The Tao of Immortality Gu: Start by refining the Infatuation Gu

Chapter 384 The Endless Thunder Sea Dharma Appearance, the Return of the High-grade Heavenly Spiritu

Chapter 384 The Dharma of the Endless Thunder Sea, the High-Grade Sky-Bearing Spiritual Treasure Reflective Mirror, and the Opportunity of Thunder Immortal Mansion

"I see."

"If there is this high-grade Heaven-reaching Spiritual Treasure Reflective Mirror, then it will be a piece of cake to deal with the god-transformation monk."

Hearing this, the two puppet clan Lianxu couldn't help but nodded.

Originally, it was easy for them to kill humans and transform into gods.

But I was afraid that when the other party struggled, it might attract the attention of other monks.

By then the whole city is wanted.

I'm afraid they will die together with each other.

Although they have long been prepared to sacrifice, there is no need to make such unnecessary sacrifices.

Who would want to die if they could still survive?


At this moment, a terrifying domain power crushed down and instantly enveloped the three void-refining creatures including Puppet 51, Puppet 52, and Puppet 53.

It was like a huge mountain was crushing down, binding the spiritual energy of heaven and earth around it.

This makes their bodies unstable.


In an instant, the faces of Puppet Wuyi and other Void Refining Puppet creatures changed. They had no idea what happened, and they had no idea why they were suddenly attacked like this.

You must know that their actions are very secretive, and they do not even get close to the target person's residence.

But now, it is actually unbelievable that they are attacked by the enemy.

What frightened them even more was that the entire eighty-eight Taoist courtyard's barrier formations were instantly activated, covering the area and forming a four-layer barrier formation.

This area instantly turned into an independent space.

No matter what happens in this space, no one outside will know.

This is the power of the sixth-order formation.

"Damn it, it's actually a sixth-order formation?!"

"When did the Eighty-Eight Taoist Academy arrange the sixth-order formation?"

"Isn't this place only a fifth-level formation at most? When did the formation here change?"

The pupils of the three Void Refining Puppet creatures shrank, it was simply unbelievable.

They had inquired about information before, and the so-called Taoist Academy only had fifth-level formations at most.

After all, if you want to set up a sixth-order formation, the required formation materials are not something ordinary Taoist academies can afford.

Even if they could afford the formation materials, the cost of inviting a sixth-level formation master to take action would be quite expensive, and no Taoist academy would be able to afford such money.

But now, the sixth-order formation actually appeared in the Eighty-eight Dao Academy, which is really unbelievable.

This is beyond their imagination.

Of course, the reason why the sixth-order formation appeared in this place is naturally related to Zhou Sui.

As his territory, the Eighty-Eight Taoist Temple was naturally built like an iron barrel right away.

Since he became a sixth-level formation mage, he has also secretly changed the mountain-protecting formation in the Eighty-eight Daoyuan.

This advanced the mountain-protecting formation into a sixth-level high-grade formation - the Five Elements Sumeru Formation.

In this way, even if an enemy comes in, it will still be enough for the enemy to drink a pot.

Originally this was just a way for Zhou Sui to protect himself.

Who would have known that there would actually be people who dared to risk the disapproval of the world and commit crimes within the city.

Moreover, the enemy is still the ancestor of the Void Refining Realm.

To a certain extent, Zhou Sui's decision was quite correct.

If the sixth-order formation is not prepared, there may be a certain degree of danger.

"Zhou Sui, the person who attacked us is this boy Zhou Sui."

Puppet Wuyi immediately shouted. The figure it saw appearing here for the first time was none other than their target, Zhou Sui. The opponent was filled with terrifying murderous intent and locked onto their aura.

It was confused.

They were obviously planning to assassinate this kid, so why are they doing it the other way around now?

It was as if he had stepped into the opponent's trap and came looking for death.

"Fellow Daoist Zhou, there is a misunderstanding. It's all a misunderstanding."

"We accidentally broke into the Taoist temple."

"Please let go of this sixth-level formation."

Puppet 52 shouted loudly. It did not feel that its identity was exposed. Instead, it thought that it had accidentally broken into the Taoist temple and was noticed by the guy in front of it.

