The teenager suddenly became a little unhappy, "You let me eat vegetable noodles?"


Duanmu Yawang was simply and neat, and he mixed up half a bowl of soup and half a bowl of noodles, and then walked out of the hall.

The boy ate three buns and only filled his belly. In fact, it was impossible to get enough. He glanced at the noodles, and finally sighed, picked up the noodles and followed out.

Duanmu Yawang was already eating noodles at the table.

Xiao Lingfan sat down beside her, and he took a sip of soup first.

The soup was very hot and almost burned his tongue, but he didn't dare to dislike it, because the soup was so delicious, it was very sweet and comfortable, and it tasted very good.

As he drank, he grabbed a chopstick noodle and put it in his mouth.

He originally thought it was not tasty, but unexpectedly the noodles were springy and had just the right tenacity. Although it was plain noodles, people felt that the free-style plain noodles had such a noodle aroma.

His eyes lit up and he stared at her incredibly: "How can you make noodles so delicious?" He had never eaten such delicious noodles before!

Duanmuya looked at eating the noodles without raising her head: "I'm pretty."


The boy was speechless for a while, wishing to give her a roll of eyes, "I found out that you really don't have any shame at all. How can anyone praise themselves like that."

Duanmu Yawang shrugged and didn't care at all, "If there was no before, then now there is."


Duanmu Yawang ignored him and continued to eat his own. After eating a bowl, he was angry with the young man, and when he blanched the noodles, the two brought out another bowl to eat.

Just after eating, Duanmu Yawang suddenly remembered something, stopped his chopsticks, and stared at Xiao Lingfan and said, "By the way, I forgot to ask you, when will Mr. Xiao come back?"

"How would I know?"

When asked about Xiao Wuzheng, Xiao Lingfan was very impatient, and didn't even look at Duanmu Yawang while eating his noodles. "He might be dead outside."

Duanmuya twitched at the corner of her mouth, "If Mr. Xiao knew that you cursed him so much, would he use a knife to chop you?"

Xiao Lingfan sneered, "Give him ten courage, but he dare not. It's almost the same to say that Xiaoye cut him off!"

Duanmu Yawang raised her eyebrows, "You still want to murder your own brother or uncle?"

"Who told you that he is my own brother or uncle?" Xiao Lingfan gave her a blank look.

Duanmu Yawang was also curious, "Then what is the relationship between you?" She had long wanted to know about this.

Xiao Lingfan raised his head from the bowl and smiled slightly at her mouth, "Guess?"

Duanmuya looked at her forehead, and suddenly felt that she had a feeling of picking up a rock and hitting her in the foot.

Xiao Lingfan obviously remembered what she asked him to guess, and now he is doing her the same thing!

Xiao Lingfan was obviously just as she thought. He stared at her with interest and interest, "Why don't you tell me when you are a spiritual chain, and I will tell you who Xiao Wuzheng is? Okay?"

"not good."

Duanmu Yawang shrugged, "Suddenly, I'm not interested anymore." In fact, she was really worried that after she had said it, the teenager refused to say it.


Xiao Lingfan continued to lower his head to eat noodles, too lazy to pay attention to her anymore.

Duanmu Yawang quickly finished eating two bowls of noodles. She was full and asked with a serious face: "You really don't know when Mr. Xiao will be back?"

"do not know."

Xiao Lingfan was even more impatient, but when he thought of something, he glanced at her, "Why, are you looking for something to do with him?"

Duanmu Yawang really wanted to know if this teenager had amnesia, "Did you forget, Mr. Xiao promised me that he would take me to the endless city."

"Oh, this matter."

Xiao Lingfan's eyes rolled, his eyes wandering, "You can wait a few more days for this matter, and he will be back soon."

Duan Muya narrowed her eyes: "You just said, don't you know when he will be back?"

"That's what I said, but according to what I know about him, he will definitely not go out for more than half a month. Just rest assured."

Duanmu Yawang listened to him and thought about the time, and felt that the problem was not big, so he was relieved.


Suddenly, Xiao Lingfan patted his head and said annoyed: "By the way, I forgot to tell you one thing."

"Huh? What's the matter?"

"The day before yesterday, on the night you first left, someone came to you."

"Who?" Duanmu Ya looked at her eyes, is it still King Anding and the others?

"I didn't let anyone in. Not everyone can come in here." Xiao Lingfan shrugged proudly and said, "However, I heard one of them call the other Su Hezhi."

Is it Su Hezhi and Pan Xiangan?

Why are they looking for her?

Both Duanmu Yawang had a good impression, "Did you hear what they said?"

"there is none left."

Xiao Lingfan shrugged, and said indifferently: "The two of them, one of them is so loud. I still don't let people drive them away because of your face. If it's an ordinary person, I will definitely have Drive them."

Duanmu Yawang was suddenly helpless.

The two are not people who like to trouble others, so anxious to find her, it is probably really urgent.

But she doesn't know where the two are now, and it's troublesome to find them.

"Master, what are you thinking about?" Seeing Duanmu Yawang fell into deep thought, Xiao Bailu frowned and said unhappy: "My little master also wants to eat your noodles and buns. You will remember to save some for the little master later. , Otherwise Xiaoye will be anxious with you."

"Okay, got it."

Duanmu Yawang was helpless, so taking advantage of Xiao Lingfan's carelessness, he brought a bowl of noodles in and gave him a cage of steamed buns.

She went upstairs after she finished.

Little Bailu was eating happily at this time. After going upstairs, he finally couldn't help it, "Master, Fenglinwan became famous so soon, Mu Qingchen and Mufeng's methods are good."


When Duanmu Yawang thought of this, she was very grateful to Mu Qingchen and Mu Feng.

The two not only let Feng Linwan's venue be released for her, giving her her own medicine mansion, but also sent her a patient with a high reputation and status.

This patient’s illness is actually a neurological problem.

The patient has a nervous system disorder, hallucinations in the brain, auditory hallucinations, and depression.

That is schizophrenia.

For schizophrenia, in her last life, she had developed related drugs, which can quickly calm people's emotions and temporarily stabilize people's brain nerves.

In other words, it can eliminate hallucinations and auditory hallucinations.

Of course, schizophrenia cannot be eliminated so quickly, it takes a long time, but through the use of pharmacist psychological counseling to continuously improve and change.

She was also a book writer in psychology in her previous life. It is still very easy to deal with the psychological problems of people in this world.

Therefore, in her opinion, the patient's illness is not difficult.

But within two days, the patient found peace from the disordered state.

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