
Da Feng said with a headache: "They all wanted to come over to make trouble with you, but you said not to be disturbed. Therefore, after seeing that there were no other patients, the subordinates set up barriers in the entire diagnosis and treatment room. Excuse you."


Duanmu Yawang stretched out her hand and patted Da Feng's shoulder, admiringly said: "This time it's a good job." If she really disturbed her during the inspection, she would have to go crazy.

Da Feng hurriedly said, "The subordinates just ask for nothing."

Duanmuya looked at her eyes and said, "You go down the mountain, and ask one of Mr. He's family members to come up. I have something to ask."

Da Feng Yuguang glanced at the department and saw that the patient was still lying on the bed at the moment, motionless, he was concerned, "Now?"

"Yes, you can do it."


Da Feng went down here.

Duanmu Yawang did not leave the treatment room, but walked to a table in the treatment room and made tea for himself, looking like he was waiting for someone while drinking tea.

Little Bailu blinked, "Master, why are you still here, aren't you hungry?"

"We'll talk about it after processing."

"Oh." Little Bailu was so sad, he was hungry too!

Duanmu Yawang pretended not to see it. After she drank a cup of tea, she remembered the report of the patient just now. She put her hand into the Qiankun bag and took it out and looked at it again and again.

After reading it several times, she moved her eyes, took the report and hurried back to the department, sat at the desk, picked up the pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and began to write quickly.

Little Bailu touched her flat belly, "Master, what are you writing?"

"To treat cancer, we usually use medical machinery combined with drugs. However, because many drugs in this world have spiritual power, I was thinking, is there any way to use the spiritual power of the drugmaker? Instead of mechanical treatment."

After all, the medical machinery in her medical system is invisible. Once exposed, it will cause big troubles. Therefore, if you can use spiritual power with special drugs to change the cytopathic changes of cancer, then you can. Do not rely on medical machinery anymore.

In the future, it will be many times more convenient to treat cancer!

Little Bailu was dumbfounded, "Master, what you said sounds great and very good, but it seems to be very difficult to implement! After all, even if you don’t understand medical machinery, you also know what medical machinery brings. All kinds of lasers and ion effects can't be obtained from other places casually."

"Actually, it's not necessarily."

Duanmu Yawang kept writing in her hand, and said: "Don’t forget, in terms of spiritual power, you can even come back to life, spiritual power can also adjust Qi, can transport dantian, and can even return to the soul, and can instantly let Wound healing, these are beyond the reach of medical machinery."

After that, she raised her eyes and glanced at him, "Besides, think about it, Mr. Mu Mufeng and the others failed. In our world, they should have died long ago, but they can still save and live. ."

"In other words, many things in this world are special. Since our world can treat cancer, it is impossible for this world to have none."

After all, there are more species in this world, and the level of material content is higher!

"That's true." Little Bailu is actually ignorant, but after listening to Duanmu Yawang's words, he feels very reasonable, "However, Xiaoye feels that this is still two different things after all."

"I think this possibility is still great."

Little Bailu saw that she quickly wrote two pages full of words, and only felt that her brain hurts, "Then master, did you think of a breakthrough to write this?"

"I have a little thought."

Duanmu Yawang's actions were quicker, and he was afraid that the things that flashed in his mind would be missed by him. "However, if it can be done, I will know if it will be implemented."


Seeing that Duanmu Yawang was so serious, Xiao Bailu shut up and stopped disturbing her.

One trip to Dafeng Mountain and one trip down the mountain are not long because of spiritual power, and it takes only two or three quarters of an hour before and after.

After Da Feng brought the patient's family members up, he saw Duanmu Yawang waving a bit on the table.

On the table, there was already a wad of paper.

Da Feng brought people over, and Duanmu Yawang was still writing, knocking on the door and reminding: "Miss Duanmu, family members have brought it, you..."

Duanmuya didn't look up and said, "Take someone out to check and wait. I'll be fine in a while."


Seeing that Duanmu Yawang was so serious, Da Feng didn't dare to bother.

After Duanmu Yawang finished writing, another quarter of an hour passed.

Duanmuya looked sour in her hand. She threw down the pen and sorted out what she had written. She heard a humming sound next to her. She glanced at the hospital bed and the patient just opened her eyes.

Duanmu Yawang looked at it and said loudly, "Da Feng, bring the family in."

Da Feng brought his family in.

Duanmu Yawang looked up and saw that she was a middle-aged woman, dressed very decently. She walked over anxiously, "Doctor, how is our Patriarch now?"

"It's gastric cancer lymphatic metastasis."

After Duanmu Yawang finished speaking, knowing that the patient and family members could not understand, he talked about the condition of the disease and the characteristics of the cancer.

After she finished speaking, the patient who had just woke up looked sloppy and almost fainted.

The patient's family also trembled, as if they couldn't bear the blow, but they knew it before they fainted, and it was estimated that they had already prepared for it.

After all, in their opinion, they have been unable to see any disease, but the condition is so serious that it is impossible to survive anyway.

Da Feng watched the patient still wake up, he was relieved, he looked at Duanmu Yawang, just about to speak, Duanmu Yawang asked the patient: "How do you feel now?"

The patient's face was like a dish, and he said weakly, "What about the dying person?"

Duanmuya's mouth twitched, "Who said you are a dying person? I didn't seem to say that I can't heal, right?"


As soon as these words came out, the patient sat up straight out of the hospital bed and looked at her in disbelief, "This, this little, no, this doctor, you, are you serious? Don't you mean me?"

"Why should I scold you?" Duanmu Yawang said, staring at him and said: "You can sit up well now. Tell me, how do you feel now?"

The patient then remembered that he had lost consciousness because of the pain. Now, when he compares it, he is stunned: "There is no strong pain, and the strength in his body has returned."

In the past half month, he has been weak, as strong as he is now, and has been gone for half a month.

"Well, that's good." Duanmu Yawang reached out and patted the tabletop, and said to Mrs. He: "Here is the medicine for these two days. You and Mr. He will stay in this department for the time being. Cancer may become cancerous at any time. He If there is anything wrong with your sir, please come over and let me know immediately."

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