"Where is the prince?" Jing Tiexing raised his eyebrows jokingly: "If An Shizi listened to you, I might be upset."

"His boy, what can he be upset about?"

King Anding stared, pretending to be angry and said, "Furthermore, even if he is angry, he still dares to beat Lao Tzu?"

Jing Zhixing laughed, "That is impossible. It is said that An Shizi is extremely filial, and it is impossible to do such ridiculous things."

King Anding smiled and did not answer, obviously in his heart he agreed.

He took the poured wine, and one person handed over a glass. He took the lead in raising the wine glass and grinning with a smile in his eyes: "This king is here. Congratulations to Master Jing, Miss Jing, for returning home triumphantly."

King Lingqing also smiled and said, "This king is very happy. I can sit here and talk with the two today."


Jing Jixing and Jing Lingxing smiled and clinked glasses with Anding Wang Lingqing.

The atmosphere is extremely warm.

Everyone was drinking and chatting.

From small things to happy things, then to talk about things on Donggong Mountain.

We were chatting eagerly. At this time, the guard came to the door and called out, "Lord."

The laughter stopped abruptly.

When the conversation was interrupted, King Anding's face was deep, and he said coldly: "This king taught you how to do things like this? Didn't you see that this king is talking to Mrs. Jing Jing, there is something to discuss later."

The guard paused, but hesitated.

Seeing this, King Anding felt that he had come in for something very important, so he sighed and said impatiently, "What's the matter? Let's just say it!"

"It's the princess who is here."

This answer was completely different from King Anding's imagination.

He frowned, and wondered: Xiaowen is still unwilling now, want to talk to him about that now?

Thinking about this, he didn't wrinkle tighter.

But, soon, he changed his mind. Don't look at this heartlessness as his niece, but she still has a lot of brains, so she won't have trouble with him at this time.

Besides, since he has guests here, she should also know that she has to weigh and weigh, and she will not behave like this.

However, he is entertaining guests right now, and she is a woman who appears here, which is not good at all.

Thinking about this, he waved his hand and said: "This king is entertaining guests. Let Xiaowen go back first. Let her go back and rest first. If you have anything to do, I will talk to this king tomorrow morning."

The guard had a meal, originally wanted to go, pondered for a moment, walked in, closed his ears, and his mouth was moving, but he used his heart to transmit the sound, and said a few words to King Anding.

King Anding was startled.

He felt that he had heard it wrong, and subconsciously looked at Jing Jiexing, saw a handsome and innocent face, thought of tonight's affairs, and then thought of what the guard said, his eyes were deep.

The guard straightened up, "Master?"

"You let her in." King Anding waved his hand and said with a tired look.

The guard nodded and went out to take the order.

"Is the princess here?" King Lingqing asked with a smile, "It's so late, and the princess is not going to rest. Why did the princess come here?"

"It's not that I heard that this king is hosting a banquet tonight. She ate early tonight and said she would come over to eat and drink!" King Anding said, pinching her eyebrows, looking helpless, "This kid is really bigger and bigger. I don’t know the rules."

Jing Jiexing and Jing Lingxing both smiled politely and did not answer.

King Anding sighed, raised his eyes to brother and sister Jing Jiexing and said: "This niece of this king is so used to it that we are clamoring to eat together. This king can't stop her this time, and can't really let her live hungry. In the evening, let her in, will you two mind?"

Jing Picking Star Jing Lingxing shook his head, and smiled gently: "Of course I don't mind. If you are hungry, you will naturally eat. If you make people hungry, that's a sin."

King Anding looked helpless, and was about to speak, when a sweet voice came from outside the door: "Uncle!"

King Anding moved his eyelids and looked out the door.

At this glance, I saw An Xiaowen wearing a roving meteor skirt. This skirt is light and elegant. From the top to the skirt, it is an unusually elegant roving. The rose is embroidered with golden stars, making the original body fit. Zi Miaoman's An Xiaowen is even more dazzling.

At this moment, she was smiling, with a mischievous smile on her face, holding the skirt, trot over to King Anding charmingly, hugged his arm, and said coquettishly: "Listen to the kitchen, good wine and good food tonight. They are all delivered to your room. You are going to have a banquet. People are really hungry and can't help but ran over. Don't rush Xiaowen out!"

"You are all here, how can I rush in?"

King Anding looked grotesque, and said with a sullen face: "However, this king won't drive you, this king has guests here, and you are so foolish, it's too funny."


When An Xiaowen heard it, she looked to the side and was startled, as if she had only discovered the person in the room, with a flushed face, she suddenly let go of King Anding's arm, and bowed her head helplessly: "Hug, Feel sorry……"

"Okay, Lord, you don't want to scare the princess."

A dim light flashed in King Lingqing's eyes, and he immediately cleared the siege: "Just now, Mrs. Jing, Miss Jing, said he didn't mind. Is it for dinner? It's more lively when people eat!"

"Prince Lingqing makes sense."

Jing Qixing's eyes swept across An Xiaowen's dazzling meteor skirt, and smiled and sent out an invitation: "Since the princess is hungry, let's sit down and eat together."


An Xiaowen's voice was like a mosquito, she gave a shallow reply, and then carefully glanced at King Anding, as if he was hesitant, afraid that he would be angry.

King Anding had a headache and waved his hand: "Go, go and do it aside, everyone is sitting and eating, and it's too shameful for you to stand."

After that, he pointed to the chair beside Jing Jixing, and said, "You are all young people, just sit there."


An Xiaowen obediently responded, and sat down beside Jing Zaixing.

"Princess An, I am Jing Jiexing." Jing Jiexing was very gentle, greeted An Xiaowen.

Jing Chiexing has a beautiful appearance, a dusty temperament, and a gentle voice. When speaking, the two were close, and it was even more beautiful when listening to An Xiaowen's ears. Her heart was thumping and beating non-stop.

Sure enough, in terms of attractiveness, someone with a dusty appearance like Master Jing is even more attractive!

She lowered her head and whispered softly: "Master Jing, Xiaowen knows that she has been admiring her name for a long time. I didn't expect that the person invited by uncle to host a banquet is you. Xiaowen is rude. It really makes you laugh."

"The princess is polite."

An Xiaowen smiled, raised her head, and saw Jing Lingxing on one side again, and greeted her warmly: "Miss Jing, I've been admiring my name for a long time."

Jing Lingxing smiled and shook his head, "I can meet Princess An, and Lingxing is also very happy. We can play together and discuss cultivation matters when we are free."

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