The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 1462: Breakfast, I met Anding Wang and others by chance

Next day

Early in the morning, before Duanmu Yawang was awake, the door of the room was knocked.

I slept late last night and was woken up like this. Duanmu Yawang's head was about to burst, and she got out of bed wearing her jacket impatiently, opened the door, and said angrily: "It's fun to disturb people's dreams early in the morning. NS?"

"When is this, it's still early in the morning!"

The person outside is Xiao Lingfan.

The young boy's nice little face was taut, staring at her coldly: "Besides, the little master came to remind you of something."

Duanmu Yawang's eyelids were on everyone, and the whole body was lying lazily on the edge of the door frame, and said impatiently: "What is it, you are talking about it!"

"You cook me at least one meal every day!" The young man said coldly: "It is said that you are going to leave early in the morning. If you don't get up in the morning, do you plan to make it for the young master at night?"

Duanmu Ya looked for a moment, but she had forgotten this one.

She pinched her eyebrows and was about to speak, when the door of the next room opened, Mu Feng was still wearing red clothes, but there were some changes on her face, which looked quite different from Mu Feng's face.

Duanmu Ya looked around, her eyelids twitched.

Isn't he dressed like Mu Fansheng?

Wasn't they leaving early in the morning? Why did he dress up like this?

The change in Mu Feng's face was clear at a glance. Xiao Lingfan glanced at him, and his big eyes were narrowed, but without asking a word, as if he hadn't seen it at all, he turned his head and continued to stare at Duanmu Yawang.

Mu Feng’s reaction to Xiao Lingfan didn’t feel weird at all. His face changed, but some of his habits remained the same. There was a smile on his face, and his peachy eyes were crooked. He stared at Duanmu Yawang: "Little Yawang, are you so depraved to be a cook?"

Duanmu Yawang knows that he feels bad for herself, this is angry, and only feels a headache, "Actually, he is not a cook..."

Mu Feng stretched out her hand to interrupt her, and looked at Xiao Lingfan with a smile, "Mum is also good at cooking. How about making breakfast for Young Master Xiao for her?"

"do not want!"

Xiao Lingfan refused without hesitation. He didn't even bother to look at Mu Feng, "My little master wants her to do it."

Mu Feng's peachy eyes half-squinted, Duan Muya looked at him, knowing that he was angry, and pinched his eyebrows, and said helplessly: "This is indeed what I promised him at the beginning. I can't regret it."

Mu Feng said indifferently: "However, it takes a lot of time to make a breakfast, so we'd better leave early."

After that, he glanced at Xiao Lingfan: "Don't you want to have breakfast? Those outside must be second-class pubs, and they are no worse than Xiaoya. It's okay for me to go out for dinner, right?"

"No." Xiao Lingfan didn't have any room for discussion, and stared at him: "Also, Xiaoye only allows you to stay for one night. It's morning, and you have also woke up. If you want to leave, hurry up."

Mu Feng pursed her lips, "You little boy, it seems that you are getting less and less cute. It seemed that you were even more cute last night."

The boy was annoyed, "You are cute! I don't need to be cute!"

Mu Feng just thought it was funny, and smiled, "Don't tell me, you are pretty cute now, I..."

"Okay, Mu Feng, don't mess with the little son." Duanmu Yawang gave him an angry look and said to Xiao Lingfan: "I have the best of both worlds. Can you see if it works?"

Xiao Lingfan: "What?"

"Go to Tassel Pavilion to eat."


A quarter of an hour later, the three of them appeared in front of the gate of Tassel Pavilion.

There are very few people in the tassel pavilion, but Xiao Er in the pavilion is going in and out, looking very busy.

Duanmu Yawang walked in, and saw her like the shopkeeper, and hurriedly greeted her, "Master Gongyu, are you here for breakfast?"

"Yes, is it convenient?"


The shopkeeper said with a smile, seeing Mu Feng behind her, his eyes moved, "I don't know if this is..."

Mu Feng handed over: "Under Mufeng, Deyin's friend."

"Master Mu."

The shopkeeper bowed his hand in return, "Since I am a friend of Lord Gongyu, if you are free in the future, you can come and sit in the pavilion more. Our tassel pavilion is absolutely welcome."

"Okay, I must be free."

The shopkeeper looked at Xiao Lingfan, with a feeling of love on his face, and smiled: "Little Young Master Xiao, Mr. Xiao hasn't come back yet?"

"I don't know where he has gone, so I don't care about him."

Little Bailu raised her chin proudly and pouted, "I want to eat lily honey chicken drumsticks. I need at least four. I'm in a bad mood today. You can't refuse me!"

The shopkeeper glanced at Mu Feng, as if he had understood something, smiled, and indulged: "Okay, the drumsticks will definitely be served to the little boy in a while."

"That's pretty much the same."

Xiao Lingfan was very satisfied, and then smiled.

Duanmu Ya looked up and raised her eyebrows, and for the first time found that the shopkeeper had treated Xiao Lingfan very well.

However, "Eating such sweet and greasy chicken drumsticks early in the morning is not conducive to digestion, so it is best not to eat them."

"Do not!"

Xiao Lingfan stared at Duanmu Yawang, his eyes full of sadness: "The little master hasn't eaten it for a long time, today the shopkeeper grandpa finally agreed, you must not make trouble!"

Duanmu Yawang: "..."

The shopkeeper smiled and said: "Young Master Gongyu, it's okay, it's a rare one, let him once."

"Good." Duanmu Yawang was helpless.

The shopkeeper said: "The meal is still being prepared, everyone should go upstairs and wait, and serve it to everyone as soon as possible."

The few people didn't reply. At this time, a few people walked into the gate. Duan Muya looked intently and found that they were still acquaintances.

"Master Gongyu?"

The visitors were King Lingqing, King Anding, and Chu Youxi.

Chu Youxi was surprised to see Duanmu Yawang here, and said with a smile: "I didn't expect to see Young Master Gongyu so soon."

"I didn't expect to see Pharmacist Chu so soon." Duanmu Yawang bowed his hand in reply, raised his hand and glanced at the expressions of the three. Come out?"


The answer was King Lingqing. After he finished speaking, he glanced at Mu Feng and said; "This young man looks familiar..."

King Anding's eyes flashed, he smiled and stared at King Lingqing, and said, "Look at your memory, how long has it been since the auction, and even the sound of Mu Fan and Young Master Mu have forgotten!"

Mu Fansheng?

After King Anding said this, King Lingqing immediately remembered, his eyes lit up, and he immediately clasped his fists to apologize: "This king is here, and his memory is getting worse and worse. Even Mr. Mu can't recognize him. It's rude to be rude. , I hope Young Master Mu won't be offended."

"The prince is polite." Mu Feng folded his hands and smiled faintly.

"Mu Fansheng, Mu Fansheng who has been occupying the top of the dragon and tiger list for many years?" At this moment, Chu Youxi, who stood by and listened to them, flashed a touch of astonishment on his quiet face.

King Anding smiled and nodded: "That's right."

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