The Tao of Immortality Gu: Start by refining the Infatuation Gu

Chapter 370 Peach blossoms, the power of infatuation Gu, as

Chapter 370: Peach blossoms one after another, the power of infatuation Gu, as the first partner, it is considered a pass

Not long after, Zhou Sui, Bai Sujie and others flashed, turned into a ray of light, flew towards Fengxi City, and disappeared in front of Zhu Longting and others.

When Zhou Sui and others disappeared completely, Zhu Longting's expression became extremely gloomy.

"Damn thing."

"How on earth do you do this?"

"How could such a person suddenly appear?"

Zhu Longting gritted his teeth.

"I'm sorry, Brother Long Ting, I'm afraid this is not our fault."

"If I'm not wrong, that kid should be an ascended one."

"Ascended from the lower realm, that's why this place appears."

A member of the Zhu family said in a deep voice.

He immediately sensed that Zhou Sui's aura was different, completely different from the locals.

Moreover, ascendants are not a rare thing for the human race, and some appear occasionally.

After all, there are too many worlds that can ascend to the spiritual world.

"Ascended ones? Can't they only appear from the ascension platform?"

Zhu Longting frowned.

"Normally that's true."

"But there are also some worlds that don't have ascension platforms."

"After all, the construction of the ascension platform is not that simple, and the cost is quite expensive."

"So if the god-transformation monks in some worlds want to ascend, they can only open up the space nodes themselves."

"But in this case, the location of the ascension cannot be fixed, and there may be a void storm on the way."

"There is at least an 80% chance of dying during the ascension process."

"This kid is actually very lucky to be able to ascend successfully."

The Zhu family disciple said with emotion.

He has a special understanding of the ascended people and knows a lot about the ascended people.

That's why he knew the power of the ascended ones.

Those who can stand out among countless human monks and successfully ascend to the spiritual world are all geniuses who are one in a billion.

Since such a person comes to the spiritual world, he can naturally do something great.

In fact, there are also many ascended families in the human race in the spiritual world, and they are already an important part of the human race in the spiritual world.

"No way. To put it this way, it's just my bad luck."

"I happened to meet an ascended person, which messed up my plan."

Hearing this, Zhu Longting was extremely depressed.

He didn't expect that God was hindering him.

Could it be that he and Bai Sujie really have no connection? !

"Now it seems that this is indeed the case."

Many Zhu family members were also very helpless. They had been planning this matter for a long time.

But who would have thought that it would end up being disrupted by the sudden appearance of the Ascended One.

It can only be said that this is fate, and there is nothing they can do about it.

"Fart, I don't believe in fate at all."

"Even if this is fate, I will change my fate against fate."

"It's just a failure this time. I don't believe it will fail next time."

"Just wait, sooner or later I will get this woman."

Zhu Longting gritted his teeth and was extremely angry.

The more he couldn't get it, the more unwilling he was.

"Brother Long Ting, let's go find Elder Jin Hai quickly."

"The head of the family has sent a message to urge you."

"It is said that Elder Jin Hai and his companions' soul lamps went out and they were killed."

"The head of the family wants us to find the cause of their death."

A member of the Zhu family urged.

"What else is there to find? This is the Thunder Mountains, a paradise for wild beasts."

"No matter what happens, it's normal."

"But we cannot let Elder Jin Hai and others die in vain. They are members of our Zhu family."

"I hope the murderer is not far away."

Zhu Longting nodded.

With a whooshing sound, the group immediately followed the place where Zhu Jinhai and others died.

Unfortunately, they are destined to find no clues.


A few hours later.

Under the leadership of Bai Sujie and others, Zhou Sui finally arrived at Fengxi City.

A huge and vast city immediately came into view. The city wall was at least several thousand feet high, like a towering mountain, and seemed to be integrated with the earth.

At the same time, the length of the city wall is beyond imagination, stretching for more than 100,000 miles.

Human beings look extremely small in front of such a city wall.

The city wall was engraved with dense prohibition formations, layer after layer, which simply armed the city wall to the teeth, forming a thick barrier, filled with an aura of terror.

