The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 1078: Work, the angry original moving sword

Ever since, she leaned over to pick up sticks.

Fortunately, this time is late autumn and winter. There are a lot of dry wood sticks in this deep forest. It is very easy to pick up wood sticks, and it is a piece of cake for her to drill wood for fire.

Therefore, things are not troublesome.

However, just as the fire ignited, Duanmu Yawang was about to add firewood to burn it into a pile of fire, and suddenly heard a keen "call".

The voice was dull and heavy, with a strange sniff, it didn't sound like a human voice, but rather the breathing of a big beast.

In other words, there are beasts here?

When Duanmu Ya watched her eyelids move, her hand suddenly stopped moving. The sound came from the left side. With the light of the fire that had just ignited, she looked towards the left side inwardly.

At this look, only a shot of dense bushes was seen, but the beasts did not see it.

And the breathing of the beast could not be heard temporarily.

Duanmu Yawang originally wanted to go over and take a look, but when he thought about it, he gave up, and said calmly: "I won't move if the enemy doesn't move." So she calmly sat down and continued to add wood sticks, setting the fire ablaze.

A big fire was lit, and the line of sight was finally wider. Duanmu Yawang looked carefully and found that most of the trees here are dense and towering trees with a wide variety of species.

There are many bushes and various grasses underground.

However, in autumn and winter, most of the grass withered and turned yellow.

It was the first time to participate in such a big competition, and there was no one to accompany him. Duanmu Yawang didn't know what she was going to do for a while, and then she remembered that everyone had come in together, but she hadn't seen anyone else!

"Could it be that everyone was put in different places?"

Thinking about this, she sighed and looked around. She saw a huge pine tree on one side, and a bamboo, and there was some dry grass on the ground under her feet, and her eyes brightened.

Survive in the wild, she really can't trouble her!

The corner of her mouth was tilted, she pulled out the original moving sky sword, leaped up to the pine tree with a sharp movement, and after a while, when she came down from the tree, she was holding a large piece of amber resin in her hand.

She used these resins and charcoal fire for a long time, and she went to see the bamboo tirelessly, shaving the bamboo into pieces, and started weaving things with her hands.

She moved very neatly, and the shape of the woven things was also peculiar. Seeing that several things had been placed on the ground, she swung her sword to cut the grass on the ground.

When she started to cut the grass, the sword body of the original moving sky sword flashed a yellow light, and the sword body began to vibrate strongly.

The original moving sky sword was originally very heavy, and it was good if she could hold it. Now it shook violently, and Duanmu Yawang's whole person was almost swayed by it!

No matter how dull Duanmu Yawang was, she knew that Yuan Dongtian Sword was angry.

At any rate, it was such a powerful sword. She was a bit wronged when she used it to mow the grass. Thinking about this, she hurriedly reached out and touched the blade, soothing and comforting: "Oh, the original sword, you are wronged. Come on, who will let me have no other knives now, I always have to live in this place, right?"

The original moving sky sword seemed to understand Duanmu Yawang's words, and the trembling blade suddenly stopped.

Actually, she really understands her words!

Duanmu Yawang was shocked and funny, and continued to calm down: "Knowing that you are wronged, but I am your master anyway, can't you share the joys and sorrows with me?"

There was a "clang" sword sound, and the sword body moved again, and at the same time a bright light flashed by, and then the sword body stopped shaking and returned to calm.

Duanmu Yawang looked at its series of reactions and asked, "Are you agreeing?"


The sword body no longer reacted.

"Then I will assume that you agree!"

When Duanmu Yawang said, looking at the sky, the horizon had begun to show a little white, and she was no longer wordy, and seized the time to continue using her sword to mow the grass.

After cutting a lot of long grass, she sat down and continued to knit, some of which took out a scalpel and cut it finely. Seeing that she was almost ready, she treated the charcoal fire again and picked up a large piece on the ground. The pages of the book, wrap up all the things you have collected.

Last night these things, heaven, have been completely lit up.

And for Duanmu Yawang who worked hard all night, beside her there was a back basket made of bamboo, a few small waist hanging bags woven from grass, and a bale of straw rope.

Several torches were placed in the back basket, and under the torches, there were a few similar torches.

"Ah, very good!"

Although after a whole night, Duanmu Yawang not only did not sleep, he knitted too many things, and his hands were all traces drawn by bamboo sticks and hay, and there were a few scratched bloodstains, but Duanmu Yawang's spirit was still very good.

She stood up from the ground, patted the grass clippings on her body, picked up the basket, picked up other things and started walking.

Since this is a game of killing beasts and raising the level, she must find the beasts and kill them to complete the competition and enter the second stage.

However, the question is, how do you level up when killing monsters?

Is it to upgrade according to the level of evil beasts?

How many levels of evil beasts can be slain?

But there is no way to prove it, right?

Unless Leader Mo and the others can always see their performance, it is impossible to know what they have done!

But if so many people pay attention to each one of them all the time, then how many people have to watch them for three days without sleep!

Besides, she didn't think that after hearing the phantom mirror, Lord Mo and the others would be able to directly observe all the movements of all of them!

So, now the problem is back to the original point, how does this level accumulate?

I just thought of this question now. Duanmu Ya looked at her brain pain, rubbed her forehead and said helplessly: "I can't go on like this. Anyway, let me know the rules of this big competition?"

At this time, if you want to know the rules of the game, Duanmu Yawang understands that there is only one way.

That is-find other people.

Therefore, Duanmu Yawang walked to find the evil beasts and other people who participated in the competition, but this Banyue Island is estimated to be very large. Duanmu Yawang has been away for almost an hour, and not only the figure of the beast is not seen, but the shadow of the beast is also not seen. !

It was only three days in total. She had already spent one night, and if she wasted time like this, she might have to go home empty-handed!

Thinking of this, Duanmu Yawang's whole person is not good.

When I was thinking about whether there was any other way to solve the predicament, suddenly, a terrified scream of "Ah" cut through the deep forest.

Duanmuya looked at her eyes brightly, "Is someone finally there?"

Thinking about it this way, she swept away like a bird that flew so fast, rushing directly in the direction where the sound came from!

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