The Tao of Immortality Gu: Start by refining the Infatuation Gu

Chapter 385: Obtain the Earthly Immortal Dao Fruit and swallow the remaining souls of immortals.

Chapter 385: The opportunity to obtain the Earthly Immortal Dao Fruit, swallow the remaining souls of immortals, and become the son of destiny


In an instant, the Thunder Palace began to vibrate, roaring, and bursting with golden light.

It seemed as if the entire Immortal Mansion was shattered at this moment.

Balls of light were ejected from the Immortal Mansion in an instant, and they flew out in all directions at incredibly fast speeds.

"what happened?"

The monks who were originally guarding various parts of Thunder Immortal Mansion looked up to the sky, dumbfounded.

They did not expect that such a change would occur, which was beyond everyone's imagination.

"Someone touched the forbidden formation in Thunder Immortal Mansion, which seemed to trigger the protection mechanism of Thunder Immortal Mansion, so many treasures inside flew out."

A fusion master can tell his guess.

Because similar fairy mansions have appeared in the spiritual world. When they encounter a crisis or are about to be destroyed, they will activate the protection mechanism and release all the treasures inside.

The purpose is to protect the real treasure from leaving.

It can be said that among the many treasures that flew out, only a few treasures are truly priceless.

But for ordinary monks, this doesn't matter at all.

It's like whether it's a villa or an ordinary house, it's a rare treasure for ordinary people, and it's impossible to dislike it.

Perhaps only those high-level monks would care about the most valuable treasures.

"By the way, Thunder Immortal Mansion has been around for at least hundreds of thousands of years."

"It itself fell from the fairy world, was suppressed by the power of the interface, and was seriously damaged."

"After a long period of wear and tear, it has already reached a critical moment."

"Now that many of our god-transforming monks have entered it, it is equivalent to the straw that breaks the camel's back."

"That's why Thunder Immortal Mansion collapsed."

"Protection mechanism? Everyone is dead, what kind of protection mechanism is needed?"

"Haha, that's an immortal. Who can say that he must be dead?"

"Indeed, this is true. There have been some reincarnated immortals who have appeared in the spiritual world in recent years. They were all reborn after the immortals fell. Maybe the immortals in Thunder Immortal Mansion are not dead."

"But over the years, immortals will fall from the fairy world from time to time. The fairy world is too dangerous. Don't we still have peace even if we become immortals?"

"I don't know, but obviously the immortal world is not a kind place. If it is really safe, there won't be news of the death of immortals from time to time. Even if we have the chance to become immortals in the future, we can't say that we will have a worry-free life."

"If that's the case, then what's the point of us becoming immortals? Doesn't it mean that we can live forever after becoming immortals?"

"Cultivation of Taoism is not only for longevity, but also for strength. This is a world where the jungle is strong. If you don't have strength, it is a luxury to live to the end of your life, and you may not even survive to adulthood."

"You are right. This world cannot accommodate the weak. The fittest will survive. If you cannot adapt to this world, you will be eliminated by this world."

Many combined powers were talking about it.

They also looked at the changes in Thunder Immortal Mansion, their eyes flickering, showing extremely complicated expressions.

Such a change was indeed a bit surprising to them.

But it also has great benefits.

At least there is no need to enter the Thunder Immortal Mansion. The power of the forbidden formation inside is still very terrifying.

If you are not careful, you may fall into it.

"Immortal weapon, that is the immortal weapon of Thunder Immortal Mansion!"

The pupils of a holy lion clan's combined power shrank, and it immediately noticed a huge golden light, and was so excited that it couldn't be more excited.

There is no doubt that if you can get an immortal weapon, it will be a huge improvement for the Holy Lion Clan.

A Mahayana monk who has mastered the immortal weapon can increase his strength more than ten times.

A single fairy weapon can suppress the fate of a race for more than a million years.

Enough to protect the race for countless years.

If the Holy Lion Clan could obtain this magical weapon from Thunder Immortal Mansion, their strength would probably increase exponentially.


In an instant, it flashed and immediately chased after it, trying to get the upper hand.

"Want to snatch the immortal weapon? Stop dreaming."

"Immortal weapons are not something that you, the Holy Lion Clan, can just snatch away."

"My puppet race wants this fairy weapon. All other races should get out of my way."