As long as you explain clearly, the other party will definitely not continue to attack.

After all, they haven't started yet, it's just an idea.

Even if you file a complaint with the government, they will still be justified.

"I know this is a misunderstanding."

"So just be careful in your next life."

Zhou Sui said lightly.

What? !

The faces of Puppet Wuyi and other Void Refining cultivators were ferocious. These mere human beings who transformed into gods were too arrogant and arrogant.

They are monks in the early stage of virtual refining.

In terms of strength, it is one level higher than this little human in the late stages of divine transformation.

The difference between transforming into a god and refining the void is simply a difference between cloud and mud.

Normally, Ancestor Lianxu could easily kill Master Huashen.

But now, this kid sounds like he can kill them easily, which is really unreasonable.

Who is assassinating whom now?

But before they could react, Zhou Sui took action. He immediately activated the Tribulation Thunder Gu on his body. He had been promoted to the sixth-level low-grade Tribulation Thunder Gu, and his strength was terrifying.

The power on it seemed to be integrated with Zhou Sui's power.

Human Gu unites into one.


Immediately, within the entire formation barrier, endless spiritual energy of heaven and earth surged over, and a huge dharma image of heaven and earth immediately appeared behind Zhou Sui - the endless sea of ​​thunder.

Vaguely, a huge ocean appeared behind Zhou Sui, but the seawater inside was condensed by thunder. Every drop of seawater was thunder liquid, and countless thunders were roaring.

It seemed that at this moment he turned into a thunder god, controlling the endless sea of ​​thunder.

If we say the battle between the monks who transform themselves into gods, it is a collision and contest between the realms of transforming gods and the realms of transforming gods.

So the battle between Lianxu Ancestor is the collision between the laws of heaven and earth and the laws of heaven and earth.

"That's ridiculous. Is this the law of heaven and earth?"

"How is it possible? Isn't this kid a cultivator of gods? How can he master the laws of heaven and earth?"

"Nima, this kid has hidden his cultivation. He is not a god-transformation monk, but an ancestor of Xu Lian. We have all been deceived by him."

The expressions of Puppet Wuyi and other Void Refining cultivators changed drastically.

They felt the terror of this heaven and earth dharma, as if they had manipulated the infinite thunder energy between heaven and earth. Terrifying thunder appeared all around, full of destructive aura.

In this life, they have never seen a human ancestor who mastered such terrifying power and vast magic power. It was simply beyond imagination.

"Want to kill us? It's not that simple."

"Let's join forces."

"Kill the puppet Dharma Prime Minister."

In an instant, the three puppet clan Void Refining monks shouted loudly.

Now they didn't care that their identities were exposed, and they started to join forces as soon as possible.

This is actually a special ability of the puppet clan.

Their mutual strength can be combined to form a battle formation.

Thus the power of one plus one is greater than two.

The three puppet clan Void Refining monks joined forces, and the magic power on them instantly merged together, and a terrifying aura instantly rose up, sweeping across the nine heavens and ten lands.

Fortunately, it was surrounded by the barrier of the sixth-level formation.

Otherwise, such astonishing momentum and power would definitely shock the entire Fengxi City.


I saw a big gray tree immediately appearing behind them, standing tall against the sky, with bare branches without any leaves, and the branches above seemed to be in a withered state.

A shadowy figure with a human face appeared on the tree trunk.

Roots seemed to penetrate into the depths of the void, absorbing endless spiritual energy from heaven and earth.

It is filled with evil, darkness, curse, parasitism and other auras.

Densely dense dark runes squirmed on it.

This is the Dharma of the Puppet Mother Tree!

Basically, the laws of heaven and earth of every puppet clan's Void Refining monk are like this.

Because essentially, they are one with the puppet mother tree.

He is also a soldier of the Puppet Mother Tree.

As long as the puppet mother tree is still alive, they can give anything, even sacrifice themselves.

Boom, boom, boom! ! !

The next second, Puppet Wuyi and other Void Refining monks roared, and the Puppet Mother Tree behind them started to move. The gray branches on their bodies were like spears, and they shot towards Zhou Sui.

In mid-air, terrifying afterimages appeared.

