The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 1472: It's not against the sky, it's going to turn the sky!

Duanmu Yawang turned around and looked at him, "So, why did you tell me this?"


The boy suddenly puffed up his cheeks with anger and stared at her: "What do you think, are you not in a hurry?"

Duanmu Yawang suddenly felt inexplicable: "Why should I be in a hurry?"

"What do you say?"

Xiao Lingfan stomped his feet and said annoyed: "How long has it been for you to become famous overnight, and that fame is related to your talents. Your reputation for medical skills has not been extended. Now, on the contrary, some people have become famous overnight because of medical skills. you……"

"People become famous, what to do with me?" Duanmu Yawang put down the rolling pin in her hand, and started to cut the noodles and ramen, while carefully moving her hand, while returning to him: "You don't think my limelight has been changed by others." , So I am worried?"

Xiao Lingfan stared at her suspiciously, "Don't you know?"

"I look like I will?"


Xiao Lingfan touched her chin and stared at her for a moment. He really didn't see any discomfort from her face. He rolled his eyes and said, "You heartless person doesn't know how to eat. What grew up."


This time it's Duanmu Yawang's turn to be speechless, "I'm older than you anyway, how can you talk to me in such a tone?"

"Are you older than me?"

The young man seemed to have heard some joke, his childish face was full of disdain, "My little master told you that when my little master was born, you didn't even know..."

At this point, he seemed to be thinking of something. The whole person fainted, and he stopped the topic suddenly, and said unwillingly: "When the little master was born, you didn't even know what to remember, and you were no better than the little master. How big."

"But in any case, I am older than you."

The boy wanted to refute, but thought of something. He simply shut up his mouth. He weakly clawed at the door frame and watched her pull the dough into thin noodles. He immediately reluctant to move his eyes away. He stared at her and said, "Say, You are a good girl, and your strength is not bad. Why do you do such rough work?"

"If your strength is not bad, you can't do this?"

"You should have been very diligent in cultivating since you were young?" The boy looked at her black hair and black eyes, "Since you are a hard worker, how can you be willing to spend time on these wealthy fans."

Duanmu Yawang blinked, "Do you think it's possible for a person with dark eyes to have awakened talent from a very young age?"

When the teenager heard it, he felt reasonable, and curiously opened his eyes and asked: "Then how old are you with a spiritual chain?"

Duanmu Yawang blinked at him, "Guess?"

"Don't guess!" The boy was so amused that he was about to lose his temper. He frowned and said, "Can't you just talk about it?"

"No." She was afraid to scare him when she said it.

As long as she speaks out, no one can believe that she just possesses the spirit chain for more than half a year.

However, she has surpassed the ordinary level.

Seeing that the young man is about to explode, Duanmu Yawang reassures him, "Guess it, within three times, if you get it right, I will tell you what?"

"If you can't guess it three times, don't you tell me?"


Xiao Lingfan didn't want to guess at first, but when he changed his mind, there were three chances. What if he got lucky and got it right?

Thinking about this, his eyes lit up, and he smiled and said, "Five years old?"

Duanmu Yawang shook his head.


Duanmu Yawang still shook his head.

The teenager suddenly became a little anxious. Like an anxious cat, he kept tapping the door panel with his hand. After thinking for a moment, he frantically said, "Then...twelve years old?"

Duanmu Yawang sighed lightly, and blinked at him regretfully, "Sorry, you still guessed wrong."

Xiao Lingfan looked sad: "Can't you tell the little master?"

"can not."

The teenager suddenly wilted and became even weaker. He stared at her resentfully: "Then tell me, did I guess it's sideways?"

Duanmu Yawang shook her head, "No."

Young people always like to ask questions, but he still reluctant to give up, "Then which number is closer?"

Seeing him so persistent, Duanmuya secretly sighed, whether he satisfies his question: "The third number."

Xiao Lingfan was dumbfounded, "In other words, he was about twelve years old?" After that, he changed his mind and patted his head again, "No, it's not right between eight and twelve years old. Four years, that is to say between ten and fourteen years old?"

Duanmu Yawang shrugged, neither admitting nor denying.

There is another characteristic of young people, that is, they like to be fine. "Will you answer my last question? Is it between ten and twelve years old, or after twelve years old?"

Duanmuya watched the boiling water in the pot boiled, she threw the noodles down, turned around after hearing the words, and squeezed a smile at him: "No comment."


The teenager collapsed a little, half frantic and half coquettish: "Just tell me, okay!"

"not good."

Duanmu Yawang directly shook his head, and immediately made the boy angry enough.

She didn't want to say that the teenager had no choice but to guess for herself.

He stared at Duanmu Ya looked, touched his chin, and seemed to be muttering to himself: "Generally speaking, people with purple eyes have spiritual chains from birth, and they should be the first to enlighten spirits, while most people with blue eyes and green eyes It started after the age of five. It’s a little bit more difficult, even more than ten years old. Black-eyed people..."

Having said that, he suddenly stopped by himself.

Because, I have never heard of black eyed people with spiritual chains.

However, Duanmu Yawang was born.

Therefore, this matter cannot be guessed based on ordinary events at all...

In addition, for most people, the earlier the spiritual enlightenment is, the higher the talent, but Duanmu Yawang now has this kind of strength. If she belongs to the spiritual enlightenment, the later she belongs to...the kind of talent against the sky?


Is it possible to have such strength in just a few years?

If this is the case, it is not against the sky, it is going to turn the sky!

Thinking about it this way, he gave a sharp shot.

Duanmuya stared at him suspiciously: "Are you cold?"


Xiao Lingfan quickly came to his senses, and Duan Muya glanced at him sullenly, "People say that girls only like to think about things. You are a boy, why do you think so much?"

After speaking, without waiting for his answer, seeing that the noodles in the pot were almost cooked, she quickly lifted the lid of another soup pot with soup.

As soon as the lid of the soup pot was lifted, the smell of thick soup penetrated into the human nose.

The boy licked his mouth, "Can we drink soup?"

"It's not impossible if you want to drink it." Duanmu Yawang brought a big bowl and filled half a bowl of soup, then took the noodles from another pot and put them in the soup bowl.

After blanching some green vegetables, he handed the bowl to the boy, "You can eat it, you can taste it."

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