Duanmu Yawang was speechless to help her forehead.

In this case, she has heard a lot better recently.

Moreover, almost nothing was changed.

Reluctantly, she waved her hand and said: "Wait until you are completely healed, let's talk about it, it's too early to say this."

"What the son said is that he is arrogant."

Wei Yanzheng also knew that it was too early for him to say this. He was in Donggong Mountain now, surrounded by dangers, and whether he could go out safely was still a question.

"..." She didn't mean to blame him for being arrogant.

Duanmu Yawang had a headache and changed the subject, "Pick up your trousers and show me the wound."


Wei Yanzheng did so.

The trousers tucked up, revealing the mottled calf.

However, such a pair of legs with mottled wounds caused everyone who was doing it to take a breath, and said inconceivably: "One night, the wound started to scab?"

Wei Yanzheng was also taken aback when he saw his legs.

That's right, the wounds on his legs began to heal. The wounds were no longer eroded from minced meat, bright red and ferocious, and pitted, and the wounds began to show signs of healing.

Some small wounds also have red, thin scabs.

Compared with last night, this situation is almost two pairs of legs!

This is too fast!

Such a wound, every ten days and eight days, it is impossible to become like this!

It's incredible!

Duanmu Ya looked at Wei Yanzheng's wound, but frowned, "One night is really too long, the wound is not enough to reduce inflammation, and some big wounds still have pus."


Everyone took a closer look and did not see the so-called pus, only some large wounds with yellow liquid.

But... isn't that normal?

Didn't she tell everyone not to wipe such liquid before?

Everyone is a little confused.

"Your wound should be disinfected first." When Duanmu Yawang said, he sighed and took out his own special disinfectant and a bottle of powder from Qiankun's bag.

Wei Yanzheng only felt that his wound had healed too much. Hearing Duanmu Yawang's words, he still responded obediently and raised his pants.

Duanmu Yawang first disinfected him neatly and then gave him medicine.

After applying the medicine, Jing Jiexing and the others had already used the bamboo rafts that were made some time ago to carry the severely injured person last night and walked over.

Almost all of the clothes on the other person were cut to pieces by Duanmu Yawang. He was wearing a robe and a pair of trousers that I didn't know who gave it to him.

After a day's training last night, his condition seems to be much better.

At least, I'm already awake.

He looked at Duanmu Yawang, his eyes flushed, tears filled his eyes, and his mouth kept moving with excitement.

However, his injuries were too serious, and he suffered severe pain when he moved.

"Don't talk nonsense."

Duanmu Ya frowned and said to Jing Zhaixing, "Trouble you, Master Jing, to lift up his clothes, let me look at the wound."


Jing Zhixing did it.

As soon as the shirt was opened, he rubbed it in and pointed out that there were bright red wounds.

"Your situation is much more serious."

Duanmu Yawang sighed, but Pan Xiangan couldn't help it. He stared at Duanmu Yawang and said, "Master Gongyu, he has only been injured for one night, and that's it. What else do you want?"


Jing Lingxing nodded and responded, "Whether it is the injury of the son of Yan or the son of Spear, they are all incredibly fast. The medicine of the son is really the best healing ability I have ever seen."

"That's it!"

The others agreed, their eyes sparkling, and they couldn't help reaching out to touch the small bottle of medicine Duanmu Yawang gave them last night.

They originally thought that Duanmu Yawang gave them a general healing medicine, but they didn't expect that this medicine had such a strong healing power!

This small bottle is worth more than ten thousand gold!

They really picked it up!

Duanmu Yawang was too lazy to take care of them, quietly took out the disinfectant to disinfect the wound, checked the large area of ​​the patient's wound, and looked at the stitched wounds, and then continued to give the patient the medicine.

After applying the medicine, Duanmuya glanced at the patient and asked, "You said his surname is Spear?"


The others nodded, and Jing Zhixing said: "We had a fate at the dinner party. Everyone has known each other."

"So that's the case."

She originally wanted to put the medicine back in the Qiankun bag, thinking of something, she placed the medicine bottle next to Master Spear, and said: "You have a moderate injury. You can keep this medicine."

Young Master Spear, who couldn't say anything about the injury, stared wide and couldn't believe it.

Such a good medicine can be said to be hard to find in the world. He was so badly injured, and she was fortunate for him to be able to save him for three lives. Now, she actually wants to give him a large bottle of good medicine?

He was so excited that he opened his mouth and wanted to speak, but he couldn't say anything, he was so anxious.

"Don't be so excited."

Duanmu Yawang stretched out his hand to hold his shoulder, and said lightly: "As Mr. Wei said, in the future, if I am in trouble, you can just help me."

Master Spear's eyes brightened, and his eyes suddenly became firm.

He has secretly made a decision in his heart, as long as Duanmu Yawang needs him, he will not hesitate to go up and down the pan!

Pan Xiangan looked at him and sighed: "Gong Yu, I suddenly envy Son Spear. After I got sick, I could get such a good bottle of medicine. I can't wait to get sick!"

These words simply spoke the aspirations of some people present.

"Yes, yes, so am I, so am I!" Such a good medicine, they want more! !

Duanmuya glanced at them and sneered: "In this case, should I personally cut all of you into serious injuries, and then treat you again, and then throw you a bottle of medicine?"

Pan Xiangan’s eyes lit up almost immediately, and they were about to nod. Duanmu Yawang added: “Then, all of you were injured and you were trapped in this Donggong Mountain. No one can go back safely.”


As soon as everyone heard it, the original excited gaze instantly faded, and it seemed to be wilted grass.

"Sit down and eat."

Duanmu Yawang was not angry, rolled her eyes, then turned around and continued to eat her own delicious meat.

After Duanmu Yawang mentioned it, everyone else was eager to join the food army.

Oh, they are so happy, in a place like Donggongshan, they can still drink soup, eat such delicious meat, and there are sauces as ingredients!

All this is so dreamy!

Pan Xiangan took a sip of the soup. It was so delicious that he was about to swallow his tongue. He said excitedly: "Gongyu, if you are willing to let people follow you, it would be great. I am willing to be the first to sign up. I can be your follower. I do what I do."

After that, I didn't forget to stare at Duanmu Yawang eagerly: "Master Gongyu, do you want to consider it?"

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