The Tao of Immortality Gu: Start by refining the Infatuation Gu

Chapter 371 Promotion to the middle stage of divine transformation, seventh level book Gu, Book Moun

Chapter 371: Promotion to the middle stage of divine transformation, seventh level book Gu, book mountain and sea of ​​learning

Late at night, the 88th Taoist Temple in Fengxi City.

Teachers' living area, a certain courtyard.

This is also where Zhou Sui will need to live in the future.

I have to say that the area of ​​this courtyard is not small, about three hundred square meters.

Like a villa.

Of course it's not as good as those manors, but it's enough.

After all, Zhou Sui was alone now, so he naturally didn't need much living space.

"let's start."

At this moment, Zhou Sui sat cross-legged on the ground and took out a fifth-level treasure pill, Earth Flame Lotus Fire Pill.

This elixir is filled with strong medicinal power and fragrant.

He ate it immediately without saying a word.


Immediately, this fifth-level treasure pill was instantly refined by the magic power in his body, and then transformed into a huge medicinal power. Like a ball of molten liquid, it submerged into his body and poured into many meridians in his body.

The mana in him is also rising steadily.

Like a river, it flows continuously throughout the meridians.

More importantly, his soul power has also been improved geometrically.

Originally, his cultivation was at the perfect stage of the early stage of the God Transformation Realm, and he was only one step away from the middle stage of the God Transformation Stage.

After getting the assistance of this fifth-level treasure pill, it was like getting a final kick.


The next second, Zhou Sui's body trembled, and he felt bursts of Taoist sounds coming from the depths of his consciousness. The huge medicinal power instantly broke through a bottleneck in his body.

The whole body vibrated, as if the soul and body resonated.

The middle stage of the Divine Transformation Realm!

At this moment, he felt that the power of his soul had increased exponentially.

The soul deep in the Dantian Qi sea is also growing vigorously.

The power of the soul has more than doubled compared to before.

It seems that the energy of the soul is more solidified.

Compared with the previous state of nothingness, the current density has been improved.

It was as if dense runes emerged from the depths of the soul.

"After being promoted to the middle stage of divine transformation, the biggest feature is the ability to split strands of soul thoughts."

"These soul thoughts can also be called soul tentacles."

"The more powerful the soul-forming monk is, the more thoughts he will have when he splits his soul."

"If it were me now, I would at least be able to split out thousands of strands of soul thoughts."

"These thoughts of the soul radiate out from the center of the body like tentacles, and they can perceive various situations around them more clearly than what they can see with their own eyes. They can also see through the air and even observe material structures."

Zhou Sui was amazed.

He sensed the power of the monk in the middle stage of becoming a god.

If a ray of soul thought is split and attached to other people, then different places can be monitored through other people's bodies. It is almost like a monitor.

Of course, if the thoughts are damaged, the soul will also be damaged to a certain extent.

But if there are few thoughts, it actually doesn't matter, and it will return to its original state quickly.

It will not harm the body.


At this moment, Zhou Sui thought, and the power of his soul began to spread, radiating to an area of ​​ten, dozens, or hundreds of miles around, covering all directions.

Of course, he didn't spread too far.

After all, Fengxi City is full of god-transformation cultivators and Void Refining Realm cultivators.

If you use your soul to sense other places, it will almost be regarded as a provocation, thus causing unnecessary trouble.

I saw that the wisps of soul thoughts he had condensed were like tentacles, penetrating into every void.

He sensed the dense aura of heaven and earth emerging between heaven and earth.

The five elements of spiritual energy include metal, wood, water, fire, earth, etc.

There are also special auras such as wind, rain, thunder, lightning, light and darkness.

There are even extremely rare auras such as the lunar sun and so on.

These breaths that were originally hidden deep in the void were now sensed by his soul tentacles.

It seems that the whole world becomes colorful.

Between heaven and earth, there are endless secrets.

It seemed that the deepest mysteries of this world were immediately presented to his soul.

"No wonder some monks have said that only by being promoted to the realm of divine transformation can one truly embark on the path of cultivation."

“That’s when the world really begins to unveil.”

"Those previous realms were just a foundation, and they were considered apprentices."

Zhou Sui was amazed.