"The puppet clan is just a broken household. If you dare to make noises with me, the Wind Leopard clan, your clan will be destroyed."

"If you want to compete for the immortal weapon, let's see who is more capable."

Suddenly, many combined powerful men shouted loudly.

How could they be willing to give up this fairy weapon from Thunder Immortal Mansion? They all flew up, wanting to snatch this fairy weapon and make it their own completely.

A terrifying aura and power erupted from the body of the combined power, which seemed to shake the void. Under the impact of the energy machine, cracks in the void actually appeared.

They were like gods on earth, releasing terrifying power with every move they made.

Ordinary monks who come close to him will be instantly shocked to death by the aura of the combined power, and will be wiped out in ashes.

"It's not just fairy weapons, there seem to be many heaven-reaching spiritual treasures, and even Xuantian treasures."

Someone's pupils constricted.

He suddenly discovered that Thunder Immortal Mansion actually began to fall apart. A complete palace instantly shattered into countless fragments and flew out in all directions.

There are at least tens of thousands of such fragments of the Immortal Mansion.

They are like shooting stars, blending into the void and flying towards the distance.

The speed is incredibly fast.

It can be said that such a speed is beyond the reach of even the divine consciousness.

"There are indeed many treasures in Thunder Immortal Mansion."

"Haha, I've done it before. This time I did it completely."

"There was a forbidden formation before, and we couldn't enter the Immortal Mansion. Now all the treasures in the Immortal Mansion have flown out. This is our opportunity, and we must not miss it."

"Rush over immediately and snatch the treasures. We will never allow these treasures to fall into the hands of other races."

"Damn guys, you dare to snatch treasures from me, you must die."

"Mine, these treasures belong to me all the way to the sky. Anyone who dares to stop me is an enemy and will definitely die."

The monks of all races roared and were excited.

Although they can no longer count on the immortal weapons, the many heaven-reaching spiritual treasures, Xuantian treasures, and even many fragments of the immortal mansion that flew out from the immortal mansion are all incredible treasures.

Even if they get one of them, they will benefit a lot.

No one would miss such an opportunity.

Obviously, such changes immediately aroused the greed and excitement of many races.

Faced with such opportunities and treasures, no one will give up.


In an instant, a battle broke out between the human race, the puppet race, the soaring snake race, the golden toad race, the holy lion race and other races, and all the major monks chased those light spots.

In order to obtain these treasures flying out from the fairy palace, they all resorted to murder.

For a time, an unprecedented war broke out in this area.


Zhou Sui naturally knew everything about the scene that appeared in Lei Mingxian Mansion.

After all, many of his clones are also hidden everywhere, monitoring every move of Thunder Immortal Mansion at all times.

However, he did not expect that such a change would occur in Thunder Immortal Mansion.

There was no need to enter the Immortal Mansion at all, the treasures inside actually flew out on their own initiative and scattered everywhere.

As for the monks in the Immortal Mansion, it is miserable.

As the Immortal Mansion collapsed, many monks died tragically on the spot instantly and were all torn apart.

"Fortunately, we didn't enter the Thunder Immortal Mansion, otherwise it would have been a bit troublesome."

Zhou Sui touched his chin.

Obviously, the power of Luck Gu is quite reliable.

Feeling that entering the Thunder Immortal Mansion, you will encounter a huge crisis, and it is also a life and death crisis.

That’s why I discouraged myself from entering it.


The next second, he looked up and saw a wonderful arc drawn in the sky. A golden light came through the sky and fell into the valley where he was at lightning speed.

It happened to fall right in front of him.

Suddenly, a deep pit appeared in the ground, with mud flying and smoke billowing.

There was a hot atmosphere all around.

Soon the smoke and dust dissipated, and a purple spherical crystal appeared on the ground. Densely packed fairy urns appeared on the surface of the sphere, filled with an unfathomable aura.

This purple crystal seems to be releasing repeated fairy energy, which is obviously very unusual.


Zhou Sui blinked his eyes. He obviously didn't deliberately look for opportunities, but the opportunities fell in front of him like this. It was like a treasure falling from the sky.

No wonder this opportunity will be taken away by others if he doesn't take it personally, thereby weakening his own luck. If he doesn't take away such an opportunity that is so easy to come by, he will simply deserve it.

