Duanmu Yawang was taken aback in her heart, her face was calm, she coughed softly, "Okay, we don't bring anyone else."

After saying this, she thought in her heart, she can take no one, but if Ye Nongying secretly follows, she has no right to stop it, right?

Xiao Wuzheng didn’t know that she thought so, and nodded, “Well, while I still have time, I will set off in these two days. If you have anything else to be busy with, you can go and find me when you come back to the inn these two days. Can."


Duanmu Yawang nodded, "Mr. Xiao, I will return to Fenglin on my side first, and I will come back to the inn before the day after tomorrow."


Xiao Wuzheng nodded, and Duanmu Yawang left.

After going out, Xiao Bailu asked quietly: "Master, would you like to talk to Ye Nongying?"

"Naturally it is necessary."

Duanmu Yawang walked down the street and looked back at Tianfeng Inn, "However, I was worried that Xiao Wuzheng would notice something."

Because of this, Duanmu Yawang pondered for a while and decided to take a walk in the street first.

Feeling that the time was almost up, I went to the teahouse where I had tea with Ye Nongying twice.

Ye Nongying was drinking tea in the wing. Seeing what Duanmu Yawang was feeling, she stood up quickly, staring at her brightly, "Are you trying to bring good news to me?"

Duanmu Yawang smiled.

Ye Nongying is really smart.

"Yes, you guessed it right." Duanmu Yawang told Xiao Wuzheng about taking her to the endless city. After listening to Ye Nongying, he stared suspiciously at her: "You are serious, Xiao Wuzheng He really said that? He would take you there?"

"Right." Duanmu Yawang blinked, "Is there a problem?"

"Of course there is a problem, how could he..." Ye Nongying said ordinary words, suddenly paused, frowning and asked Duanmu Yawang: "What did he say?"

"Oh, yes, he said that he would only take me and no other people." Duan Muya looked at her words, staring at her weirdly, "Mr. Xiao wouldn't know that you are going with me, so he said that specially?"

"You care about him!"

Ye Nongying waved his hand and curled his mouth and said: "I'll just follow that time. Anyway, you don't need him to bring it. You just need to go with you secretly if you don't know it."

"I think so too."

Ye Nongying touched her chin, wringing her brows and muttering in a low voice, "No, I always feel wrong."

"Huh?" Duanmu Yawang stared at her: "What's wrong?"

"It's not like Xiao Wuzheng's style." Ye Nongying frowned, confirming again and again: "He really said that to you?"

"Yeah." Duanmu Yawang felt that Ye Nongying was overly worried, "Mr. Xiao promised me before that he wanted to take me to the endless city, but he has been delayed until now."

After listening to Ye Nong Ying, he touched her chin and stared at her weirdly.

Duanmu Yawang was horrified by her, "Why are you looking at me like this?"

Ye Nongying: "Xiao Wuzheng hates you?"


Duanmu Ya looked for a moment, and shook her head subconsciously, "No?" Xiao Wuzheng has always been very friendly to her.

"That's even stranger."

Ye Nong Ying tweeted twice, "There is even more reason for him to do this."

Duanmu Yawang was confused by her. Before she could speak, Ye Nongying changed the subject, "By the way, aren't there two more days? What will you do in the next two days?"

Duanmu Yawang did not hide it, "I will have a look at Fenglin later."


Ye Nong Ying's eyeballs rolled around, smiling and groaning: "Feng Lin Wan is very famous on the road recently. I'm really curious about being a friend. Besides, there is no place to stay in Ziyun City. You don't invite me over. Sit down?"

Duanmuya's mouth twitched, "You have said so, if I still refuse, it would be too much."

Ye Nongying smiled comfortably, "So, you still agree to it quickly."

Ever since, two adults and two children returned to Fenglin Night together.

Da Feng and the others were surprised to see her coming back so quickly, Duan Mu Yawang only said, "I'll be back in two days, and I'm going to go to the far door. Come back before I leave and take a look and tidy up my things."

"I see."

Da Feng Xiaoli, seeing Ye Nongying, "This son is..."

"Miss Night."

Duanmu Yawang stared in spite of Ye Nongying's eyes, and ruthlessly exposed her identity: "The eldest lady of Divine Ghost Sect."

Da Feng's eyes flashed and he smiled: "It turns out that it is Miss Ye, who is disrespectful and disrespectful. Miss Ye is skilled in medicine, and the young one has heard about it for a long time. I can only see it today, and I admire it for a long time."

"You're welcome."

Ye Nongying was dressed in men's clothing, and she fanned her fan and was revealed to be a woman on the spot. She wanted to pretend to be chic, but now she didn't shake the fan, nor did she close the fan. She gave Duanmu Ya a fiercely angry look.

Duanmu Yawang ignored her, "This is Da Feng. You can find him if you have any needs during the two days you have lived here."


Then, under the leadership of Duanmu Yawang, Ye Nongying visited Fenglin Night.

After watching Ye Nong Ying, he tweeted, "There is too little land."

"It's not as good as your Ghost God Sect."

"Can it be compared?"

Ye Nongying was not polite at all, and said relentlessly: "You are the only part of God's Ghost Sect that is as big as mine, so you are ashamed to compare."

Duanmu Yawang: "..."

Ye Nongying looked around, still disgusted: "Why don't you find a big place to gather disciples and expand resources?"

"I don't have such a big heart, and I don't have such a free time. This is enough."

"Tsk tusk, you really have no ambitions." Ye Nongying rolled her eyes and pointed: "I think this place is really good. The topography of the mountain is no worse than the ghost gods, or even better, just don't expand it well. Some wasted."

"It will be expanded in the future, take your time."

"How can this be slow?"

Ye Nongying disagreed, "You are now almost twenty anyway. You are a genius and you have to look like a genius. If you are a genius, your reputation can spread faster. You are still too slow now. It's a waste. Your talent."


Duanmu Ya looked at the corner of her mouth twitching, and said out of breath: "Are you worrying too much?"

"I'm doing it for you too." After that, Ye Nongying raised her head and stared at the medicine tower. "This idea is pretty good. Who came up with it?"

"You don't even know you said it."

"I don't want to say this?" Ye Nongying is very smart, she can see through without pointing, staring at her and smiling and saying: "Then can I go up and take a look at the medicine inside?"


Duanmu Yawang refused without hesitation, "Besides, you can't get close to this medicine tower, otherwise I will find out. Don't even think of entering our Fenglin late next time."

Ye Nongying shrugged, and said in a daze: "Well, you are too stingy. Anyhow, you are the master of the Medicine Mansion. Why are you so stingy?"

Duanmu Yawang sneered, "If I go to the ghost **** sect, I want to visit the pharmacy of the ghost **** sect, will you give it?"

Ye Nong Ying choked.

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