Duanmu Yawang's remarks can be very straightforward, but he also clearly expressed his attitude. If you really want to talk about a deal, everyone should be sincere, and don't use some unnecessary words to shirk it.

The emperor clearly understood the meaning of Duanmu Yawang, pursing his lips in contemplation.

For a moment, he said: "Master Gongyu, I don't mean to lie to you. I really have never met the Nie family. Also, even if you ask all the people in Ziyun City, there can be no Who has met the Nie family."

Duanmu Yawang looked at the emperor and saw that he had a righteous face, and it didn't look like he was lying.

"The emperor, but my condition is only related to the Nie family. If the emperor really can't provide any information, then I too..."

Before she finished speaking, the emperor interrupted her, saying: "But I know some whereabouts of the Nie family."


"I have found someone to inquire in every possible way. Every time they contact my letter, I will send someone to follow up, but every time they lose their whereabouts near the endless city."

"In other words, they might be in the endless city?"

"I can't tell you for sure, but the possibility is very high." The emperor, looking at Duanmu Yawang, said: "Through every follow-up, I have also drawn people here to draw several routes to the endless city. If the son I am really interested in this. I can provide you with the line maps of those routes."

Duanmu Yawang's eyes lit up under the shackle.

This is totally a windfall.

After all, she will be heading to the Endless City in a few days, but she doesn't know where the Endless City is. She only knows a general direction. Although Mr. Xiao promised to take her there when he has time, others will take her there. Figures are still different.

Furthermore, the emperor's road map is about the general whereabouts of the Nie family. As long as it is about the Nie family, even if there is only a little bit, she has to catch it!

Therefore, this provided by the emperor still has a certain value.

Duanmu Yawang groaned, "Okay, the emperor, after I return from Donggong Mountain, I will hand in hand the road map to the emperor washing pith flower."

"no problem."

When the emperor said, he stood up and said, "It's getting late, so I won't bother the son to rest."

"Okay, please go slowly, the emperor."

She opened the door when she said, and King Anding and King Lingqing sent the emperor out together.

After they left, Duan Muya poured a glass of water and drank, Xiao Bailu frowned and said, "Master, this Nie family feels really getting more and more mysterious. I didn't expect you to spend so much effort to explore."


This Duanmu Yawang didn't expect it herself, remembering that she had reached Floating Zero in Ban Yue Island. She still didn't understand why Floating Zero was in that place, and there were other people in that place.

Those who went to catch Floating Zero felt that they knew Floating Zero and had been supervising him?

Also, if she wants to enter Banyue Island again, will she also have to go through the phantom?

When she was thinking that, the door of the room was knocked suddenly.

Duanmu Yawang's brain hurt so badly that she wanted to ignore it, but she still patiently asked, "Who?"

"Excuse Master Gongyu, I'm Old Man Lin."

Old Lin?

Duanmu Ya was surprised, put down the cup, walked over to open the door, and saw Lao Lin with red eyes and tired face standing outside the door, accompanied by a young man.

"Master Gongyu, you are going to participate in the expedition tomorrow. I am here to see you at this time. I really bother you." Old Lin raised his eyes and apologized: "If it is a last resort, this old man, I will definitely not bother you at this time. The son."

Duan Muya looked at the exhausted look of Lin Lao, pondered for a moment, and said, "Lao Lin is polite, please come in."

The young man helped Lao Lin into the room.

Duanmu Yawang asked the two to sit down at the table, and Duanmu Yawang also sat down, while sitting and tidying up the two used cups on the table.

These two cups were used by her and the emperor.

Old Lin naturally saw that the tea in one of the cups was still hot, and he had barely drank it before. He knew that there was a guest here in Duanmu Yawang who had just left.

He undoubtedly probed, and said: "My son, this is the case. I am here today, old man, to help him find my disciple and grandson when he participates in the expedition tomorrow."


Old Lin nodded, "It's true that Wu Min is my sister's eldest grandson, and her only grandson. It's just a matter of raising it with me. The family is treasured, and he is very obedient and has good strength on weekdays. I always feel that something is wrong with him."


Duanmu Yawang said while pouring a cup of tea and handing it to Lao Lin, and then pouring another cup to the young man next to him, and asked, "Lao Lin, can you explain your so-called impropriety?"

Old Lin pursed his lips and said: "My son, I also said that my disciple is very clever and well-behaved, and when I went up the mountain, I had specifically instructed everyone not to go beyond five miles. Safety is the top priority. He I've always been well-behaved, and I definitely won't rush to collect things five miles away."

Duanmu Yawang thought of the Jing family, "Wu Gongzi always followed the Jing family when he went up the mountain?"


When Old Lin mentioned this, his expression was a bit ugly, his expression hesitant to speak.

"Old Lin has something to say, but it doesn't matter if you speak directly."

Old Lin's face was sullen, and anger flashed in his eyes: "My son, honestly, I think the Jing family are lying! They are so capable, and my disciples and grandchildren trust and worship them. If the Jing family discouraged them, my disciples would certainly not listen. ."

Duanmu Yawang understood: "Lao Lin meant that you suspect that the reason why your disciple and grandson entered a place five miles away is because of the Jing family's meaning?"


Old Lin clenched his fists and said excitedly; "They definitely didn't dare to enter a place five miles away, so they let my grandson be a bait, let him lead the way, and when they found the danger, they took the lead in fleeing! The life and death of my disciple regardless of!"

Duanmu Yawang said solemnly: "Old Lin, to be honest, this is strictly your conjecture."

After finishing speaking, seeing Lao Lin wanting to refute, she added: "Also, tonight I also heard everyone talk about the Jing family. According to everyone, the Jing family seems to be very gentle and friendly, and their strength is good. "

"Old Lin, I have entered a place five miles away or even ten miles away. I also know something about the inside. I have also done a rough analysis. If it is a person below the spiritual emperor level, about five miles away, It will feel extremely dangerous. Of course, if you have a stunt, you know how to deal with drugs, except for those who know how to avoid danger."

Old Lin and the young man next to him were a little confused, "What does the young man mean by saying this?"

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