Even so, there are still terrible cracks left on the city wall, like claws, like swords, and like depressions. It can be imagined that the city wall has been attacked countless times.

But even so, it is still standing till now.

And it is said that this city has only been established for a thousand years, but it has already been attacked by countless wild beasts.

So it is conceivable that it is difficult for humans to open up cities and survive in the spiritual world.

Every time a city is opened, it takes a lot of resources, a lot of time, and the blood of countless monks.

But this is something that must be done.

Because the human population is still increasing.

The old city was originally very crowded and could not accommodate such a large population.

As a result, new cities will naturally be needed to accommodate a large number of new people.

It can be said that this is also the only way for the development of human race.

"It's awesome."

"This is Fengxi City of our human race."

"Although it has only been established for a thousand years, its population has exceeded five billion."

"Even the population is still increasing."

"In the future, the population of this city may exceed 10 billion."

Bai Sujie sighed.

"How was such a huge city built?"

Zhou Sui was very surprised.

He feels that such a super project cannot be accomplished overnight.

If every city in the human race is like this, then the heritage of the human race in the spiritual world is simply unfathomable.

"Well, this is naturally the highest masterpiece of our human dynasty's organ department."

"It's called Guancheng."

"In the past, in order to quickly build a city, the powerful human race united many masters of weapon refining."

"Thus creating this kind of machine city."

"The biggest feature of this kind of city is its modularity. Like a magic weapon, it can be continuously assembled and expanded."

"At the beginning, Fengxi City was only a hundred miles away."

"As the population continued to increase, Fengxi City expanded to ten thousand miles and one hundred thousand miles."

"As long as the subsequent refiners take action, they can refine city modules one after another and continue to assemble them to expand the city."

Bai Sujie explained.

On the whole, Fengxi City is a huge city magic weapon, integrated into one.

In fact, this is true for every city in the human race.

In the crisis-ridden spiritual world, only by building cities in this way can the human race quickly establish a foothold somewhere.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to successfully build the city.


Hearing this, Zhou Sui was also amazed.

Obviously, the magic technology and puppet technology in the spiritual world are many times more powerful than those in the immortal world.

The two are not on the same level at all, the gap is too far.

"But what protects the entire Fengxi City is a seventh-level high-grade formation."

"It's called the Nine Yang Gang Sun Formation."

"This seventh-level formation can control the power of the sun and condense the power of the nine suns."

"Once it breaks out, it will simply destroy the world and burn the entire wasteland."

"With this seventh-level formation, we can gain a foothold near the Thunder Mountains."

"Otherwise, our city would have been destroyed by countless wild beasts."

Bai Sujie sighed.

A seventh-level high-grade formation? !

Hearing this, Zhou Sui's eyes lit up and he was very excited.

To be honest, the Formation Heart Gu on his body has been stuck at the fifth-level high-level realm for a long time, and he has been unable to break through.

The reason is naturally very simple, that is, the highest level in the world of immortality is the fifth-level high-grade formation.

If you want the Formation Heart Gu to break through to the sixth level, you must first find the sixth level formation.

The question is where can there be a sixth-level formation in the world of immortality?

It's different now.

It was just that he had just ascended to the spiritual world, and he actually found a seventh-level formation.

This is simply food for the Formation Heart Gu.

Of course, with the power of the Formation Heart Gu, it is still difficult to control a seventh-level formation.

But what he lacks most is time.

So you can definitely wait for the formation heart Gu to grow up slowly.

Sooner or later he will become a seventh-level array mage.


At this time, under the leadership of Bai Sujie, they finally arrived at the gate of Fengxi City.

There are many soldiers guarding the city gate, at least they are all at the foundation building level, and the team leader is already at the golden elixir level.

The captain is in the Nascent Soul realm.

As for the captain, he is already in the state of becoming a god.

They are responsible for guarding the gates of Fengxi City to prevent enemy invasion.

Each one was fully armed and filled with a murderous aura.

"Master Bai."

"I didn't expect to come back from the Thunder Mountains so soon. It seems that you have gained a lot this time."

Seeing Bai Sujie and others returning, the captain of the Transformation God said hello. It was obvious that the two parties were very familiar with each other.

