Duanmu Yawang: "Oh."


This reaction was really enough, but one of Mo Daozong finally couldn't help it: "Hearing this, do you have this attitude?"

Duanmu Yawang reluctantly opened her eyes and raised them to meet Qing Fang's eyes: "Then you are great."

"..." Although it was a compliment, somehow it always sounded weird.

The other two Mo Daozong didn't feel like complimenting either. One of them hummed, "I see, you must be jealous of Senior Brother Qing Fang. After all, not everyone can enter the second stage."

Be jealous!

Duanmu Yawang rolled his eyes secretly.

Qing Fang prodded that junior brother with his elbow and stared, "Okay, everyone speaks well."


Qing Fang's two juniors were quite convinced of him, and closed their mouths obediently.

After they were finally quiet, Duanmu Ya looked at it for only two or three minutes before falling asleep deeply.

The corners of other people's lips twitched again and again, and they really didn't understand. With so many beasts squatting next to him, how wide-hearted was he to fall asleep without scruples?

Compared with Duanmu Yawang, the other three did not have the courage to sleep under the tree, and they were also sleepy, so they all jumped onto the tree, lay down on the huge branch and fell asleep.

Unexpectedly, I slept very peacefully this day, and I slept till dawn.

However, as soon as I opened my eyes and my consciousness returned to the cage, I smelled a strong smell of blood.

The three Qing Fang's hearts trembled, and they looked under the tree subconsciously. In this look, they didn't see Duanmu Yawang's figure, but saw several evil beasts running after them last night, all lying in a pool of blood!

The three all gasped, and one of them said, "Qing, Brother Qingfang, what's going on? How could these evil beasts die?"

Qing Fang didn't answer, and jumped down from the tree. Looking around, he didn't see the blue-eyed boy.

Mo Daozong also discovered the other two people, and one of them immediately asked in a panic: "Brother, he, wouldn't he have been eaten by these evil beasts?"

The other one trembled all over: "Brother, are we killing people? He, he, he, that is, if we can't come..."

Qing Fang's heart also trembled. He walked to the corpse of the evil beast to see if there were any fragments, but found that there was nothing, and the way these evil beasts died was the same.

They were all cut off by a sword directly!

Seeing this, his eyebrows jumped and he looked under the tree, and he saw that the back basket, rope, and the grassy things he saw yesterday were all gone.

"He's not dead!"

Qing Fang said affirmatively: "He just left."


The other two were still in a state of horror that they had killed others, and they were a little confused at first.

Qing Fang had to say two or three sentences to explain his thoughts to them.


After the other two listened, they felt completely reasonable, and exclaimed: "If the blue-eyed person dies, who killed these beasts? Where did his things go?"

After that, someone looked at the evil beasts and stared wide-eyed: "But brother, he, shouldn't he be a fool? Why did he kill the evil beast without even taking the spirit crystal?"

Qing Fang's original focus was on death or death, but when he didn't notice this, he heard what his junior brother said. He looked at the corpses of the evil beasts, and really saw that none of the evil beasts had their spirit crystals engulfed, only one of them. A large piece of meat was plucked off the chest of the evil beast.

Seeing this, he stayed too.

With so many evil beasts, there are at least ten levels of spirit crystals in total, enough for one person to enter the second stage, that blue eyed person actually didn't take the spirit crystal?

Stupid like this, how could he think he is smart?

The other two Mo Daozong looked at these evil beasts whose spirit crystals had not been engulfed. They couldn't move their sights at all. They swallowed their mouths, "Brother Qing Fang, what should we do with these evil beasts?"

Qing Fang didn't speak for a long time, not knowing what he was thinking.

The other two felt weird: "Brother Qing Fang?"

Qing Fang: "Since he doesn't want it, then you want it."


The two exclaimed, surprised and delighted, and also nervous: "Is this all right?"

"It is estimated that when we leave, there will be other people passing by, and other people will want it when they see it. Are you sure you don't?"


The other two responded without hesitation.

Just kidding, this is a pie that fell from the sky, the evil beasts on them are only a few levels, plus these they are almost able to enter the second stage.

Such a good thing, how could they give it to others?

Qing Fang: "Well, hurry up and go to the Lingjing, don't be seen by others."


The two began to gouge the Lingjing, and Qing Fang looked at them, lost in thought.

In fact, he wasn't as simple as his two juniors thought. They only thought of spirit crystals, and the first thing he thought of was, were these evil beasts really killed by the blue-eyed person?

However, as soon as this idea came out, he retorted, if it wasn't him, who could it be?

But in his heart he subconsciously felt that with so many evil beasts, the three of them did not dare to touch casually, but the other one with blue eyes...

Then he is too powerful and incredible!

But when he was negating in his heart, Hall Master Huang and Shou Li had been injured in his mind. At first, he thought it was the blue-eyed person who was despicable, and he didn't know what method was used to hurt them both.

But now that I think about it, I feel that they have been ignoring their strength because of their blue eyes!

Since even Hall Master Huang can be seriously injured without any effort, then, what else is impossible?

After Qing Fang figured it out, he felt that this was a very logical thing, but couldn't help being secretly surprised. He could easily hurt Hall Master Huang and kill so many evil beasts without disturbing them. How powerful is this person? ?

It seems that the results of this year's competition are destined to surprise people!


Duanmu Yawang didn't know what Qing Fang thought, and she didn't have three people sleeping so happily. At the fifth day of the month, the fire went out, and at the same time, she felt that the evil beast squatting on the side began to move around.

Originally she didn't want to do it, but these evil beasts all came up to eat her, she couldn't let them eat.

So, like a morning exercise, she wielded a sword and cut off the heads of the evil beasts with one sword.

After the cut, the sky was still dark, but at this time the spiritual energy was strong, she closed her eyes and adjusted her breath on the spot, and began to practice concentration.

When the sky was light, she came out of her cultivation state, cut off a large piece of meat from the chest of one of the evil beasts, and roasted it with fire. After cutting a few slices and eating, she packed her own things and started again. Head east.

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