The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 1386: Such a person, don't you curse a few words?

Duanmu Yawang hadn't spoken yet, and a sneer of ‘huh’ sounded from the side.

Duanmu Ya looked at it, followed the sound, and it was Su Hezhi.

His stern white face was full of irony, "You don't look at yourself either, people here, who doesn't need you to make a living, if the son wants to follow the team, it will be your turn?"

Pan Xiangan was annoyed: "Did it be your turn? There are so many people here. You are the first to be injured. You have let me carry it for almost two days. You still have the face to say me here? What's the point of you entering Donggong Mountain Achievement?"

Su Hezhi fluttered and asked: "Then you have?"

Pan Xiangan choked.

Duanmu Yawang stared at Su Hezhi and smiled meaningfully.

The two brothers were not as bitter and bitter as she thought.

On the contrary, I kind of care about each other.

Such a cold person like Su Hezhi had just said such a long speech.

The purpose is to prevent his cousin from being stupid.

Everyone here, she didn't mention the Jing Dixing brothers and sisters, and Su Hezhi was unmatched in terms of insight.

He guessed he was used to walking alone, he probably knew her as a person, and didn't like someone to follow her around.

Moreover, he also knows what kind of responsibilities his cousin has, and it is impossible to be a follower of his benefactor at present.

If you say something, the spilled water cannot be recovered.

Therefore, Pan Xiangan's remarks not only embarrassed Duanmuya, but also dug a big hole for Pan Xiangan himself that cannot fulfill his promise.

Su Hezhi had an insight into everything, and before Duanmu Yawang spoke, he denied Pan Xiangan's words.

At the same time, Duanmu Yawang need not be embarrassed.

Pan Xiangan was thrown with a bucket of cold water, and the whole person wilted. He grievedly asked Duanmu Yawang: "My son, what are you laughing at?"

Although Pan Xiangan was not as smart as Su He, Duanmu Yawang still liked him.

He patted him on the shoulder, and said lightly: "It's better to listen to your brother's words when you are away."

Pan Xiangan glared: "My son, you are confused, did you forget me and him..."

Duanmuya smiled and said nothing.

Su Hezhi's long and narrow eyes drooped, Yu Guang glanced at Duanmu Yawang, and did not answer.

A breakfast ended in a fairly lively atmosphere.

A big pot of soup, and two chunks of meat, were all taken care of.

Duanmu Yawang carried her own pot and iron rack to clean it at the nearby creek, and the others hurriedly helped.

During the cleaning, Jing Zhixing asked Duanmu Yawang: "My son, which direction are you going to go in a while?"

Duanmu Yawang was washing things seriously, and asked instead, "Where is Young Master Jing?"


Jing Jiexing did not expect that she would take the lead in asking, and said with a smile: "There is currently no direction. I wonder if I can walk with the son?"


Duanmu Ya looked at the water in the pot and said without looking up, "Then we will return together."

"Return?" Jing Jiexing was a little surprised, "Don't you want to continue going forward?"

"No." Duanmu Yawang shook his head and said, "Today is the last day. Now we should be 15 or 6 miles away from the palace. It's too far. If you want to rush back before the early morning, you can continue to go forward too. Far."

Jing Zhixing's eyes deepened: "Normally, fifteen or six miles is not far away."

"That's how it is said."

Duanmu Yawang said indifferently: "But what if?"

Jing Zhixing was silent.

Others also heard their conversation, and Pan Xiangan’s eyes sparkled: “I’m going to walk with a patient on his back. It’s troublesome at first. I didn’t intend to go any further. Since Gongyu is going back, can I follow Are you going back together?"

Su Hezhi, who was said to be troublesome, had a calm face and said nothing.

Seems to be too lazy to argue with Pan Xiangan.


After washing everything, Duan Muya looked at him and said, "I plan to go back the same way. Any one of you wanting to be together?"

Pan Xiangan and Su Hezhi did not speak.

Jing Jiexing and Jing Lingxing looked at each other, and finally said: "Young Master Gongyu, we still need to find something here. Before we find everything, as long as time permits, we can't turn around and go back. We won't follow the young master. NS."


Duanmu Yawang was curious, "I don't know what it is? Why don't you say it and see if you have seen it?"

Jing Jiexing and Jing Lingxing smiled, and shook their heads helplessly: "Sorry, I have nothing to say about the son redeeming us."

Duan Muya raised her eyebrows. He said that he would go together before, but now he wouldn't even say what things were. Then go for a fart together?

Pan Xiangan was considerate and waved his hand and said, "Since you have a task, then you should set out to find it quickly. Don't delay the time, remember to go back before midnight!"


Jing Zhixing's brother and sister Xiong Pan arched his hands to An, and then arched his hands to say goodbye to Duanmu Yawang and the others: "Sorry, you guys, let's go one step ahead."


Duanmuya nodded and watched them leave.

In a blink of an eye, the two disappeared within their sight.

In addition to Duanmu Yawang, in the end, there were six people left here.

Of the six people, there are three patients.

Duanmu Ya looked at two other healthy people besides Pan Xiangan, "Do you have a mission?"

As soon as this was said, everyone's eyes turned to the two people.

A hesitation flashed in their eyes.

Duan Muya narrowed her eyes, then smiled lightly, waved her hand and said, "No matter, since you have tasks on your body, then don't delay your time here and set off earlier."

The two bit their teeth and arched their hands: "Sorry everyone, we're leaving now."

"Let's go."

Duanmu Yawang waved his hand, and the two hesitated and left together.

As a result, Duanmu Yawang and Pan Xiangan were left in the same place, two healthy people and three patients.

Among the three patients, Mr. Spear was wounded and couldn't speak...

Master Spear couldn't speak, but at this moment, his eyes were completely helpless.

Everyone didn't even know each other, he had no reason to ask others to help him, so there was no resentment, only helplessness and helplessness...

Wei Yanzheng was stunned. He was completely surprised that it would be such a situation. When everyone was drinking soup and eating meat in the morning, praising the medicine of Gongyu, obviously they still had such a happy chat...

In an instant, his burden was left behind.

There are no signs at all.

Pan Xiangan was relatively straightforward. He immediately slapped the tree next to him with a slap, and was so angry that he walked around one tree. "One by one, they just left like this? Didn't you see three patients here? They are gone, Spear What about Young Master and Young Master Wei? Isn't Young Master Gong Yu saving them in vain?"

Su Hezhi's deserted eyes were calm and waveless.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Pan Xiangan was so angry that he raised his leg and kicked one of Su He's foot: "Why don't you scold someone like this?"

Su Hezhi lifted his eyes and glanced at him like an idiot.

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