After all, Bai Sujie is a famous beauty in Fengxi City, and she is already completely famous in this city.

Basically, no one knows it.

"Don't mention it, it's really unlucky."

"Unexpectedly, I encountered a red flame golden beast and almost died in the Thunder Mountains."

"Fortunately, Fellow Daoist Zhou came to help, otherwise we would be doomed."

"That's why I came back early this time."

Bai Sujie said helplessly.

Naturally, she knew the captain of Huashen who was guarding the city gate, his name was Tao Xiaoming.

"Fellow Daoist Zhou?"

"But Taoist friend looks very strange. It seems that he has never met him before."

"Could it be that fellow Taoist is a human god from another city?"

Captain Tao Xiaoming asked curiously.

Even in the spirit world, the god-transforming monks are actually considered to be mid-to-high-level powerhouses. They are basically the backbone of the human race in the spirit world. They are not many in number, but they are not very small either.

Basically, there are only so many god-transformation monks in the entire Fengxi City.

Coupled with the memory of the cultivator, they are actually very familiar with each other.

So when he saw Zhou Sui the first time, he knew that Zhou Sui was definitely not a local resident of Fengxi City.

"it's not true."

"Fellow Daoist Zhou is a cultivator who has just ascended from the lower realm."

"Because I happened to fly near Fengxi City, I wanted to come to Fengxi City to register my identity."

Bai Sujie said.

"What? Fellow Daoist Zhou is actually an ascendant?"

"No wonder I always feel that the aura of my fellow Taoist is very unusual. It turns out he is a monk from the lower realm."

"Please be sure to join us in Fengxi City."

"This is definitely a paradise for monks."

Hearing this, Captain Tao Xiaoming's eyes suddenly lit up and his attitude was very enthusiastic.

After all, the reputation of an ascended person is still too loud, equivalent to a graduate of Tsinghua University and Peking University.

As long as you don't die, you will definitely have a bright future.

For such a genius, he would naturally take the initiative to make friends with him.

Even if you can't form a deep friendship, you won't offend the other person.

"Okay, okay, I'm going to take Fellow Daoist Zhou to the Ministry of Household Affairs to register his identity, so I won't chat with you anymore."

Bai Sujie waved her hand, took Zhou Sui and walked into Fengxi City.

Immediately, the group entered Fengxi City.

"What a rich aura of heaven and earth."

Entering the city, Zhou Sui immediately sensed the rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the air, which was at least the level of third-order spiritual energy. It was really incredible.

After all, this is an ordinary place in the city, but it actually has the concentration of third-level spiritual veins.

Even a mortal would make rapid progress if he practiced in a place like this.

It’s no wonder that there are so many powerful human monks in the spiritual world.

"It's awesome."

"The reason why Fengxi City's spiritual energy is so rich is because the city is located on a seventh-level spiritual vein."

"Even if only a part of the spiritual energy is leaked, it has reached the level of third-level spiritual veins."

"The closer you are to the City Lord's Mansion, the higher the spiritual energy concentration will be, and of course the price of the mansion will be more expensive."

"Of course, there are many rented caves in the city, which can be provided to monks who are about to make a breakthrough."

"These temporary caves can provide huge spiritual energy of heaven and earth to assist the monks in their breakthrough."

Bai Sujie smiled slightly, as if she could tell what Zhou Sui was thinking at a glance.

She also introduced some features of Fengxi City.

Obviously this is a city of monks, or a country of monks, with an incredibly large area.

"In that case, it may not be that simple to live in Fengxi City."

Zhou Sui raised his eyebrows.

"It's not that exaggerated."

"There are still some civilian areas in Fengxi City."

"A hundred-story buildings have been built in these areas, and many mortals live in high-rise buildings."

"Each family will have their own house with three bedrooms and one living room."

"After all, their cultivation is low and they don't need any spirit gathering formations. Simply breathing in the spiritual energy in the air is actually enough for their cultivation needs."

"Unless you are promoted to Golden Core or a monk above Nascent Soul, you need a mansion of your own."

"But once your cultivation has reached this level, it is not that difficult to earn spiritual stones."

