"It's them!"

The little white deer exclaimed, and saw the three people lift up their breath, stretched out their arms, and flew straight down from the spacecraft, came straight to them, and looked at them interestingly: "Why are you riding in a carriage? Coming?"

Duanmu Yawang watched the spaceship stay in mid-air, and then watched a few people, although they looked good at the show, but they were not bad, blinked and said, "The carriage sits up and down."


The three of them were taken aback, and said they didn't understand: "Reliable?"

"Yes, I walk on the ground with my feet down to earth, so it's referred to as "solid."

The three of them heard the corners of their mouths twitching, but for this they looked at Duanmu Yawang: "I didn't expect this little brother to understand sharp words."

Duanmu looked at him but said nothing.

As long as she is a blue-eyed person, others will look at her like this, she is used to it.

"Actually, if you said that you have to come here for no reason, we can invite you to board the spaceship and come together, why bother to take the carriage? The mountain road here is bumpy, I'm afraid it will be wronged."

"so far so good."

Duanmu Yawang smiled and said, "We have thick skins, and it's okay to bump."

Seeing that Duanmu Yawang said these words without embarrassment, several men lamented her open-mindedness or heart, but still asked: "Then you are going to go up the mountain with us now?"

"Need not."

Little Bailu muffled and said, "Don't eat the food that comes."

When the three of them heard it, they couldn't help but look at him, and saw a three or four-year-old bun with a tender and tender bun with puffed cheeks, staring at them angrily.

"A few laughed." Duanmu Yawang looked at a few people helplessly and rubbed Xiao Bailu's head: "Okay, don't use it indiscriminately if you don't know the words, it's not the way you don't eat the food of Sang Lai."

The little white deer bulged his cheeks and did not speak.

His temper is not as good as hers. Although he knows that they are not malicious, he just can't see them look down on Duanmu Yawang so much.

Blue eyes are like this, if they knew she was black eyes, they wouldn't be proud of it!

"But little brother, your little brother is clever. This older person can actually use such deep words." Several people thought that the little white deer was cute, although he looked angry at them. Just find it interesting, not angry.

As soon as they spoke, the tips of Xiao Bailu's ears turned red.

They praise him for being smart!

"Thanks a lot."

Duanmu Yawang smiled and looked at them, and said: "Several princes, we understand your kindness. We will tie the carriage under the tree and then walk up the mountain."

When the little white deer heard it, his eyes widened.

Several people hesitated and couldn't help but confirm: "Really?"

"Really, thank you three sons for their kindness."

"Huh! I don't know good people! In that case, Brother Yi Dao, let's go!"

Among the three, the proud young man he met in the restaurant snorted, and he shook his head and walked a few steps forward, with a little tiptoe, his arms stretched out, and he took the lead in flying back to the spaceship.

"Those princes, let's go first." Yi Dao arched his hands towards Duanmu Yawang, and then flew onto the spaceship.

After the three of them got on the spaceship, a few people of about the same age gathered around and asked curiously, "Where did you meet the fool? Lai Yidao actually took a carriage?"

"Okay, don't laugh at them." Yi Dao said helplessly: "Among those young men, there are two young men who are outstanding. Although there is a blue-eyed person in them, they feel a little capable."

"Blue Eyed One?"

The others took a breath, and said, "Wulin Dabi, it seems that there has never been a blue-eyed person, Brother Yi Dao, are you sure they can go in if they go up the mountain?"

Yidao stays silent. In fact, he wanted to talk about this at the beginning of Yulindu, but the blue-eyed teenager looks smart and wise, confident and flying, he is not good to frustrate his spirit.

After all, with such brilliant eyes, it was the first time he saw it in the eyes of a blue-eyed person, and he couldn't bear to ruin it.

However, what my junior brother said is indeed correct...

The arrogant young man glared at the man, "They are also friends of Mrs. Lan anyway. They are close friends with the martial arts leader. There is still the way of hospitality that should be there?"

"It's not necessarily."

The man insisted on his opinion and retorted: "Think about it, if you set a precedent for these people today, in the future, you will probably want to enter the martial arts competition through relationships. What will become of the martial arts competition that has always been respected? Sample?"

When Yi Dao and the boy heard this, they suddenly had nothing to refute.

Because it does.

There is no rule without rules. Once a rule is made an exception, it will be difficult to convince the public even if it is louder in the future.

Seeing Yi Dao and the young boy choke, a flash of joy flashed in his eyes, "Senior Yi Dao and Junior Qing zero think I am right? So it’s better not to take care of everyone. If you go up the mountain and meet them, It’s best to stay away and don’t let people from other sects know that we know such people and lose face of our sect."

Listening to Yi Dao and Qing Zero, his expression changed.

Especially when clearing zero, he stared at the person: "Brother Wanhe, don't be too mean to be a human being. Besides, if you see people having difficulties, what's wrong with helping them?"

"Help people also look at the timing and occasion?" Wanhe sneered. "Part of the timing and occasion is the most stupid thing to do. After you lose the face of our sect, is it useful for me to say this again?"

The anger exploded, and he was about to refute. At this time, a middle-aged man came out of the cabin and frowned, "Why is it so noisy? Also, why does the spacecraft keep stopping?"

"Uncle Master!"

Wan He greeted him and said something in his jealousy. The middle-aged man listened, frowned, and glanced down. He really saw four people below who were climbing up the mountain road.

Compared with them taking a spaceship, it really looks ridiculous.

"Nothing, it's just a trivial matter. It's okay for Clearing and Yidao to help people." The middle-aged man waved his hand to let people continue to launch the spacecraft and start flying, before looking at Clearing and Yidao, "However, I will encounter something like this in the future. Things still need to be cautious. You have no way of guessing their character. If they are really entangled, it will be unsightly."

The middle-aged men spoke, and Qing Zero and Yi Dao had to bow their heads and admit their mistakes: "Yes, we understand."

Qingzhi was always proud, but he retorted: "They are really not such people. They don't want to get on our spacecraft. They would rather walk on their own. They are very backbone."

Wan He retorted: "That only shows that they have self-knowledge. They guessed that someone might not welcome them when they put it on, so they chose not to board the boat."

Zero gas exploded, "You..."

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