The Tao of Immortality Gu: Start by refining the Infatuation Gu

Chapter 313 Jade Girl Heart Sutra, Water Body

"Senior Sister Xia."

When many Nascent Soul female cultivators saw Xia Shuiyang's arrival, they all looked respectfully.

After all, who doesn't know that the other party is a direct disciple of the Hehuan Sect's leader, a Tianlinggen monk, and has great hope of becoming a God Transformation monk in the future and being promoted to become the next Hehuan Sect leader.

It can be said that the power status of the other party is simply lower than that of one person and higher than that of ten thousand people.

Even if they are both Yuanying elders of the Hehuan Sect, they are incomparable to each other.

It's like a pheasant and a phoenix.

"I want this man. Sisters, you don't have any objections."

"I hope all sisters will not mistakenly think that I am overbearing."

"After all, this man has been of great help to my practice."

"After getting this man, I have the opportunity to advance to the late Nascent Soul stage."

"If you sisters can express your love, then I will certainly be grateful."

Xia Shuiyang smiled slightly and looked at the many female cultivators from the Hehuan Sect. Their attitudes were very amiable and thoughtful.

But the female nuns present didn't know how ruthless this woman was.

He is also very petty and likes to wear small shoes for others.

Many monks who offended her disappeared from this world without a trace.

"Of course I have no objection."

"It's just that, it's an honor for this man to be favored by Senior Sister Xia."

"That's right. If we can help Senior Sister Xia on her journey, we will naturally do our part and go all out."

"It turns out that it's the man that Senior Sister Xia likes, so naturally we have to help. If Senior Sister needs any help, you can let us help."

Many Nascent Soul female cultivators are bleeding and gnashing their teeth.

Faced with Xia Shuiyang's persecution, even if they were unwilling, they could only stay humble.

Because once they offend this petty woman, they may not be able to survive in the Hehuan Sect.

Even if you can really survive, life will definitely be very difficult.

"Gee, in that case, thank you all sisters for your help."

"I will definitely repay you in the future."

Xia Shuiyang smiled softly and felt very satisfied when she looked at the sisters from the Hehuan Sect who had lowered their eyebrows.

She waved her sleeves, swayed her graceful figure, and left just like that.

Only a group of Nascent Soul female cultivators were left who were filled with hatred.

"This woman has really gone too far. Just because she is the direct disciple of the sect leader, she actually does whatever she wants in the Hehuan Sect and suppresses her fellow sects unscrupulously."

"Well, there is nothing we can do about it. This woman's talent is really great. She is not only a Tianlinggen monk, but also has a special constitution, the Water Body. She is valued by the lord of the sect. She has the appearance of becoming a god, and she also has Many elders support her, but our arms can’t twist her thighs, so we can’t fight her at all.”

"But isn't this woman practicing the Jade Girl Heart Sutra, the core skill of our Hehuan Sect? This skill requires ensuring the power of Yuan Yin in her body. She is not allowed to touch men at all, otherwise all her previous efforts will be wasted. How could she come to talk to us? Stealing a man is really unbelievable."

"You don't understand this, don't you? Our Hehuan Sect also has a tonic method that can steal a man's essence and pure yang energy from the air. There is no need to destroy his pure yin body. I'm afraid that woman She wants to use the other party as a cauldron and steal her pure Yang energy all the time to help her practice."

"It is said that although the Jade Girl Heart Sutra is infinitely powerful, it also has a huge flaw, that is, it needs to be balanced by pure yang energy. The higher the cultivation level, the more pure yang energy is needed. Otherwise, if the yin and yang are not balanced, it is easy to become possessed.

Originally, I also practiced the Jade Girl Heart Sutra, but unfortunately I couldn't resist the erosion of the power of pure yin, so I still embarked on the path of yin and yang, cutting off the possibility of becoming the next sect leader. "

"So this woman is extremely sophisticated and ruthless. She can actually forcibly suppress the body's instincts and practice this skill to the middle stage of Nascent Soul. It is terrifying."

"But it's not that simple to get that man. You can tell at a glance that this man is an inexperienced guy. Maybe he still practices boy skills, otherwise he is so old and still has pure yang."

