The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 1074: A body search, the genius doctor Qing Wei likes this little white face?

Duanmuya looked up and found that the young man named Qing Fang standing in front of her was very cold, and he was extremely disgusted with her.

After snorting, he leaned forward a bit and pulled away from her.

That kind of okay feeling made Duanmu Yawang almost think that she was a plague!

Most people in Mo Daozong didn't like her. Duanmu Yawang was too lazy to pay attention to her. At this time, Zuo Zun also walked over, glanced at her, and said lightly: "Take out the three things you want to bring."

Duanmu Ya Wang Yiyan took out her own things.

Duanmu Yawang's existence is too conspicuous, so almost everyone watched her every move. When everyone saw what she was holding, they burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, what does she have!"

"Yes, that sword is okay, but what the **** is her pot and a pair of scissors? Is it to beat the evil beast, use the pot to smash it, and use the scissors to cut it? Hahaha..."

Zuo Zun looked at what Duanmu Yawang took out, but didn't smile, his brows moved, "Are you sure these three?"


"Open the lid of the pot."

Duanmu Yawang did what he said.

Zuo Zun looked into the pot. There were many small grooves in it, but there was nothing inside. But looking at the small grooves, Zuo Zun couldn't help asking: "What kind of furnace is this?"

"incense burner."

Zuo Zun's brows moved again, his face was obviously bad and he looked like: "Where is this furnace like an incense burner? Are you lying to the deity with your eyes wide open?"

Facing his questioning, Duanmu Yawang calmly said: "It's called this name." In fact, it is called the Fragrant Incense Burner.

However, the fragmentary incense burner seems to be well-known. In order not to be noticeable, she omitted the word fragmentary incense burner and referred to as the incense burner.

Zuo Zun said coldly, "Going to the trial field to bring a cultivation furnace and a pair of scissors is of no use. For the sake of saving Hall Master Huang, I will give you a chance here, while there is still some time. , You can go back and change the other two things."

"no need."

Duanmu Yawang did not change his mind: "I will take these three."

"……You will regret this."

Zuo Zun said this coldly, and then didn't bother to look at Duanmu Ya again, and beckoned: "Come here, search him, and search carefully."


A young man in Mo Daozong's robes, standing on one side, responded and walked over, reaching out to search for Duanmu Yawang.

Duanmu Ya looked at the young man, only to realize that she had missed one point, that is, she is still a man now, and the person who searched her is naturally also a man...

Man... She just can't stand it!

She thought so, the man looked at her coldly and said, "Please raise your arms."

Duanmu Yawang frowned, somewhat resisted, and said, "Wait!"

Man: "What's the problem with you?"

"I want to change to a female protégé to help me search." Every denomination will have women. There are naturally women who went to participate this time, so there is a female protégé of Mo Daozong who will search for those women.

As soon as this was said, many of the people present changed their faces.

Especially Mo Daozong's female protégé, staring at Duanmu Yawang in shame, they actually asked their girls who hadn't been out of the pavilion to search him in public, so he was shameless!

The man felt that Duanmu Yawang wanted to take advantage of the female disciple and hated his touch.

What right does a blue-eyed person have to hate him?

Does he think he really wants to search him?

The man stared at Duanmu Yawang, and said directly with a black face: "If you want to go, you must let me search. If you don't want to go, then leave this team!"

The Lans also stood not far away and watched. Originally, they were a little worried when they saw the three things in Duanmu Yawang, one of which was a pot and the same as a pair of scissors.

Hearing Duanmu Yawang's request, a touch of embarrassment appeared on their faces.

Mrs. Lan grabbed her handkerchief and said worriedly: "Hey, what's the matter with Deyin, she is obviously not a child of so many things..."


Master Lan also felt a little unusual, but he had noticed just now that when the young man Mo Daozong reached out to touch her, she was really very resistant and subconsciously avoided the young man's hand.

Regarding the man, Duanmu Yawang's face was calm, and she raised her head calmly and said: "If there are only these two options, then I will choose not to go."

After that, she moved away and left the team.

Everyone was taken aback.

However, Duanmu Yawang's footsteps had just moved two steps. At this time, a soft and pleasant voice sounded from one side: "Master Gongyu, how about I search for you?"

It's the voice of Green Aronia argentea.

Duan Muya looked at the sound, and saw Qing Wei's Qingli face with a smile, walking towards her from the crowd.

"The genius doctor of green argens!"

When the man saw the genius doctor of green argentina, a flash of red flashed on the young face, both shame and annoyance, "This stinky boy has made it clear that he has no good intentions. How can you be bullied by him as a girl?"


Qing Wei's beautiful eyes squinted at Duanmu Yawang, and said meaningfully: "Don't worry, all of you may take advantage of me, but he is unlikely."

Duanmu Yawang's eyelids twitched, and she understood that Qingwei probably already knew that she was disguised as a man.

The red on the man's face turned into blue, "The genius doctor, you, what do you mean?"

"Means nothing."

Qing Wei said with a calm face: "I am a healer, and I don't have **** in my heart, and I don't usually pick patients. Everyone is the same in my eyes. Do I understand that brother Mo Zhen?"


Indeed, in the past, the genius doctors of the green argens did not distinguish between men and women.

Qing Wei looked at Zuo Zun on one side: "Zuo Zun, I don't know Qing Wei will search for the Mozhen brothers, do you believe it or not?"

Zuo Zun glanced at her, then at Duanmu Yawang, and said two words: "Of course."

Qing Wei nodded politely towards Zuo Zun, and looked at Duanmu Ya: "In that case, Master Gongyu, please."


Duanmuya glanced at her, then raised her arms.

So Qing Wei started from her arms, on her chest and waist, searching her body one by one according to the rules, while the others watched from the side.

Especially Mo Zhen, he thought, if this blue-eyed trash dared to be disrespectful to the genius doctor of Green Aralia, he must be good-looking!

However, Duanmu Yawang was respectful from beginning to end, but everyone found that the genius doctor Qingwei smiled inexplicably when he touched the chest of the person with blue eyes.

The genius doctor Qingwei is young and beautiful, with outstanding medical skills. Many young people in Mo Daozong like her. Seeing her sour in their hearts, they secretly muttered: "Will the genius doctor Qingwei like this kind of short boy with a small white face? ?"

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