"Good, good."

Madam He answered again and again, remembering what Duanmu Yawang had just said, and she was very anxious, "Doctor, you can prescribe medicine for the owner of the house now, why might the illness worsen?"

"Because it's cancer."

Duanmu Yawang has a headache, and she doesn't know how to explain it to her. She said: "The characteristic of cancer is that no matter it is cell differentiation, proliferation, and growth, it will lose control, and it will also have the characteristic of metastasis."

Both Mrs. He and Mr. He were dumbfounded.

I only feel that Duanmu Yawang described this disease as magical.

Duanmu Ya looked at it and knew that they couldn’t understand. He pondered for a moment and said to Mr. He: “You had stomach cancer at the beginning. It should be the stomach that should have the problem, but now no matter whether you have lungs or abdomen, there are problems. It’s because the cancer is accelerating, metastasizing and spreading. So, does Mr. He and Mrs. He understand?"

Mr. He’s eyes are red, while Mrs. He’s eyes are miserable, "In other words, even if you take medicine, it will still transfer? Then, what is the difference between treatment and no treatment?"

"Cancer can also be cured, and the physique is different, and the resistance to cancer is also different. Almost everyone is different." Duanmu Yawang said sternly: "Besides, taking medicine is not useless, at least it is still The time can be extended. If you don’t take the medicine, the metastasis may continue to deteriorate tomorrow or within half a month. If you take the medicine, the time can be delayed for several years."

How many people just take medicine while waiting for a miracle.

"I see."

When Mrs. He was said by Duanmu Yawang, hope ignited in her heart, wiped her eyes, wiped away the tears, and said excitedly: "This pharmacist, then, next, we will hand over the life of the Patriarch to you. NS."

Since one person's life can be handed over to another person, it is naturally because of trust.


Duan Muya nodded and said to Da Feng: "I will go back to the wing, and you will set up Mr. and Mrs. He, and the convener will come to the hall for dinner."


After Da Feng answered, Duanmu Yawang turned around and left.

After Duanmu Yawang changed her clothes in the room, wiped her hands, and read what she had written, it was completely dark, and it was time for dinner, so she went to the hall.

This time, as in the morning, she went to the hall. The two tables in the hall were well laid out, but the shadow of an apprentice could not be seen.

Duan Muya squinted her eyes, her face sank, and turned to look at Da Feng on one side: "Da Feng, where are they?"

Da Feng sighed and said helplessly: "Miss Duanmu, they are still not willing to come over as they did in the morning, and they will just eat."

Duanmu Yawang chuckled slightly, but the smile did not reach the bottom of his eyes: "The so-called three things, they will all have to sit down with me to eat in the future, if their attitude is still the same, starting tomorrow, unless they are going to come here to eat. Otherwise, they are not allowed to let the kitchen cook their meals."

If they have the ability, they will give her a hungry stomach!

She wanted to see if they could be hungry for a while, but they could not be hungry for two!

Da Feng hesitated, "They had a big opinion of you, Miss Duanmu. If you do this, will they cause their rebellious psychology? I'm afraid..."

"Don't worry, if they really have a rebellious mentality, I welcome them to come and fight with me at any time. It's better than hiding behind and doing tricks that a kid can do!"

After Duanmu Yawang finished speaking, she greeted Da Feng to sit down and eat together without giving Da Feng a chance to speak.

With the experience of the morning, Da Feng was naturally not welcome, and Yiyan sat down.

Duanmu Yawang talked about important matters with him, "You have all the medicines in the nine-story tower, right?"


Da Feng Zhengshi said: "All medicines, on which floor and which medicine cabinet are there, are recorded by the subordinates. Miss Duanmu wants to see it?"

"Yes, I want to see what specific medicines are available."

There are too many medicines in the Nine-Story Pagoda, and she didn't have enough time at the beginning, so she didn't know exactly what medicine the Nine-Story Pagoda had. In fact, she had no idea. Now that she has new inspiration, she wants to collect some medicinal materials to try.

"Okay, the subordinates will send it to Miss Duanmu after they have finished their meal."


After finishing the meal, Duanmu Yawang went back to her room. On the way back, she saw a young man standing at the crossroad of the cobbled road.

Duanmu Ya looked intently, and it was Bai Yusi.

Duanmu Yawang didn't mean to speak, and Duanmu Yawang naturally didn't bother to speak.

She passed him and was about to walk from the other side, when Bai Yusi called her: "Wait!"

Duanmu Ya looked back and asked faintly: "What's wrong with Doctor Bai?"

Bai Yusi: "Me, I heard that Mr. He is okay?"

"What does Dr. Bai think is that a person is stupid, so that he can kill him directly on his own territory?" People and family members are under the mountain, even if they want to kill him, should they look elsewhere?

Embarrassment flashed across Bai Yusi's face, "Sorry, Miss Duanmu, I used to..."

Duanmu Yawang stretched out his hand to interrupt him, and asked, "I asked Da Feng to give you the three diseases before, I don't know how Dr. Bai has solved it?"

Bai Yusi didn't expect that she would talk about this suddenly, and after a moment of stunned, he shook his head: "For those three symptoms, Yu Si still has no solution."

"Do you have some solutions in mind?"

Bai Yusi nodded, "There are still some ideas, but I have tried them all, and it feels wrong."

Duanmu Yawang understood, raised her eyebrows and looked at him, "Do you want to know the answer now?"

Bai Yusi was startled, "Miss Duanmu can tell Yu Si now?"

"If you want to know, I can naturally tell."

Bai Yusi pondered for a while, but shook his head with his fist, "I'm not willing to give up here, I want to try again."

Or maybe he can find a breakthrough if he spends more time studying it?


He didn't want to know it so fast, Duanmu Yawang would naturally not force him, nodded, "Doctor Bai, go ahead, I'll go back to the wing first."


Bai Yusi stood there and watched Duanmu Yawang leave, until Duanmu Yawang's figure disappeared in the corner, and he turned and left.

He turned to another corner, and was suddenly pulled by his arm, and saw him pull aside.

He staggered and almost fell, holding the pillar next to him to stabilize himself. He stood still, looked at the two young men next to him, frowned and said, "What are you doing?"

Among the two, one of the men's eyes rolled around, "Did you stop that half-face just now? What did you talk to her?"

"You don't want to call a girl's house like this." Bai Yu thought about Duanmu Yawang's half-faced face, and said helplessly: "I didn't tell you about Patriarch He before, I thought she wanted Cao Jian's life, but unexpectedly Patriarch He has nothing to do. I misunderstood Miss Duanmu."

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