The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 1358: It's kind of interesting, I'll talk about them

Duanmu Yawang had no choice but to put it more straightforwardly, "I don't know the Jing family, but you should be clear, Mr. Lin, whether the Jing family's strength is above the spiritual emperor? Is it extremely smart and possesses unique skills?"

Old Lin nodded: "I can't assess the strength of the Jing family, but they are definitely above the spirit emperor, and they hunt a lot. No matter what they talk to, they can talk freely and have their own unique opinions. ."

Duanmuya looked thoughtful: "The Jing family said that they didn't enter a place five miles away?"


"If the Jing family are really strong, it would be a bit weird to not even go in five miles away."

Lao Lin nodded: "Yes, I think so too. How can a strong person stick to distance and fear danger? Son, you have entered a place ten miles away. If the Jing family just watched my disciple enter Five miles away, they are hesitant to move forward. Such an impact is very unreasonable."

Duanmu Yawang didn't comment, she raised her eyes to look at the young man who had been standing quietly beside Mr. Lin: "What do you think of this matter?"

The young man was handsome and gentle. Obviously he didn't expect Duanmu Yawang to ask him. He was taken aback, looked down at his hand holding the cup, and asked, "Which aspect does the son mean?"

"As for Lord Wu's accident, the Jing family stood by and other unreasonable things, you can talk about what you think."

The young man had a meal and shook his head: "Cool breeze is stupid and can't figure it out."

Old Lin twisted his eyebrows, obviously a little unhappy: "We have said so much, but you don't have any ideas? Or do you still think that the Jing family are good people and won't do such a thing?"

The young man lowered his head and said nothing.

Do not refute, that is, acquiesce.

Duanmu Ya looked at her eyelids, but did not ask the young man again.

Old Lin looked at Duanmu Yawang, and begged: "Young Master Gongyu, my sister is just such a grandson. I don't know how to explain to her when he has an accident. I also ask the Young Master to help me. My old man speaks, as long as my old man can do it, there is nothing wrong with it!"

Duanmu Yawang didn't answer, but just asked, "Does Mr. Lin know in which direction Mr. Wu got lost?"

"According to the Jing family, it is five miles to the south."


According to the growth habit of the wash pith flower, it also happens to be in the south.

Thinking about this, she nodded: "Okay, I'll try to find it."

Old Lin's eyes lit up and he said excitedly: "Thank you, son!"

After that, he said again: "My son, I remember your kindness this time, the old man, no matter what happens, you are my benefactor to someone in Lin!"

"Old Lin is polite."

Compared with Lao Lin's excited voice, Duanmu Yawang's voice seemed a little flat.

Old Lin noticed that he was a little embarrassed, but he was still very happy. He looked at the hourglass in the room and stood up hurriedly, "Master, it's getting late, my old man won't bother you anymore. Take a good rest."


Duanmu Yawang nodded, stood up and sent them away.

After they left, Duanmuya closed the door, Xiao Bailu curled his lips, and said unhappily: "This old Lin asks for help without any sincerity. He also said that he cares a lot about this disciple. Asking for help is just such an attitude. You are not. Very familiar!"

Somehow the emperor knew that he would directly come out with terms to talk to Duanmu Yawang!

Duanmu Yawang didn't answer, her face looked thoughtful.


Little Bailu still didn't understand, "Why are you helping him?"

His people still know her, which is not in line with her style of doing things at all. She is a person who dislikes trouble and is not familiar with Lao Lin, so she would take this trouble because of his few words. Down.

It's really unusual.

"I didn't help him either, I just thought it was a bit interesting?"


Little Bailu was confused, and asked the tongue twister: "What does this mean?"

"I still think the Jing family is interesting."

"Huh? Where are they interesting?"

"Intuition." Duanmu Yawang said indifferently: "Today, Jing Zhixing can know the approximate level of a stone at once, and no matter what I am doing, they seem to have been wandering around and watching."

Little Bailu blinked: "Master, don't you doubt that Jing Caixing is interesting to you?"

Duanmuya's face turned black, and she took off her hat and veil, "You are a pig-brained man, my external identity is a male, you actually said such a thing?" Did you speak with your brain?


Little Bailu also felt that he was a little bit mad at what he said. He touched the tip of his nose awkwardly, and asked shamelessly, "Then what do you mean, Master!"

"I think they seem to be watching me all the time."

Little Bailu's heart tightened: "Does it have any purpose?"

"Is there any purpose? I don't know now, but normal people don't pay such attention to a stranger." When Duanmu Yawang said, he smiled, "And, have you forgotten, their origins? It’s very mysterious. No one knows where they are from. They seem to have emerged out of thin air."

Little Bailu nodded: "Yes, if the Jing family are so powerful, no one on the road will know them. It seems weird to think about it this way."

"Weird but interesting."

She had no intention of taking a trip to the muddy waters about the old Lin incident, but when she thought of it being related to the Jing family, and the Jing family paid too much attention to her, she also wanted to meet them.

As long as you go to the south, you will know who is lying.

Next day

Early in the morning, Duanmu Yawang was awakened by a knock on the door, just like yesterday.

Duanmu Yawan was tired all day, and she slept too late last night. She didn't get enough sleep. When she woke up, her whole body was a little bad, but she still got up.

It was An Zexi who knocked on the door. Seeing Duanmu Yawang opened the door, he drew on the door, looking like he was not awake, and said with difficulty: "My son, there is still two quarters of an hour before the assembly time."


Duanmu Yawang yawned and waved his hand: "Go and help me prepare some dry food and water. I will come to freshen up."

"Oh well."

When An Zexi said, seeing Duanmu Yawang turn around to go back to the room, he hurriedly called to stop: "My son!"

Duanmu Yawang pinched her eyebrows and looked back at him: "What else do you have?"

An Zexi gave a light cough, and said in anticipation, "My son, can you take me with me on this expedition?"

Duanmu Ya looked at the words and raised her eyebrows: "You want to go too?"

An Zexi nodded quickly: "Yes!"

"The expedition is dangerous. King Anding is willing to let you go?" Everyone can tell that King Anding is very precious to this son.

An Zexi hurriedly said: "I have persuaded the father, if you are willing to let me follow, the father promised."

An Zexi is not unpleasant and can help sometimes. She thought for a while and nodded: "Yes."

An Zexi was overjoyed: "Thank you, son!"

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