"Well, it depends on the woman's methods. If it fails, it will be interesting."

Many Yuan Ying female cultivators from the Hehuan Sect were talking about it.

Although they were filled with resentment, envy and jealousy towards Xia Shuiyang, they also knew that this woman was extremely talented and ruthless, and they could not possibly be her opponent.

So they could only give up and regret that they missed this opportunity.

Everyone was helpless, beating their feet and chest.


At this moment, Zhou Sui followed the instructions of the Seeking Object Gu and came to a building with the name Wanbao Tower written on it.

"So senior wants to come to Wanbao Tower?"

"It seems that the seniors are also familiar with our Baihua City. This place is the biggest treasure of our Baihua City."

"The treasures inside are all there."

“You can’t think of it, but there’s nothing you can’t buy.”

The eyes of Xiu Miaomiao, the daughter of Hehuan Sect, suddenly lit up. She knew that the man in front of her was a big customer, and he actually came to Wanbao Building to buy treasures.

Each of the treasures here is valuable.

It can be said that even if she buys just one item, it will be enough for her to earn commission for several months.

It was not in vain that she, a golden elixir cultivator, took the initiative to introduce him.

"Wanbao Tower?"

Hearing this, Zhou Sui narrowed his eyes. No wonder the Object-Seeking Gu indicated this place. Apparently the treasure he wanted was hidden in the Wanbao Tower.

There must be a lot of treasures hidden in a place like this, everything you need.


At this time, Wanbao Tower seemed to have known the news in advance. A stunningly beautiful woman walked out, seeming to eclipse the sky and the earth, and all the flowers were eclipsed by her.

She was wearing a long white dress, showing off her proud figure, which was exquisite and convex.

No man can take his eyes away.

"Elder Xia."

Seeing the appearance of this woman, the female cultivator Miaomiao was immediately startled. She instantly recognized that the person in front of her was the senior sister Xia Shuiyang of the Hehuan Sect, an elder in the middle Nascent Soul stage with a high position.

She never expected that such a respected elder would personally come forward to receive this male cultivator.

Obviously, the man in front of him is more eye-catching than imagined.

"It turns out to be Miaomiao."

"Thank you for your hard work."

"The next guest will be left to me. You can go down first."

Xia Shuiyang smiled slightly.

"Yes, Elder Xia."

Hearing this, the female cultivator Miaomiao also knew that the man in front of her was no longer within her reach. He was actually attracted by the famous Elder Xia. She thought that there must be something extraordinary about this man.

You know, even if a direct disciple of the Huashen Sect came to visit, Elder Xia would not even look at him.

But now, it is really unusual to actually come to receive him.

But she didn't bother too much, she responded and left quickly.

"I wonder who this fellow Taoist is?"

Zhou Sui looked at the sudden appearance of this stunning woman, and already had some guesses in his heart. If the golden elixir female cultivator Miaomiao could be respected, she must be a big shot in the Hehuan Sect.

Moreover, this woman's cultivation has reached the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

But what is even more strange is that she is obviously a female cultivator from the Hehuan Sect, but she still has the power of pure yin. It is really unbelievable.

It's just out of mud.

Of course, there is a high probability that there are no steadfast female cultivators among the demon sect.

The reason why this situation occurs is 99% related to the technique you practice.

Compared with the Avenue of Immortality, the mere ways of men and women are not worth mentioning at all.

"I am Xia Shuiyang, an elder of the Hehuan Sect."

"At the same time, he is also the city lord of Baihua City."

Xia Shuiyang chuckled and looked at Zhou Sui charmingly.

Her beautiful eyes looked at Zhou Sui, but they became brighter and brighter.

Before, she had just heard the report from her subordinates that a Nascent Soul cultivator with a pure Yang body had arrived in Baihua City, so she couldn't wait to rush over, hoping to take advantage of him first.

To be honest, although people with pure Yang bodies are rare, they are not impossible.

In fact, there are very few monks who can cultivate their pure Yang bodies to the Nascent Soul realm.

