The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 1108: My heart hurts, go back to Mo Daozong

On the other side, Duanmu Yawang smashed the life stone. He originally wanted to take a look at the old man, but in the blink of an eye, the scene in front of him changed instantly.

She seems to have crossed layers of barriers, and the layers of barriers are layers of spiritual power.

When she passed through, she was pressing on her body, and he felt that the wound in her heart was getting bigger and bigger, and her heart was more than ten times more painful than before!

When he was about to faint, he suddenly flashed in front of his eyes and fell to a flat ground with a bang.

The aura of oppression disappeared.

She was taken aback for a moment, raised her head and glanced up, and suddenly realized that the place where she was now was the platform where she had entered Banyue Island from the phantom mirror!

She has come back!

However, there seemed to be many people in the audience.

Those people were originally sitting, and when they saw her, each of them grew their mouths in amazement, and stood up and stared at her inconceivably.

He opened his mouth and said something.

Noisy in my ears.

It was too noisy, Duanmu Yawang chose to shield her, her heart hurts now, as long as she breathes, her mouth can feel a bit of sweetness, blood has flowed out from the corners of her mouth, her ears are buzzing, and she has no time to look around. As soon as the light flashed, I felt a knife slashing straight at me!

She rolled and dodged in an instant!


A familiar voice rang in his ears.

It's Mrs. Blue.

Listening to this voice, Duanmu Yawang coughed lightly, and immediately coughed out a mouthful of blood.

Then, she immediately felt that she was being held on her shoulders by a pair of gentle hands, and Mrs. Lan's anxious voice rang in her ears: "Deyin, what's the matter with you, why are you only coming back now? Are you injured?"

"I... ahem!"

Duanmu Yawang opened her mouth and couldn't help but want to cough. Finally, she decided to say less and whispered: "Lan, Mrs. Lan, send it, send me back to the room."


Madam Lan hurriedly responded. At this time, Master Lan also walked over, and Madam Lan hurriedly arrived: "Master, you send Deyin back to the room, I'll go to the genius doctor Qingwei!"


So, Master Lan responded, and regardless of the people on the stage, he hugged Duan Muya and looked back to the room.

Although Duanmu Yawang was uncomfortable, his consciousness was still there. He felt that the movement of Master Lan putting her on the bed was very light, and he was at a loss: "De, Deyin, you, how do you feel?"

"Yes, it's fine."

Duanmu Yawang coughed slightly, remembering something, and asked: "Master Lan, are my friends back?"

"I'm back, I'm back."

Master Lan hurriedly said: "Do you want to see them, I'll just ask them to pass..."

Before he finished saying the word'come', there was a rush of footsteps outside. Master Lan was taken aback. When he looked behind him, he saw Huo Fei, Xiao Bai Lu and Yin Huiyin walking quickly. Came in.

"elder sister!"

"Little sound!"

"Are you here?" Master Lan was a little surprised to see that they came so in time. The other three ignored his surprise and ran over to the bed to see Duanmu Yawang: "What's wrong with you?"

"Heart is hurt."

When Duanmu Yawang said, he remembered something and said to Master Lan: "Master Lan, thank you for not having you, can I trouble you to go out first? I have something here, I want to talk to my friends."

Master Lan twisted his eyebrows and said in disapproval: "Deyin, what you need most now is rest. Don't say too much. Madam will soon call in the genius doctor of Green Aralia."

"It's okay, you don't need to worry about the genius doctor of green argens." Duanmu Ya looked at the corner of her mouth, and said in a firm tone: "Master Lan, please go out, me, cough cough, if I don't say anything, please don't let me Anyone come in."


Duanmu Yawang intercepted his words and added: "Master Lan, please trouble you. Please believe me, I will be fine."


Master Lan didn't feel good when she saw that she was polite with him, but Duanmu Yawang's friends did not look like a general, and she was probably able to help her.

Thinking of this, he went out.

When he was relieved, he also started to bring Duanmu Yawang to the door.

Duanmu Yawang breathed a sigh of relief, "Fei Fei, enchantment."


Huo Fei neatly built an enchantment in the room, allowing anyone to use spiritual power to explore all the possibilities in the room.

"Master, are you okay? Okay, why didn't you come back when someone else came back?" Little Bailu was timid and soft-hearted. In fact, the moment he came in, his eyes were red like crystal purple grapes. Both eyes were teary.

"Xiao Baibai, don't cry first." Yin Huiyin said in a serious voice: "Xiao Yawang is still hurt now. The most important thing is to find a way to heal her wounds."


Little Bailu hurriedly tried not to cry, "Master, can I help you?"

Duanmu Ya glanced at him, "You go into the medical system."


Little Bailu quickly wiped away the tears from his face and went in obediently.

"Go and get the fifth cupboard, the fifth bottle of medicine in the third row, and the seventh row..."

Duanmu Yawang talked about several bottles of medicine in succession, and finally said: "Take out the medicine, pour one out and feed it to me."


Little Bailu responded, Huo Fei went to pour water, and Yin Huiyin raised Duanmu Yawang's head slightly, fed her a sip of water, and fed her the medicine.

Duanmuya ate the medicine while looking pale, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

With her own medicine, she clearly understood that her life was saved.

"Xiaoyawang, you go to sleep." Yin Huiyin's voice also relaxed, and said softly: "I don't want anything else, take a good rest."


Thanks to the effect of the medicine, plus the fact that she had never had a good night's sleep these days, and now she was surrounded by someone she was familiar with, her nerves relaxed and she soon fell asleep in a deep sleep.

Waking up, it was already a few hours later.

She opened her tired eyes and glanced at the room. The room was lit by a dim candle. Huo Fei and Yin Huiyin were sitting at the table to practice, and Xiao Bailu fell asleep at the table, drooling a corner of his sleeve.

Looking at the faces of these three people, Duanmu Yawang smiled.

very nice.

Seeing their faces, she felt comfortable.

Although Huo Fei and Yin Huiyin have both entered concentration cultivation, they seemed to feel it as soon as Duanmu Yawang woke up. They opened their eyes unanimously and walked over and asked, "How do you feel?"

"much better."

Yesterday, the needle was inserted into the heart. Although there were few upper nines, the heart was too fragile. Coupled with the squeeze from the back pressure, her wound was a lot bigger, and it suddenly became so serious.

Now that I have taken my own medicine, coupled with the rest for so long, the whole person's condition is much better.

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