He felt as if his understanding of the world had been further refreshed.

My heart was extremely moved.

It seems that endless Tao and principles are intertwined deep in my heart.

Every moment, he can gain new insights.

"Obviously, the improvement of the power of the soul will greatly improve the power of the soul field."

"The control over the power of the domain has been improved several times."

"In terms of combat effectiveness, the mid-stage of divine transformation is more than several times that of the early stage of divine transformation."

"So as we get to the later stages, the gap in combat effectiveness becomes even larger."

Zhou Sui's eyes showed a glimmer of light.

To be honest, the reason why he was able to leapfrog the challenge and even kill the monks in the late stage of becoming a god.

Simply because his background is too deep.

He cultivated Gu Nerve, which made the magic power in his body dozens to hundreds of times that of monks of the same level.

In addition, his soul power is naturally powerful, far beyond the same level, comparable to a monk in the Void Refining Realm.

The combination of various factors allowed him to leapfrog the challenge and become invincible at the same level.

Other monks don't have as many advantages as he does.

Therefore, it is almost impossible for ordinary monks to challenge beyond the next level.

"Now I have temporarily established myself in the spiritual world."

"I'm afraid we won't be able to return to the Xuanhuang Realm in a short time."

"It is not that simple to arrange a formation that spans two realms."

"The most important thing now is to be familiar with the spiritual world and understand a lot of information about the spiritual world."

"Fortunately, my luck is pretty good, and I happened to save a female cultivator with a great background."

"Otherwise, if you really want to join Fengxi City, it might not be that simple."

Zhou Sui touched his chin.

To be honest, there is a huge difference between having a background and not having one.

If it weren't for Bai Sujie's relationship, even if she could obtain the status of a Fengxi City resident, she might not be able to enter the Taoist Academy as a teacher.

At most, he could become a mercenary.

You may even encounter various unknown dangers.

Of course, this love luck is not so easy to come by.

After all, there are too many men who covet Bai Sujie, and maybe he will become the target of public criticism.

At that time, it will not be love luck, but love disaster.

"Forget it, let's just be a teacher for a few years."

"It's not too late to take action after you have a thorough understanding of the spiritual world."

"And as a Taoist teacher, although the salary is very low, you can enter and exit the Taoist Scripture Pavilion at will."

"Basically, you can read the secrets of the techniques under the Transformation God at will."

"It just so happens that we can also give Book Gu a lot of food and promote the evolution of Book Gu."

"This can be regarded as a benefit for Taoist teachers."

Zhou Sui narrowed his eyes.


one year later.

Fengxi City, the 88th Taoist Academy.

A certain classroom.

A large number of beautiful beauties gathered together, all of them wearing heavy makeup and dressed up.

They were all extremely excited now.

"It is said that the teacher of this elixir class is the most handsome man in our Eighty-Eight Taoist Academy. Is it true?" A female cultivator said excitedly.

She also came here because of its fame.

I heard that a peerless beauty suddenly appeared as a teacher in the Eighty-eight Taoist Temple. When he appeared, it caused a sensation in the entire Taoist Temple and caused countless female students to go crazy.

Basically, as soon as the class begins, many female students will gather.

Even this reputation is not only spread throughout the Eighty-Eight Taoist Academy.

Even the female students from other Taoist academies knew about it and came here to find out.

This also made the Eighty-Eight Taoist Temple extremely lively during this period.

"of course it's true."

"Teacher Zhou is definitely a well-known handsome man, with an outstanding temperament and a face that looks like it has been carefully crafted."

"Especially those melancholy eyes, like stars, seem to swallow up my soul."

"If my first partner was Teacher Zhou, I would definitely die without regrets."

A female cultivator said in a nymphomaniacal manner.

"You are crazy. How could Teacher Zhou like a vulgar fan like you?"

"Perhaps you still don't know that Teacher Zhou ascended from the lower world."

"Think about it, this is a genius who broke out from among the hundreds of millions of monks in the lower world. How outstanding is that?"

"He is not only a monk in the middle stage of divine transformation, but also a fifth-level alchemist."

Another female cultivator said with disdain.

"No way, Teacher Zhou is still a fifth-level alchemist?"

