The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 1461: Let's go together tomorrow morning

Duanmu Yawang's eyes lit up, "Mr. Mu is coming? About when?"

"I don't know this."

Mu Feng shrugged and said irresponsibly: "I just think he should be able to finish tomorrow. Since everyone is in this empire, we haven't seen each other for a long time. Isn't it normal to see you? "

Duanmu Yawang's face turned dark, "In other words, Mr. Mu didn't say that he was coming. Did you guess it?"


"..." What should I do if I want to kill him?

"Why are you staring at me with a sullen face?" Mu Feng knocked her head with the fan in his hand, and said in a bad tone: "I have known him for so long, just like the roundworm in his stomach. What does he think? Can I not know?"

After that, he raised his chin and said with confidence: "Don't worry, he will come tomorrow."

Duanmu Yawang took a sip of tea, and did not answer, but just asked, "Where is Mr. Mu now, is it convenient? If it is convenient, I can go to him. Anyway, I have time, so I can save him from coming."

Mu Feng's peachy eyes were shining, and he slapped the folding fan and nodded: "Okay, if that's the case, let's take a trip together tomorrow morning."


Why does she think something is wrong?

Before she understood this idea, she heard Mu Feng yawn, and then smiled and asked: "Little Young Master Xiao, Mu is exhausted, can I borrow your inn for the night?"

He originally thought that Xiao Lingfan would veto it in one fell swoop, but Xiao Lingfan was just unwilling, staring at Mu Feng defensively, "Isn't it impossible to live, but you have to say yes, is it really just one night?"

"That's natural!" Mu Feng had a childish expression, "I am such a big person, and I am still the deputy pavilion master of the dignified Lingyue Pavilion. Can you still be a child?"

"Who knows!"

Xiao Lingfan snorted, still full of alert: "Besides, who knows if you are really the deputy head of Lingyue Pavilion, or if you just fabricate an identity to lie to me, I don't know."


Duanmu Yawang was surprised, "Dare you not know me!"

Mu Feng raised his eyebrows: "How do you look like we know each other?"

"Since I don't know him, why would he let you in?" Isn't Tianfeng Inn generally not letting in at will?

Mu Feng seemed to be a roundworm in her heart. He reached out and rubbed her head rudely, messing up her smooth black hair, and then said lightly: "Aren't you familiar with people before? You didn't live in the same way. NS?"

"I was introduced by someone." If it weren't for Fu Lingjun, she wouldn't be able to live here.

"I was introduced by someone too."


Mu Feng raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "You."

"..." When did she introduce him to Tianfeng Inn?

"Xiao Yawang, some things don't need to be constrained to details." Mu Feng stretched out his hand to embrace her shoulders and smiled like a spring breeze, "Whether you introduced me or not, I will always be under your name. I sat down here."

Duanmu Yawang stretched out his hand to slap his arm, and glanced at Xiao Lingfan. It happened to see Xiao Lingfan curl his mouth in disdain, and by the way, he rolled his eyes.

Duanmu Yawang knew that the young boy was impatient, and said, "Little Young Master Xiao, please arrange a room for Mr. Mu."

Xiao Lingfan said impatiently: "He will live in the wing next to you on the left."


Mu Feng stood up and bowed to Xiao Lingfan, "Thank you very much."


Xiao Lingfan hummed softly, turned around and went upstairs.

He was obviously very angry. When he went upstairs, he stepped so hard that he stepped on the stairs humming.


Duanmuya glanced at him sideways, "Are you bullying other people's children?" Xiao Lingfan has always been straightforward. He seldom sulked with himself.

This time, I was obviously sulking myself.

Mu Feng spread his hands and looked innocent, "Xiao Yawang, you make me sad when you say this, don't you know who I am? Am I the kind of person who bullies people casually?"

This is true.

However, Xiao Lingfan was not the kind of person who would get angry casually.

She stared at him suspiciously, and Mu Feng helplessly, "Xiao Yawang, as soon as everyone met, I teased him. Who knows that this kid can't stand the joke, so I get angry."

"that's all?"

"Yes, that's it." Mu Fengtao blinked and blinked, her eyes became more innocent, "If you don't believe me, you can ask him."

Duanmu Yawang still wanted to speak, and suddenly there was a roar from upstairs: "Do you want to sleep anymore? Don't sleep, get out with the young master now! Let's talk a little bit downstairs, and no one will want to enter the inn in the future. !"

It was the voice of Xiao Lingfan.

Duanmu Yawang held his forehead speechlessly, and sighed softly: "Yes, he is really angry. Okay, let's go upstairs and rest."


Mu Feng was not affected, nodded with a smile, and went upstairs with Duanmu Yawang.

When he went upstairs, Mu Feng's posture was equally chic, shaking his fan and looking around as he walked.

When Duanmu Yawang took him upstairs, he raised his eyebrows, "You live here?"

"Yes, what's the problem?"


Mu Feng smiled and said, "I just think that Tianfeng Inn is really good for you."

Duanmu Yawang was taken aback: "How do you say?"

"This room is nice."

When Mu Feng said, without waiting for Duanmu Yawang to speak, he knocked her on the head with his hands, and said with a smile: "Okay, it's late, you should go back to your room earlier and take a rest. We will leave tomorrow morning."


Duanmu Yawang nodded, "Good night."


Mu Feng turned around, opened the wing door of the room on the left, smiled at her, and closed the door.

Duanmu Yawang opened the door and returned to the room with a smile.

Little Bailu was drowsy, and when he saw Duanmu Yawang go to bed, he planned to rest. He yawned and asked dazedly: "Master, are you really going to sleep like this?"

"It's this time, what am I going to do if I don't sleep?"

Little Bailu muttered: "My little master thought you would turn over medical techniques and study medicinal materials."

"Because of the Queen's illness?"


Duanmu Yawang pouted, "Since people won't let me be treated, why should I spend this thought?"

"But they will find you sooner or later, and you have always liked to study these intractable diseases. The Queen's disease is so strange, do you really want to treat her yourself?"

Duanmu Yawang shrugged and yawned: "Of course I am interested, but I am more sleepy now. Besides, don't I have to go to Mr. Mu tomorrow? I need energy. I have to recharge."

"Okay." Little Bailu stretched out his hands and didn't care, and went to bed obediently.

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