It is equivalent to God feeding you food, but you vomit it out, that is, you deserve to starve to death.

So sometimes opportunities need to be fought for in person.

If you don't fight for this kind of opportunity, then there will be nothing.

"But what is this?"

Zhou Sui narrowed his eyes.

Obviously, according to the information from the Luck Gu, this opportunity can be regarded as one of the greatest opportunities. Even the immortal weapons flying out from the Thunder Immortal Mansion are far less than this opportunity.

And although that fairy weapon was also an opportunity, it also contained endless murderous intent.

Once you compete with others, let’s not say whether you can get it.

Even if you get it, it will cause endless troubles and become a target of public criticism.

It may even attract the attention of true spiritual creatures.

But this purple crystal is different.

It was just one of the thousands of treasures that flew out of the Thunder Immortal Mansion, and it was inconspicuous at all.

Even if you get this opportunity, it will not cause any disaster or trouble.


Thinking of this, he did not hesitate and immediately used his mind's eye insight.

The power of this mind's eye is like the art of identification, and it can identify everything in the world.

Even if it is a treasure that has never been seen before, it can know the other party's information.

Immediately, a huge message instantly sank into the depths of his consciousness.

"Earth Immortal Dao Fruit (Incomplete), description: This is the Dao Fruit from an Earth Immortal. It contains the lifelong cultivation and energy of this Earth Immortal. It is one of the rare treasures in this world and is extremely precious.

Once you take this Earth Immortal Dao Fruit, you can quickly acquire the cultivation level of this Earth Immortal. There will be no bottlenecks until you reach the Mahayana realm, and your cultivation will progress rapidly.

Disadvantages: Once you take this Earthly Immortal Dao Fruit, although you will definitely become an immortal, the upper limit of your cultivation level will also be locked. At the same time, there is a wisp of incomplete immortal soul deep in the Dao Fruit, and there is a risk of being taken away. "


Zhou Sui's pupils shrank. Although he already knew that this opportunity was not trivial, he still felt a turmoil in his heart when he sensed the message brought by his inner eye.

He never thought that this purple crystal was actually the Earth Immortal Dao Fruit, which was really unbelievable.

If this matter spreads, it will definitely cause a sensation in the entire spiritual world.

Even the true spirits will come after them.

Although swallowing this Earthly Immortal Dao Fruit may lock your upper limit, so what.

It is extremely difficult for ordinary monks to even become the Patriarch of Void Refining.

Not to mention, he wants to become a combined power, or even a loose immortal in the Mahayana realm.

Therefore, if there is such an opportunity, it is almost certain that he will become an immortal, and few monks will be willing to give up.

After all, even if the upper limit is locked, he is still an immortal. How can he be compared to other monks? !

However, according to the information conveyed by the Heart's Eye Insight, this Earthly Immortal Dao Fruit may not be an opportunity, and may also contain great risks and crises.

Because there is still a trace of fairy soul left inside.

It is estimated that although the owner of Thunder Immortal Mansion is seriously injured and dying, he still has a glimmer of hope left.

If given the chance, he could still be reborn.

But if it is obtained by a real son of luck, it is estimated that the lifelong cultivation of this earth immortal will definitely be deprived by the son of luck, and his lifelong cultivation will be in vain.

However, this Earth Immortal had a narrow escape from death. He didn't know what kind of disaster he suffered to end up like this.

The probability of falling into the spirit world and being reborn is very low.

Therefore, even if the owner of Thunder Immortal Mansion is really dead, it is a matter of course.

"In this case, it is not that simple to obtain the benefits of this Earthly Immortal Dao Fruit."

"We must kill the remaining immortal souls left inside."

Zhou Sui touched his chin.

Apparently, this is poisonous candy that looks incredibly delicious.

But without enough luck and strength, it will only become the reincarnation of this mysterious earthly immortal, and will be reborn by the other party when the time comes.


"The prohibition formation in front of Thunder Immortal Mansion restricts the entry of monks above the Transformation God."

"Could it be that this earthly immortal is choosing a suitable monk to seize his body?"

