The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 1034: Lu Yi, didn't Master Cheng Che be taken away by you?

"Which is different?"

Yin Huiyin suddenly looked upright, "Just ask if you believe me?"


"Then don't ask, there are some things that you can't understand, just go directly to the Qingyu Empire, definitely faster than you pass over the Chiyou Empire."

Duanmu Yawang stuck out her tongue and said to Huo Fei: "Fei Fei, according to Xiaoyin'er's meaning, go towards Qingxian Empire."


Therefore, Huo Fei followed the Qing dynasty empire for a while before going to the Chi Yan empire.

In fact, Yin Huiyin was right. Although it had traveled a certain distance, it was still faster than following the Chi You Empire, because the whole journey was unimpeded, and there would be no ghosts hitting the wall again.

It was noon when they went to the Imperial City of the Chiyan Empire, and she still booked a room at the inn where she had stayed before.

The innkeeper obviously remembered her: "Master Gongyu?"


Duanmu Yawang was a little surprised that the shopkeeper remembered her. After all, there were so many people coming and going back and forth in this inn every day. After a few months, he still remembered her surname. Duanmu Yawang admired this memory. Have a guest room?"

"Some and some." The boss said with a smile: "I wonder how many rooms do you want?"

"Three rooms."

"Okay!" The boss responded, and bowed his head to go through the formalities for Duanmu Yawang, and asked Duanmu Yawang as he settled the matter: "Gongyu, I haven't seen you for a few months. You are here again, but do you really like us Chiyan? "

"Yes, there are friends." How could you not like her brother in there?

"Since I'm a regular customer, I'll charge you less for the shopkeeper." The shopkeeper asked with a smile, "I wonder how many days will you stay?"

Duan Muya thought for a moment, "Thank you, the shopkeeper, five days in advance."


After completing the formalities and going into the room and placing things in place, everyone was hungry and went downstairs to eat. When eating, Xiao Bailu asked, "Brother, when are you going to see your brother?"

"Today is too late, tomorrow." They have been on the road for so long, take a good rest tonight, and visit again tomorrow.


Little Bailu cheered: "Finally I can sleep well tonight!"

Duanmu Yawang pouted, "Did you sleep for less than eight hours on a certain day?" During the journey, Xiao Bailu has always played his true colors, sleeping almost all the way!

The little white deer sticks out his tongue and dare not speak any more.

After everyone rested for one night, they went to Master Rong's house.

"Ah, this, isn't this Young Master Gongyu?"

When they went to Lord Rong's mansion, it happened that the butler in Lord Rong's mansion came out from inside and saw her with surprise, "When did Lord Gongyu come to the imperial city?"

"last night."

Duanmu Yawang smiled faintly, and went straight to the subject: "By the way, is Master Cheng Che here?"

"You're looking for Master Cheng Che?"

When the housekeeper heard this, he was taken aback for a moment, and his eyes were strange: "Didn't you take away the corpse of Master Cheng Che?"

Xiao Bailu was dumbfounded, and was about to speak. Duanmu Yawang realized something. Turning her eyes, she smiled and said, "I was here before, but later I saw that Mrs. Lan was eager, so I handed him over to them. I originally thought they had sent Master Cheng Che back."

After that, she and Xiao Bai Lu Huo Fei looked at each other.

The three of them felt very weird in their hearts. Since Lan Chengche had already left, why didn't he come back to Master Rong?

"Huh? Is there anything like this?"

The housekeeper was taken aback when he saw his appearance, and stared at Duanmu Yawang reproachfully: "Young Master Gongyu, how can you hand over our Son Clear to the couple? How did they feel better about Son Clear?"

Duanmu Yawang opened her mouth to speak, and a clear voice rang out from one side: "Deyin?"

Duanmuya looked at Lu Yi's voice, turned her head hurriedly, and saw Lu Yi walking towards her with a smile, with joy in her eyes: "Deyin, when did you come to the imperial city? Tell us?"

"Just arrived last night."

When Duanmu Yawang said, she looked at Lu Yi up and down without a trace, and found that he was a little thinner than before, and his face was also a little haggard. She suddenly remembered that she was looking for Rong Zining, and she couldn't help but twist.

Looking at him, she wanted to ask, and the butler smiled and said, "Master Lu, it's not good to let the guests stand outside the door, why not invite the guests to sit in the mansion?"


When Lu Yi heard this, he enthusiastically took her, Yin Huiyin and others into the mansion, and let someone prepare a refreshment treat, obviously he regarded her as a very good friend.

Duanmu Yawang introduced Yin Huiyin to him. Lu Yi was not surprised to see Yin Huiyin wearing a black cloak without showing his face, and he gave a very friendly greeting.

After the two met for a while, Duanmu Yawang finally couldn't help but ask: "Master Lu, when did you... come back?"

Lu Yi was taken aback, and then smiled angrily: "Deyin, what are you talking about? I have been in the imperial city and haven't left. How can I go somewhere?"

Duanmu Yawang's eyebrows tightened, looking at the housekeeper on one side, he lowered his head motionless, as if he hadn't noticed Duanmu Yawang's gaze.

"Then... Where's Young Master Rong?"

"Did you say Zi Ning?" Lu Yi laughed, still as calm and hearty as always, "That guy, you probably can't see it anymore. I was sent by Master Rong to his master to study art. Okay!"

Xiao Bailu glared at it, and looked at each other with Duanmu Yawang: "Master, what's the matter, Rong Zining has not been smashed, why didn't people see him go looking for it, why doesn't he remember it? Amnesia?"

"I don't know, but it doesn't feel like normal amnesia."

Because the matter about Rong Zining deviated from the previous ones, could it be that they deliberately caused Lu Yi to amnesia in order to prevent Lu Yi from suffering?

Besides, she had noticed that the housekeeper, who kept his head down, moved his brows and eyelids twice when Lu Yi was talking about Rong Zining.

Things are not simple.

Duanmu Yawang rubbed her forehead, and suddenly regretted.

At the beginning, if I had a deal with the palace lord, it would be fine to say that Shang Rong Zining...

Little Bailu clearly saw what Duanmu Yawang was thinking at a glance, and whispered to her with her lips: "Master, you are not a god, you can save whichever you want to save?"

Duanmu Yawang pursed her lips and said nothing.

Here Lu Yi was smiling and speaking: "Speaking of which, the mansion is much cleaner now, Zi Ning is gone, and Senior Brother Cheng Che is not there. I feel so used to it! Also, they are really not enough friends, one or two. I don’t even tell me when I leave, and I won’t be reluctant to let them go, really..."

When he spoke, Su Ri'an smiled, and Duanmu Yawang saw a touch of loss and nostalgia in his eyes.

The closest friend who used to grow up together suddenly left like this. No matter who they were, they would lose and miss the time together.

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