The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 1466: Fenglin night, goodbye to Mu Qingchen

"I don't have any opinion." Duanmu Yawang felt that he asked strangely, "This should be a resting place, right? I think it's pretty good, there is nothing to change."

Manshan Red Maple is mainly able to live here. For her, everything is satisfied.

But, to be honest, if this is just a resting place, this nine-story tower is too redundant.

You know, such a tall tower will definitely cost a lot of manpower and material resources.

The tower here is very flashy.

"What are you thinking about?"

Seeing that she didn't speak, Mu Feng said with an aura: "How do I feel that you are getting more and more stunned now. You used to say a lot of things before, and Luo Li kept talking non-stop."


You are just Rory.

Duanmuya rolled her eyes, Mu Feng laughed angrily, and said helplessly: "Walk around and take you to see Mr. Mu."

"Don't bring it anymore."

As soon as Mu Feng's words fell, it belonged to Mu Qingchen, and a nice but deserted voice rang from one side.

Duanmu Yawang hurriedly followed the sound, and saw Mu Qingchen wearing an elegant green dress, walking towards them silently.

"Mr. Mu."

Duanmu Yawang quickly lowered his head and called out.

"Yeah." Mu Qingchen replied faintly, and then frowned at Mu Feng: "You didn't let you bring people last night. Why did you come now?"


Duanmu Yawang was a little surprised when she heard that, Mu Qingchen asked Mu Feng to bring her here last night?

"Isn't it because I think you are busy, isn't it good to disturb you?" Mu Feng smiled and narrowed his eyes. "Besides, Xiao Yawang also has to rest at this night. How can it make the bumps of the night be overwhelming. Woolen cloth?"


Duanmuya looked ashamed, just this half-hour flight, can also be called the bumps and fatigue?

Mu Qingchen glanced at him coldly, as if he didn't want to talk nonsense with him at all, and turned to look at Duanmu Yawang, "Do you like this place?"

She nodded quickly, "I like it."

Mu Qingchen stood with his hand holding his hand, gazing at Shili Maple Red, "This place was sent by others many years ago. At that time, there were no such maple trees. Later, because he didn't know what to plant, he happened to have a maple in his name. , So people planted maple trees at will."

Duanmu Yawang listened carefully, secretly feeling funny in her heart. If someone planted a maple tree on purpose, it would be regarded as a bell for Mu Feng, but Mr. Mu used random...

Obviously Mu Feng was also very concerned about the word random in Mu Qingchen's mouth, and said dissatisfied: "Hey, how do you talk? Don't you know how to say it? Anyway, a lot of effort has been spent here?"

Mu Qingchen didn't even look at him, staring at Duan Muya and said, "We haven't named it from beginning to end. Why don't you give it a name?"


It was a little sudden, and Duanmu Yawang couldn't react for a while.

"Stop it." Mu Feng patted her head with a fan again, "Don't tell me, you can't even use a name."

Duanmu Ya looked at her eyebrows and raised her eyes: "The surname is Mu, can you take another shot of me and try?"

Seeing that she was angry, Mu Feng quickly raised his hand to surrender, angrily and amusedly said: "Puff, okay, it's okay if you don't film or not."

Duanmu Ya didn't look at him, Mu Qingchen had rarely taken the initiative to say anything before, and now he took the initiative to say it, it was really intentional for her to help with a name.

She naturally has to be serious.

Looking up at the maple trees in the mountains, she suddenly remembered a poem she likes very much in her mind,'Parking and sitting in the maple forest night, the frosty leaves are red in the February flowers', she couldn't help but move her eyes and smiled: "I I don’t know how to name it, so how about calling it Fenglinwan?"

"Fenglin night?"

Mu Feng looked sideways for a moment and laughed: "Why did you think of this name? It sounds very unique and interesting."

Mu Qingchen didn't talk too much nonsense, "There is an artistic conception, yes, then these mountains will be called Fenglinwan." He finished, glanced at Mu Feng, "You will say hello to someone and announce it to the outside world." one time."

Mu Feng's expression became serious at this time, "Okay."

Mu Qingchen looked at Duanmu Yawang and asked her, "I heard that you are going to Endless City recently?"


"Probably when it is, is it decided?"

"No, it needs to be taken by others, so the time is set by others."

"Is the owner of Tianfeng Inn?"

"Yes." Duanmu Yawang knew that Mu Feng and Mu Qingchen must have said this, so she didn't feel surprised.

Duanmu Yawang thought that Mu Qingchen would ask more, but he didn't expect Mu Qingchen to stop the topic, and said, "You have been out for several months. This is to go to the endless city first. go home?"


Duanmu Yawang naturally also remembered her grandfather in her heart, but, "This time is a rare opportunity, I really want to visit the endless city first."


Mu Qingchen didn't stop him either. He just said, "The new emperor has been enthroned, the empire has been calmed a lot, and your grandfather is also a lot free now. In the past two months, I went to Lingyue Pavilion twice. All right."

Duanmu Yawang didn't expect Mu Qingchen to mention this, and his eyes lit up, "Really? Did Grandpa ask me?"

"Naturally, I told him peace."

Mu Qingchen spoke a lot today. Although he was cold and indifferent, he only gave people a sense of peace and quiet. He glanced at her: "However, he also asked about your brother."

Speaking of blue clarity, Duan Muya looked tight.

"By the way, Mr. Mu, I have been looking for my elder brother, as you know, after he parted ways with you, where did he go? Why did I keep trying to find him, but couldn’t find it? And he just disappeared. Like, almost no one has seen him?"

Mu Qingchen shook his head, and raised his eyebrows rarely: "Our people have been checking, and his news stopped in a small town ten miles away from us."

Duanmu Yawang's face turned pale, "Brother, shouldn't he just wake up and be..."

Mu Qingchen was also silent when he said this.

Mu Feng pursed his lips and said, "Xiao Yawang, didn't you enter the Wangzhi Street back then?"


Not just on the street, but also went to the hall of awkwardness.

Mu Feng said: "Why else? If you go back to the endless city, we still haven't found Young Master Lan, so we can just talk about it and ask in person how about it?"

Duanmu Yawang thought of something, her heart beating, "At that time, the entrance of Wangzhi Street didn't say that you could get in when it was open."

Usually there is only one chance a year...

"Don't worry, as long as you think about it, there will always be a way." Mu Feng patted her on the shoulder and calmly said: "During this period, we will look up from your brother's childhood and see if we find anything."


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