Even the divine consciousness cannot detect it.

It seems that this blow is enough to destroy the land with a radius of 100,000 miles and leave a mountain full of holes.


Zhou Sui was neither happy nor sad. After he activated all the power of the Tribulation Thunder Gu, he found that he was like a god of thunder, and his whole body was filled with endless power.

It seems that he can easily control the power of thunder between heaven and earth.

Supernatural power - Emperor Thunder Palm!

In an instant, he blasted away at the three monks who were in the early stage of Void Refining with one palm strike.

Suddenly, a terrifying purple palm struck. Its palm seemed to contain a sea of ​​thunder, and every finger on it was condensed from thunder energy.

Every palm print on it is like a thunder pattern, densely packed and winding.

This palm is like the palm of the God of Thunder, falling from the sky, releasing unimaginable imperial power.

It seemed that with this palm strike, it controlled the lives of countless creatures and strangled the throats of countless creatures.

The atmosphere around him seemed to have completely solidified at this moment.


Immediately, the two forces collided together instantly, just like two planets colliding, producing a terrible impact that swept through the nine heavens and ten lands.

The surrounding aura of heaven and earth was like ocean waves, bombarding in all directions, forming solid sound waves that continuously impacted the surrounding enchantment formations.

Fortunately, this is the barrier of a sixth-level high-grade formation. It forms its own space and is extremely strong.

Even such terrifying mana fluctuations and destructive power cannot harm the sixth-order formation at all.

Even the shock waves and sounds generated were swallowed up and absorbed by the four layers of enchantment, and were eliminated invisible.


The expressions of Puppet Wuyi and other Void Refining cultivators changed drastically, feeling the fatal crisis.

Because they found that the destructive power of this blow was simply beyond imagination.

This is not an ordinary thunder, but a tribulation thunder.

It can be said that this power has a very restraining effect on the puppet clan.

With a bang, their puppet mother tree was instantly defeated by a palm and fell into pieces.

At the same time, this palm also slapped them hard.

The terrifying thunderbolts penetrated their bodies and entered their internal organs and souls.

"It's over."

The faces of Puppet Wuyi and other Void Refining cultivators were ashen. They felt that this destructive force had completely destroyed their own vitality, and even felt that their souls were being destroyed inch by inch.

It was as if he had experienced the thunder tribulation of void refining and died miserably under the thunder tribulation.

To be honest, they didn't expect such a thing to happen at all.

It was obvious that they were here to assassinate this human monk who transformed into a god.

But who would have thought that before they could take action, the enemy would come to kill them.

It was like a prophet who had noticed their actions in advance and eradicated the root causes.

They never thought about when they were exposed.

Now they are so sorry that their intestines are green.

If they had known that this human-turned-god cultivator was so terrifying, they would never have come to cause trouble.

But it's too late to say anything now.

"Yes, they are all dead."

"Is this the Divine Power Emperor Thunder Palm? The power is indeed extraordinary."

"He actually killed the three great masters in the early stage of Void Refining with one palm."

Zhou Sui's heart moved, and the Dream Soul Gu on his body immediately took action and swallowed up the soul fragments of the three Void Refining monks. Apparently, they were indeed killed by his palm, and they couldn't even pretend to be dead.

To be honest, this was the first time he had used this magical power.

Just the first time it was used, it caused such amazing effects and power.

With his cultivation in the Transformation of God Realm, he killed someone in the Void Refining Realm.

If this matter spreads, it will definitely cause a sensation in the human race.

After all, such a leapfrog challenge is extremely rare.

Not even a peerless monster would be able to do such a thing.

Obviously, the reason for such remarkable results is enough to prove the power of Tribulation Thunder Gu.

After all, the power of the Emperor's Thunder Palm also contains the power of thunder.

Killing with one palm, it was like thunder coming.

For the monks, this is simply a fatal force that is simply difficult to resist.

It can be said that they are equivalent to dying under a catastrophe.

"Well, you're not a human monk?"

"And a Void Refining Monk from the Puppet Clan?!"

"They used the art of spiritual puppet unity to parasitize the human race's Void Refining monks."

"As a result, they have become human traitors, lurking within the human race to cause destruction."

