The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 1446: Love debt, there are stars in your eyes

Duanmu Yawang naturally didn't care. What happened to King Anding and the others, An Zexi had her heart, and she still felt warm in her heart, "Your father is still in the palace, and King Anding let you go like this?"

"Father won't let me."

An Zexi smiled helplessly, "Sir, Jersey is very curious. Before the father and the king valued you very much, why suddenly there was a rift?"

"You don't have to ask about this."

Duanmu Yawang's voice is neither salty nor weak, "Moreover, you don't have to do more on this. It is impossible to eliminate the rift between me and your father. I am still very happy that you can come to me."

After that, he didn't give An Zexi a chance to speak, and said: "You are very smart, you can think more and analyze things in many ways in the future, and you must trust your intuition."


An Zexi didn't know why.

"It's nothing." Duanmu Yawang patted him on the shoulder, and said warmly: "You have just returned from the palace, and you haven't had a meal yet, so let's go back to the house for dinner."


An Zexi seemed to have something to say to Duanmu Yawang. Duanmu Yawang patted him on the shoulder and smiled: "Go back."

An Zexi pursed her lips and nodded, "Okay, then I won't disturb the son."

Duanmu Yawang nodded, An Zexi hesitated, turned around reluctantly, and after two steps, he couldn't help turning back, "Master, I have something to do in the future, can I come to Tianfeng Inn to see you?"

Duanmu Yawang was taken aback for a moment, and said for a moment: "If I'm in Tianfeng Inn, it's okay." If she left Ziyun City, there would be no reason to say that.


An Zexi's eyes lit up, and everyone was happy, "The son, goodbye."


When Duanmu Yawang said, watching him walk away, he returned to the inn.

The door of the inn was closed, Xiao Lingfan leaned on the handrail of the stairs, and yawned: "Originally I thought you incurred a debt of love. It turned out that he didn't even know that you were a woman. It's a pity."

Love debt?

Duanmuya twitched at the corner of her mouth twice before exasperatingly said, "I said, I have a happy person."

"You can't have emotional debts if you have a happy heart?" The young man came over lazily, took off her obnoxious veil, and said in two tongues: "Besides, just your face, you can see that it's an offender. host."

After that, he sighed with a pity, "It's a pity, your face is so covered, it's a waste of it."

Duanmu Yawang was angry and funny, "Although my face is okay, please pay attention to my eyes and hair."

If she really shows people in her true colors, she would be an ugly girl.

Black hair and black eyes are all weird to them, and they are all unknown.

Where is beauty?

"It's not necessarily."

The boy yawned and said lazily: "The little master originally thought that black hair and black eyes should be very bad, but seeing you, especially your eyes, I feel that I see the starry sky, the atmosphere is vast and inclusive, but there is endless vitality. ."

Duanmu Ya looked startled.

This description seems a bit excessive.

The boy looked at her sluggish expression and laughed, "Why, I think the little master is exaggerating?"


She has a pair of eyes, how can there be so much content?

The teenager seemed to be stuck, and squeezed her cheek, "You, there is really no self-knowledge at all. I never exaggerate when I speak."

Duanmu Yawang's cheek was pinched by him.

And the other party is still a kid.

She frowned, patted his hand down, rolled her eyes, and said in a maddening voice: "You little kid, you talk a lot, can you have a little respect for your sister?"

"elder sister?"

When the young man heard this, he sneered, stared at her a whole circle, and then laughed loudly, "As for you who are still young, you dare to call yourself your sister in front of your lord?"

"Well, I won't tell you anymore."

Duanmu Yawang felt that she couldn't communicate with him, her head hurts, she pinched her eyebrows and said: "I'm sleepy, go upstairs to rest first, don't call me if there is nothing important."

The boy was not happy anymore, "Why are you more famous than me?"

Duan Muya squinted her eyes and sneered: "If you keep talking, I won't cook tomorrow!"

The young man stared, gritted his teeth and said: "Aren't are sleepy, why don't you go upstairs quickly, why is Rory boring?"

Xiao Lingfan was easier to compromise than he thought, Duanmu Yawang was a little bit ridiculous, and didn't bother to talk nonsense with him anymore, nodded and went upstairs.

After Duanmuya looked upstairs, she went to sleep.

This sleep did not wake up until late at night.

As soon as she woke up, she was hungry.

The belly grumbled.

She got up, found that the room was dark, and glanced at the window, the moon was in the middle of the sky.

"this late?"

Duanmu Yawang rubbed a strand of hair, got up from the bed, lighted the oil lamp, touched the belly that had been protesting, and asked Xiao Bailu: "Is there any food given by the shopkeeper at noon?"

Little Bailu nestled on the bed, cultivating not very seriously. He opened his eyes and pointed his fingers with a guilty conscience, "Then, that food box doesn't eat too much, so I'll finish eating."

"Not too much?"

Duanmu Ya looked at the words, tidyed up her clothes, sneered at the desktop of the medical system, and the food box said: "I can remember that the amount of food inside is twice as much as the food box for Xiao Lingfan."

"People have been hungry for a long time!"

Little Bailu was very shameless, and she would behave like a baby if she couldn't be fooled. "In the palace, no one can eat good food. After coming back, is it too much to eat more delicious food? You treat me like this?"

Duanmu Yawang had a headache, anyway, he had finished eating, so he was too lazy to break with him. He stretched out his hand to pinch his tender face to vent his anger, put on a hat, and said helplessly: "I'll go out and see if I can find something to eat."

Little Bailu was surprised, "Do you really want to go out so late? It feels so dangerous!"

"Do you want me to starve to death?"

"You only ate at noon." Little Bailu whispered.

"What are you talking about?" Duanmu Yawang heard him clearly and sneered: "You mean, I ate two meals a day?" When I came back from the palace, I was tired and consumed a lot.

After eating at noon until midnight, people are panicked because of hunger!

"Well, I won't say anything." Xiao Bailu quickly changed the subject: "Where are you going to find food?"

"Let's take a look at it first."

When Duanmu Yawang said, he opened the door and went downstairs.

Only then did I find that the lights downstairs were brightly lit.

Xiao Lingfan was lying on the table like a salted fish, yawning listlessly.


Duanmu Yawang raised her eyebrows and asked curiously: "If you are sleepy, why don't you go back to your room to sleep?"

The young man stared at her coldly, "Do you think I don't want to? Isn't this to blame you?"

Duanmu Yawang's face was innocent: "Me?" She slept well, hindering him?

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