It can no longer be said to be a handful, it is simply the kind that is rare to see in a thousand years.

After all, monks with such a pure Yang body will definitely be targeted by various monsters and witches on the way to practice.

It is simply more difficult to maintain a pure Yang body than to achieve immortality.

Therefore, such men are almost extinct, and have not even been heard of.

Moreover, this man's body seems to be more than just a pure Yang body. It contains terrifying power of qi and blood. Ordinary Yuanying body cultivation does not have such strong qi and blood.

There is no doubt that this man's physical fitness is incredible and he is definitely a top-notch cauldron.

If she were to take away the pure Yang energy from this man, her cultivation would immediately be promoted to the late Nascent Soul stage, laying the foundation for her to become a god.

This is countless times better than any fourth-level elixir or thousand-year-old elixir.

So for this kind of man, she is absolutely determined to win, and she must not let him get away.

More importantly, she could feel the incredible charm coming from this man.

Although his face is plain and ordinary, he is so charming, as if he is a naturally handsome man.

This feeling is so weird, yet so real.

She didn't know why she felt like this. She always felt that such an ordinary face would be very inconsistent on this man.

Wait, is this man disguised? Not what it originally looked like?

Thinking of this, Xia Shuiyang's beautiful eyes flashed as she thought of this possibility.

But this is something that monks are accustomed to.

Many monks who enter Baihua City will disguise themselves so that others cannot detect their true identity.

There are even some well-known and upright Yuanying elders.

All of them, who appear to be gentlemen, are actually male thieves and female prostitutes.

In order to avoid damaging their reputation, but still wanting to have fun, they naturally change into the appearance of others.

The Hehuan Sect is also well aware of such things.

After all, these monks are all guests who send money to the Hehuan Sect, so it is naturally impossible for them to expose their own guests.

"It's actually the Lord of Baihua City who came out to receive him personally. That's really flattering."

Zhou Sui was also secretly surprised.

In fact, under the influence of the power of the fifth-level infatuation Gu, which constantly tempers his body and changes his physical quality, he can also vaguely sense the woman's favorability towards him.

You can know whether the other person likes you or hates you.

Obviously, Xia Shuiyang, the Yuanying female cultivator of the Hehuan Sect in front of her, still has a good impression of herself.

If calculated according to one hundred, it would be at least sixty.

Normally, a strange woman's favorability rating of over 30 is pretty good.

So this woman fell in love with him at first sight.

To be honest, he didn't know why he was attracted to this woman. Could it be that he was greedy for his own body? He is obviously very low-key, even disguised as an ordinary man.

It's a pity that his charm is still too great. Even his ordinary appearance cannot cover up his charm.

"What's the matter? It's an honor for me to receive such an outstanding man as Daoyou Zhou."

"But since fellow Taoist Zhou is so outstanding, I'm afraid he already has a Taoist companion."

Xia Shuiyang chuckled and asked tentatively.

"No, I don't have any Taoist companions in the Eastern Wilderness Continent. I am an ascetic cultivator."

"Of course I won't indulge in such things between men and women."

"Taoist companions and so on are just burdens and will only hinder my practice."

Zhou Sui said righteously, saying that he was still single and alone.

And he didn't lie either.

After all, he does not have any Taoist companions on the Eastern Barren Continent, and all his Taoist companions are in the Canglan Sea.

"Fellow Daoist Zhou is indeed a Taoist man, and I really admire him."

"I haven't seen a man like you for a long time."

Hearing this, Xia Shuiyang's beautiful eyes twinkled, and she couldn't help but reveal a hint of joy.

She felt her guess was correct.

Such an innocent man, an ascetic monk, is definitely a chubby man.

Maybe if you still practice the Boy's Kung Fu, your body will have such strong qi and blood and pure yang energy.

It can be said that such men are even rarer than real dragons, and they should all be extinct.

Thinking of this, she waved lightly, and seemingly silently, an invisible mark instantly attached to Zhou Sui's body.

This is the Peach Blossom Seal from the Hehuan Sect.

As long as she gets this mark, she can still find this man even if she flees to the ends of the earth.

