The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 1438: Are you familiar with the floater in Tassel Pavilion?

The shopkeeper soon went busy.

Lin Kailinming was a bit cautious. When the shopkeeper was there, he didn't dare to let out the atmosphere. After the shopkeeper left, the whole talent relaxed from a tight state.

The two whispered: "Young Master Gongyu, it seems that you are very familiar with the Floater in the Tassel Pavilion?"


Duanmu Yawang blinked, "I have had some fate, so I'm not familiar with it." In fact, it is true.

However, it is also interesting to say that although she and Fu Lingjun have not seen each other several times, they still have a sense of familiarity that they can't even tell.

This kind of familiarity does not mean how much everyone can talk, but a feeling in my heart.

It is to know what kind of person the other person is, and to trust unconditionally.

There would be such a feeling, Duanmu Yawang also felt surprised.

"Have you only met a few times?" Lin Ming was a little surprised, "Looking at the attitude of the shopkeeper, we thought you were old friends!"


Lin Kai nodded eagerly, "The Floater is very famous. I heard that he is more solitary. If he is unwilling, even if he is summoned by the Holy Spirit, he may not care about it."

In fact, it is more polite to say that you are alone. In the eyes of many people, the floating spirits are actually lonely.

It's hard for them to imagine such a lonely person that he would actually open his heart to someone in such a short period of time.

"Floaters are relatively cold, but they are very nice."


Lin Kailin Ming blinked, not knowing how to answer.

Duanmu Yawang didn't want to talk about Fu Lingjun in Liusu Pavilion, so he talked to the two about other things.

The tassel pavilion moved very quickly, and it didn't take long for the shopkeeper to lead people up with several dishes.

Duanmu Yawang didn’t order a few dishes. Duanmu Yawang took a look. There were two kinds of dishes she had eaten. She hadn’t tried the others. She stared at the delicious dishes without turning her eyes. The shopkeeper asked People put the dishes on the table and dried them, "Master Gongyu is hungry, right?"


Duanmu Yawang couldn't help but smile, "The shopkeeper understands me, these dishes are all meat." She likes to eat meat.

The shopkeeper laughed a few times before sternly said: "These dishes are all wild, the meat is fresh and tender, especially sweet, thinking that you haven't eaten it before, let the kitchen cook it for everyone to try."

Duan Muya warmed her heart, "Thank you for the shopkeeper."

"You are Welcome."

The shopkeeper waved a few people down, and looked at Duan Muya: "There are still a few side dishes in the kitchen. If the son is hungry, he will eat first, and the rest will come up for a while."


Duanmu Yawang nodded and saw that the shopkeeper was about to leave, and hurriedly asked: "Don't the shopkeeper sit down and eat together?"

"How can I sit with guests?"

The shopkeeper shook his head and said with a serious face: "My son, you and your friends are delicious. Just tell me what you need. The shopkeeper is downstairs, and you can call me whenever you want."

After that, before Duanmu Yawang could speak, he smiled and said, "My son, do I need to pack some back to eat this time?"

"It must be needed!"

Duanmu Yawang hadn't answered yet, Xiao Bailu was so excited that he almost jumped out of the medical system, "Master, you can speak quickly, I also want to eat the game on your desktop!"

"Good, good, I get it."

Duanmu Yawang couldn't laugh or cry, looked at the dishes on the table, and said shamelessly: "Treasurer, these dishes look delicious, can you pack a little bit of each for me?"

"No problem at all."

The shopkeeper nodded with a smile, turned and went downstairs.

Duanmu Yawang said to Lin Kailin, "Let's eat together."


Lin Kailinming looked at the dishes on the table, his saliva almost flowed out, "It smells so good! I have never smelled such a fragrant vegetable, just smell it and feel it is delicious!"

"In fact, eating it in is even more delicious than we thought." Duanmuya said with a smile. Seeing them sitting restrained and not daring to move, he stretched out his hand and handed them the chopsticks, "Okay, don't stay away. Now, let’s eat together."

When I said that, in order to let them not be so cautious, I took the lead in taking the chopsticks down.

Sure enough, after she put down the chopsticks, Lin Kailinming dared to start eating.

The two of them took a piece of meat into their mouths, and their faces instantly showed intoxicated expressions. While eating, they said incredulously: "How the **** is it? We haven't eaten pheasants before, but such a fresh and sweet pheasant. I have never tried it before!"

"Yes, yes, it's delicious!"

The two of them were full of praise, "It's no wonder that so many powerful and powerful people want to come to Tassel Pavilion to have a meal, the food in Tassel Pavilion is really extraordinary!"

Duanmu Ya looked around and ate with the two of them, smiled, and ate as well.

The three of them had eaten halfway, and the other dishes had not yet come up. At this time, one person came up.

There was basically no sound of footsteps, Lin Kailin didn't notice, but Duanmu Yawang felt something, suddenly raised her head, with a mouthful of food, she saw Lingjun in a black robe, her face calm. come over.

"Float boy?"

With a mouthful of rice in her mouth, she almost choked when she saw the visitor, and quickly put down the dishes and stood up. The rice in her mouth was not chewing.

Fu Ling glanced at her and said lightly: "Sit down."


Duanmu Ya looked at one command and one action, and hurriedly sat back.

Lin Kailinming was not so calm anymore. They reacted slowly. Duanmu Yawang sat down, but they stood up frightened and helpless. Floating all reached out to stop him: "Come and eat, don't be cautious."

"Thanks, Lord Float."

The two of them responded and glanced at Floating Zero, and saw that he carried a breath of dust on his body, and his face was incredibly handsome, like a **** in the sky.

Both of them stared blankly.

Although everyone knows that the Float in Tassel Pavilion is the number one beautiful man in Ziyun City, he didn't expect to be so good-looking!

The two dumbly stared at the people in a daze. Duan Muya laughed and laughed, and said with an aura: "Is there any of you staring at people like this? Don't look at it. Sit down and eat."


Lin Kai Linming came back to his senses and felt embarrassed. Qi Qi blushed and waved his hands hurriedly: "Float boy, I'm sorry, we are rude."


Fu Lingjun faintly replied, his face still calm, no anger was visible: "Sit."


The two sat down obediently.

Fu Ling Jun glanced at Duanmu Yawang, and asked faintly: "I heard that you just came back from the palace?"


When Duan Muya responded, she saw Fu Lingjun sitting down on the chair beside her, picked up a pair of empty dishes next to her, and reached out to pick up vegetables.

Duanmu Ya looked for a moment, only then realized that the shopkeeper seemed to be placing four people's bowls and chopsticks...

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