"This is hard to say."

Master Lan pondered for a moment, and said, "There must be one or two people who understand medicine in each school. There are many schools here, but we don’t know if people from their school who understand medicine will come. I have said hello, but I am not familiar with everyone."


Duanmu Yawang put the bones in his hands on the table and sighed, "If this is the case, then the poisoned person is mysterious."

"Deyin, we won't let you be bullied like that." Mrs. Lan, Master Lan said seriously: "Leave this to us, and we will check it for you."

The Lans do have connections in Mo Daozong, and Duanmu Yawang is not polite: "Okay."

She also wanted to see, who on earth would treat her like this!

After rescuing Hall Master Huang this time, Hall Master Huang woke up normally the next day, but Duanmu Yawang never went to see it. During the meal, Lord Mo Meng mentioned that after Hall Master Huang woke up, I want to offer to thank her in person.

Duan Muya looked at him, a little surprised, and said lightly: "Thank you, you don't have to. Hall Master Huang didn't think it was me poisoning him. I'm already very grateful."

Meng Mo was a little embarrassed when he heard it, but he stopped mentioning this matter.

In a blink of an eye, three days passed, and on the night of the third day, the martial arts competition was approaching, Duanmu Yawang considered in the room which three things he should bring into the trial field.

Because she was really inexperienced, she went to the Lans and asked.

The two said seriously: "Most people bring a weapon, then a bottle or two of healing medicine, and a bottle of drinking water."

"Just bring water?"

Duanmu Yawang frowned: "Can I find something to eat in the proving ground?"

"Generally speaking, no. Every year there will be a lot of poison in the trial field. The water or fruit in it can't be touched and eaten casually. Someone once ate the contents and died on the spot."

Master Lan said solemnly: "Therefore, some people bring a weapon and eat and drink for three days. They will not bring any other medicine."

"Actually, three things are really missing."

Mrs. Lan sighed, and said with some worry: "Deyin, I think you must bring enough to eat and drink, and you must have weapons to save your life. As for healing medicine, if you are injured, you can ask to leave early. Life is important. "

Duanmu Yawang knew that Mrs. Lan was worried, and smiled: "Okay, I think about what I want to bring."


So Duanmu Yawang went back to her room.

In fact, unlike others, she has a medical system, and she doesn't know how many things are in it. It is impossible for her to bring only three.

Of course, since the martial arts competition has participated, she will naturally abide by the rules. Even if she brings things in the medical system, she just doesn't use them when the time comes.

The night is getting deeper.

When there was one hour before midnight, Mo Daozong's people came to inform Duanmu Yawang: "Master Gongyu, please take the three things you need and go to the school to line up and enter the trial field."


When they went to the school, the Lans accompanied Duanmu Yawang. When they arrived, they found that the school was already full of people, most of them young people, with an eager look on their faces.

The people wearing Mo Daozong in front were directing something, so a group of young people consciously lined up in two rows.

Mrs. Lan said: "Deyin, we are going to start queuing for body search, so go over."


Mrs. Lan explained gently: "Not everyone is conscious. Everyone can only bring three things. This is very important. The body search is to ensure the fairness of the Big Bi."

"I see."

Duanmu Yawang nodded, looked at the people in line, frowned and said: "This martial arts competition, isn't it possible for people of all ages to participate, why are all people of the same age as me?"

"People of all ages can participate, but the young people's big score is divided into three stages, and ours will go directly to the third stage, which is a direct contest."

Duanmu Yawang touched her chin and said with a smile: "The direct comparison is too simple and rude, and it feels that there is no three-stage comparison that is exciting and interesting."

Master Lan saw that Duanmuya's brows were crooked, his big eyes were full of spiritual energy, and there were two beautiful dimples on his lips when he smiled. He was taken aback, and he felt familiar.

But this kind of feeling is too weird, I can't tell how it feels like this.


Gongyu Dechun was stunned when he saw Master Lan, and curled his eyebrows: "What are you looking at? Deyin asks you something!"


Master Lan came back to his senses, and smiled apologetically at Duanmu Yawang, and said gently, "What did you just say, Deyin?"

"I just want to ask about the trial field, is it around here?" When Duanmu Yawang said, he looked far away and pointed to the surrounding mountains.

"No, the trial grounds of the first and second stages are all in the Moon Peninsula."

"Moon Peninsula? There is another island in this place?"

"It's not here." Master Lan shook his head and explained to Duanmu Yawang: "Yue Peninsula is a lonely island thousands of miles away, with a complex environment, rich and special resources."

Thousands of miles away?

Duanmu Ya looked in a daze, and was about to ask how to go, Master Lan continued: "Thousands of years ago, the master of martial arts and a group of masters, in order to refine talents, let them show their skills, I don't know what way they thought of, on the island. Enclose a part of it with an enchantment, and then create a phantom mirror. As long as you pass the phantom mirror, you can directly enter the moon peninsula within the class circle for trial."

It sounds complicated.

Duanmu Yawang filtered the words of Master Lan in his mind, and extracted the key: "In other words, we can actually enter the Moon Peninsula directly through the magic mirror?"


Master Lan answered, and someone in front of him raised his voice: "Who else wants to go in for the trial?"

When Duanmu Yawang and the Lans listened to them, they looked at those people. Upon seeing them, they found that all the young people had searched their bodies. Master Lan hurriedly said, "Deyin, it's almost midnight, go to the queue."


Duanmu Yawang is going to go for three days this time. These Tianlan couples are very caring for her. She is a little bit reluctant, "Mrs. Lan, Master Lan, then shall we see you in three days?"

"Okay, see you in three days." Gongyu Dechun asked gently, "Deyin, it's the same sentence. You have to do what you can in the trial field. Can't you know if you can't be strong?"

"Okay, I will."

The Lans were relieved and said, "Go."

Duanmu Yawang nodded, and then walked over to the two teams, lining up casually at the end of a row.

She stood at random, who knew that as soon as she stood there, she heard someone snorting coldly.

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