"It is said that all the alchemists are very rich, and they can be said to be as rich as any country."

"Isn't this a matter of course? If you think about it carefully, how expensive the elixirs we usually buy are, you can imagine how rich the alchemist is. Many people describe the alchemist as a moving vein of spiritual stone that humans walk on. "

"But my neighbor is also an alchemist. Why does he look so poor and impoverished? He seems to be going bankrupt."

"Haha, your neighbor is just a second-level alchemist. How can he compare to a fifth-level alchemist? The profession of alchemist is very expensive in the early stage because it requires refining a large amount of elixirs and accumulating experience, so he is very poor in the early stage. .

But once you reach a level above the fourth-level alchemy master, the speed at which the alchemist earns spiritual stones is like digging a vein of minerals. Teacher Zhou may be the richest teacher in our Taoist academy. "

"Oh my god, with such a handsome appearance, unfathomable cultivation, and a fifth-level alchemy master, isn't this the best match? If I marry Teacher Zhou, I'm afraid I won't have to worry about food and clothing for the rest of my life."

"Not only do I have to worry about food and clothing, I don't have to worry about it for the rest of my life. It is extremely luxurious. You have also seen the luxurious manors in the center of the city. Most of them were purchased by alchemists."

"But I heard that all those high-level alchemists are very carefree. They have many wives and concubines, and they also support three thousand maids."

"What's the matter? You and I both agree, and I can afford it."

"Isn't that right? If Teacher Zhou is willing, I can also be my concubine."

Many female students had nymphomaniac looks on their faces.

Although they don't seem to be very old, they are obviously very sensible.

"Stop dreaming, I'm afraid Teacher Zhou already has a master."

"As far as I know, it seems that Dean Bai is Teacher Zhou's confidante."

Someone said mysteriously, telling a shocking piece of gossip.

What? !

As soon as these words came out, all the female students' eyes widened in disbelief.

"No way, Teacher Zhou was actually captured by Dean Bai?"

"But I heard that Teacher Zhou seems to be only four or five hundred years old, and Dean Bai is already two or three thousand years old. Isn't this an old cow eating young grass?"

"It's not like an old cow eating young grass. We are all monks, and there is no big difference in age."

"That's right, Dean Bai's beauty is the best in Fengxi City. He has countless suitors. He is completely worthy of Teacher Zhou."

"To put it this way, the two of them are simply a match made in heaven. They are a match made in heaven."

"Dean Bai's attack speed must have been too fast. I couldn't tell it before."

"Since the famous grass has its owner, why are you still taking classes here?"

"Stupid, even if Dean Bai really marries Teacher Zhou, who knows whether Teacher Zhou will take a concubine in the future."

"That's right. Even if we get married, we still have a chance."

"I don't believe that if you give it to Teacher Zhou for free, Teacher Zhou won't take it. Not many men can resist our charm."

"I specially exchanged a charm technique before, which will definitely make the teacher fall in love with me."

Many female students chattered, and the content of the conversation was very hot and bold.

It's simply a restricted level, the kind that makes people blush.


At this moment, a figure walked in from outside the classroom door. The moment it appeared, it immediately attracted the attention of all the students in the classroom. Every one of them stared wide-eyed.

They felt that after this person appeared, the sun and the moon would be eclipsed.

Even a hint of a smile on the corner of the mouth can make them fascinated.

It can even make them willing to take money from themselves to support men.

"Okay, let's start class."

The visitor was naturally Zhou Sui, and he felt helpless inside.

Since becoming the elixir teacher of the 88th Taoist Academy, he has quickly become a prominent figure in the Taoist Academy.

To be honest, he still underestimated the power of the infatuation Gu.

After being promoted to the sixth level, the power of the infatuation Gu transformed his body into a body of heavenly charm.

Every move, every frown, every smile contains infinite charm and is natural.

Even if you don't need to do anything, you can capture a lot of women.

If this kind of physique returned to the earth in his previous life, he would definitely be the most popular male star on earth, attracting countless fans.

Fortunately, these students did not act too outrageously.

At most, they just gather in the classroom and listen to his lectures.


At this moment, outside the classroom.

Many female Taoist teachers also stood here, watching this scene with interest.