Even using this mark can make this man confused and obsessed, and he can't help but fall in love with himself.

This is also a method unique to the female cultivators of the Hehuan Sect.

"You actually put a spell on me?"

"Sure enough, this female cultivator from the Hehuan Sect has evil intentions. Does she want to catch me and use her as a cauldron?"

"I didn't expect that there would be a female cultivator who would dare to attack me. It's just astonishing."

"Love at first sight or something, it's really too fake."

"It's better to rise up for profit, and the intention to rise up for sex is more real."

"Tsk, tsk, this female cultivator from the Hehuan Sect is considered stunning, and she also possesses the power of pure yin."

"It's better to capture it and give it to the main body to help the main body break through to the middle stage of Nascent Soul."

"Having such a Nascent Soul female cultivator can at least save decades or hundreds of years of hard work."

Zhou Sui squinted his eyes, thinking about the possibility of this matter.

He didn't care if the other party used magic on him, since he was just a clone anyway.

Even if you are hit by any spell, once the clone dies, it will be over.

No magic technique can be involved in the main body.

Therefore, he was naturally fearless and allowed the other party to use various methods to avoid alerting the enemy.


Thinking of this, Zhou Sui thought and immediately cast the infatuation poison on himself onto the Hehuan Sect female cultivator in front of him.

The power of the Infatuation Gu that has been promoted to the fifth level is even greater.

Not even the female cultivator can resist it.

Not to mention, she is just a female cultivator in the Nascent Soul Realm.

"By the way, I wonder what Fellow Daoist Zhou wants to buy from my Wanbao Building?"

At this time, Xia Shuiyang took Zhou Sui into Wanbao Tower and came to a private room surrounded by a prohibition formation to avoid the covetousness of outside monks.

"Well, I want to buy the Heaven and Earth Spirit Root."

"I wonder if Wanbao Tower has the spiritual roots of heaven and earth?"

Zhou Sui spoke straightforwardly.

After all, for Nascent Soul cultivators, purchasing heaven and earth spiritual roots is nothing, it can be regarded as a normal need.

He won't give other monks anything to covet.

"The spiritual roots of heaven and earth?"

"It seems that fellow Taoist disciples are very well-informed and actually know that Wanbao Tower has recently acquired some spiritual roots of heaven and earth."

"It's just that the spiritual root of heaven and earth is valuable. If you don't give a corresponding price, I'm afraid it will be difficult to take it away."

Xia Shuiyang originally wanted to reject Zhou Sui.

After all, Wanbaolou has already planned to auction the heaven and earth spiritual roots it acquired previously as items for the auction.

But when she saw Zhou Sui's eyes, her heart suddenly softened, as if she felt that she could not refuse the request of the man in front of her.

It’s just the spiritual roots of heaven and earth.

If there is enough price, it is not impossible to sell it.

"Don't worry, money is not an issue."

"But I want to inspect the goods to see if they are the heaven and earth spiritual roots I want."

Zhou Sui smiled slightly.

Sure enough, it is better to have an internal response. There is someone in the court who can do things easily. Otherwise, how can I, a foreign monk, buy the corresponding treasures so easily.

"Fellow Daoist Zhou is really quick to talk."

Xia Shuiyang clapped his hands and immediately ordered his men to bring up the spiritual roots of heaven and earth from Wanbao Tower.

Not long after, several beautiful maids came to the door, holding emerald green boxes in their hands, filled with a rich woody atmosphere. They were obviously the spiritual roots of heaven and earth and were priceless.


With a thought, Zhou Sui immediately activated his mind and eyes to recognize objects and began to identify these items.

Sure enough, these heaven and earth spiritual roots are not simple. They are all at least third level, and some even reach fourth level.

But that's all.

As for the fifth-level heaven and earth spiritual roots, it is impossible to sell them.

His eyes were placed on the box on the far right. This was the spiritual root of heaven and earth that he had been looking for for a long time.

Suddenly, a message sank into the depths of his consciousness.

[Name: Evergreen Vine, spiritual root of heaven and earth. 】

[Description: This is a vine from the fairy world. It has the ability to grow infinitely and can improve its strength infinitely. However, it takes an extremely long time to grow. It often encounters various disasters and easily dies.