"I'm afraid it's easy for a genius like Zhou Daoyou to purchase a mansion."

"Not to mention anything else, just the corpse of the fifth-level red flame golden beast is worth a lot of money."

Bai Sujie explained.

"I see."

Hearing this, Zhou Sui nodded.

Obviously in the spirit world, mortal life is actually pretty good.

Being protected by many monks, he will basically never leave the city and live within the city for the rest of his life.

Because the entire city is already self-sufficient.

Even if it is besieged for countless years, the humans inside can still survive.

Moreover, the laws in the city are strict.

Once a homicide occurs, it will be detected as soon as possible.

This has also greatly reduced the crime rate.

It can be said that compared to the world of immortality in the past, the life of humans in the spiritual world is simply like heaven.

He felt very deeply in his heart. It would have been better if he had been reborn in the spirit world. He would not have become a casual cultivator and have to worry about his own life all the time.

Not long after, under the leadership of Bai Sujie, Zhou Sui arrived at the household department in Fengxi City.

As for the other female cultivators, they are returning to their homes, so naturally they cannot come to the household department with them.

What appeared in front of Zhou Sui was a huge antique building surrounded by many restrictive formations.

Many monks were coming in and out here, with very serious faces, as if they didn't dare to take a breath in this place.

On the top of the building is a golden plaque showing the Ministry of Household Affairs, which is solemn and solemn.

Of course, this is a text that belongs to the human race in the spiritual world, which is completely different from the text in the immortal world.

However, Zhou Sui had already obtained relevant knowledge from the memories of Zhu Jinhai and others, so he had already been familiar with the writings mastered by the humans in the spirit world.


Obviously, Bai Sujie is very familiar with this place, as if she were back at home.

The monks here all greeted her warmly, to the point of flattery.

I saw her turning around and walking directly to a house in the deepest part of the household department.

"Sister Hua, I'm here."

Bai Sujie pushed open the door of the house.

I saw a stunning lady wearing a long blue dress, lying lazily on the black desk and sleeping soundly, surrounded by various jade slips.

"Sujie, why are you here when you have time?"

Hearing Bai Sujie's voice, this stunning lady seemed to wake up from her drowsiness. Her beautiful eyes showed a look of joy. She immediately stood up from the yellow pear chair, revealing her proud figure. The truth is simply unbelievable, and can already be compared with Qian Ziyun.

She immediately hugged Bai Sujie and even buried her head on her own truth, almost burying Bai Sujie to the point of suffocation.

The whole room is filled with bursts of floral fragrance, as if you are among countless flowers, which fills your heart and mind.

Two stunning beauties hugging each other look like a beautiful picture.

No matter how long you watch it, you won't get bored.

"Sister Hua, stop, there are outsiders here."

Bai Sujie's face turned red from holding it back, and she quickly pushed this enthusiastic woman away.

"Oh, I actually brought a man here."

"Is this your Taoist companion that you want to bring over to me?"

"But you do have good taste, and you're pretty average-looking."

"You can barely get through this girl's eyes."

"But a man can't just look good, he also needs to be capable."

"I don't know what you are capable of doing to please my sister."

This stunning lady seemed to have just discovered Zhou Sui's existence. Her beautiful eyes were looking forward to it, her breath was blue, and she seemed to be looking Zhou Sui up and down. She inadvertently revealed her infinite charm, which made people blush and heartbeat.

"Sister Hua, what on earth are you talking about."

"This is not my Taoist companion."

"His name is Zhou Sui, and he is an ascendant."

"It happened to save our lives in the Thunder Mountains, so I brought him here to register."

Bai Sujie blushed and looked at this sister angrily. She knew that the other party was thinking wrongly.

She briefly told what had just happened, emphasizing that this man was her savior, so she brought him to this place.

"Is that so?"

This stunning lady looked disappointed.

"Sister Hua, what do you mean?"

"Aren't you more concerned about my safety?"

"I almost died at the hands of a wild beast before."

Bai Sujie looked at this sister speechlessly, clearly looking like she was disappointed because she didn't see the gossip.

It's so abominable that he only cares about gossip even though his life is in danger.

