Duanmu Yawang was about to answer when he saw that there were at least seven or eight huge beasts behind them. Every level was not low. The few beasts were originally going to chase them, but they didn’t see the fire. Dare to come closer.

Can only stay outside the fire, staring at them with grinning teeth.

The eyes are full of greedy light.

"Brother Qing Fang, they dare not come near!" Mo Daozong's other two disciples found that the evil beast did not dare to approach, and they were immediately excited.


The three Qing Fang were all panting. They all breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that the evil beast dared not approach. Seeing this big fire and the half-large piece of meat left on the grill, they swallowed and couldn't bear it. Stay and continue to ask: "Didn't you bring a sword, scissors and a pot, why is there a fire here?"

"Can I be smart?"

The corners of Qing Fang's mouth twitched twice, and he couldn't bear it, "Why don't you know how to be humble? Does anyone say that you are?"

"Sorry, I'm like this, I can't bear to go."


Now if he doesn't leave, the evil beasts squatting outside can immediately roar and tear them to pieces!

Seeing that he was choked, Duanmuya chuckled slightly, while staring at some tattered robes on his body, she said faintly: "Being in front of a group of you who don’t know what it means to make fire, I call myself a cry. There is nothing wrong with being smart."

Qing Fang felt that he had been insulted: "Who said we don't know what it means to make fire by wood?"

"Then you still ask what you said just now? If you bring a scissors kettle, you can't make a fire. Who gave you the law?"

What Qing Fang wanted to say, after all, he didn't say anything.

Because almost everyone has heard of it, but not everyone can do it. These things take too much time and skill.

It was only three days in total, and they were too busy looking for the evil beasts. Where did they have time to delve into what to do for fire?

However, they don't have time, how can the blue-eyed person in front of them have time?

Thinking about this, he couldn't help but glanced at Duanmu Yawang and her surroundings, and found that she had a lot of things, inexplicable baskets, ropes, a lot of grass, and a few pieces of meat.

There are a lot of these things, but he didn't see a few of Lingjing.

He immediately became more balanced, and hummed: "Your time is spent digging wood to make fire. Lingjing didn't see how many pieces you have. You are really smart enough to not even understand what is called priority."

Duanmuya raised her eyelids and looked at him directly: "You seem to have a lot of opinions on me?"

Qing Fang was taken aback for a moment and opened his mouth to retort: ​​"I..."

"Don't you and me."

Duanmu Yawang stretched out her hand and made a gesture of invitation, and said with a smile but a smile: "If you can't understand it, please go, I and my fire do not welcome you."

Qing Fang's face was suddenly blue and white, but it was not obvious in the fire. He was a little annoyed: "You, why are you like this? When did I say I can't understand you?"

Duanmu Yawang stared at him without saying a word.

"Okay, sorry."

Qing Fang was quite proud, but in the face of life and death, he chose to compromise, "I shouldn't say that to you, can you allow us to stay here for a while? These evil beasts are all level six or seven, and the three of us simply can't beat them. It's been almost two quarters of an hour."

When others compromised, Duanmu Yawang couldn't hold it all the time.

She shrugged, no objection.

No objection, that is, approval.

Seeing that Duanmu Ya didn't want to drive them away, the three Qing Fang breathed a sigh of relief.

The three of them were tired after being chased by the evil beast for so long. They sat down and smelled the fragrant meat. When they looked at the meat in Duanmu Yawang's basket, their eyes flashed with desire.

They all came in with dry food and water, and they would kill the beasts in such a place. Eating dry food was simply a torture.

When they saw the meat, it was almost like a desert with long drought and rain, and the halazi was about to flow down.

They were so obvious that Duanmu Ya couldn't ignore it, so he rubbed his forehead helplessly, "If you want to eat, just cook it yourself."


The surprise came so suddenly that the three of them couldn't believe it, "You, do you want to eat these for us?"

This is meat!

It was also his ration. After they ate it, what would he eat?

The three of them were also a little conscientious, and they had to eat meat, and suggested, "Why don't we trade dry food for you?"

"Need not."

Duanmu Yawang is not interested in dry things at all, "Just eat what you want, don't forget it."


The three spoke in unison.

How can you not want such a good thing?

Seeing that Duanmu Yawang was surprisingly easy to talk, they stopped carrying them, and hurried over to Duanmu Yawang's basket, and brought the remaining two large pieces of meat to the grill and roasted them together.

After roasting, when eating into the mouth, the refreshing taste made all three of them exclaimed, "Eating meat, it's really enjoyable!"

Duanmu Yawang looked at them and saw that after they had finished eating, she licked her mouth intently, "Not enough to eat?"

In fact, although it is said that there are two big pieces, in fact, the size is not big. It was divided into one big piece before. Duanmu Yawang originally planned to divide it into two meals and save it for breakfast and lunch tomorrow day.

She eats it alone, so naturally the three of them are not enough to eat.

Especially three people who haven't eaten meat for a long time.


The three of them didn't conceal it.

"Do you still want to eat?"

"Yes I do!"

The three nodded, and then looked at Duanmu Yawang with bright eyes: "Do you have any other meat?"


"Oh." The three were suddenly lost.

Duanmuya hoped helplessly, pointing at the evil beast behind them, and floating her cheeks and said, "It's not easy to want to eat meat. Don't you have something ready-made behind you? If you slaughter it, you can eat enough."

Three people: "..."

Qing Fang felt that Duanmu Yawang was joking with them. He didn't have a good temper: "Do you think we will come here if we can kill them?"

Duanmu Ya glanced at him, leaning on the big tree on her back, closing her eyes and resting her mind, looking like she didn't intend to speak any more.


Qing Fang seemed to have something to say, "How many levels of spirit crystals have you collected?"

"What are you asking about this?"

"You gave us a meal of meat anyway, didn't you care about it?"

"You can take care of yourself first, you don't need to care about me."

"Looking at you like this, shouldn't you have collected anything?" Mo Daozong's other two disciples smiled, and the project said: "Tell you, Brother Qing Fang has thirteen levels now, and there are two more levels. , You can enter the second stage."


Duanmuya responded calmly, looking at the clouds.

Just this reaction?

All three of Mo Daozong felt that Duanmu Yawang's reaction was too plain, and added: "Two levels are actually very simple. Just find a few more levels four and five."

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