But its vitality is extremely tenacious. Even if it encounters a disaster, it will breed a large number of seeds, scatter them everywhere, and then find a suitable place to grow again and form a new evergreen vine]

There is no doubt that this is the spiritual root of heaven and earth that Zhou Sui is looking for for his Taoist companion.

He doesn't care about the attack power of the so-called heaven and earth spiritual roots, as long as they can grow infinitely, it is enough.

Anyway, with their own protection, Taoist companions will not encounter any threats.

"I want this box of heaven and earth spiritual roots."

Zhou Sui said bluntly, pointing to the dark green box on the far right.

"Oh, you want ivy?!"

"Although this is indeed a good heaven and earth spiritual root, with a fourth-level level."

"But the growth time is too long. It will take at least ten thousand years to grow to the fourth level."

"You may even encounter various disasters along the way, and it's easy to die young."

"Are you sure you want to get these fourth-level ivy seeds?"

Xia Shuiyang looked at Zhou Sui hesitantly.

Originally, she was not the kind of woman to meddle in other people's business. She would just sell whatever the customers wanted.

But for some reason, she had a certain fondness for this man, and naturally she didn't want to see him suffer.

"Yes, I definitely want it."

"Make a price."

Zhou Sui nodded and said without hesitation.

Obviously, people in the immortal world do not realize the preciousness of ivy, which is a plant from the immortal world.

But this is also normal.

After all, the ivy cannot grow perfectly if it does not grow in a suitable environment.

Naturally, other monks will not notice what is special about it.

Many monks regard ivy as a material for elixirs.

Didn't pay too much attention to it.

"You also know that this is a fourth-level spiritual plant."

"Although it doesn't have many uses, the value is there."

"And once you reach the Nascent Soul level, spiritual stones are no longer very important, unless you are willing to take out the best spiritual stones."

"So our Wanbao Tower only accepts barter."

"If you come up with a treasure that makes Wanbaolou's heart beat, I can sell you this fourth-level ivy."

Xia Shuiyang said in a deep voice.

"I see, that makes sense."

"There are a total of nine ivy seeds in it, and I won't take advantage of you."

"This is a bottle of the fourth-level elixir Diyuan Dan, which can be exchanged with you."

Zhou Sui took out a bottle of fourth-level treasure elixir from his body.

For him, there are too many fourth-level treasure pills on his body, and he doesn't even know how many he can refine during daily practice.

Although he is a clone, he also carries a lot of treasures with him this time. The purpose is to exchange suitable treasures with the monks here.

"Fourth level treasure elixir Diyuan Dan?"

"This is a pill that is of great benefit to the cultivation of the Nascent Soul in its early stages."

"It even has a certain probability that it can help the early Yuanying monks break through to the middle stage."

"You are actually willing to sell Diyuan Dan?"

Seeing this scene, Xia Shuiyang couldn't help but widen her beautiful eyes. She didn't expect that the man in front of her could actually get the fourth-level treasure pill Di Yuan Dan, which was a hot commodity.

If it goes to the auction, it will cause the old monster Nascent Soul to go crazy for the auction.

Every bottle of fourth-level elixir is worth hard currency.

As long as you take it out, it will be bought quickly.

Even in the Eastern Wilderness Continent, fourth-level treasure pills are still quite rare treasures. They cannot be refined by ordinary alchemists. They are basically marketable and priceless.

Even money can't buy it.

If you could get such a bottle of fourth-level treasure elixir in exchange for the worthless fourth-level heaven and earth spiritual root growing ivy, any monk would agree without hesitation.

"Yes, I like this ivy very much."

"If you are willing, let's exchange."

Zhou Sui nodded. To him, the fourth-level treasure pill was of course nothing.

Such ivy is a truly precious treasure, priceless.

"Haha, in that case, let's exchange."

"It's really refreshing to trade with fellow Taoists."

Xia Shuiyang agreed immediately.

After all, this is obviously a lucrative business, so only a fool would refuse it.

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