It was because of this that she rarely came to the household department to see this sister. It was too difficult to deal with.

"Tch, you have so many treasures on your body, how could you be killed by a small wild beast?"

"It's normal to come back safely, no need to make a fuss."

"Hey, sister, I thought you had grown up and were already in love."

"I didn't expect she was still an old maid."

"When will I be fired?"

"I am so disappointed, sister."

The stunning lady sighed, and what she said were all words of tiger and wolf, the kind that would make people blush.

"Sister Hua."

Hearing this, Bai Sujie brushed her face and her pretty face turned red.

It would have been fine if she had heard these harsh words in normal times, but there was a man she had known for a short time next to her. How could she bear such embarrassment? She just wanted to bury her head in the ground and not come out.

She felt that she was extremely embarrassed now.

"OK OK."

"I won't tease you anymore."

"Let me get to know you, this girl is Hua Siqing, the Minister of Household Affairs in Fengxi City."

This stunning lady seemed to be going crazy when she saw Bai Sujie. She also knew that she couldn't continue teasing her, otherwise she would definitely be angry, so she immediately returned to her serious look.

Then she turned to look at Zhou Sui.

"Next week."

Zhou Sui smiled slightly and introduced himself.

He was secretly amazed in his heart. He didn't expect that he would meet the big shot in Fengxi City so easily.

According to Zhu Jinhai’s previous memories, the entire Fengxi City is actually equivalent to the Fengxi Kingdom. There are six major administrative agencies, namely the Ministry of Personnel (i.e., the Examination Yuan and the Personnel Administration Bureau), and the Ministry of Revenue (i.e., the Ministry of Finance). , the Ministry of Rites (i.e., the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Education), the Ministry of War (i.e., the Ministry of National Defense), the Ministry of Punishment (i.e., the Ministry of Courts and the Ministry of Justice), and the Ministry of Industry (i.e., the Construction and Construction Administration).

Obviously, this Hua Siqing is a top figure in Fengxi City.

In fact, her cultivation level is also unfathomable, and she has reached the middle stage of the Void Refining Realm.

Even looking at the entire Fengxi City, there are actually not many people with such cultivation.

As the Minister of Household Affairs, he is also one of the six most powerful people besides the city lord.

He had just ascended to the spiritual world, and he met such a big shot.

Is this love luck? !

To be honest, he has realized the power of love luck brought by the infatuation Gu.

It's just a woman I just met, but she actually has such a powerful background.

Of course, it could also be a peach blossom disaster.

After all, how could a woman with such beauty and background be so extraordinary?

The other party has many suitors.

If you are not careful, you will get yourself into huge disaster.

He might be beaten to death by many suitors.

If you want to have a woman of the level of Daji and Xi Shi, if you are not the head of a country, you may not be able to keep it at all.

"Zhou Sui?"

"Since you saved Sujie's life, you can be regarded as my savior."

"At the same time, he is an ascended person, so he must be a rare talent."

"I wonder what you want to do after joining Fengxi City?"

Hua Siqing looked at Zhou Sui very seriously with her beautiful eyes, as if she wanted to know Zhou Sui's next plan.

“I’m new here, and I really don’t know what to do.”

"I wonder what Senior Hua has to say?"

Zhou Sui asked curiously.

He didn't hide his ignorance, after all, he was indeed a monk who had just ascended.

Naturally, I am not very clear about the current situation of the human race in the spiritual world.

I don’t know how I can gain a foothold in the spiritual world.

"Well, as an ascendant, you have three paths."

"The first way is to join the army. According to your cultivation in the early stage of becoming a god, even if you join the army, you will not be cannon fodder. You will immediately obtain the position of captain and lead a small team.

You are also an ascendant. It is estimated that in the lower realm, the skills on your body can at most be cultivated to the realm of transformation into gods. As for the skills of higher realms, you most likely do not have them.

Although it is dangerous to join the army and you need to face various enemies, you can also quickly obtain a large amount of contribution points. As long as you get a large amount of contribution points, you can also exchange them for many skills in the Scripture Collection Pavilion in Fengxi City. This is also a path chosen by many ascendants, and it is also a shortcut.

