a place, then I You can go wherever you want."


Xiao Wuzheng's face was cold, and there was no room for negotiation: "If I say no, it can't be done, don't talk about it!"

"It's not fair!" The boy stomped his feet childishly, "I don't care, you just promised me to let me play casually, you are not talking about it now!"

After that, without waiting for Xiao Wuzheng to speak, he said again: "People who are three or four-year-old children can go, but the little master can't go. If the children find out, I will lose face."

Little White Deer: "..."


Duanmu Yawang watched the two arguing, feeling that she couldn't stay here to mix, coughed lightly, pulled out a smile, and said: "The two talk first, I'll go out first."

After that, he ran away in a hurry.

She didn't know where to go all of a sudden. Going to some shops was definitely not suitable. After all, she went in alone and brought a person when she came out, which would definitely scare people.

No way, she had to teleport to the outskirts.

After confirming that there was no one around, let the little white deer come out.


The little white deer opened his arms and took a breath, "It's so beautiful outside, it's so boring inside."

Duanmu Yawang rolled her eyes and said with no good air: "You are a god, shouldn't the air here be more muddy for you? You are a beautiful wool!"

"Master, don't be like this!" Little Bailu tugged at Duanmu Yawang's sleeves and acted like a baby. "My little master is really boring to stay in it. Xiao Wuzheng is eye-catching. My little master always thinks if you keep talking to me. Transsion, sooner or later he will notice something wrong."

"Furthermore, you and Xiao Wuzheng are the only ones on this road for the time being, and you and Xiao Wuzheng are obviously not the people who can chat together, so how boring you are on the road."

Duanmu Yawang crossed her chest with her hands and raised her eyebrows: "So, do you come out to relieve my boredom and make me happy?"

"Of course."

Duanmu Yawang stretched out his hand and squeezed his tender face, "On the way here, do you remember to stay calm and don't let anyone know?"

"Master promise!"

"Okay, let's go back then."

Duanmu Yawang took the little white deer, teleported back to the city, led the little white deer across the road, and then returned to the Tianfeng Inn.

As soon as he returned to the inn, Xiao Wuzheng had been staring at Xiao Bailu.

After staring for a long time, Duanmu Yawang and Xiao Bailu were about to sweat, Xiao Wuzheng looked away, and asked faintly: "Is this child the one Lingfan said?"


Duanmu Yawang rubbed Xiao Bailu's head to make him call someone.

Little Bailu pretended to be obedient, hiding behind Duanmu Yawang and calling out his uncle timidly.

Somehow, Xiao Wuzheng smiled, his smile was deep and meaningful.

After laughing, he looked at the little white deer and sighed: "You...this kid, how old are you?"

Few people ask Xiao Bailu's age.

Living for too long, I am most afraid of being asked about his age. He doesn't know how old he is. After all, it's really hard to remember how old he is!

Little Bailu squeezed his hand secretly, saying, "Five years old."

Little Bailu blinked obediently, and turned to Xiao Wuzheng with five white and tender fingers, and said with a smile: "Uncle, I'm five years old." He was five years old, but Xiaoye was twice as old as five hundred years old. Okay!

He has a good-looking appearance, and his small, crisp voice, coupled with his movements, is really painful.

Xiao Wuzheng smiled and touched the child's head, "Yes, he is a smart, good boy, smarter than Lingfan when he was a child."

The little white deer is dark and cool.

Xiao Lingfan felt that he was ashamed in front of a child, his eyes widened, and angrily said: "Xiao Wuzheng, what are you talking nonsense, don't think I can't beat you!"

Xiao Wuzheng ignored him at all and looked at Duanmuya: "The time is almost up, let's go to Liusu Pavilion and set off."


Duanmu Yawang responded, and glanced at Xiao Lingfan, "That little son..."

Xiao Lingfan bowed her head and said nothing, but her face was full of dissatisfaction. It should have been just when she left, the negotiation failed and she couldn't go.

Xiao Wuzheng smiled and said, "He was talking about it before. If he doesn't go, let's go."

Duanmu Yawang nodded, the three of them went to the Tassel Pavilion together, took the food, and said goodbye to Fu Lingjun. Then, under the reluctant eyes of the shopkeeper, the three of them disappeared into Ziyun City together.

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