The Tao of Immortality Gu: Start by refining the Infatuation Gu

Chapter 312: Xia Shuiyang, the senior sister of Hehuan Sect, this man

Chapter 312: Xia Shuiyang, the senior sister of Hehuan Sect, I have fallen in love with this man

"According to the instructions of the Object-Seeking Gu, the spiritual roots of heaven and earth suitable for Ji Bingyu and the others are hidden in Baihua City."

"Could it be that a certain monk has obtained the spiritual roots of heaven and earth?"

“I wonder if I can trade?”

Zhou Sui narrowed his eyes.

To be honest, Baihua City is a veritable gold-selling cave, a place where countless monks come to have fun.

But it is also a very famous trading city and commercial city.

Obviously, Hehuan Sect also knows this very well.

Popularity represents huge business potential.

Relying on female cultivators to attract people is never a long-term solution.

Therefore, there are all kinds of elixirs, elixirs and treasures in Baihua City, attracting countless monks to buy them, and even auctions are often held to sell various treasures.

Over time, many monks would come to Baihua City to buy treasures and have fun.

It can be said that Baihua City has existed for thousands of years and has always been prosperous.

A large number of Nascent Soul cultivators will come to Baihua City.

To a certain extent, this city can be regarded as the core place of Hehuan Sect.

I don’t know how many spiritual stones I earn from Baihua City every year.

"As expected of the Eastern Barren Continent, this place is very prosperous."

"There are actually so many Jindan monks and Nascent Soul monks."

Zhou Sui sensed the surrounding environment.

A large number of monks passed by him just now, including many golden elixir monks and Yuanying monks.

Compared to Canglan Sea Area, I don’t know how many times more.

Although it cannot be said that they can be seen everywhere, the number is obviously much larger.

This also has a great relationship with the existence of fifth-level spiritual veins in the Eastern Wilderness Continent.

Due to the existence of a large number of fourth-level spiritual veins and fifth-level spiritual veins, the cultivation environment is much better than that in Canglan Sea.

There are even many secret worlds, which are rich in all kinds of rare elixirs and ores.

In addition, there is the Huashen Sect, whose inheritance is immortal.

Naturally, the Eastern Barren Continent has trained a large number of monks.

Of course, Canglan Sea Area is not without its advantages.

That is rich in monster material.

In the Eastern Wilderness Continent, the number of monsters is very rare, and almost all of them have been killed by human monks.

Some of the remaining monsters are hiding in the deep mountains and old forests, and there are few opportunities to encounter them.

But in the Canglan Sea, monsters can be seen everywhere.

Therefore, monster materials are not very valuable.

But on the Eastern Barren Continent, some monster materials are quite valuable, and they are all extinct after all.

Once it is taken out, it may fetch sky-high prices at auction.


Thinking of this, Zhou Sui did not hesitate and immediately approached Baihua City.

"Welcome to Baihua City, senior."

"Senior, is this your first time coming to Baihua City?"

As soon as he approached Baihua City, Zhou Sui met a beautiful cultivator for the first time. She had a charming smile, just like the little girl next door, innocent, innocent and very lively.

But he knew that as a female cultivator of the Hehuan Sect, whatever innocence there was in her was all performed.

I have to say that the other party is indeed a disciple of the Hehuan Sect, and his acting skills are simply natural.

If you didn't know the details of the other party, it would be really difficult to tell them apart for a while.

Of course, this female cultivator's cultivation level is not simple either. She is already at the middle stage of Golden Core.

The reason why the golden elixir female cultivator came to receive him was naturally because Zhou Sui did not hide his early Nascent Soul cultivation, but showed it openly.

Sometimes being too low-key can cause unnecessary trouble.

Especially in the cruel world of immortality, people often kill people to seize treasures.

If the aura of the Nascent Soul Realm were leaked, it would definitely arouse the fear of countless monks and they would not dare to attack him.

This saves a lot of trouble.

Therefore, during this period of time, he basically did not use the power of phantom transformation to hide his aura.

Instead, he showed off his cultivation openly.