"But I still couldn't find a suitable object to seize the body, but the Thunder Immortal Mansion couldn't support it anymore, so I broke it into pieces and let the Earth Immortal Dao Fruit fly out. Otherwise, if it falls into the hands of the powerful combination, I'm afraid I will die. .”

Zhou Sui couldn't help but think of this.

Obviously, this kind of thing is also interrelated. No one wants to die, even an immortal.

Even as an immortal, having enjoyed the benefits of a long life, how could he be willing to die just like that?

I will definitely try my best and pay all costs to try to be reborn again.

Whoosh whoosh! ! !

At this moment, before Zhou Sui could continue to think, figures flew up from the sky, and dozens of monks in the realm of gods suddenly appeared.

This is a huge lion, with golden hair all over its body, blooming with golden light. The lion's claws are sharp and condescending, and its body is filled with the aura of a king and a fierce aura.

They are clearly god-transformation monks from the Holy Lion Clan.

One by one, they released their huge divine realms, covering all directions.

Obviously, this group of holy lion avatars also immediately focused on Zhou Sui.

At the same time, they also noticed the purple crystals on the ground.

Although these god-transforming monks don't know what the purple crystal is, after all, the Earthly Immortal Dao Fruit is mysterious and even Mahayana monks may not know it.

Zhou Sui also relied on the power of his mind's eye to understand the message. Not to mention the god-transformation monks, they would not know what it was.

But even so, they knew that this purple crystal must be worth a lot of money.

After all, they came to this place just now chasing the treasures flying out of Thunder Immortal Mansion.

The purple crystal in front of me is a treasure that flew out from Thunder Immortal Mansion.

Whatever it is, it's certainly not a bargain.

They are naturally determined to obtain such a treasure.

"There is actually a human god here?"

"I don't know whether your luck is bad luck or good luck."

"Staying here properly, I actually got a treasure flying out from the Immortal Mansion."

"But he accidentally met us."

"But it's probably very unlucky, because you're going to die now."

An avatar of the Holy Lion Clan stared at Zhou Sui with a playful look in his eyes.

It looked at Zhou Sui as if looking at a dead person.

Apparently it has regarded the treasures here as the possessions of the Holy Lion Clan.

There are no other human monks here.

Therefore, this human god must die, and no one can save him.

"It is said that your Holy Lion Clan also obtained a treasure from Thunder Immortal Mansion."

"The result was a tragic disaster and heavy losses."

"It seems that you, the Holy Lion Clan, are indeed extremely unlucky and have suffered many misfortunes."

"Heaven is going to destroy your Holy Lion Clan."

Zhou Sui looked at the group of Saint Lion Clan god-transforming monks with a strange expression.

He could see the huge black calamity aura and bloody disaster permeating the bodies of these god-transforming monks.

They were attracted by the treasures of Thunder Immortal Mansion and became greedy.

As everyone knows, this is a life and death disaster.

If you can control your inner greed, you may still be able to survive for a while.

But if they cannot control it, they will inevitably suffer disaster.

It is obvious that the entire Holy Lion Clan is now experiencing a lot of bad luck, the years are going badly, and there is a vague danger of annihilation of the clan.

"Fuck-talking human being, you are seeking death."

"I'm going to cut you into pieces later."

When many of the Holy Lion Clan's god-forming monks heard this, they immediately became furious. It was obvious that Zhou Sui's words had completely touched the pain in their hearts, making them furious and intolerable.

Each one of them released a terrifying murderous aura, intending to cut the human being in front of him into pieces.

Even if their holy lion tribe is now in decline, they are not something that little human gods can challenge.


But before they had finished speaking, Zhou Sui took action and waved his hand.

Sixth level low grade Tribulation Thunder Gu!

Divine Sky Tribulation Thunder!

In an instant, invisible tribulation thunders blasted out, silently and without a trace. This is the terrifying power of Shenxiao Thunder. It can be said that the great hope is silent and the elephant is invisible.

Especially after the Tribulation Thunder Gu was promoted to the sixth level of low-grade realm, the power of Shenxiao Tribulation Thunder was dozens of times more powerful than before, and it was no longer comparable to before.

What? !

Many of the Saint Lion Tribe's god-transforming monks were stunned for an instant. They had no idea what was happening. They just saw the human god-transforming monk in front of them wave his hand gently.

