The emperor was obviously very impatient, and asked sharply, "Master Gongyu, you just need to tell me, can you heal the queen?"

"I can't be sure right now..."

Before Duanmu Yawang finished speaking, the emperor pointedly said: "What is unsure? You have signaled the pulse, and you have seen the queen's situation. Can you still have a conclusion?"

Duanmu Yawang's voice was cold, "Is it possible to draw a conclusion just by naming the pulse? The emperor, if the diseases in this world depend on this and make a conclusion, then how many intractable diseases will not be resolved in the world?"

"Then what do you mean?"

"I don't mean anything, I just want to carefully observe all aspects of the queen's situation, and only after the real inspection can I give you a conclusion."

"You have seen people, how do you check this?"

Duanmu Yawang took a deep breath and tried her best to advise herself not to care about ignorant people. She said: "The pulse is only used to check general symptoms. There are various ways to check people's symptoms."

After that, without waiting for the emperor to speak, he said: "Of course, as for what other methods are there, I don't think it is necessary to waste time here and count them out one by one with the emperor."

When the emperor was about to speak, Chu Youxi took a step forward and persuaded: "Your Majesty, Master Gongyu is right. Signaling is just a way. We don't have to rush to force Master Gongyu to give an answer, Queen Mother. The symptoms look very complicated, so let's give Master Gongyu some time."


The emperor was relieved and looked at Duan Muya and said: "You just said that you are not sure yet. In other words, would you still check the queen's illness by other means?"


The emperor nodded, and his voice eased: "Well, in that case, you can check it soon."

"Let me check, it is okay, but I have a condition, I hope the emperor can agree."

The emperor frowned. This person has not been healed yet, so he wants to add conditions. This is because he wants Chen Huo to rob him!

When the emperor thought so, the tone of his words was not so good: "What conditions do you want?"

"It's okay to ask me to check the empress empress, but I hope that when I check, there will be only me and the empress empress in this underground palace. I don't want anyone to be there."

The emperor twisted his eyebrows and pursed his lips, saying, "Master Gongyu, I am sorry to say that you are the only one here. I am really worried. Let You Xi stay here to help you."

Duanmu Yawang knew that the emperor would say this, "If this is the case, the emperor, please be smart."

As soon as this word came out, the entire underground palace became quiet.

The emperor was very angry.

Seeing that the time was wrong, King Lingqing hurriedly stepped forward and calmed down: "The emperor, please calm down your anger. As far as the minister knows, no matter who the patient is, Lord Yu will ask for the clearing of the field when he treats the patient.

The emperor, this matter is actually worthy of understanding. You think that the healer needs to think about it when heal. If we have others around, it will inevitably affect the diagnosis and treatment of the son. The minister thinks that the son is definitely not aimed at the queen and the empress, so he asks for the clearing of the mansion. "


King Anding also spoke at this time: "The emperor, in order to provide a good environment for the treatment of the patients, the Lord Gongyu would rather not have Lord Jing's marrow flower, or let him listen to him too far? Presumably, this is it. The reason!"

Duanmu Yawang's mouth twitched twice, feeling that King Anding and King Lingqing were really going to break.

However, the emperor calmed down after hearing the two of them say this, and asked Duanmu Yawang: "Then how long will it take for you to check?"

"Not sure."

The emperor's brows couldn't help but frown again, "Can't you tell me about an approximate hour?"

"What if I say, one hour to one day?"

The emperor glared, "How can it take so long for a doctor to examine the patient? If it is an emergency, isn't it because you haven't started the treatment and the person is gone?"

Duanmu Yawang shrugged, "I'm just telling the truth. If the emperor accepts it, he will send the empress to Deyin for inspection. If I don't trust me, I will definitely not force it."

The emperor sullen his face and did not answer, as if he was thinking about something.

The space suddenly became quiet.

After a while, the emperor asked Chu Youxi: "Youxi, your master, when will you be able to reach Ziyun City?"

Chu Youxi respectfully said: "When I return to the emperor, Master has arrived day and night. It is said that it will take two days and two nights."

"Two days and two nights..."

The emperor closed his eyes and said tiredly: "You take care of the empress empress these days. Do you think the empress empress can last two days?"

Chu Youxi hesitated, "For now, it's okay, but the Empress Empress has changed a lot in just a few days. The symptoms are getting worse every day, You Xi is really not sure."

The emperor: "Aren't you studying medicine, can you try to delay the enlargement of the queen's illness?"

"Yes, You Xi is incompetent. The effects of these drugs are not great, they only have weak effects."

As the emperor listened, he fell into contemplation again.

Little Bailu yawned, "It seems that the emperor is still very defensive against you. The little master doesn't understand. What does he worry about? Even if you are a female, there are differences between men and women, but he is the queen. They all call this ghost look, even if you are a man, you won't be so hungry and not choosing food!"

Not to mention Xiaobailu, Duanmu Yawang actually doesn't understand that no matter who he asks, it is not unusual to give the doctor a quiet healing space?

After pondering for a moment, the emperor turned to Duanmu Yawang again, and asked with a serious face: "Master Gongyu, I ask you, during your treatment, no matter how worried we are, you are not allowed to go in and see the situation without your permission, right?"


"Okay, I understand."

The emperor's voice was very flat, flat and indifferent, "If this is the case, the empress's illness will not bother Gongyu's son for the time being."

Duanmu Ya looked at raising her eyebrows. Before she could speak, Chu Youxi was shocked, and quickly persuaded: "The emperor, no, there is more hope for one more person to help with healing. No matter what, let Gongyu give it a try. , What if the result is so happy for everyone?"

The emperor pursed his lips and said coldly: "No one of us knows where he came from. Besides, he keeps his face covered, we can't find out even if we want to investigate. If he is a gangster, he wants to be against the queen on the way to the treatment. , We will be in a very passive state. I really don't want to take this risk."

Chu Youxi was a little anxious: "The emperor, please think twice, Lord Gongyu is a healer, he is so famous in Ziyun City, why does he need to do these things to ruin his reputation that he has finally gained?"

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