"Master Lan?"

Xiao Er said with a smile, haha: "Master Lan is a good guy here, how could he not know?"

"I don't know where he lives?"

The little Er said loudly: "Just go straight on the main street, just follow the question, so every local can tell you, it's easy to find."

"Okay, thank you brother."

"What annoying."

Xiao Er was obviously a talkative person, and asked, "Who are you, Master Lan?"



When Xiao Er heard it, her eyes kept looking at Duanmu Ya and several people. Seeing her was a blue-eyed person, and a person wearing a black body and not showing the slightest skin, just two children knew that it was not an ordinary person who could give birth. from.

He wanted to say something, but because of the two children, he still didn't say anything. He just smiled and said, "This brother, these two younger brothers in your family are simply blessed by heaven."

After finishing speaking, I felt that what I said seemed to belittle Duanmu Yawang, and hurriedly remedied: "This son, don't think about it, in fact, you are also very good..."

Duanmu Yawang couldn't laugh or cry, and was about to speak, when a voice rang from the other side: "You are looking for Master Lan?"

The voice came from the next seat. Duanmuya looked at the sound, and saw that it was a pretty handsome young man who was opening his mouth. He was wearing a blue robes. There were four or five people at the same table with him, wearing the same robes. .

It seems that this robe is probably a sect's robe.


Duanmuya didn't want to know each other. At this time, someone talked to him. With more information, she was willing to talk to him and asked, "Does this young man know Master Lan?"


The other party glanced at her blue eyes hesitantly, and saw the little white deer and Huo Fei on one side, only when he moved his eyes and said, "However, if you are the relatives of Master Lan and they want to come here to take refuge, I'm afraid it will come. Unfortunately."

Duanmu Yawang didn't refute the profound words of refuge in the other party's mouth, and asked: "How do you say? Is it possible that Master Lan are not in the house?"

"Of course."

I don’t know where Duanmu Yawang’s question provokes the other party, and the other party's sword eyebrows are twisted, "Presumably you are not familiar with Master Lan at all, otherwise, how could you not know that our annual martial arts competition is approaching, Mrs. Lan, Master Lan is a martial artist. A close friend of the leader, personally go to help with this every year?"


"Wulin contest?"

She has heard all kinds of competitions, but she has never heard of the martial arts competition.

Could it be better than... martial arts? No, it should be said that Shi Lingli.

The man became even more impatient: "You don't even know such an important martial arts competition?"

Duanmu Yawang hadn't spoken yet. Another boy at the same table, who looked no more than thirteen or fourteen years old, curled his lips and said, "Brother Yi Dao, haven't you seen that they are Blue Eyes? You want them to know that these things that have nothing to do with them are not. Is it embarrassing?"


Although the man was impatient, he suddenly raised his eyebrows when he heard the boy's words, and said in displeasure, "Don't be rude!"

"All right."

The boy shrugged, sticking out his tongue and said, "Just tell the truth, why don't you tell me?"

His voice was very small, but everyone in Duanmu Yawang heard it. Huo Fei twisted his eyebrows, Xiao Bailu was so angry that his gums were grinding, and Yin Huiyin's hand holding the cup tightened.

Duanmu Yawang's face was normal, smiling and asking: "I don't know where the martial arts competition is held?"

"The school of the martial arts leader."

"Where is it?"

"Qinghe has no way."

How can Qinghe?

Duanmu Ya looked weird at first glance, but think of it as the ancients usually called it by place name and residence. Qinghe Modao means that the leader of the martial arts is Qinghe people, and the mansion is called Modao.

"Okay, thank you very much, this young man."

"You are Welcome."

When the man spoke, he looked at Duanmu Ya and hesitated to speak.

Duanmu Ya looked and smiled: "This young man, do you have anything to say?"


The man shook his head and sat back in his seat, obviously not wanting to say anything.

"Brother, what can't you say about this?" The young man snorted, "They don't seem to understand anything at all. If they just go to Qinghe to find Master Lan, how embarrassing is Master Lan?"

In short, do you think they will embarrass the Lans?

Duanmuya couldn't laugh or cry.

However, the local reputation of the Lans was better than she had imagined. They were so popular, and an outsider also defended them in this way.

After eating, Duanmu Yawang found an inn to live in, and asked the shopkeeper about Qinghe Modao and knew that it was hundreds of kilometers away from Yulin Ferry.

It will take at least four or five days for the carriage to go.

"Sister, let's go tonight, or what?" Huo Fei asked.

"It's too tired to ride the carriage today. Let's take a rest for a day. Let's leave tomorrow night."


Duanmu Yawang agreed with this decision. They rested for one night and added daytime. The next night, they did not ride in a carriage, and directly let Huo Fei set off with a flying vehicle towards Qinghe.

Qinghe is a very prosperous city. When they arrived, it was just daybreak. Early in the morning, there were people coming and going on the street, there was a lot of people, and all kinds of business were endless.

Duanmu Yawang thought that most of the martial arts were built in sparsely populated places, so that they could absorb the essence of the world and practice with great concentration, and the effect would be doubled. He did not expect that it would be such a densely populated and prosperous place.

Duanmu Yawang inquired about the residence of the leader of the martial arts, only to realize that she was really right. Although it was Qinghe, there was still some distance away.

A faction of the leader of the martial arts all lives on Mount Mo Dao.

After Duanmu Yawang and others stayed for one night, he turned to Mo Daoshan the next day.

After leaving the prosperous market, they took a carriage to the outskirts, along the tree-lined path, and in the afternoon did they go to a few special mountain peaks. At a fork, two large characters were carved on a large stone. : "Don't know."

"There is no way ahead, it should be here."

It was Yin Huiyin who was driving. He jumped out of the carriage and looked around. He saw that there was no road ahead, but there was a road around a corner, carefully paved with stones.

From a distance, the road spreads across the mountains.

"It should be from here." Yin Huiyin said.

Little Bailu looked at the carriage, and said, "This road is so small, so steep, and one-step one-step. How can the carriage go?"

"Puff! Someone came here in a carriage, hahaha, hahaha..."

At this moment, a light breeze blew and a burst of laughter came from their heads. Duanmu Yawang and the others looked up and saw a large-scale spacecraft flying over the sky.

The people sitting on the spaceship happened to be wearing the same blue robes as the people they met in the restaurant that day.

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