Immediately, they seemed to be bombarded by thunder. The terrifying thunder of the gods instantly bombarded their bodies. Even according to the tyrannical physique of the Holy Lion Clan, they could not withstand it.

Because Shenxiao Tribulation Thunder ignores any defense and directly bombards their souls.

With just one blow, dozens of Saint Lion Tribe cultivator monks were shattered to pieces in an instant, their souls were destroyed, and they were unable to even struggle.

Everyone's eyes were wide open, with endless fear and disbelief flowing from the depths of their pupils, as if they couldn't believe that they had died like this.

It was obvious that this was just a human monk in the God Transformation Realm in front of him. How could he be so terrifying? With one move, he killed dozens of Holy Lions in the God Transformation Realm.

At this time, they also knew that they had kicked the iron plate.

But it's too late to say anything now.


Immediately, one after another, the Holy Lion Clan's god-transforming monks fell from the air, hitting the ground hard, creating huge deep pits, and the surroundings were filled with billowing smoke and dust.

Their soul aura also dissipated instantly.

However, it is natural for such a result to occur.

After all, Tribulation Thunder Gu is already at the sixth level of low-grade realm, which is equivalent to a monk in the early stage of Void Refining Realm.

These Saint Lion Clan monks are indeed good, but they are only at the level of God Transformation at best.

Facing an existence at the level of the Void Refining Realm, it is simply impossible to resist.

Not to mention, the Tribulation Thunder Gu has mastered the power of Tribulation Thunder, which is quite a power to restrain them.

If so, how can they resist it?

It can only be said that they are indeed plagued by bad luck today. They are extremely unlucky and have a way to die.


Zhou Sui waved his hand and immediately collected all the corpses of the Saint Lion Clan's gods and put them into the Shanhaizhu space.

After all, these Saint Lion Clan corpses are worth a lot of money.

The materials on each holy lion can be used to refine elixirs or magic weapons.

If that doesn't work, you can also eat flesh and blood to enhance the qi and blood in your body.

"Have you alarmed the Holy Lion Clan?"

"It's better to run away."

Zhou Sui also picked up the Earthly Immortal Dao Fruit and put it into the Mountain and Sea Pearl space. Then he used teleportation Gu to restrain his aura and left this place instantly.

Obviously, killing so many Holy Lion Clan monks in the Divine Transformation Realm at once has completely angered the Holy Lion Clan.

But he had no fear either.

With the help of the teleportation Gu, he can leave this place at any time and avoid the pursuit of the Holy Lion Clan.

He was already invincible.

Whoosh whoosh! ! !

Not long after Zhou Sui left, many Holy Lions of the Void Refining Realm arrived here one after another.

They sensed the aura around them, and their expressions were extremely ugly.

"Damn it, who, who killed my child of the Holy Lion Clan?"

"He must be a monk in the Void Refining Realm. Only the Ancestor of the Void Refining Realm can kill the child of our Holy Lion Tribe so quickly."

"As the ancestor of Lianxu, it is really unreasonable to use the big to bully the small."

"The murderer has already run away and disappeared without a trace. It was obvious that he had planned it in advance."

"Alas, in order to compete for the immortal artifacts, various tribes are fighting in a melee, and their auras are mixed together, making it difficult to track. You should let the geniuses in your tribe hide and don't let them come out to fight for the treasures. Otherwise, if you encounter those shameless Lianxu Ancestor, the combined power is so powerful that all the children in the clan will die."

"Yes, our Holy Lion Clan can no longer withstand such a toss."

Many Holy Lion Clan monks gritted their teeth and felt helpless.

But there's nothing they can do.

Faced with such a scene of fighting among various races, they were unable to track the murderer and could only put it down temporarily.

In this place, a Holy Lion monk may die at any moment.

There are too many murderers.

A few hours later.

The clone Zhou Sui followed the guidance of the luck Gu and came to a hidden cave in the Thunder Mountains.

There is not much danger in staying in this cave.

It may even increase your luck and gain opportunities.

Of course, he is not interested in getting any opportunities now.

After all, the Earth Immortal Dao Fruit in his body is the biggest opportunity, and other opportunities are actually nothing.

"If you directly swallow the Earth Immortal Dao Fruit, there will be no bottlenecks before you become an immortal."