Of course, this path will also be subject to great constraints. You need to obey the orders of the army and cannot leave the army at will. However, you can obtain a large amount of resources from the army and exchange them for various skills. "

Hua Siqing said in a deep voice.

"I wonder what the other two paths are?"

Zhou Sui was noncommittal and wanted to ask about the next two ways.

"The second way is naturally to become a mercenary."

"After all, Fengxi City will often issue various tasks. After completing these tasks, you will not only get a large amount of spiritual stones, but also a certain degree of contribution."

"Although the contribution points obtained are not as good as joining the army, the rewards are not bad. You can also use the contribution points to go to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion to exchange for various techniques."

"The most important thing is that becoming a mercenary will be very free and you will not be subject to any constraints. The more you work, the more you will get. Of course, the disadvantage is that there is no guarantee. If the mission fails, you will not get any money, and you will have to rely on yourself. If you If you have enough skills, you can still earn a lot of training resources by completing various tasks."

"The third way is even simpler, that is to become a civil servant in the government."

"So far, the government still lacks a large number of civil servants, managers, and Taoist teachers."

"If you join the government, you will be safe, you won't need to venture out of the city, and you can still get a salary every year."

"The disadvantage is that the salary is very low and there is basically not much extra income."

"It will be very difficult if you want to advance further in your cultivation."

"Basically, the people who choose this path are monks whose life span is about to run out and whose path is hopeless."

"I don't know which path you want to choose?"

Hua Siqing looked at Zhou Sui with interest, wondering what Zhou Sui's choice was.

"I want to become a Taoist teacher."

Zhou Sui made his choice immediately without saying a word.

Obviously for him, safety comes first.

Whether you become a soldier or a mercenary, you need to go out of the city, stand on the front line, and face various enemies.

Although he made a lot of money, he had plenty of means to make money and there was no need to venture out of the city.

So it is better to become a Taoist teacher and develop in peace.

There is no doubt that becoming a Taoist teacher is his safest choice.

"You actually want to become a Taoist teacher?"

"I see, are you really obsessed with sister Sujie?"

Hua Siqing looked at Zhou Sui with a half-smile.

Hearing this, Bai Sujie's pretty face turned red and she was very shy.

"What's the meaning?"

Zhou Sui was confused. He didn't know what the other party's words meant and how he had anything to do with Bai Sujie.

"Oh, didn't you know in advance that Sister Sujie was the dean of the 88th Taoist Academy, so didn't you make such a choice?" Hua Siqing asked in return.

So far, there are a thousand Taoist temples in the entire Fengxi City, distributed throughout the city, responsible for recruiting many underage students in Fengxi City.

The place where Bai Sujie is located is the Eighty-eight Taoist Temple in Fengxi City, and she is also the dean of this Taoist Temple.

After all, her cultivation is to achieve perfection in spiritual transformation.

It is more than enough to become the dean of a Taoist academy.

The many Nascent Soul female cultivators who had followed her before were basically teachers from the Eighty-eight Taoist Academy in Fengxi City.

"I don't know that."

"But if that's the case, then it's fate."

Zhou Sui smiled.

Destined? !

Hearing this, Bai Sujie's beautiful eyes were looking forward to it, her heart was beating wildly, and her pretty face was slightly hot. She also felt that the two of them were so destined, as if they were a match made in heaven.

She had never felt like this before, it was really amazing.

"Okay, just think of it as fate."

"Since you want to be a Taoist teacher, you must have something good at it."

"I wonder what you know?"

"Which craft do you know how to cultivate immortality?"

Hua Siqing looked at Zhou Sui with interest. She became more and more curious about this man.

"Well, I know a little bit about the various arts of cultivating immortals."

Zhou Sui thought for a while and gave an answer.

"Do you know everything?"

Hua Siqing was speechless. She knew everything, but it was only half a bucket of water, and she knew nothing.

After all, human lifespan is limited. Only by specializing in one subject can we continue to study in depth and achieve something.

There are hundreds of arts of cultivating immortals, each of which is profound and profound enough for ordinary monks to spend their entire lives learning.