Zhou Sui's eyes revealed a terrifying light.

Deep in the sea of ​​consciousness, he immediately felt the huge soul memory messages, all coming from the memories of the three Void Refining monks who had been killed just now.

At this time, he finally knew the identities of the three assassins.

It turned out to be from the puppet clan.

They are lurking in the territory of the human race, always trying to assassinate the geniuses of the human race.

Many human geniuses had died at the hands of the puppet killers.

"Damn, he's just a little famous, but he's on some assassination list."

Zhou Sui was very depressed.

To be honest, he was keeping a low profile enough in Fengxi City, he just had a beautiful Taoist priest.

Over the years, I have always been kind to others and never had conflicts.

But who could have imagined that he would be targeted by the puppet clan, regarded as a human genius, and put on the assassination list.

This is purely an unnecessary disaster.

It can only be said that the conflict between the human race and the puppet race has become more and more intense, and they have begun to assassinate each other's geniuses.

Of course, the puppet race has special abilities and can hide in the dark, which gives it an advantage over the human race.

"It's a pity that there is no information about other puppet clan spies."

"If there are any, capture them all and kill them."

Zhou Sui felt very sorry.

Obviously, the puppet clan is also very cautious, and these spies basically have one-way contact.

No one knows their true identity except their superiors.

This is also to avoid that once it is leaked, a lot of spies will be leaked, leading to a mess.

Although the efficiency of single-line communication is a bit low, it is better than safety.

Therefore, after such a long time, the human race rarely caught these people raping.

Unless they actively expose themselves.

"But this harvest is not bad, I actually got so many treasures."

Zhou Sui waved his hand and immediately picked up three storage bags from the ground. They were all left by the three puppet clan Void Refining monks. There were suddenly a large number of treasures stored in them.

The first is the number of top-quality spiritual stones. The three storage bags add up to at least 2.5 million yuan.

Secondly, there was the number of immortal crystals, which actually amounted to thirty pieces.

To be honest, owning thirty Immortal Crystals is already quite an astonishing wealth.

Ordinary Void Refining monks may not have so many fairy crystals. At most, they only have the best spiritual stones.

After all, the number of Immortal Crystals is too rare.

"There are actually thirty immortal crystals. It seems that these three spies are also rich."

Zhou Sui touched his chin.

Obviously, these thirty immortal crystals were all funded by the puppet clan.

After all, as a spy, it would be difficult to move forward without funds.

Whether you are gathering information or practicing on your own, it requires a lot of resources.

We can’t let people use love to generate electricity.

Without enough benefits, these spies would not be able to sacrifice their lives to provide intelligence to the clan.

"It would be great if we could get a lot of fairy crystals."

"Immortal crystals can not only be used to assist cultivation, but can also be used to purchase various treasures."

"It's simply the hard currency of the spiritual world."

Zhou Sui narrowed his eyes.

He had only seen a hundred fairy crystals from Bai Sujie before.

The number of Immortal Crystals is simply ridiculously rare.

Of course there are many benefits.

He also once used a piece of fairy crystal to practice, and found that the efficiency of practice was more than ten times faster.

If he could bathe in the Immortal Crystal for a long time and practice, I'm afraid he could be promoted to the perfection of God Transformation within ten years.

Unfortunately, it was impossible for him to find so many fairy crystals.

This kind of practice is really too luxurious.

In fact, no monk is willing to use fairy crystals to practice unless he is about to break through the bottleneck.

Immortal crystals are more useful in exchange for treasures with other monks.

For example, high-level elixirs, high-level elixirs, high-level treasures, etc.

"But the biggest gain is probably this top-grade Heavenly Spiritual Treasure Reflective Mirror."

Zhou Sui smiled slightly.

He sensed that inside one of the storage bags, there was a high-grade Tongtian Spiritual Treasure.

To be honest, a treasure of this level can be regarded as a clan treasure of a race.

He also has three heaven-reaching spiritual treasures on his body, namely the Eight Wastelands Demon Sealing Tower, the Five Dragon Guillotine, and the Qingluan True Fire Mirror.

It's a pity that they are only low-grade Tongtian spiritual treasures.