"But this will also be restricted by the Earth Immortal Dao Fruit, which will hinder the future path. It can be said that the gain outweighs the loss."

"What's more, the remnant soul of the immortal is hidden in the Earthly Immortal Dao Fruit. This is also a hidden crisis."

"If the remaining soul of the immortal is not dealt with, this will always be a poisonous apple."

Zhou Sui touched his chin and thought about how to deal with this Earthly Immortal Dao Fruit.

Because if you are not careful, this will not be a chance, but a fatal murderous intention.

At that time, a happy event turns into a funeral.

Sometimes chance is what it is.

If it is not resolved properly, it may turn into disaster.

"It seems that we still need to seek help from Qi Luck Gu."

Zhou Sui narrowed his eyes.

The power of Qi Luck Gu has endless magical uses. As long as the luck can be burned, a solution to the crisis can be found.

Of course, this also requires enough luck.

Otherwise, it would be hard for a clever woman to make a meal without straw.


Thinking of this, Zhou Sui immediately activated the power of the Qi Luck Gu, and wisps of golden luck began to burn.

Immediately afterwards, a mysterious message instantly sank into the depths of his consciousness.

"I see."

"You can use the power of Dream Soul Gu to devour this residual soul."

"Then give the Earth Immortal Dao Fruit to the Tribulation Thunder Gu to be swallowed."

"Not only can it perfectly swallow the energy of the Earthly Immortal Dao Fruit, but it can also avoid the side effects of the Dao Fruit."

Zhou Sui touched his chin, with a look of sudden realization on his face.

To be honest, he had thought of a similar method before.

But he was not sure whether Dream Soul Gu could really swallow this ray of immortal soul.

After all, this is the soul of an immortal. Even if it is only in a mutilated state, the fifth-level high-grade Dream Soul Gu may not be able to deal with it. If you are careless, the Dream Soul Gu may be killed.

However, Luck Gu told him that Dream Soul Gu was sure to kill this ray of immortal soul.

Obviously, this mysterious Earth Immortal's injuries were more serious than imagined.

It is now so weak that it cannot even deal with the fifth level Dream Soul Gu.

But if you think about it carefully, it is indeed the case.

If the remnant soul of this Earth Immortal was really powerful, he would not have let the Thunder Immortal Mansion collapse and then take the opportunity to escape.

It is estimated that the method used just now has consumed a lot of the opponent's strength.

The other party is now at its most vulnerable moment.

It can be said that taking advantage of his illness to kill him, naturally he cannot give the other party a chance to recover his strength.


Thinking of this, Zhou Sui did not hesitate and summoned the Dream Soul Gu immediately.

Suddenly, a colorful Dream Soul Gu worm flew out from his body, and his entire body was like a bubble, containing incredible dream power.


The next second, it opened its mouth wide and immediately used the power of dreams on the Immortal Dao Fruit in front of it. This power has a great attraction for souls, and even the souls of immortals will be sucked out.

"How is it possible? How could a mere mortal discover the existence of my Red Thunder Immortal?"

"When did you discover me?"

In an instant, an illusory soul struggled out of the Earthly Immortal Dao Fruit. Now its soul body was in tatters and riddled with holes, like a candle left in the wind.

If an ordinary soul encountered such trauma, he would probably die long ago.

But this is the soul of an immortal, so naturally it will not die so easily.


The moment it appeared, the spiritual energy of the surrounding world surged, forming a huge spiritual energy vortex, as if it had become the master of this area.

But now its eyes showed a look of horror, looking at Zhou Sui in disbelief.

Because according to its previous plan, if this mortal tries to swallow his Earthly Immortal Dao Fruit, then it will rise up and take the opportunity to destroy this mortal's soul, seize the other person's body, and be reborn.

Of course, if you can use the Immortal Dao Fruit to reincarnate, that is the best choice.

Not only can he retain all his memories, but he can also quickly restore his past cultivation through the power of Tao Fruit.

Unfortunately, its injuries were so severe that it didn't have the chance to choose.

The best thing for it to do is to find a living being and take over its body to be reborn.

Although the body taken from the body may not be suitable for him.

But as an immortal, as long as you can survive, you will have the opportunity to make up for various shortcomings.

But who could have imagined that his foolproof plan would be seen through by the mortal in front of him.