"It seems that Teacher Zhou is still very popular."

"It's especially popular with female students."

"If Teacher Zhou is willing, I don't know how many female students would be willing to marry him."

A female teacher said with emotion.

"If these female students knew that this person in class was just an incarnation of Teacher Zhou, they would probably be very disappointed." Another female teacher chuckled.

In fact, this person in class is naturally just a clone of Zhou Sui.

He was very busy, so it was naturally impossible for him to go to class in his real body.

Moreover, in the spiritual world, external incarnation is also a rare secret skill, and very few people can successfully practice it.

But it's not impossible.

Therefore, the Taoist teachers are not surprised and are used to it.

Anyway, as long as the teaching tasks are completed, there will be no problem.

"Ahem, why are you disappointed?"

"As a student, the most important thing is to study."

"As long as the teacher can preach and learn karma to resolve doubts."

"Why bother about the real clone."

"Are you guys very idle recently? You are still here watching other people's classes. Do you have not enough teaching tasks? Do you need me to help you add some tasks?"

At this moment, a graceful figure appeared in front of many teachers.

This peerless beauty is naturally the dean Bai Sujie.

She straightened her face and looked seriously at the group of Taoist teachers who were watching the fun.

"No, no, no, our task is already heavy enough, we don't need to make it any heavier."

"Dean, we were wrong. Let's go back and prepare for the teaching task."

After hearing this, the expressions of many Taoist teachers changed.

If more teaching tasks are added, I'm afraid they won't have time to practice.

After saying these words, they wanted to run away quickly.

Because if they really offended Bai Sujie, they would no longer be able to hang out in the Taoist temple.

"Wait a minute, where did Teacher Zhou's real body go?"

Bai Sujie asked.

"At this point in time, he should be in the Sutra Pavilion of the Taoist Academy."

"Yes, Teacher Zhou often spends time studying in the Sutra Pavilion during this period."

Many Taoist teachers immediately said.

"Well, I understand, let's go."

After Bai Sujie learned about Zhou Sui's whereabouts, she was immediately satisfied and waved her hand to let the teachers leave.


Many Taoist teachers also left quickly without saying a word.

"Oh, this man who attracts bees and butterflies."

When Bai Sujie saw Zhou Sui, who was very popular with female students in the classroom, she gritted her teeth and became very angry.

She didn't know why, but seeing such a scene made her angry.

She never thought that the female students in the Taoist Academy would be so crazy.

How unbecoming is it that at such a young age, one wants to fall in love prematurely?

They all have to be at least five or six thousand years old and promoted to a body before they can fall in love.

For example, she is two or three thousand years old, has perfected her spiritual transformation, and has never been in love. This is a normal monk.

Men and so on will only hinder their own cultivation.

Compared with the Taoist Immortality, men are nothing.

"No, I have to warn this man who attracts bees and butterflies."

"The Taoist Academy is a place for learning, not a place for falling in love or marrying wives and concubines."

"We must not let those evil spirits from outside blow into the sacred Taoist temple."

Bai Sujie squeezed her fist.

With her jade feet and high heels, she left this place and went to the Sutra Pavilion to look for Zhou Sui.


At this moment, the Sutra Collection Pavilion of the Eighty-eight Daoyuan.

There are all kinds of inherited jade slips placed here, you can find everything you need.

It can be said that this Scripture Collection Pavilion is naturally not as good as the largest Scripture Collection Pavilion in Fengxi City.

But even so, it is many times more advanced than the previous world of immortality.

Basically, the inheritance under the Transformation God can be said to be very comprehensive.

After all, for the human race, only the inheritance above the transformation of gods is truly worthy of attention.

The knowledge under the transformation of gods is just a basic inheritance.

No matter which race you belong to, they will have it, and it is not considered a secret inherited knowledge.

So basically every Taoist temple will make a copy.

For Zhou Sui, this place was like heaven.

After all, the wisdom essence of the human race in the spiritual world gathered here for hundreds of millions of years can help him find and fill in the gaps.

He was also amazed by the fantastic ideas contained in the inheritance of many of the techniques.

It can be said that these inherited skills are a piece of food for Shu Gu.

