The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 1423: Master Jing, you are worthy of the princess

An Xiaowen was taken aback.

Then, his brows curled up, and he said displeased: "What are you talking about? Young Master Jing Su Ri'an is very good, but in any case he cannot be compared with Young Master Gong Yu. This princess is here with Young Master Gong Yu. From Donggongshan, the princess knows his strength very well."

"Don't get angry with the princess, please listen to the slave servant."

An Xiaowen said coldly: "Young Master Gongyu is my savior anyway. In any case, I will not allow you to slander him."

"The slave and maidservant naturally dare not. The princess must remember the kindness, and the slave and maid will naturally know it."

The maid squeezed her shoulders for An Xiaowen, and whispered while calming down: "The princess has been thinking about the agreement with the prince today. Apart from looking for the prince, he has almost never left the room. I guess I don't know what happened outside."

An Xiaowen heard the clue and looked back at her: "What can happen outside?"

The maid took Ji Zixia up the mountain. Not only did she return safely, she also told An Xiaowen about the return of several people.

After that, I added a sentence: "In everyone's hearts, Mr. Jing is always willing to help others. Although he is not as famous as Mr. Gongyu in the Supreme Court, he has an extraordinary status in many people's hearts.

The princess probably didn't know much about Young Master Jing, nor did he know about Young Master Jing's strength, but this time it was the best proof. The maidservant had personally watched it in the palace. Our prince admired Young Master Jing very much. The maidservant had almost never seen this kind of appreciation from the face of the prince. "

An Xiaowen was stunned, and it took a while to find her voice: "Is it serious?"

"Is this still fake?"

The maid hurriedly said: "The slave and maid also heard that the two princes invited the brothers and sisters to eat together. I said that it would start after half an hour, and it is probably almost the same now. If the princess doesn't believe it, you can go and have a look."

An Xiaowen pursed her lips and said nothing.

The maid moved her eyes and continued to persuade: "The princess, forgive the slave and maid for guilt. The slave thinks that the princess needs an identity, a talent and a talent, and a good looks. Why have you wronged yourself in marriage?

You've also seen Master Jing's appearance. His appearance is unmatched by our world's sons. Coupled with this amazing strength, only such a person can be worthy of you, the princess. "

"Also, Lord Gongyu is very strong, but don’t forget, she has always been born in a small country. What kind of empire of Flowing Fire, an empire that we have hardly heard of, must be so barren, you are our princess. If it really becomes an issue with Gongyu, you have to follow him back to his empire, are you really willing?"

"Furthermore, even if you are willing, your father and mother, they finally have a foothold in Ziyun City, but you are married to an outsider from a small country. Their face is hard to get through!"

The maid gave a long comment, and finally decided: "Princess, do you really bear the consequences like this?"

An Xiaowen's quiet eyes moved.

Yes, her heart was shaken.

The maid is arranged by An Xiaowen's mother by An Xiaowen's side. She is extremely smart in behavior, and she naturally accepts it when she knows what's right.

Seeing An Xiaowen's look like this, she stopped talking, just quietly pinched her shoulders for her.

An Xiaowen didn't know what she was thinking, she lowered her head and never expressed her position.

Until the time passed, An Xiaowen said indifferently: "Okay, no need to pinch it. If you pinch it down, you will crush the princess's shoulder."


The maid lowered her eyebrows and answered her eyes pleasingly.

"Hold on."

An Xiaowen called her at this moment, her eyelids twitched, "What's the princess' order?"

"You said, Uncle is going to entertain Young Master Jing in the wing where he is discussing?"

"I didn't know if it was the place of discussion, but the servants heard the two princes saying that they would invite Master Jing to have a meal together in half an hour."

"Are you sure what you heard is half an hour later?"

"The slave and maid must be sure."

An Xiaowen did not speak when she heard the words, her lips were still being kept silent.

Seeing this, the maid didn't rush back down, just waited quietly.

For a moment, An Xiaowen held the hand on her leg tightly, stood up suddenly, and said to the maid: "Come here, choose a set of robes for the county lord, and dress up for the county lord."

The maid smiled and hurriedly said: "Yes!"

On the other side, King Anding and King Lingqing have always been very concerned about inviting the brothers and sisters of Jing Jiexing. They prepared good meals early, and when it was almost time, one end came up.

As soon as the dishes were served, the guard reported: "Master Jing, Miss Jing, the son of Jing is here."

King Anding and King Lingqing flashed brightly, and said with a smile: "Hurry up and invite people in."


The guard took the order.

After a while, Jing Jixing brothers and sisters came in wearing clean and comfortable robes. The two of them were dressed in fluttering robes, their appearances were beautiful, and with a sound of extraordinary temperament, King Anding and King Ling Qing secretly sighed in their hearts.

Good siblings!

The two of them thought about this, and when they saw them walking to the door, they stood up one after another, and greeted them with their hands: "Ms. Jing Gongzi, you are here."

"Let the two princes wait a long time." Jing Zhixing Jing Lingxing bowed his hand in reply.

"What are we talking about?"

Wang Anding smiled and stretched out his hand to invite people in.

The table is full of wine and delicacies.

Jing Zhixing said: "Two princes, this really cost you money."

"How can this be said to be costly?"

King Anding invited the people to sit down, and while taking out a few cups, he said: "This trip up the mountain, you probably haven't eaten anything delicious. Why don't you prepare a finer dish for your picks?"

"The prince is too polite." Jing Lingxing's voice is soft, like a spring water dingdong, making people feel like a spring breeze: "Our brothers and sisters go north and south. As long as we are full, we don't care about it. However, the preparation of the prince is really good. People moved."

King Anding filled the glass with wine one by one, and he exclaimed: "Miss Jing is generous and generous, beautiful as a god, and so broad and enlightened, your parents are really blessed."

"The prince is too acclaimed."

Jing Lingxing shook his head and smiled, "It is said that An Shizi is talented, quick-witted, and has a boundless future. If you say you are blessed, the prince is truly blessed."

No one doesn't like others praising his son. King Anding laughed, his smile on his face increased, and he felt that he and Jing Jixing brothers and sisters were really close together.

He smiled and said: "You don't want to be so humble. To be honest, my son is not bad, but ah, if you want to compare with you, it is still incomparable."

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