Being knowledgeable about everything is actually loosening up on everything.

But as a Taoist teacher, this is actually enough.

After all, Taoist students are just beginning monks, and they only need to learn some basic knowledge.

As a monk who transforms into gods, he is fully qualified to teach ordinary students.

There is no need to demand anything.

As for in-depth knowledge, teachers can no longer provide guidance. Students need to learn and study in depth on their own.

"As a Taoist teacher, you have to choose a subject to teach."

“It’s impossible to teach everything.”

Hua Siqing said angrily.

"In this case, then I will choose Alchemy."

"I still have some research on Alchemy."

Zhou Sui said in a deep voice.

After all, if you want to make money in Fengxi City in the future, you still need to have a craft.

I am afraid that in the world of cultivating immortals, nothing is more profitable than an alchemist.

As a fifth-level alchemist, he actually has some status in the spiritual world.

"That's right. If that's the case, then you can take a job in the Eighty-Eight Taoist Academy."

"It just so happens that the Eighty-Eight Taoist Academy is also short of an alchemy teacher."

Hua Siqing rolled her eyes and made a decision immediately.


Zhou Sui nodded. He actually didn't have much opinion on which Taoist academy he should go to teach.

I just want to find a place to stay.

Obviously the Taoist Temple is indeed a good place.

"Fellow Daoist Zhou, welcome to join the Eighty-Eight Taoist Academy."

Bai Sujie smiled, her golden furry tail swaying slightly on her back, obviously in a happy mood.

"Then please leave it to Dean Bai."

Zhou Suidao.

It didn't take long, under Hua Siqing's power, the relevant departments quickly helped Zhou Sui go through all the procedures, register his identity, and also obtain the Fengxi City token.

This can be regarded as allowing Zhou Sui to completely enter the household and no longer be a black household in the spiritual world.

Watching Zhou Sui, Bai Sujie and others leave, there was a whoosh, and a graceful figure appeared in the bedroom. She was wearing a black tight-fitting night dress, which outlined her curvy figure. She was extremely hot and made people squirt. fire.

There is a black furry tail on the round tunica, swaying gently.

He moved quietly, as if blending into the darkness.

She is Shi Yuxi, the ANBU minister of Fengxi City. She is a monk in the middle stage of Void Refining. She contains the blood of the shadow cat and is half human and half demon.

He lives in darkness on weekdays and is responsible for gathering intelligence, assassinations and other activities.

"Xiao Yuxi, what do you think of that man?"

Hua Siqing lay lazily on the table, not caring at all that her big vagina was being squashed, and inadvertently showed off all kinds of amorous feelings, which simply made men salivate.

"Good-looking, standard pretty boy."

"As a first-time target, it can be considered a passing grade."

Shi Yuxi hugged xio with both hands, her graceful figure leaned against the wall, and her big watery eyes seemed to be thinking seriously.

"Shallow woman."

"Who told you to pay attention to these things?"

"I'm asking you if this man is dangerous."

Hua Siqing said angrily.

She is a woman who speaks openly, but this woman is even more hateful than herself.

There is no way, this will happen as long as you live a long time.

After living for thousands of years, if you still can't do whatever you want, then your life has been in vain.

"very dangerous."

"I'm afraid this man discovered me from the beginning."

Shi Yuxi thought about it seriously and said in a deep voice.

"Oh, I actually found you."

"Your shadow stealth technique is unparalleled in the world. Even a powerful person in the integration stage may not be able to detect you."

"This kid can actually do it?!"

Hua Siqing was a little surprised, and her expression became a little more serious.

If this thing is true, then I'm afraid it's quite extraordinary.

"Although the man's expression didn't change at all, he seemed to have not noticed me."

"But my instinct told me that my whereabouts had long been exposed."

"Although this person's cultivation level is only in the early stage of becoming a god, the danger is extremely high."

"I'm afraid I have the power to threaten your life and mine."

Shi Yuxi said in a deep voice, giving her own explanation.

"A mere monk in the early stage of becoming a god can actually threaten Lianxu. Is this a monk who ascended from the lower world?"

"But it's not like I haven't seen an ascendant before."