But Zhou Sui felt that what helped him the most was the inherited knowledge about Qi and blood martial arts in the spiritual world.

"It seems that the development of martial arts in the spiritual world has reached a considerable height."

"After hundreds of millions of years of development, it can be said to be extremely perfect."

"Even a mortal child without spiritual roots can still practice and master extraordinary powers."

"Although mortals have no spiritual roots and cannot sense the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, they can carry energy and blood."

"Mortals in the spiritual world can learn to read and write, identify acupuncture points and meridians in the body, and practice Qi and blood martial arts at the age of three."

"By transporting Qi and blood, the effect of strengthening the body is achieved. This realm is called the body tempering realm, which includes realms such as skin tempering, bone tempering, flesh tempering, etc."

"When the body tempering is complete, internal energy can be born in the body. This is an acquired warrior, equivalent to a monk in the Qi training period."

"If you can break through the acquired ninth level, you can become an innate warrior and give birth to innate energy, comparable to a foundation-building monk."

"If an innate warrior can cultivate to the ultimate level and condense the true elixir of martial arts, he can be comparable to a golden elixir monk."

"Because of this, mortals in the spiritual world should not be underestimated."

"It is still an important part of the human race, even its combat power."

"Many martial arts experts join forces to form a battle formation, and with the help of weapons, they can exert a fighting power that is not inferior to that of the monks."

Zhou Sui touched his chin.

He found at least 1,365 books on the Qi and Blood Martial Arts practice methods from the Taoist Scripture Collection Pavilion.

It is naturally very difficult for ordinary monks to obtain these cultivation techniques.

But he is a monk in the middle stage of becoming a god, and he is no longer an ordinary monk.

So it is actually not very difficult to get these skills.

After all, these techniques actually don't make much sense to the cultivators of the Transformation of Gods.

At most, it's just for reference.

"Although these martial arts techniques are good, they don't seem to be able to fully unleash human power."

"Perhaps we can combine many Qi and Blood martial arts techniques to create the most advanced martial arts techniques."

"This technique may also become the Xuanhuang Sect's subduing technique."

Zhou Sui narrowed his eyes.

To be honest, many of the previous inheritances of Xuanhuang Sect came from other sects.

There is no technique that truly belongs to the Xuanhuang Sect itself.

But it's different now.

After he integrated many techniques and combined with the deductive power of Book Gu, he was able to create a brand new technique.

By then, the entire Xuanhuang Sect, no, the entire Xuanhuang Realm should have developed rapidly.

As the leader of the Xuanhuang Sect, his luck will probably increase exponentially.

Now he also realizes the importance of luck.

The power of luck seems illusory, but it is real.

As long as you are protected by luck, even if you encounter a desperate situation, you can turn danger into good luck.

If they are extremely unlucky, even Mahayana monks will encounter various disasters and die in them.


"Book Gu seems to be evolving."

"Is it possible that I am going to be promoted to the seventh level?!"

Zhou Sui's heart moved, and he immediately felt that the aura of book Gu on his body seemed to be constantly improving and transforming.

You know, Shu Gu has been improving his power over the years.

After all, it has devoured a large amount of immortal scriptures, and it is impossible for it to just be promoted to the sixth level.

The energy contained in each Immortal Scripture is quite huge.

But the reason why it evolves slowly is that it takes time to digest, and it cannot be improved all at once.

At this moment, Book Gu released golden rays of light that seemed to penetrate the endless void.

I saw that the power in its body was constantly improving.

It seems as if countless data are pouring out of its body, countless words are colliding, colliding with each other, containing endless mysteries, and sparks of wisdom erupting.

Vaguely, it seemed that many powerful human beings were chanting Taoist scriptures.


I don’t know how much time has passed, but the evolution of Book Gu has finally come to an end, and the countless auras have quickly converged.

At this time, dense golden mysterious runes appeared on its body.

Seventh-level low-grade book Gu!

Suddenly, Zhou Sui felt a huge message coming from Shu Gu.

Obviously, Book Gu has finally completed its evolution and has been promoted to the seventh-level low-grade realm.

This is also the most powerful Gu insect he has cultivated so far.

"This seems to be a world in a book."

Zhou Sui's eyes flashed with excitement.

