He didn't seem to need Duanmu Yawang's answer at all when he spoke. After speaking, he continued to say: "It is reasonable to say that at your age, walking on the road will only last for a year or two at most."

One or two years...

Duanmuya coughed lightly and wanted to say that it hasn't been less than a year...

Xiao Lingfan tapped his chin with his fingertips, and his big eyes moved flexibly, "In fact, you are quite capable. I think you didn’t provoke so many people back then. You are better than the young master. Man."

Is it a guy?

Duanmuya looked at the corner of her mouth twitching, and took it as a compliment for the time being, "Thank you, Xiao Gongzi for telling me this."


Xiao Lingfan stared at her, "However, you still have to pay attention yourself, it feels like you are like a sweet pastry, as if everyone wants to take a bite to eat. However, you are actually just a dark-eyed person. It's really confusing."

Without talking about him, she herself couldn't figure out why.

"However, the black-eyed person who can reach your level is indeed extraordinary, but much more rare than the average purple-eyed person." After he finished speaking, he touched his beautiful chin and asked her: "By the way, did you start from birth? The talent is similar to that of the purple-eyed person, even better than the purple-eyed person?"

Duanmuya looked at a few black lines on her head, coughed slightly, touched the tip of her nose, avoided the topic, stood up, and said: "Young Master Xiao, let's talk about this next time. I'm sleepy. Go back and rest."

"Can't you say this yet?"

The teenager curled his lips and muttered incomprehensibly: "This shouldn't be considered privacy, you are really weird."

Duanmu Yawang seemed to rub his heads.

Xiao Lingfan is obviously not a person who likes to embarrass others. He waved his hand and said, "Yes, you go back and rest."


Duanmu Yawang turned to leave, but the young man suddenly added a sentence: "Don't go, Minger still wants to eat your cooking, don't be lazy."

Duanmuya staggered while looking at her feet, almost fell, and looked back at him in surprise.

Without raising his head, the young man said vaguely while picking up rice, "Do you really think that Xiaoye is so forgetful that he will forget what he eats?"

Duanmu Yawang couldn't laugh or cry, but since he said so, she also promised others, naturally she would not refuse, "Okay, I will do it tomorrow, what do you want to eat?"

"up to you."

The boy smiled contentedly, "What you make is delicious anyway."

This saves face.

Duanmu Yawang nodded, "Okay, it's so decided, I'll go back to the room first."

The boy nodded, and Duanmu Yawang went back to the room.

Back to the room, Xiao Bailu couldn't help asking: "Who is this Xiao Lingfan? Why can you easily know the origin of the person who is hiding in the dark and observing you? You know, Xiaoye is a god. Little master can't even feel it."

"You don't want to think about it. With your cultivation base, even if you are a god, what can you detect?" Duan Mu Yawang reached out and flicked his forehead in an angry manner.

After that, she remembered something and asked Yin Huiyin: "Little Yin'er, can't you feel it?"

Yin Huiyin shook his head, "I can only feel the breath, and the breath is complicated, but I can't feel what it is."

Duanmu Yawang was silent.

This is because Yin Huiyin is not an ordinary person. If he can't feel anything, Xiao Lingfan will feel it.

This has made it clear that Xiao Lingfan is not simple.

Xiao Lingfan was still like this, Xiao Wuzheng estimated that it was even worse.

And Fu Lingjun estimated that they were at least evenly matched. So, besides their apparent identities, do they have other identities?

Duanmu Yawang didn’t understand, so she didn’t bother to think about it. She put the food into the medical system and let the little white deer eat it. The characters looked carefully one by one.

She still has no clue about the few portraits that confuse her.

She naturally didn't want to think about things that had no clue. She arranged all the things from the hunt on Donggong Mountain. When she was about to sleep, the door of the room was knocked impatiently, "Hey! Are you falling asleep!"

It was the voice of Xiao Lingfan.

Duanmu Yawang raised her eyebrows: "Not yet, the little son has something to do with me?"

"It's not that the little master is looking for you, but someone is looking for you outside the door, and they keep yelling, so that the little master wants to sew his mouth with a needle and thread. It's really annoying."

"Find me?"

Duanmu Yawang got up from the bed and walked out while putting on his coat, "Does the young man know who it is?"

"I didn't look at him, Xiaoye is not someone who would open the door casually."

"Does the other party have a self-reported name?" When Duanmu Yawang said, he came to the door and stretched out his hand to open the door. He saw Xiao Lingfan scratching the wall impatiently, like a crazy cat.

The action is fierce and cute.


The young man stopped scratching the wall, and said with a curling mouth: "It seems that he is only calling his name, what is his name, An Zexi, if it weren't for the worry in his voice, Xiaoye wouldn't come and find you for him."


Duanmu Yawang frowned, and King Anding suddenly sounded, his face a little ugly.

However, she is a person with a clear distinction between public and private.

She knew very well that An Zexi was really good to herself.

"Excuse me, I'll see him now." He called her back early in the morning. He probably didn't know what his father had made. She just left, and she was a little sorry for him.


The young man answered and stared at her, "This An Zexi, shouldn't he do anything to you?"

"Are you worried about me?"

"Heh, what do you worry about you?" The young man grunted, but there were two touches of red on his face, and then impatiently said: "Walk around, and see if you want to see people, it's annoying."

Duanmu Yawang couldn't laugh or cry, and put on her veil and hat, "Okay, I'm going now."

While speaking, he patted the boy on the shoulder, then turned and went downstairs.

She went downstairs, and when she reached the gate, the gate opened automatically.

As soon as the door opened, he saw An Zexi pacing outside the door anxiously. Hearing the sound of the door opening, he quickly looked over, and then heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Duanmu Yawang, "Master Gongyu!"

"An Shizi."

Duanmu Yawang's voice was gentle, "Sorry, I left early, I should tell you."

"This matter is not your fault." An Zexi was ashamed, "Master Gongyu, the father is too much. I didn't expect him to do such a rude and irrational thing, sorry."

"This is not your fault, so why do you apologize."

Duanmu Yawang stretched out her hand and patted him on the shoulder, "Look at your appearance in the dust, did you just come back?"


Duanmu Yawang asked casually: "Your father and the others are also back?"

An Zexi shook his head and told the truth: "No, they seem to have encountered something and were left behind."

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