Lu Yixu talked a lot, and found that Duanmu Yawang had been relatively quiet afterwards, and couldn't help asking: "Deyin, why don't you speak?"

"Listen to you!"

Duanmuya smiled and watched him sink into his visibly thin cheeks: "Master Lu, why are you so thin?"

"Oh, I didn't eat well during this period. I don't know why, and I always have problems. I was thinner before. This month I have been better, but I still feel that my body is still a little unhappy." He finished his words and looked at Duanmu Yawang with a smile. Said: "Deyin, you have good medical skills, but you have to show me how to treat it."


Duanmu Yawang naturally didn't mind, and said to him: "You stretch out your hand and I will give you a pulse."


Lu Yi trusted her and extended her hand, "I have seen so many healers, you are still the strongest in Deyin."


When Lu Yi spoke, there was no compliment at all, and his eyes were sincere. Duanmu Ya looked more complicated in his heart, but he didn't say much, just signaled his pulse.

Feeling his pulse condition, Duanmuya's eyes flashed.

"Deyin, how is it?"

"It's okay. It's just that you can't get angry, feel depressed and sad, so you hurt your body, coupled with excessive worry and depression, are you not thinking about it now?"

Lu Yi was taken aback, and smiled bitterly: "Recently, I really don't have any appetite."

"Why do you always say the latest?"

Duanmuya narrowed her eyes, "When did you start recently?"

"It's just this month, inexplicably upset and irritable, inexplicably irritable, nightmares at night, dreams come and go, sometimes the same, sometimes different, but I always forget when I wake up, only a vague shadow. ."

"Does it always feel in my heart that something has been forgotten?"


Lu Yi and Liang Mang nodded as if they had met a bosom friend, "And in my heart I think this matter is very important to me, but no matter how hard I try, I can't remember it."

Duanmu Yawang nodded, and glanced in the direction of the housekeeper, only to see that he was still hanging his head in a respectful, well-mannered appearance.

Listening to Lu Yi's words, Duanmu Yawang has determined that Lu Yi has amnesia. As for why he lost his memory, it is open to question.

However, looking at Lu Yi's appearance, coupled with other people's turf, there are still some things that can't be spoken casually. After all, Lu Yi gets along with them day and night, and it is impossible for them to know that he has amnesia.

However, no one has told Lu Yi about the amnesia. If she said it, it would be too much.

"you need to have a rest."

Duanmu Yawang sighed, feeling a little distressed for Lu Yi, and asked with a smile, "Can you give me the Four Treasures of the Study?"


Lu Yi responded and said to the butler: "Find a set of Four Treasures of the Study for Deyin."


The butler responded. When she left, she felt that the butler glanced in her direction and moved very carefully.

Her eyes sink slightly.

"Deyin, don't just talk about me, talk about you." Lu Yi said curiously: "You have been away for a few months. Where have you traveled these months?"

"I went to Beidan, and then went home to spend a while with my family before I came out."

"It turned out to be like this." Lu Yi nodded, and the two chatted a few more words. Duanmu Yawang looked at Lu Yi who chatted with her easily, and couldn't help asking: "Mr Lu, during this time, Zi Ning will have Have you written a letter?"


Lu Yi looked annoyed: "Zining has been eager to leave the imperial city and go to other places to explore some places. Now that he has gone, he is reluctant to think about it. For months, he didn't even bring me a letter!"

Duanmu Ya looked deep, and was about to speak. At this time, the butler walked in with the Four Treasures of the Study, and said, "Master Gongyu, the Four Treasures of the Study are here."

"Okay, it's time to work."

Duanmu Yawang nodded politely to the housekeeper, then researched ink and quickly swiped the paper.

After a while, a piece of paper was filled with the name of the medicine, she handed it to the housekeeper, and said with a smile: "Master Lu is depressed in his heart. I am afraid that this will affect the body again. This is to soothe the body and mind and help sleep. According to the above, boil a bowl every night and let Master Lu drink it before going to bed."

"Thank you, Lord Gongyu."

The butler bent over and took it respectfully.

Duanmu Yawang smiled and nodded, she and Lu Yi continued to chat for a while, and then said goodbye.

When Lu Yi heard this, he stood up and was reluctant to stay: "Why did you leave so soon? It's rare for you to come over, why don't you stay for lunch?"

"Next time."

Duanmu Yawang smiled and said, "I want to go shopping first. If you are free, Master Lu, you can go to the inn to find me at any time."


Seeing Duanmu Yawang's insistence, Lu Yi didn't hold back, and personally sent her out of the door.

Outside the door, the butler did not follow, Duan Mu Yawang took out a bottle from his sleeve and handed it to Lu Yi.

"Deyin, this is..."

"Nature is medicine."

Duanmu Yawang put the bottle into his arms without anger, "If you drink a bowl of medicinal soup at night, it is not enough to make you fall asleep, or you will wake up from a nightmare, you can take another medicine from the bottle."

"It also helps sleep?"


"Okay, thank you Deyin."

"You are polite, then I'll go first, and you can come to the inn to find me anytime if you have something to do."


Duanmu Yawang waved his hand goodbye to him, then called in a carriage, and got on the carriage. Duanmu Yawang's face suddenly became serious, and Xiao Bailu wrinkled his face, and said in a puzzled way: "Brother, your brother Didn't he come back from Floating Cloud Street long ago? Why didn't he come back here? Did he go back to his parents?"

"The question now is not where he is going back, the most important thing is, why he didn't talk to his master about such a big matter of returning to the spirit." This is Duanmu Yawang's most doubtful.


Little Bailu stared, "Why don't you tell me about such an important thing?" Even if he returned to his parents' mansion, not the imperial city, many people were watching such a big event, he should be no matter what. Just say hello.

However, the blue and clear not only did not come back, but also did not tell them about returning to the spirit.

This is a little weird.

"However, my brother is not in the imperial city now, so I don't know if it is Yulindu." Yulindu, the city where the Lans are located, was mentioned to her by the two.


Xiao Bailu sighed, feeling that the things he did with his master and his fellow students were really not like the blue and clear style, and couldn't help but said: "Brother, why don't you contact your brother and ask about the situation?"

Duanmu Yawang was not angry: "I said about letter contact before, but now I don't even know where he is, how can I contact him?"

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