"Those who ascended are indeed geniuses, one in a million."

"But this guy is too good."

Hua Siqing's beautiful eyes revealed a glint of light.

She naturally believed in Shi Yuxi, because this woman's perception of danger had reached a supernatural level.

It can even predict future crises to some extent.

For thousands of years, this woman's foreknowledge of danger has never failed her.

In other words, the man named Zhou Sui seems to be harmless to humans and animals on the surface, but secretly he is very terrifying and has mastered the means to threaten the Xu Lian monks.

"Although he has the power and means to threaten you and me, he has no ill intentions towards us."

"You can be friends, but you can't be enemies."

When Shi Yuxi put forward her own suggestions, she instinctively did not want to be her enemy.

It seems that the blood in the body is trembling.

Obviously, that man contained a terrible power.

It was like a lower-ranking person meeting a superior person, with absolutely no power to resist.

"I'm not that kind of murderer. How can I be an enemy of everyone in the world?"

"And this kid has also won the favor of Su Jie, who is one of our own."

"Since you are one of our own, the stronger you are, the better."

"It seems that we still need to tell the City Lord about this matter."

"The emergence of such outstanding talents in Fengxi City is a good thing for us in Fengxi City."

Hua Siqing held her chin in her hand, looked at the scenery outside the window, and said lazily.


Upon hearing this, Shi Yuxi's figure flashed, blended into the darkness, and disappeared instantly.

No one knows where she went.


An hour later.

Zhou Sui came out of the Household Department and, under the leadership of Bai Sujie, came to the 88th Taoist Courtyard in Fengxi City.

Obviously, this is a standard school.

It covers an area of ​​more than 10,000 acres.

A large number of teaching buildings and various facilities have been built inside, as well as teacher dormitories and so on.

It can be said that all kinds of facilities are available.

The entire Taoist temple is covered by a fifth-level high-grade forbidden formation, called the Inverted Five Elements Formation.

Under the protection of such a fifth-order formation, the Taoist temple is very safe.

Even the Taoist temple has the spiritual energy concentration of fifth-level high-grade spiritual veins, which is very suitable for the practice of the god-transforming monks.

"This is the Eighty-Eight Taoist Academy."

"Teachers from the Taoist Academy can live there."

"In the living area, every teacher can have a courtyard, and it's free."

"Of course, if you don't want to live in the Taoist temple, you can also apply for accommodation outside."

Bai Sujie took Zhou Sui to visit the 88th Taoist Temple.

Obviously, as a place where teachers live, the environment is quite good.

The rooftop is full of moonlight, small bridges and flowing water are carefully crafted, the plants are lush and green, and the aura is rich.

Surrounded by courtyards, there are forbidden formations arranged inside, which isolate the surroundings and provide high privacy.

"No, it's quite good to be able to live in a Taoist temple."

Zhou Sui was too lazy to look for a house outside. He might as well live in a Taoist temple, and he lived for free. He didn't know how many spiritual stones he could save.

"That's good."

"As a Taoist teacher, you are also paid."

"Teacher Zhou, as a member of the Taoist Academy and a cultivator of spiritual transformation, can obtain ten top-quality spiritual stones every year."

"Although the salary is indeed a bit low, it is better than stability."

“And it’s free to live in, and there are a lot of benefits.”

Bai Sujie said.

Speaking of this, she felt very guilty.

Because ten top-grade spiritual stones per year are too low and not enough for the cultivators to practice.

It is precisely because of this that the salaries of Taoist teachers are low and they do not practice enough, so not many monks are willing to enter the Taoist temple.

It is very rare for a young and powerful spiritual transformation monk like Zhou Sui to be willing to become a Taoist teacher.

But there is nothing we can do about it.

The budget of each Taoist temple is limited, which naturally results in the teachers' salaries being unlikely to be very high.

"I wonder where Dean Bai lives?"

Zhou Sui asked curiously.

"I also live in a Taoist temple."

"After all, there is a dedicated dean's dormitory here, so there is no need to rent a house outside."

"If you need help with anything, just come to me."

Bai Sujie smiled slightly.


Zhou Sui nodded.

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