Mu Qingchen didn't say any more, and the conversation turned around, and said, "Shall we go up to the tower and have a look?"


Duanmu Yawang was also interested in the construction of the nine-story tower. She wanted to see how it was laid out and what it did.

After all, it is the tower that Mu Qingchen let people build. The design is very special, and it is very exquisite and gorgeous when seen from a close range.

The design of the gate was not unlocked. Mu Qingchen put his hand on one of the stone bricks on the tower, and the tall gate opened suddenly.

Mu Qingchen did not rush in, but waved his hand, and the door that had been opened closed again.


Duanmu Yawang was unclear, so Mu Qingchen said: "There are a total of four switches here, one for each of the three of us, and one is in charge."

After that, he pointed to another stone brick next to the wall and said, "This one belongs to you. Please remember the location and melt a spirit energy in by the way, so that the organ will remember your breath."

Duanmuya was stunned, "Remember my breath? This stone..."

"This stone is made of special materials, and only four are made of those materials. Therefore, it does have this effect. No one can use spiritual power to open this door except for the four of us. ."

After that, I added a sentence: "Of course, even if it is ours, we can't mix each other's stones. Everyone only works on their own stone."

Duanmu Yawang was amazed, "Such a design is so special. How could Mr. Mu think of using such materials to make the switch?"

Mu Feng said helplessly: "We have so many Lingyue Pavilion treasures. In terms of organs, we pay the most attention. Otherwise, throwing anything casually will be worth a thousand dollars."


Duanmu Yawang nodded, and Mu Qingchen said: "This stone, you can melt your spiritual energy in."


Since Mu Qingchen asked her to do this, Duanmu Yawang was not polite, with spiritual energy burning in her palm, she pressed her palm against the stone brick.

As soon as she touched the stone brick with her hand, she felt a magical spiritual force sucking in her palm, sucking the aura in her palm little by little.

After a while, the force that was holding her palm disappeared.

With a "bang", the closed big stone gate made a noise, and the gate was slowly opening!

Duanmu Yawang's eyes lit up, "It's successful!"

Mu Qingchen nodded, he waved his hand, the door closed again, and he said: "Now, you put your palm up again, you only need to infuse a little spiritual energy."


Duanmu Yawang responded, then put her palm on it, melted the spiritual energy into it again, and the door opened again.

"Let's go, go in and take a look." Mu Feng stretched out his hand and rubbed her head, led the way with a smile, and walked in first.

Because the design was in the form of a tower, and there were no windows in the tower, the inside was dark as soon as I entered. However, as soon as I entered a little bit, Duanmu Yawang smelled a very strong fragrance of medicine.


She looked sideways at Mu Qingchen, with doubts in her eyes.

Mu Qingchen said nothing, and lit the oil lamps on the wall one by one.

As soon as he clicked, a group of medicine shelves appeared in front of Duanmu Yawang, like a library!

In this tower, the first floor is actually full of medicine chests!

The design here is similar to the medicine storehouse in Luo Jiuchen on Fuyun Street, but the medicine storehouse in Luo Jiuchen seems to be a little bigger, but it can't be beaten by much.

These medicine boxes are tightly closed, but she can still smell such a strong fragrance of medicine, indicating that these medicine boxes are probably storing medicine!

With so many medicine chests, how many medicines can you get!

She thought so, and then asked, "Mr. Mu, how come there are so many medicines here?"

Before Mu Qingchen answered, Mu Feng smiled and said, "You just saw this building. Do you think there are too many medicines?"


Duanmu Yawang was stunned for a moment, and she couldn't react for a while.

Seeing her dumbfounded look, Mu Feng couldn't help but smile: "If I said that the nine floors of this nine-story tower are all these medicine boxes, how would you react?"

"There are medicines on these nine floors?" She was stunned, okay!


Mu Feng touched his chin and said with a smile: "According to your Mr. Mu's meaning, these medicines are divided into three or sixty-nine degrees according to their rareness.

Among these nine floors, the higher the floor, the more rare the medicines are. Would you like to go up and see them all? "


Mu Feng suddenly remembered something, knocked his head with a fan, and said helplessly: "I forgot to refute your words. Not all of these nine floors are filled with medicine. Each floor has some space. You don't like to study. Medicine, you have to leave some space for you to put the medicine you developed yourself."

Duanmu Yawang was completely speechless.

She has never been a passionate person or a person who is prone to crookedness.

Therefore, even if she felt unbelievable, she knew at this moment that the nine-story tower in Fenglin Night was built for her, and all the medicines in the nine-story tower were collected by her!

Little Bailu and Yin Huiyin naturally understand.

Little Bailu crouched, "Master, Mu Feng and Mu Qingchen are so kind to you."

Yin Huiyin also nodded deeply, "Really very interested."

Duanmu Yawang is not excited, it can even be said to be shocking, she has no idea what to say, "I..."

"Well, don't get too excited."

Mu Feng saw what she was thinking at a glance, rolled his eyes anger, curled his lips and said: "In the beginning, this proposal was not made by us."

Duanmu Yawang blinked: "Huh?"

"It's your man." Mu Feng snorted lightly, seeming to be very upset, "They said, I want to build a medicine mansion for you." When Mu Feng said that, he also added a special word for mansion.

In ancient times, both the demon and the immortal liked to use the Immortal Mansion of the Dongfu Mansion. Mansion is naturally more elegant than other pavilions, and even has a lot of heritage.

"Gong Yulan stop?" Duanmu Yawang's lips trembled twice.

I have to say that she was surprised.

She thought that Gong Yulan was so busy that she could not see the end of the dragon, and he didn't know when he was going to be busy with his own affairs, but he would even consider this to her...

"Would you like to be so touched?" Mu Feng cut and said in a very unpleasant way: "He doesn't know where to go all day long. You have lived the same without him or without him. Apart from looking better, it is almost of no use. No, I really don’t know how you became lovers."

Duanmuya glanced at him, "It's okay if we are in love with each other."

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