In terms of level, it is really far from the top-grade Tongtian Lingbao.

Although it is only a difference of two levels, in terms of real power, the power difference is at least ten times, or even dozens of times.

There are actually not a few low-grade Tongtian Lingbao in the spiritual world.

But the number of high-grade Tongtian Lingbao is very few.

There are only a few powerful fusion masters who can master the top-grade Tongtian Spiritual Treasure.

It can be said that if the puppet clan lost a high-grade heaven-reaching spiritual treasure, it would be considered a heavy loss.

"The power of this top-grade Tongtianbao Reflective Mirror is extraordinary."

Zhou Sui was very excited.

From the memories of the three Void Refining Puppet Clan monks, we can know that this high-grade heaven-reaching spiritual treasure has a total of two abilities, one of which is detection.

It can automatically detect the strength of all living things within a million-mile radius, know the specific location of each person, and can also display it in the mirror for real-time monitoring.

The second ability is rebound.

It can swallow and absorb the enemy's attack power, and then release divine light, reflecting this power back to the enemy. The more terrifying the enemy's attack, the more terrifying the rebound power is.

As long as the enemy's power does not exceed the range of the Reflective Mirror, it will definitely bounce back.

It can be said that the reflective mirror with this ability is quite powerful.

Even among the many high-grade Tongtian spiritual treasures, it is enough to be among the best.

Because of this, when this heaven-reaching spiritual treasure fell in Fengxi City, the puppet clan was still very anxious, and they simply couldn't wait to get this treasure back as soon as possible.

It's a pity that the puppet clan never expected that the three traitors would not only lose their own lives, but also lose this high-grade heaven-reaching spiritual treasure due to their own actions.

"Not bad."

Zhou Sui touched his chin and felt very satisfied.

Obviously, once he refines this high-grade heaven-reaching spiritual treasure, his strength will definitely be greatly improved.

As long as you hold this treasure, you will be invincible and will bounce back all the enemy's attacks.

"I've been really lucky lately."

"A spy from the Puppet Clan actually came to my house to die, and even gave me the clan's treasures."

"It seems that I really need to go to Thunder Immortal Mansion recently."

"Otherwise, this huge opportunity will be wasted."

Zhou Sui narrowed his eyes.

He felt that after he easily defeated the three monks of the Void Refining Puppet Clan, his luck had also increased. After all, the improvement of strength and the increase of magic weapons would also improve his luck and have the effect of suppressing it.


Immediately, he waved his hand and cast a spell. The earth that was originally damaged due to the battle was restored to its original state in an instant, and many rubbles were completely healed.

It was as if nothing had happened just now.

The corpses of the three Void Refining Puppet monks were also instantly burned to ashes.

There are only three puppet seeds left.

Due to the power of the sixth-level formation barrier, the battle fluctuations within the barrier were not transmitted.

No one knows that a Void Refining level battle once took place here.


The next second, Zhou Sui flashed and returned to the bedroom of the manor.

At this moment, Bai Sujie had been waiting for a while.

"Mr. sir, has the matter been resolved?"

Seeing Zhou Sui come back safe and sound, Bai Sujie breathed a sigh of relief.

"Yes, it's solved."

"Killed three traitors."

Zhou Sui nodded and briefly explained what had just happened, so as not to worry his Taoist companion.

This matter is naturally a secret to outsiders.

But for your fellow Taoists, there is no need to hide anything. We are all one.

So Bai Sujie is naturally qualified to know these things.

"Are they actually three traitors who used the spirit puppet technique?"

"And they plan to assassinate us?"

Hearing this, Bai Sujie's beautiful eyes widened. She didn't expect that tonight would be so dangerous, and she would encounter three virtual-refining puppet monks. If her husband-in-law hadn't noticed it in advance, they would have been in trouble.

"That's right."

"Judging from their memories, there are many similar actions."

"Basically every human genius is being targeted by them."

Zhou Sui said in a deep voice.

"The abominable puppet clan is so easy for everyone to kill."

"No wonder so many geniuses in our human race died for no reason."

"It turns out it's all the work of the puppet clan."

Bai Sujie clenched her fists and gritted her teeth, feeling very excited.

