"Master Gongyu is unhappy?"

Although the genius doctor Qing Wei is a woman, she is extremely keen, "Is it unhappy that we mentioned the dark-eyed person, or don't like others to talk about your empire?"

Duanmu Ya looked at her eyelids and was about to open her mouth. Zuo Zun said to her eyes: "Leader, the time is almost there, we are going to enter the mirage, otherwise we will miss the hour."


The lord Mo responded, Duan Muya thought of something, and asked the lord Mo: "Then the color of my life stone, can I enter the trial field?"

Mengzhu Mo took a deep look at the life stone in her hand that seemed to be burning with fire, and smiled gently: "Naturally, Master Gongyu's life stone is very good."

Duanmu Yawang breathed a sigh of relief after hearing Meng Mo said yes.

However, thinking of the words of the leader of Mo Meng, a trace of doubt appeared in her eyes, the life stone is very good?

Everyone has a stone, why would he say it is very good?

But Mengzhu Mo obviously didn't want to explain too much for Duanmu Yawang. After speaking, he walked forward. Two young people followed him, and both young people were holding trays in their hands.

Duan Mu Yawang looked up and saw that the tray was covered with red satin. He couldn't tell what was on the tray. It looked flat on the surface, probably a very flat thing.

The hall master moved forward and walked to a platform. He stood on it, and then said something to the young man behind him. The two young men lifted the red silk on the tray.

Leader Mo stretched out his hand and picked up the things on the tray.

Duanmu Ya took a look, and she suddenly found two mirrors.

The two mirrors are almost exactly the same. The mouth of the Moyue bucket is so big and the bronze color looks very old.

Most importantly, as soon as the two mirrors were taken out of the red satin, Duanmu Yawang felt a strong spiritual pressure rushing toward her face. At the same time, she heard people talking: "Is this a phantom mirror?"

"Yes, you probably didn't know in the first year. We used this mirror to enter Ban Yue Island in previous years."

Duanmu Yawang's eyes flickered, and someone said in his ear: "However, although this mirror looks a bit old, it doesn't seem to be magical. Why is there such a powerful force?"

Someone said irritably: "Whether the power of the mirror is strong or not, is it judged based on the appearance? You will know in a while."

Duanmu Yawang's lips curled up when she heard it. She could feel such a strong spiritual pressure at such a large distance in this mirror. They thought there was nothing magical about it?

Does the general mirror have such a strong spiritual pressure?

Thinking about this, Yu Guang caught a glimpse of the luck of the Lord Mo Meng closing his eyes, and then two forces suddenly injected into the two phantom mirrors on the tray. At the same time, after a while, the two environments disappeared, and behind the palace owner Two round doors appeared.

Duanmu Yawang looked at the two doors in an instant, but found that the facade was still green with soft light, and nothing could be seen at the entrance, just like a piece of soft green cloth.

After a while, did they enter Half Moon Island through these two circular mirror doors?

Duanmu Yawang thought this way, and Lord Mo had already opened his eyes, looked at them condescendingly, and said in a gentle and serious voice: "Now, everyone can enter the trial field from the phantom."

"Of course, there are also disciples who have come to our Mo Daozong to participate in the Wulin Tournament for the first time, so I don't know how to use the life stone. Here, let me talk about it."

When he said that, he took out a life stone from his sleeve, pointed to the life stone and said: "Look at this life stone, the light beating inside is the symbol of your life. You are in Half Moon Island, we can pass The phantom mirror observes your lives, and if the fire of whose life goes out, it proves that something went wrong."

"Of course, if someone encounters an evil beast that is more powerful than himself and is attacked and has a life worry, and wants to save his life and return from the proving ground, he can drop a drop of blood in and smash the life stone. We You will receive a warning here and use a method to bring you back."

Duan Muya looked and listened, her brows twitched, and she thought it was quite interesting.

Leader Mo raised his eyes and looked at everyone: "Do you understand what the leader said? Who has any questions?"

Except for Duanmu Yawang, everyone else responded, "No, I understand!"


Meng Mo nodded and continued: "I will also say this in advance. Anyone who smashes the life stone is equivalent to announcing his withdrawal from the martial arts competition, and he will not be able to participate in the future. Please be cautious."

Duanmu Yawang secretly thought: "It sounds really strict. It directly allows people to make choices at the fingertips of future glory and life!"

"Okay, I'm done with the words of the leader, but I want to add one more sentence. The trial field is not a peaceful place, and there is danger of life at any time. You can do what you can. If you feel that your ability is not enough, you can just choose to quit and wait until the next year is strong. Some can come again to participate."

It's all here, so naturally it won't be so easy to choose to quit directly.

No one spoke when Mo League Master's words fell, and no one withdrew.

Leader Mo: "Is this a decision everyone?"

Everyone responded loudly: "Yes!"


Meng Mo nodded and said, "Since everyone chooses not to quit, and the time is up, please enter." After that, he strayed and let the road out.

The two young men holding trays next to him made a decent posture towards the two mirror doors and said, "Everyone, please!"

As a result, everyone who participated in the first stage of the Grand Competition lined up and entered the Moon Peninsula from the mirror.

Duanmu Yawang was at the end. When it was her turn, everyone went in. When she was about to enter, Meng Mo smiled and said, "Gongyu, I wish you good luck."

"Thank you, for the good words of the leader."

When she said that, she glanced at the green soft mirror, stepped forward and collapsed in.

Almost in an instant, the environment in front of him changed suddenly, from a wide square to a dense forest, and the time in this forest happened to belong to the night.

It was pitch black in front of her eyes. If it weren't for Duanmu Yawang, she could feel the breath of various plants, the sound of wind, and the sound of moving leaves, she didn't even know where she was.

When entering, the phantom no longer exists.

Duanmu Ya looked around and turned her eyes around, still very dark. She looked up and saw the night sky faintly dotted with several stars.

No one would like the dark night, especially in a strange place.

Duanmu Yawan subconsciously stretched out her hand into the medical system to get the flashlight, but remembering the rules of this martial arts competition, she put her hand down and sighed: "No matter, I'll find branches and drill wood for fire."

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