The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 1437: I happened to have a marrow flower in my hand

King Anding didn't waste time. After finding Jing Jiexing, he immediately explained the matter briefly. Of course, he didn't explain what it was from the beginning, only the Dao Sage needed help.

Jing Jixing was stunned for a moment, "Holy Master?"


Wang An Ding squinted his eyes, "This matter is of great importance. You can't leak the slightest to the outside. I don't know if I can help?"

"It's okay to help, but what the **** is this?" Jing Jiexing was obviously calm and didn't immediately accept it. "If you can do anything by picking the stars, it's naturally incumbent."

King Anding groaned for a moment, and did not answer immediately, instead he asked: "Does the son know about washing the marrow flowers?"


Jing Zhixing nodded, and frankly said something that surprised King Anding, "And it is true that there are a few marrow-washing flowers in the hands of Zhuixing."

King Anding was stunned, "Master Jing has a marrow flower in his hand?"

Jing Jiexing was surprised, "This marrow flower is a rare thing to the outside world, but people in our hometown are good at planting it. Although it is difficult to cultivate marrow flower, it is still a handful of plants."

"How many marrow-washing flowers do the people in your hometown have?" King Anding felt that his luck was really too good, and he couldn't believe it. "Are you serious?"

"This is naturally true." Jing Zhixing said, seeing the surprise of King Anding, and asked: "Why, does the prince want to wash the marrow flowers? If you need it, Zhixing is willing to give it up."

"Young Master Jing is willing to give up his hand, that's really great." Wang Anding was overjoyed, thinking of something, and then asked: "By the way, Young Master Jing, how do you know how to use the marrow flower?"

Speaking of this topic, Jing Jiexing's face became serious, and he said: "It is true that the pith washing anther has complex properties and complex characteristics. Many medical doctors in our hometown have conducted research on it, but no one has yet to study it. Research thoroughly."

King Anding didn't care, "Master Jing, how much do you know about this marrow washing flower?"

Jing Zhixing pondered for a moment, as if he was thinking, and for a moment he solemnly gave an answer: "80%."

King Anding smiled as if he was relieved, and looked at Jing Jiexing appreciatively, "Master Jing, you are so humble, you have reached 80%, why don't you understand?"

"The prince is overwhelmed. If you don't understand the medicine, you can't say that you really understand it." Jing Qixing's face was calm, not impetuous because of King Anding's praise.

King Anding really breathed a sigh of relief and took a deep look at him, "Master Jing, this king just mentioned something to you, can you..."

"Naturally, no problem."

Jing Zhixing nodded his head, his face was gentle, "It is natural to be able to help, and the prince does not have to worry about it. It will definitely be tight-lipped."


King Anding slapped his thigh with joy, and immediately stood up and said, "Young Master Jing, the matter is urgent, why don't you just go with the King to face the saint now?"


Jing Zaixing stood up and said to Jing Lingxing, who was sitting quietly on one side: "Sister, please take a break, and we will come back when we finish."

"Okay." Jing Lingxing smiled gently and generously.

King Anding and Jing Jiexing left.


The other side

Duanmu Yawang left the palace in Lin Kailinming's carriage and arrived at Ziyun City at noon.

When she got out of the carriage, Lin Kailinming was very unwilling to give up, and repeatedly said, "Master Jing, it's noon, why don't we have a meal together?"

Duanmu Yawang originally wanted to refuse. At this time, someone called her, "Master Gongyu?"

Duanmuya looked at the sound and found that it was the shopkeeper of Tassel Pavilion. Her eyes lit up, "Shopkeeper, when did you come back?"

Since the floater said that after leaving for a while, the tassel pavilion also closed, and she naturally never saw the shopkeeper again.

"I came back the day before yesterday."

The shopkeeper chuckled his lips and smiled warmly, "When I came back, I heard that Lord Gongyu went to participate in the winter hunt?"

"Yes, do you know all about the shopkeeper?"

"Young Master Gongyu is now a celebrity in Ziyun City. Everyone is watching every move. What news is there?" The shopkeeper said with a chuckle, and then said: "It's noon, the son came back just right, it's better to say Have a meal in the pavilion?"

Duanmu Yawang thought of the food in Liusu Pavilion, and her saliva almost came out. She asked insincerely, "Is it convenient?"

"As long as the store is open, it will be convenient for the son to eat anytime he wants." The shopkeeper said generously. When he said, he glanced at Lin Kailinming on the carriage, "These two are friends of Lord Gongyu?"

Duanmu Yawang nodded: "Yes."

Being able to be a shopkeeper in the first-class realm of Ziyun City, his strength is not to be underestimated. Lin Kailinming didn't dare to neglect, and Qi Qi said, "Mister I have seen."

"The two princes are polite." The shopkeeper invited with a smile: "Since you are Gongyu's friends, why don't you go to the pavilion and have lunch together?"

Lin Kailinming wanted to invite Duanmu Yawang, but now he was invited, a little embarrassed, "This..."

Duanmu Yawang didn't know how to be polite. Before the shopkeeper could speak, he smiled and said: "Let's go together, Tassel Pavilion's food is delicious, you can try it."

"Liu, tassel pavilion?"

Lin Kailin was dumbfounded when he heard the name, and it was almost impossible to execute, "Yes, is it the tassel pavilion?"

The shopkeeper smiled gently, "There should be no second tassel pavilion in Ziyun City."

"Yes, yes, we are dull."

Lin Kailin said hurriedly: "It is said that the food in the Tassel Pavilion is so delicious that it can only be found in the sky, and it is rarely opened to the outside world, and most people are not allowed to enter..."

"The two sons are friends of the sons of Gongyu, so naturally they are not ordinary people." When the shopkeeper said, he stretched out his hand and said, "Three, please."

Lin Kailinming didn't expect that one day he would be able to eat something from the tassel pavilion. He was dizzy and walking lightly, so he was taken into the tassel pavilion.

Duanmu Yawang couldn't help but smile when he looked at the two of them.

When she went upstairs, she and Lin Kailinming sat down, the shopkeeper stood on one side politely pouring tea for the three of them, Duanmu Ya looked around, there were no people in the four towers, and there were only three of them in the entire tassel pavilion.

"No guests in the pavilion today?"

The shopkeeper shook his head and said with a smile: "Everyone has gone to winter hunting activities, so naturally fewer people come to the door."

That's right, Duanmu Yawang has forgotten this.

What did she think of, "By the way, where's the floater?"

"The son is out for something, so he is not in the cabinet for the time being." When the shopkeeper said, he sighed, "If we knew that we would meet the son today, our son would definitely not go out."


How do you say that meeting with her is important?

Duanmu Yawang was a little embarrassed, "You don't have to be so polite, if the floater has something to do, it's important to do things well."

The shopkeeper smiled and shook his head, noncommittal.

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