His consciousness entered Shu Gu's body and he felt that earth-shaking changes had taken place in Shu Gu's body.

When he was still at the sixth level before, he only gave birth to the Book Continent.

Its interior is a vast land mass of books.

Many rivers, mountains, even flowers and plants, and cities are all made of different books.

But it has been promoted to the seventh level.

The space inside Book Gu has evolved into the world in the book.

There is no doubt that this is a complete and huge world of books.

The internal space has also been transformed into a mountain of books and a sea of ​​learning.

Inside the Book Gu, huge pieces of land, islands, and oceans appeared.

Land, islands, and oceans form a complete world.

It can be said that the internal space is countless times larger than before.

"Is this the seventh level book Gu?"

Zhou Sui was amazed.

He feels that the world in this book is almost the same as the virtual world.

The entire world is constructed from data and is a 100% simulation of reality.

It's almost impossible to tell the difference.

Thanks to this evolution, Book Gu's ability has improved exponentially.

Nowadays, Book Gu no longer needs to swallow books. With just a scan of its spiritual consciousness, it can obtain the knowledge of books and jade slips, and then copy them into its own body space.

It's not even just about copying jade slips and books.

If you scan the elixir, you can get the recipe for the elixir.

Scan the magic weapon and you can also get the design of the magic weapon.

Scan the puppet and you can also get the puppet's design.

By scanning the formation, you can also obtain the layout diagram of the formation, etc.

In short, the power of seventh-level book Gu is simply a qualitative evolution compared to before.

"No way, you actually still have such ability."

"In other words, as long as I have the opportunity to enter the Scripture Depository Pavilion in Fengxi City."

"There is no need to exchange many books."

"Just by staying in the Sutra Pavilion for a while, you can scan all the books inside and copy them completely."

Zhou Sui was very excited.

Although he knew that Book Gu was becoming more and more powerful and perverted, he never expected that it would be so tyrannical. Compared with before, it was simply incomparable.

Of course, this will further promote the evolution of Book Gu, which can be said to have many benefits.

"It's not just about copying books and inheriting jade slips."

"You have to know that there are many elixirs, magic weapons, puppets and other treasures. Even the Scripture Collection Pavilion does not have relevant knowledge."

"But as long as the book Gu scans it, you can get the principles and knowledge in it."

"This is a super copycat."

"As long as it is seen by me, then this kind of knowledge belongs to me."

Zhou Sui clicked his tongue in admiration.

To be honest, he has long been envious of a government city like Fengxi City.

If the design drawings of the machine city can be obtained, it may be possible to replicate a similar machine city in the Xuanhuang Realm.

This helped Xuanhuang Sect grow rapidly.

There are also many precious elixirs.

As long as you buy a treasure pill, you can analyze its prescription and reverse engineer it.

In this way, there are no secrets for him.

To be honest, this is simply a powerful reverse engineering capability.

"It seems to have given birth to a magical power."

"This magical power is called summoning the book spirit."

Zhou Sui's eyes showed a glimmer of light.

Obviously, this magical power is also quite powerful, adding tyrannical combat power to Book Gu.

Once this magical power is used, many magical powers and techniques stored in Book Gu can be summoned.

These magical powers, spells, and exercises will turn into Taoists, containing powerful fighting power.

For example, the Immortal Killing Sword Technique will turn into a sword cultivator.

The Hunyuan Beast Controlling Technique will transform into a beast control master.

The five elements alchemy formula will turn into an alchemy master.

The Heart Sutra for Summoning Demons will transform into a demon cultivator and so on.

In short, these skills, magical powers, etc. will be completely embodied and transformed into a supremely powerful person.

However, the power of these book spirits is also closely related to the host.

The stronger the host is, the stronger the book spirit will be, and they are closely related to each other.

"Does this count as summoning books to come out to fight?"

"It can actually materialize the power of books. Is this called book Gu?"

"If Book Gu can evolve into an immortal, wouldn't it be possible to summon an immortal to fight?"

“Is knowledge power?”

Zhou Sui touched his chin and was amazed.

Obviously, as Book Gu continues to evolve, it is no longer just an auxiliary type of Gu.

Now he has begun to master a certain degree of combat effectiveness.