He even used a strange insect from heaven and earth to try to devour his soul.

It is simply unreasonable and treasonous for a mere mortal to actually want to kill an immortal.

Endless rage surged deep within it.


Zhou Suicai was too lazy to pay attention to the remnant soul of the immortal. Faced with such an extraordinary existence, even saying one more word might lead to his own death.

After all, no one knows how many tricks an immortal has.

The best option is to kill this guy as soon as possible.

He will never take it lightly until he kills this immortal soul.


At this moment, Dream Soul Gu opened its mouth, and its entire body seemed to turn into a black hole of nightmare, generating unparalleled devouring power, and pounced towards the immortal's remnant soul in one swoop.

Now Dream Soul Gu is extremely excited.

Because it senses how terrifying the soul energy is contained in this remnant soul.

Even if it is just a ray of fairy soul, it cannot be compared with other souls.

If it could swallow this ray of immortal soul, its cultivation would probably increase exponentially.

For it, this is simply an unimaginable opportunity.

"Stop, stop it now."

"I am an immortal from the Immortal Realm and know countless secrets of the Immortal Realm."

"Don't you want to know the secret of becoming an immortal?"

"If you let me go, I can teach you what I have learned throughout my life and teach you all the mysteries of immortals."

This ray of immortal soul couldn't help but show a look of horror on its face.

It tried to seduce Zhou Sui.

It is a pity that Zhou Sui was not moved at all when faced with such temptation.

The secrets of the fairy world are indeed important.

But your own life is more important.

The remnant soul of an immortal who doesn't know the details stays by his side, just to cause trouble for himself.

No one knows when the other party will get angry.

What kind of methods will be used on him?

It would be better to completely kill this remnant soul of the immortal.

Even if you get less benefits, at least you are safe.

And now that his cultivation level is low, even if he knows the secrets of the immortal world, he will not be able to ascend to the immortal world in a short time.

So he didn't even care about the seduction of the immortal's remnant soul.

It's like ogling a blind man.

"Damn it."

"A mere mortal wants to kill the immortal."

"You are simply talking nonsense."

"Even if I, the Scarlet Thunder Immortal, die, I will not make it easy for you."

This remnant soul of the immortal roared with rage.

It found that its words were of no use to this guy, and it still insisted on killing itself.

So when it was desperate, it went completely crazy, trying to detonate the immortal soul and die with this mortal.

Unfortunately, it's too late.


The next second, the Dream Soul Gu swallowed up this ray of immortal soul into his stomach in one gulp.

Immediately, this remnant soul of the immortal suddenly found that it seemed to have fallen into a dream world. At the same time, wisps of dream power sank into the depths of its soul, causing it to fall into a dream.

If it were in its prime, no, even if it was in a slightly better state, it would not be fooled by the power of Dream Soul Gu.

But it's different now.

It was already extremely weak and could not exert any strength on its body.

Facing the dream power of Dream Soul Gu, it is naturally impossible to resist.


In just an instant, it fell into endless darkness. This ray of fairy soul seemed to be wrapped in countless nightmare gastric juices, which had a corrosive and digestive effect.

"No no no!!"

The Scarlet Thunder Immortal couldn't help but let out a shrill scream. It didn't expect that it had gone through so much trouble to sneak into the spirit world and finally survived, but in the end it would die at the hands of a mortal.

Although it had heard before that when immortals descend to earth, they rarely return to the immortal world alive.

Because immortals will be suppressed by the laws of the interface.

Not only will their strength be limited, but they will also have bad luck and encounter various disasters.

Otherwise, I don’t know how many immortals would have descended to the lower world.

But it didn't expect that it would die in the hands of a mortal.

A lifetime of cultivation is ruined, or even given away to others.

But no matter how unwilling it was, it was of no avail. It still died in the body of Dream Soul Gu. This residual soul was continuously refined by Dream Soul Gu and transformed into huge soul energy.


In an instant, Zhou Sui sensed that the power of Dream Soul Gu had increased exponentially. Even if it was just a wisp of fairy soul, the soul energy it contained was not comparable to that of ordinary demons.

For Dream Soul Gu, this is no less than taking a ten thousand year elixir.

The ferocious power of the medicine was simply unbelievable, sinking into its body like a flood.

