In any case, Ye Nongying stayed in Fenglin Night.

Her temperament was relatively uncomfortable. In the evening at Fenglin, look around here and there. Of course, she was most interested in Patriarch He's illness.

She heard about Patriarch He, and when she came up to Fenglin tonight, she naturally wanted to see Patriarch He's.

At that time, the surgical wounds on Patriarch He had healed a lot, and the original symptoms were no longer there, and she could not know what Patriarch He was like when he became ill.

She asked Patriarch He's illness and feelings.

After listening to it, she didn't have a clue, and finally itchy, she kept asking Duanmu Yawang.

Duanmu Yawang was annoyed by her questioning, so she told her about the situation.

Ye Nongying was naturally confused.

She stared suspiciously at Duanmu Yawang: "Aren't you afraid of me stealing the teacher and compiling these to lie to me?"

Duanmu Yawang was immersed in the medicine tower. She had read all the medicines in the medicine tower. Many medicines were still lacking and needed to be refilled.

Originally, she thought that this matter was not urgent. After all, the drugs that needed to be supplemented were not common drugs.

However, she doesn't know how long she will be away for this trip. It's good to make more preparations.

Therefore, she planned to sort out the medication list and let Da Feng help fill up the medication.

After listening to Ye Nongying's words, she didn't look up, but instead asked: "Do you think I have this free time to make up things to deceive people?"

"Is this?"

Ye Nongying leaned against the table, looking down at her constantly writing out the name of the medicine, but her brows became more and more frowning: "But, you can say something, I really don't understand."

Duanmu Yawang chuckled lightly, and finally raised her head, looking at her meaningfully, "This is normal. It's normal to talk about drugs and medical skills. My level of knowledge is probably deeper than you."

She knows that Ye Nong Ying is always proud. She thinks this sentence is a bit provocative. Unexpectedly, Ye Nong Ying shrugged and nodded faintly: "Yes, about this, in our first confrontation, I just It feels a little bit. Until I confronted you again in Wuji Street, I have a deep understanding of this."


Duanmu Yawang was surprised and stared at her incredibly, "I thought it was impossible for you to admit that others are better than you."

"In your eyes, it turns out that I am such a person?"

Ye Nongying raised her eyebrows and looked at her curiously, "By the way, I have always been curious about what I look like in the eyes of others. Listening to you, I seem to feel a little bit."

Duanmu Yawang: "..."

She grew up so big, didn't she even know what she was like?

Ye Nongying didn't struggle with this matter for too long, and her brain reverberated over and over again with the drug symptoms that Duanmu Yawang had just told her, and she curled her eyebrows and said, "I found that I still don't understand."

Duanmu Yawang shrugged, "I have already said what I should say, you can't blame me if you don't understand."


Ye Nongying sighed deeply, looked out the window, and said in a rather hurtful way: "I know you are better than me. I thought I was only a little stronger, but now I found out that I was wrong."

Duanmu Ya looked up and raised her eyebrows. Before she could even speak, Ye Nongying stood up and said helplessly: "No matter, such a complicated thing, I don't think I can understand it for a while, so I won't bother you."

Duan Muya looked and listened, but felt a little strange.

After all, if you are a general doctor, knowing that she is willing to say He Patriarch's treatment method, even if you don't understand it, you will definitely keep asking until you understand.

However, Patriarch He's illness was too complicated for people of their time, Duanmu Yawang didn't feel that she was willing to say it, and that someone could understand it.

Ye Nong Ying was able to give up so easily, but she was actually very smart.

At the same time, it is wise to think from another aspect.

Because, with her medical knowledge, if she still doesn't understand it at all, then she probably doesn't understand how Duanmu Yawang explains.

Therefore, she lost interest in the affairs of Patriarch He.

As a doctor, apart from Patriarch He and Medicine Tower, she is most interested in the treatment room.

I will go to the reference room if I am free.

Sometimes, when the apprentice is treating a patient, he will stare at it interestingly.

When no one is treating someone, he likes to have someone watching him, and it feels like a supervisor. Naturally, those apprentices don't like it, let alone know that she is a friend of Duanmu Yawang.

Besides, she woke up and shook a fan, which looked like a fool, and those apprentices even felt that she was actually a vain swinger. She always walked around like this, and everyone was even more unhappy.

However, everyone knows that she is a friend of Duanmu Yawang, who personally brought her up to the mountain, so it is not good to talk to Dafeng or Duanmu Yawang about Ye Nongying, so she is upset.

Until the next day, a patient with a serious illness came. He vomited blood, his face became more and more red, and his breathing became heavier and heavier, almost out of breath.

The doctors on duty at the time all went over and looked at it.

The more I look, the more anxious.

Someone thought that the situation was critical and suggested, "Why don't you ask Miss Duanmu to come and have a look?"

At this moment, Ye Nongying reached out and pinched the patient's hand.

It was Tan Jinxuan who was treating the patient at that time.

He has never been very good-tempered, so he went straight, and when he saw Ye Nongying's movements, his face became cold, and he said coldly, "Miss Duanmu invited you to make trouble for us?"

"make trouble?"

Ye Nongying squeezed the patient's wrist, raised her eyebrows to check the throat of the patient's neck, and said in two tongues, "This is the first time anyone dared to say that to me."


As soon as Tan Jinxuan said a word, she saw Ye Nongying lowered her head and pressed her mouth against the middle-aged man's lips.


Not only Tan Jinxuan, but the eyes of those present were about to protrude.

This night Nong Ying looked handsome and young, but she didn't expect to have such a wacky and weird hobby, and she actually likes to take advantage of others!

This, this is really...

Everyone present was dumbfounded, and for a while, the entire medical room fell silent.

When they reacted, they saw Ye Nongying's lips with blood, her cheeks bulging, and spit out, spit out a bunch of bloody, smelly things.

Everyone frowned when they saw it, and took a step back subconsciously, trying to hide away.

What did you do this night? Since I was sick and vomiting, why did I still...

Thinking about this, they saw Ye Nongying continue to lower his head and put it on the patient's mouth.

After a while, she threw up again.

After two times, her face was also a little ugly, her eyes pointed at Tan Jinxuan sharply: "Quickly, pour two glasses of water over."

Tan Jinxuan frowned and looked at her, unwilling to move.


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