She couldn't help but think of many things that had happened within the human race before.

Many human geniuses always die for no reason.

Or die in the city.

Or die in the wild, etc.

Originally I thought their death was an accident, but now it seems that the puppet clan was secretly planning it.

She also didn't expect that the human city seemed safe on the surface.

But in fact, there are dangers everywhere, and fatal murders may be encountered at any time.

The reason why she was fine before was just because she was not a threat enough and was not targeted by the puppet clan.

If she is targeted, even if she is the daughter of the Human Emperor, she will probably be very dangerous.

Because there are not a few royal descendants who have died at the hands of the puppet clan in recent years.

The puppet clan doesn't care if you are a descendant of the royal family.

For them, it's not surprising that they just killed a human being.

"Mr. Sir, you are indeed foresighted."

"If we hadn't built the sixth-order formation in the Eighty-Eight Dao Yuan in advance, I'm afraid they would have succeeded."

Bai Sujie looked at Zhou Sui with admiration.

Before, she always felt that doing so was unnecessary and too cautious.

After all, how could there be any danger in Fengxi City?

Even building a sixth-level formation in the Taoist Academy would be a waste of money.

With so much money, why not buy other things.

But looking at it now, all the money was spent wisely, preventing a life and death crisis.

"In that case, I wonder what reward you will get, madam?"

Zhou Sui put his arms around Bai Sujie's slender waist and looked at this peerless beauty.

Even though she has practiced double cultivation countless times, this beauty is still so moving and mouth-watering.

"What other rewards are there? How many more wives and concubines will my husband be rewarded?"

Bai Sujie said angrily, she couldn't help but give this bastard man a blank look.

"It's not a bad idea."

"I wonder if my wife has any beautiful sisters by her side?"

Zhou Sui touched his chin.

"What a fart, you still want to fuck me."

"Don't even think about it."

Bai Sujie bit it and was very angry. She actually thought of a green-gold-haired jade-faced fox. It was simply a fantasy.

She has always been the only one who has seduced the world, and no man has ever fallen in love with her.

Isn't this a shame for the golden-haired and jade-faced fox? !

This time, she must let this man know how powerful she is by exhausting herself to death.

Let’s see if this dog man has any other energy to think about other things.

Not long after, bursts of Taoist sounds sounded in the bedroom, which seemed to linger for three days.


On the other hand, the puppet clan.

The death of Puppet Wuyi and other Void Refining monks immediately alarmed the upper-level monks of the Puppet Clan.

After all, even in the puppet clan, the puppet monks of the Void Refining level are not considered weak, and they belong to the middle and high-level existences.

Moreover, the other party has infiltrated into the human race and can be regarded as a high-level spy.

Now that he died tragically in the human city, it would naturally alarm some of the puppet clan's combined powers.

"what happened?"

"Why did Puppet 51, Puppet 52, and Puppet 53 suddenly die?"

"Did they reveal their traces?"

The face of a puppet clan fusion was very ugly.

Because these Void Refining monks are its capable generals, they have conveyed a lot of information to the puppet clan.

Now that he is dead, it can be said to be a heavy loss.

It is equivalent to the puppet clan losing an important intelligence channel.

After all, not all puppet clan members are willing to sacrifice themselves to perform the art of spiritual puppet integration.

Even for the puppet clan, it is quite difficult to find a suitable candidate.


"Puppet Wuyi and the others are not idiots. How could they expose their traces for no reason?"

"The most important thing is that we haven't sent them any tasks now."

"Their most important task at the moment is to lurk and collect human intelligence, not to create extraneous problems."

The other body said in a deep voice.

"But if they die, they still die in Fengxi City."

"What do you think this is all about?"

The puppet clan fusion asked.

"I remember that we left a top-grade Tongtian Lingbao Reflective Mirror in Fengxi City."

"This heaven-reaching spiritual treasure fell into the hands of Puppet Wuyi."

A puppet monk's eyes showed a cold light.

"Wait a minute, you mean that traces of the high-grade Tongtian Spiritual Treasure on Puppet Wuyi's body have been leaked."

"So he was targeted by other human monks and killed people to seize the treasure."

"That's why he died in Fengxi City."

