The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 1109: Condolences, this world is only fourteen days old

"It's fine."

Yin Huiyin and Huo Fei could also see that Duanmu Yawang's condition was much better. However, his face was still very pale, Yin Huiyin said, "It's been a few hours, should I take another medicine?"


Duanmu Yawang smiled and looked at Xiao Bailu, "However, the medicine is still with Xiao Baibai, why don't you let him sleep in the bed?"

Huo Fei whispered: "He is afraid of getting your wounds."

Duanmu Yawang reached out and touched his head, "My wound is actually not serious."

Yin Huiyin walked to Xiao Bailu's side and quietly took the medicine from his arms. The movement was very light and did not wake him up. Duan Mu Ya looked around and said, "Xiaoyin'er, you can bring him here to sleep."


Although Yin Huiyin responded like this, he glanced at Huo Fei.

With a move, Huo Fei walked over and started to hug Xiao Bai Lu over.

Duanmu Yawang raised her eyebrows.

Huo Fei's movements were also very light, but Xiao Bailu woke up, rubbed his eyes, and asked with a soft voice, "Fei Fei, what's the matter?"

"Sister woke up, let you go to bed."

The sleepiness in Xiao Bailu's eyes disappeared instantly, he pushed Huo Fei away, and ran to the bedside, his big eyes were sparkling: "Master, you are finally awake!"

"Okay, don't act like a baby."

Duanmu Yawang rubbed his head helplessly, patted the other side of the bed and said: "Come here to sleep, as long as you don't sleep so much, you won't be able to touch my wounds."


Little Bailu replied sweetly and promised contentedly: "I must sleep well!" After that, he grumbled onto Duanmu Yawang's bed and rolled around excitedly.

Duanmu Yawang was very angry.

"Take medicine first."

Yin Huiyin took medicine in one hand and water in the other, and said with a smile: "We'll talk after eating."

"Eat first." Duanmuya looked at her dry belly, blinked and said, "I'm hungry, and I can't take medicine now."


When Yin Huiyin heard this, he remembered this, put down the medicine and water, and asked her: "By the way, the Lans seem to have been outside all the time, can you let them come in and have a look?"

Duanmu Yawang was stunned for a moment before repliing, "It should be night now, why are they waiting outside?"

"It's past midnight now." Yin Huiyin sighed and said seriously: "They seem to really like you and worry about you, and they have been reluctant to leave."

"Let them in."

Duanmu Yawang couldn't let the two elders wait outside, and urged: "Go."


Yin Huiyin went to open the door and said a few words to the Lan couple outside the door. Duanmu Yawang saw the Lan couple coming in. However, she was not the only one who came in, as well as the genius doctor Qingwei and the leader of Mo.


The Lans' faces were obviously nervous, and the worry on their faces couldn't hide: "How are you feeling now?"

Duanmu Ya looked at them, and then looked at Mo Mengzhu, the genius doctor of Green Aralia. The old man's words appeared in her mind, and her heart was a little messed up, but she was still uncomfortable with the Lans and his wife. Seriously, don't worry."

"Master Gongyu, let me show you?"

The genius doctor Qing Wei spoke at this time.

"No need, thank you." Duanmuya thanked him lukewarmly, "The genius doctor Qingwei is so late, so I should go back to rest. It's not good to trouble you all the time."

"Where to speak."

The genius doctor Qingwei smiled deeply, "As long as Gongyu Gongyu is willing, I am quite willing to make Gongyu Gongyu trouble."

She is cheeky, she just means not leaving?

What does she want to do if she doesn't leave?

The Lans were worried, "Deyin, although your medical skills are very good, but you are ill, why not let the genius doctor Qingwei see it?"

"Really no need."

Duanmu Yawang was a little helpless, but she still had to retain respect for her elders. Thinking about what she thought, she looked at the leader of Mo, and said, "I'm a little hungry, can you ask the kitchen to cook some food for me?"

Meng Mo nodded: "Naturally."

Mrs. Lan said in a warm voice at this time: "Forget Brother Mo, the people in the kitchen are probably asleep long ago, and it's troublesome to get up. Let me cook. I know what to eat for the injured child."

Duanmu Ya looked startled.

"Deyin, wait, soon." Gong Yu Dechun looked at Duanmu Yawang's face and said with a smile: "You are injured. Even if you are hungry, you can't eat anything."

"Okay, thank you Mrs. Lan."

"What are you polite to me."

As Mrs. Lan said, she hurriedly left the room.

Leader Mo at this time said with concern: "Young Master Gongyu, you are injured. Why don't you send a few people here to take care of your daily life?"

"no, I'm fine."

Duanmu Yawang quickly refused: "I am not used to being served by others, and I have appreciated the kindness of Lord Mo." After finishing speaking, before the Lord Mo could speak, he said, "Lead Mo, the genius doctor of Qingyao, thank you for your concern. It’s so late, so go back to your room and rest."


When Mo Mengzhu spoke, he looked at her face and stopped talking.

Duanmu Ya looked at him like this, knowing that he actually had something to say, and secretly sighed, and said to Yin Huiyin: "Little Yin'er, Master Lan, the genius doctor, Mo Mengzhu, move the stool over."


After the three of them sat down, Meng Mo really asked, "Deyin, although you are injured, I am sorry to bother you, but, for some things, I, the leader, still want to ask you face to face."

Duanmu smiled with a look of understanding: "Leader Mo, if you have anything to ask, I will definitely have something to answer."


Mengzhu Mo nodded, stared into her eyes and asked, "Master Gongyu, everyone came back on time. Why didn't you come back on time? Instead, you came back after a full 14 days have passed?"

Fourteen days later?

What the **** is this time?

She obviously stayed in that place for almost a month!

Why are you here, only fourteen days?

Duanmu Yawang was shocked, but her face remained calm, because there were certain things she could never let others know.

Hearing the words of her eyes, she squeezed two tears in her eyes, accompanied by a pale and haggard face, which looked rather fragile: "Leader Mo, I don’t know what’s going on. Everyone can go back, but it’s just my life. Shi lost his color inexplicably and couldn't go back even if he wanted to."

"The life stone has lost its color?"

Meng Mo twisted his eyebrows, "Is it just turned back to blue?"


"Don't be surprised." Master Lan sighed, "Deyin, after everyone came back, we saw that the symbol of life stone of your life stone suddenly disappeared. We all thought you had an accident!"

"No, it means that suddenly the life symbol of the life stone is gone, so I can't go back."

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