Even as the realm improves, such combat effectiveness will become more powerful and terrifying.

Although it is not as good as those fighting-type Gu insects for the time being, it is quite terrifying.

"The power of the book spirit seems to be closely related to the number of monks."

"The more monks who study this book, the more powerful the book spirit will be."

"Because a large number of monks' inspiration for understanding the skills will converge on the book spirit, making the book spirit extremely powerful."

"In other words, we still have to spread the skills continuously and let countless monks learn the skills."

"In this way, the power of the book spirit will continue to evolve."

"At the same time, it can also help Book Gu evolve quickly."

"In that case, perhaps we can quickly promote communicators in the Xuanhuang Realm, so that every monk can redeem their skills on it, and help every monk grow up quickly."

Zhou Sui narrowed his eyes.

Obviously, to Book Gu, it is a huge library.

As a library, it has no meaning if no one uses it.

The more people use it, the higher its value will be.

It can be said that its relationship with living beings is closely related.

It helps humans evolve and grow.

At the same time, human wisdom and experience can also help it grow rapidly.

The two sides also complement each other.


At this moment, a wisp of aura was instilled from Shu Gu, and Zhou Sui's body suddenly shook, and he immediately entered a state of enlightenment, without joy or sorrow.

He felt as if time had suddenly slowed down, and his understanding had been infinitely improved.

All the previous doubts have now been resolved.

It seems that every second, wisdom keeps flashing and blooming with dazzling light.

Thousands of qi and blood martial arts techniques emerged from the depths of his consciousness.

A lot of knowledge collides with each other.

Under his deduction, countless words were constantly combined to give birth to brand new magic formulas.

"The principles of Qi and Blood Martial Arts are all the same, which is to transport Qi and blood and temper the body."

"When the body is strong enough, it will give birth to energy."

"If you continue to strengthen your energy, you can condense the true elixir of martial arts."

"But many Qi and blood martial arts techniques in the spiritual world are more or less flawed."

"Some are very powerful, but difficult to get started with, and some are easy to get started with, but have very little power and an unstable foundation."

"The martial arts techniques that need to be created now must be easy to learn, have unfathomable power, and can directly point to the essence of the Dao."

Zhou Sui's eyes showed a glimmer of light.

To be honest, it would be extremely difficult for him to create Qi and Blood martial arts techniques from scratch.

I don’t know how much effort it takes.

But now he has obtained thousands of Qi and blood martial arts skills from the human race in the spiritual world, giving him countless wisdom essences from his predecessors.

It's like standing on the shoulders of giants.

Then through the continuous deduction and evolution of the power of book Gu, the deficiencies are found and filled.

He felt that a brand new martial arts technique emerged from the depths of his consciousness.

"By the way, this is what the real Qi and Blood Martial Arts should be like."

"Anyone can easily understand Qi and blood. The more you practice, the deeper your cultivation will be and your foundation will be more stable."

"Although the speed of practice is a bit slow, the victory lies in a solid foundation and a perfect Tao foundation."

"The foundation is deep and carries all things. Yin and Yang are derived, and all things are unified."

"This technique should be called Xuanhuang Jing."

Zhou Sui touched his chin.

In the depths of his consciousness, a Qi and Blood martial arts technique immediately emerged.

A book of exercises floats in mid-air, with two words of black and yellow appearing on the cover of the book, which is unfathomable.

This is the Qi and Blood martial arts he created for countless mortals in the Xuanhuang Realm.

Anyone who practices this technique, even without spiritual roots, can still reach the realm of martial arts true elixir.

Then with the help of martial arts true elixir, spiritual roots can be nurtured.

This can be regarded as opening up a path for many mortals in the Xuanhuang Realm.

Once spiritual roots are nurtured, these warriors can specialize in other techniques and connect them perfectly.

Although this is just a basic technique, it has far-reaching impact.

After all, there are too many mortals in the Xuanhuang Realm. If everyone can practice, then the number of monks born will be countless, which will also increase the strength of the Xuanhuang Realm geometrically.


At this moment, Zhou Sui immediately felt that his luck had doubled in an instant, and the size of the luck golden dragon was even larger than before.

Obviously, creating this technique by himself will indeed bring him endless luck.