The puppet clan immediately understood the meaning of their companion's words.

"Yes, this matter is close to the same."

"The human race has a cruel temperament, and they will show no mercy even when facing their own race."

"It would not be incomprehensible if the treasure on Puppet Wuyi's body was exposed and was coveted by other high-level monks of the human race. If you want to blame Puppet Wuyi and the others, they accidentally exposed the treasure on their body, which led to the disaster of death. .”

"Nima, how can this human race be so cruel? When they see treasures on their bodies, they kill them without saying a word. This is too lawless."

"Well, the human race is such a race. For the sake of profit, they will do whatever they can. In fact, this is not the first time such a thing has happened. There were several spies in our puppet race before who used the spirit puppet technique. Who As you can imagine, they did not reveal their identity, but only leaked some fairy crystals from their bodies, and were assassinated by other human monks. The traitor we finally sent in died tragically before the human beings could play their role. In hand."

"The human race is so cruel. No wonder it has developed to this point in a short period of time. But which human monk took away our reflective mirror? This is the treasure of our puppet race and cannot fall into the hands of the human race. .”

"Don't worry, it's just handed over to the other party temporarily. There is no Tongbao Jue. Even if the other party gets the Mirror of Light, it's not much different from the fire stick. Sooner or later we can get it back."

"Immediately send spies to investigate. As long as the human monk exposes the mirror, he must be the murderer. When the time comes, my puppet clan will immediately send people to surround and suppress this beast."

Many puppet monks gnashed their teeth, they wanted revenge.

It was enough to kill their clansmen, but they actually took away the Mirror of Reflection. This was something they could not tolerate.


A few more days passed.

Zhou Sui understood the Tongbao Jue from the high-grade Tongtian Lingbao Huiguang Divine Mirror, and logically completely refined the Tongtian Lingbao and turned it into one of his own magic weapons.

So he sent a clone of himself to the Thunder Immortal Mansion with the Reflective Mirror, the Mountain and Sea Pearl, and many Gu Insects.

Because he realized that his opportunity was about to appear, and he could not stay in Fengxi City to waste time.

Otherwise, you will definitely miss the opportunity and lose your luck.

Not long after, he cast his teleportation Gu and arrived near Thunder Immortal Mansion in an instant. At the same time, he concealed his aura so that no one would notice his existence.

"Is this the Thunder Immortal Mansion?"

Zhou Sui looked ahead.

I saw a huge purple palace located in the mountains, surrounded by densely packed forbidden formations, forming a huge formation barrier that blocked all monks from entering.

Many runes appeared on it, which seemed to be immortal inscriptions and celestial beings, containing unfathomable power.

But because it is too profound, I can’t understand it at all.

In the sky, thunder would fall and roar from time to time.

It seemed like the area had turned into a minefield.

If an ordinary monk approaches, he will definitely be bombarded by thunder and die.

It is conceivable that the power of this immortal mansion is very terrifying. Even if a Mahayana monk comes close, there is no way to get a favor from it.


After approaching the Thunder Immortal Mansion, the clone Zhou Sui immediately used the power of his mind's eye to cover an area of ​​hundreds of thousands of miles.

He immediately sensed that powerful races were guarding the vicinity of Thunder Immortal Mansion.

Human race, Soaring Snake clan, Golden Toad clan, Puppet clan, Holy Lion clan, Sky Tiger clan, Wind Leopard clan and so on.

They each occupy an area.

Camps were also built nearby, with respective prohibition formations arranged around them.

Many god-transformation, void-refining, and even fusion monks appeared in this place.

There are no monks in the Mahayana realm.

It is estimated that Thunder Immortal Mansion and the others do not like it and will not take a trip into this muddy water.

The most important thing is that existences of this level will not go out casually.

Otherwise, the two races would be at war.

After all, Mahayana monks are equivalent to the sea-fixing needles of various races. Once they fall, it will affect the rise and fall of a race.

Unless it is a last resort, monks in the Mahayana realm will not go out easily.

The treasures in the Immortal Mansion are truly mouth-watering.

But compared with the rise and fall of races, it is nothing.

Because even if the treasures of the Immortal Mansion cannot be obtained, the race will not decline.