As a result, the power of Dream Soul Gu has been increased geometrically.

Sixth level low grade!

Immediately, Dream Soul Gu's body shook and underwent an astonishing transformation. Its original size was fully doubled compared to before.

The colorful body now has dense mysterious lines.

It seems that the nightmare space in the body has been further expanded.

The body can hold many dream bubbles.

"The dream world in the sixth-level dream soul Gu has formed a triple dream world."

Zhou Sui could sense the power of the dream world in Dream Soul Gu, forming a triple dream world. Even if the ancestor of Lianxu entered the dream world, he could not easily escape.

Once you use your magical power to enter a dream, it is almost impossible to get rid of the enemy's soul.

Moreover, the sixth level dream soul Gu can also condense the seeds of the dream world.

This dream seed can affect the dreams of living beings in a radius of 100 million kilometers, and then integrate the dreams of all living beings to form a huge dream dimension.

The dreams of many creatures will enter the dream world.

Then Dream Soul Gu can swallow the power of dreams of all living beings, and continuously strengthen the power of Dream Soul Gu itself.

"Tsk, tsk, if the power of the Dream Seed is used in Fengxi City, wouldn't it mean that one can gain insight into the dreams of all living beings in Fengxi City?"

"If it is malicious, it can even drag the souls of all humans in Fengxi City into the dream world."

"Of course, you can also use this power to steal the memories of sentient beings quietly and obtain a lot of information."

Zhou Sui touched his chin.

Obviously, the Dream Soul Gu that has been promoted to the sixth level of low-level realm is dozens of times more powerful than before.

The Dream Soul Gu now has a hint of the power of the Lord of the Dream World.

"The sixth-level dream soul Gu also gave birth to a bloodline magical power."

"This magical power is called Dream World Walking."

Zhou Sui narrowed his eyes.

Obviously, this is a very powerful magical power. Once it is used, it can transform the body into a dream world creature and make the body step into the dream world.

You must know that the dream world is not in the real dimension, but in dimensional time and space, belonging to another dimension.

Once you enter the dream dimension, it will be difficult for others to notice your existence.

It can be said that whether it is running away or on the road.

This magical power has endless uses.

After all, once you transform into a dream creature, you can teleport within the dream dimension as fast as teleportation.

It can move millions of kilometers in an instant.

"The power of this magical power is indeed powerful."

"But the time it takes to perform is too short."

"Based on my current cultivation level, I can only hold on for one minute at most."

Zhou Sui touched his chin.

Obviously, there are great risks in activating this magical power.

Once you are in the dream world for a long time, you will be eroded by the power of the dream world, and then you may become a dream world creature permanently, and you will never be able to get rid of it from now on.

Judging from his current cultivation level, he can resist the erosion of the power of the dream world for at most one minute.

If it exceeds this time, it will cause damage to the body.

Of course, as his cultivation level increases, the duration will definitely be extended.

But even so, one minute of dream walking is powerful enough.

If used at a critical moment, it is a magical method that can be used to escape, and it can be said to be infinitely mysterious.


Thinking of this, Zhou Sui thought and immediately activated this magical power.

Immediately, he found that his body immediately became insubstantial, and his whole person seemed to turn into a wisp of thought, a wisp of light smoke, penetrating many dimensions at once, and entering the dream dimension.

At this moment, Zhou Sui felt that his body seemed to be in the depths of dimensional time and space. This was not a dimensional world that ordinary monks could touch, just like the soul space.

There is no sunlight around, it is purely a dark and empty space. There is roaring sound in the depths of the void, and from time to time, terrifying soul storms are heard.

Deep in the dream world, there are still countless demons roaring vaguely.

There are even countless demons living in this dimensional space, constantly devouring all kinds of evil thoughts transmitted from the real world.

"Is this how the Heavenly Demon was born?"

"The so-called demons are monsters formed from the evil thoughts of sentient beings?"

"If this is the case, is it no wonder that the demon cannot be destroyed?"

Zhou Sui was amazed.

He felt that he might know the origin of the extraterrestrial demon.

They are basically created by the evil thoughts of sentient beings and are born because of sentient beings.

The stronger the sentient beings are, the stronger the demons will be.

It's like there are two sides of the same body.

They complement each other and are indispensable.

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