This will also bring about earth-shaking changes to the pattern of the Xuanhuang Realm.

Mortals can also practice with the help of this technique.

And this is just the beginning. Once it is fully promoted, the impact will be truly apparent, and the luck gained by then will be even more amazing.

"Sure enough, this thing will bring me great luck."

Zhou Sui was very excited and felt extremely happy inside.

Naturally, he did this not just to help mortals, but also to help himself.

The two complement each other.

After all, with the protection of huge luck, no matter what you do, you will turn bad luck into good luck.

Even if you are in the spiritual world, you can still get the protection of luck.


With a thought, Zhou Sui immediately opened the virtual panel on his body.

[Host: Zhou Sui, cultivation level: mid-stage transformation (progress 2%), life span: 506 (95,000) years]

[Qualification: Tianlinggen (5%)]

[Swordsmanship: Level 5 High Grade (20%)]

[Rune: fifth-level low-grade (30%)]

[Formation: fifth level top grade (99%)]

[Alchemist: Level 5 middle grade (50%)]

[Item refining: fifth level low-grade (50%)]

[Phantom Transformation Technique: Master]

[Five Elements Alchemy Technique: Grandmaster]

[Heart Sutra for Summoning Demons: Demon Seeds, Summoning Demons, Devouring Demons]

[The Exquisite Book of Seven Apertures: The mind’s eye recognizes objects, the mind’s eye sees deeply, the mind’s eye understands language, the mind’s eye observes the mind, and the mind’s eye is direct to death (34%)]

[Zhu Xian Sword Technique: The first form is invisible sword light, the second form is killing sword light, and the third form is trapping sword light]

[Five Elements Thunder Technique: Proficient, Withering Mysterious Light Technique: Grandmaster, Ancient Black Turtle Technique: Third Level, Void Soul Thorn: Grandmaster]

[Infatuation Gu: middle grade of the sixth level, clone Gu: middle grade of the fifth grade, wine bug: middle grade of the fifth grade, gold-eating insect: upper grade of the fifth grade, Book Gu: low grade of the seventh grade, Dream Soul Gu: high grade of the fifth grade, Dragon Elephant Gu: fifth level high quality, Golden Light Ten Thousand Poisons Gu: fifth level middle quality, fifth level teleportation Gu, fifth level top quality, array heart voodoo fifth level, middle quality, fifth level middle quality seeking object voodoo, fifth level high quality Tribulation Thunder Gu, fifth level medicine voodoo Middle grade, fifth level of Qi Luck Gu]

"Yes, it seems that every Gu insect has been promoted."

Zhou Sui was very satisfied.

As his cultivation level improved, the power of the Gu worms on his body also improved further.

Needless to say, Book Gu is already at the seventh level of low-grade realm, and can be regarded as the most powerful Gu in his body.

The infatuation Gu has also reached the sixth level of mid-level.

The other Gu insects also rose to a higher level.

Except for the Formation Heart Gu, the power of other Gu insects has been greatly improved.

"It seems that controlling Fengxi City's seventh-level formation is not as easy as imagined."

"It still takes a lot of time."

"But once it is controlled, it will be a seventh-level formation heart Gu."

"But since the seventh-level formation is so difficult to control, it's better to find a sixth-level formation and try it first."

"After being promoted to the sixth-level formation heart Gu, it's not too late to try to master the seventh-level formation."

Zhou Sui touched his chin.

In the entire Fengxi City, there is not just one seventh-level formation.

There are also some important places where sixth-level formations are deployed.

These formations are all the food for the Formation Heart Gu.

To be honest, with the power of the fifth-level formation heart Gu, it is indeed a bit overestimating one's ability to control the seventh-level formation.

It's like an ant challenging an elephant.

So it is better to proceed step by step.

"By the way, let's tell Qian Ziyun and others the news first."

"So as not to worry them too much."

Zhou Sui's heart moved.

Since Book Gu was promoted to the seventh level of low-grade, he has been able to contact Qian Ziyun and others through Book Gu's virtual world, and can even meet and chat with each other in the virtual world.

Before, he was just chatting through his clone.

Of course, this also makes the Taoist monks feel at ease and will not think that something unexpected has really happened to them.

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