The emperor replied: "The queen always likes to stay underground here to brew jelly jade dew. After he recovered from the illness, she sent someone to tell me that she wanted to have a new idea to make the reason for leave more pure, so that people should not disturb her. I had just returned, and the government affairs were heavy, and I didn't care. After handling all the government affairs, I went to find the queen but still didn't see the queen."

"I think something is wrong, because the queen and me have not seen each other for more than two months. This is not in line with the queen's temperament. Even if the queen indulges in brewing jade dew, she will not neglect me and her children in this way."

Duanmu Yawang listened carefully and asked, "What then?"

"I wanted to come down to this underground palace to find the queen, but found that the underground palace was not like the previous one. It had a new entrance, and I couldn't get in. Afterwards, I found a lot of ways to find out the way of this entrance."

"In other words, the entrance to the underground palace wasn't here before?"

"Not here." The emperor shook his head and said, "Before I was in a small pavilion next to the Yuhuayuan. During the process of brewing Jade Jade Dew, the Queen would take things to the Yuhuayuan when it was suitable, open the mouth of the jar, and put the jade dew in the evening. The place where the flowers of the imperial garden bloom best, so that the jade dew can absorb the fragrance of the flowers. In the morning, before the sky turns white, the jade dew will be sealed and carried back to the underground palace."

Little Bailu touched her small chin, and said, "It seems that this queen loves Qiongye and Yulu to be idiotic. It's really rare for a grand empress to talk so much on this."

Duanmu Yawang had no time to comment, "After the emperor found the queen, what was it like seeing the queen?"

The emperor pursed her lips and replied: "The skin has turned black and wrinkled, as if the whole person has been tens of years old and entered the sixtieth year, and her abdomen is slightly bulging."

"Turning black? Weilong?" Duanmu Yawang noticed the emperor's words, "Is it black now?"


The emperor shook his head, "At that time, the empress's body was only wrinkled, and the blackness was not these spots, but the blackness after being exposed to the hot sun."

Duanmu Yawang nodded, indicating that she understood. Just about to speak, she saw the emperor's complex expression: "At that time, I saw the queen, but I couldn't recognize it. I thought it was some lowly old slave."

When he said that, he closed his eyes and said with a grieving expression: "Later, I heard the queen call me a nickname, plus the outline, so that I can confirm that this is the queen."

"Did the queen tell you why did she become like this?"


The emperor was ashamed and powerless and shook his head, "At that time, the queen wanted me to kill her, saying that she had a strange disease, and she had no face to face me. She didn't want to say at all about why this happened."

Duanmu Yawang looked at the emperor and listened to him as he continued: "I and the empress Qinse Heming, how she can bear to abandon it like this, so she secretly found many famous doctors to heal."

"It's just that, no matter who you are looking for, there is no way at all. No one knows what this strange disease is. I can only watch the queen's skin become thinner and thinner every day, dark spots and dark spots gradually appear, and the abdomen is getting more and more. Big."

Duanmuya looked at her eyes, "Before I said that my abdomen was slightly raised, but now it looks like a pregnancy in October. In other words, in this month and a half, the queen's belly is getting bigger and bigger?"


The emperor nodded, "Moreover, as the queen's belly gets bigger, the dark spots on the queen's skin become more serious, and the whole person becomes thinner."

When the emperor said, he seemed to have no heart, and his eyes blushed.

Duanmu Yawang was taken aback.

"excuse me."

The emperor turned his head to calm down.

Little Bailu's mouth was flattened when he saw it, and his big eyes were red. "If you look at it this way, the emperor is not broken."

Duanmuya laughed and laughed, "You changed your attitude so quickly?"

"My little master thinks he is really sad. My little master has lived for so long. Before, I was at the edge of the spring of the source of the lake. I don't know how many people have seen secretly crying on the side."

Little Bailu seemed to have some insights, "On this person's back, there can be many kinds of expressions. The little master has seen people crying, hiding their faces and sobbing, and also seeing calm and tears, and also seeing people. Red eyes."

"However, the latter two are not necessarily more relaxed than the first two. On the contrary, the young master feels more sad when he sees it.


If he didn't say the second half of the sentence, Duanmu Yawang still felt that his sigh was like this. After hearing the second half of the sentence, he couldn't help rolling his eyes, "Shut up!"

Little Bailu wanted to argue, the emperor turned around at this time and sighed helplessly: "Sorry, I made everyone laugh."

He is the emperor, who would dare to laugh at him?

Duanmuya glanced at Lingqing Wang Anding Wang and Chu Youxi, and saw that all three of them had their heads down, and their expressions were low.


Duanmu Yawang felt helpless, pinched her eyebrows, did not ask the emperor, but said to Chu Youxi: "Yao Master Chu has been serving the empress empress?"

"Not recently."

Chu Youxi shook his head and said: "Don't hide from Gong Yu, the empress is your aunt You Xi. After the aunt's accident, the emperor trusted You Xi and asked You Xi to come back and let You Xi treat the empress empress."

"That's it." No wonder the emperor can trust her to stay in this underground palace.

Chu Youxi nodded, raised his eyes and said with a serious expression: "If Mr. Gongyu wants to know something about the empress, you can ask Youxi. You Xi will definitely know it without saying anything."

Duanmu Yawang nodded, she hesitated, stretched out her hand and gently covered the queen's abdomen, there was silence inside.

She frowned.

Chu Youxi said at this moment, "Master Gongyu, doesn't it feel strange that he can't detect the movement of the fetus?"


Duanmu Yawang nodded, "This October child, I should be able to feel it, but when I put my hand on the empress's belly, I couldn't feel anything."

Little Bailu blurted out: "I can't perceive anything? Could it be a stillbirth?"


Duanmu Ya's eyelids twitched, but she didn't expect this.

However, "This sounds ridiculous, and it is even more ridiculous to talk about it. How can a stillbirth grow bigger and bigger? Besides, there is no human body that can support a stillbirth for so long."

An avalanche fetus is dead, and sometimes the mother's body cannot be saved, let alone a stillbirth that has been so long!

"Well, you are right to say that."

Xiao Bailu curled his lips and said helplessly: "But if it's not a stillbirth, how could it be possible to be pregnant, but there is no movement at all?"

At this time, Chu Youxi said: "So, this is where everyone is helpless. The aunt has a stable pulse, but she is as thin and old as a dead person, and she has no abnormal movement in her abdomen, but she looks like a pregnancy in October. Youxi is incompetent, for so long, I can only watch the aunt's belly grow bigger and bigger, but I can't do anything about it. I'm in vain as the first disciple of the teacher's school."

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