On the contrary, if the Mahayana monks die and there is no second Mahayana in the clan for a short period of time, then the race will completely decline.

"Sure enough, the power of the mind's eye is infinitely mysterious."

"Even a powerful person in the Fusion Realm cannot understand the existence of the power of the mind's eye."

Zhou Sui touched his chin.

Just now he was just testing the power of the mind's eye. Sure enough, no monk in the area was aware of his detection. If he had used the power of divine consciousness, he would have been seen by other monks long ago.

It might even anger other monks, leading to a big fight.

After all, for a monk, using the power of spiritual consciousness to check other people at will is not much different from peeping.

There will inevitably be conflicts, even fights to the death.

However, he used the power of his mind at will, but no monks made any movement.

This is enough to prove that this power transcends divine consciousness and is not something that these monks can detect.

And this is also a good thing for Zhou Sui.

It is equivalent to mastering a huge trump card, and even the combined monks can't do anything to him.

"But it is not an easy task to enter the Thunder Immortal Mansion silently."

Zhou Sui narrowed his eyes.

Now the entrance to Thunder Immortal Mansion has long been occupied by various races.

Except for the creatures of these races, no one else can approach them casually.

Otherwise, all the tribes will join forces to kill them, leaving no trace of their remains.

Moreover, any creature entering or leaving must pass through the entrance of this fairy mansion.

Apart from that, there is no other way.

After all, there is only one place in the entire Immortal Mansion that can be entered and exited.

Of course, if he used his human identity, he might be able to legally enter the Thunder Immortal Mansion with the help of his identity as a human god-forming monk, but he didn't want to do that.

Because if you do this, your whereabouts will definitely be exposed, and the gain will outweigh the loss.

"Well, no."

"It seems that I don't need to enter Thunder Immortal Mansion at all."

At this moment, Zhou Sui's heart moved, and he sensed a mysterious message coming from the Qi Luck Gu, which seemed to tell him that if he wanted to get the best chance, he didn't need to enter the Thunder Immortal Mansion at all.

On the contrary, if he enters the Thunder Immortal Mansion, he may also encounter disaster, which can be said to be more gain than loss.


Immediately, through the power of Qi Luck Gu, he seemed to see a huge golden ball of light, tens of thousands of miles away from Thunder Immortal Mansion.

Obviously this is the ball of opportunity.

As long as you stay in that place, opportunities will naturally come your way.


Although Zhou Sui didn't quite understand why, he did know the power of Qi Luck Gu, which could drive the power of destiny and gain insight into the future.

So there must be a reason for doing this.

Thinking of this, Zhou Sui flashed his figure, used the power of teleportation Gu, and was far away from Thunder Immortal Mansion.

He soon found himself in a hidden valley.

The surrounding area is deserted.

There are not even wild beasts. It looks ordinary and does not look like a place of opportunity at all.

"I see, the opportunity has not yet come."

"It still takes time, please be patient."

Zhou Sui touched his chin.

When he thought of this, he immediately calmed down, sat cross-legged on the ground, and waited peacefully.

It's not a bad thing for him.

After all, there is no need to venture into the Thunder Immortal Mansion, because no one knows what will happen inside.

If you are not careful, you may fall into it and die.

In the blink of an eye, a few more days passed.

During this period of time, everything was calm and uneventful.

Thunder Immortal Mansion is still in full swing, with many god-transformation monks coming in and out, trying to dig out the treasures in the Immortal Mansion.

Within the Immortal Mansion, there were fierce battles to the death.

It is simply a battlefield for all races.

But there are only a few cultivators who can actually survive.

And even if they did get precious treasures, they would be taken away by those high-level monks.

It's not the turn of the god-transforming monks at all.

It can be said that those monks who transformed themselves into gods worked extremely hard and paid the price with their lives, and could only obtain some ordinary treasures.

Efforts and gains are simply not proportional.

But there is nothing we can do about it.

After all, the weak will be exploited by the strong. This is the law of the jungle in this world.


At this moment, Zhou Sui suddenly opened his eyes and looked into the distance. He sensed that there was something strange happening in Thunder Immortal Mansion.

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