"Yes, this is indeed my first time coming to Baihua City."

"I heard that this is a famous city, so I came here to have a look."

Zhou Sui nodded.

"Gee, senior really has a good eye."

"Our Baihua City is naturally a famous commercial city and amusement city."

"As long as you enter our Baihua City, there is no monk who will not praise you, and all of them will never leave."

"I believe this senior will definitely be unforgettable to Baihua City."

"By the way, my name is Miaomiao."

Xiu Miaomiao, the daughter of the Hehuan Sect, looked at Zhou Sui with her beautiful eyes, revealing bursts of charm.

It seems that I can pick it at any time.

"Miaomiao? Why is it called this name?"

Zhou Sui blinked.

"Senior is really bad, naturally because he lives up to his name."

"Of course, if senior wants to know, you can also communicate with me."

"I believe that senior will know the origin of my name soon."

Xiu Miaomiao, the daughter of the Hehuan Sect, chuckled.

Hearing this, the corner of Zhou Sui's mouth twitched. As expected of a female cultivator from the Hehuan Sect, she was indeed a wild woman. She was completely different from other female cultivators. Even though she was in the Golden Core realm, she was still very open-minded.

To be honest, this is not Baihua City, it is just a den.

"Well, let's do it next time."

"I entered Baihua City this time because I wanted to buy some suitable training resources."

Zhou Sui waved his hand and flatly refused.

He was not interested in this kind of female cultivators with thousands of people riding on thousands of pillows. After all, compared with his Taoist companions, these female cultivators from the Hehuan Sect were simply vulgar and vulgar.

Basically no interest at all.

"If that were the case, that would be even more appropriate."

"Our Baihua City is well-known as a commercial city."

"Even fourth-level treasure pills, top-grade spiritual treasures, thousand-year-old elixirs, and various inheritances can be produced."

"As long as seniors can afford the price, they can buy anything."

Miaomiao's beautiful eyes suddenly lit up.

She was not disappointed that the monk in front of her was not interested in her. On the contrary, the ascetic monk had more money.

After all, if she sells some treasures from Baihua City, she can also get a commission and a commission.

So if the other party can buy some precious treasures, she can also make a lot of money.

She was naturally very happy for such a financial sponsor and would not refuse anyone who came.

"Money is not an issue, take me to Baihua City first and take a look."

Zhou Sui looked like he was rich and powerful. Only in this way could he get the attention of these female cultivators from the Hehuan Sect.

Of course, as a Nascent Soul monk, no matter how poor you are, you can't be that poor.

"Okay, senior, come in with me."

"By the way, I wonder what you call senior?"

Miaomiao asked curiously.

"Zhou Sui."

Zhou Sui said in a deep voice that he had no intention of hiding anything and simply said his name.

Anyway, his body is in the Canglan Sea, and he doesn’t even know how far away from here.

Even if he does cause any trouble here, his own body cannot be involved.

Moreover, there are so many monks with the same name and surname that they are not worth mentioning.

More importantly, he used the magic of phantom transformation to change his appearance, making him look very ordinary now. He can easily blend into the crowd and no one can detect his existence.

"It turns out to be Senior Zhou, please come in with me."

Hearing this, Xiu Miaomiao, the daughter of the Hehuan Sect, covered her mouth and smiled, then immediately stepped forward to lead the way and led Zhou Sui into Baihua City.

Entering the city, Zhou Sui immediately saw a variety of antique buildings and roads extending in all directions. Of course, the most eye-catching thing was the female nuns dressed in cool clothes.

He felt as if he had arrived at a European and American beach in his previous life.

All kinds of young ladies compete for beauty and dress coolly.

He even dressed like this on purpose to show off his charm.

These female nuns were standing in front of the buildings, displaying their flowers and branches, beckoning the passing monks to come in and have fun.

The sound of silence can be heard everywhere.

Faced with such a scene, it can be said that few men can control it.

"Senior, are you interested in having some fun?"

"Our female cultivators from the Hehuan Sect are famous throughout the Eastern Wilderness Continent."

"No one knows it, no one knows it, and it is famous all over the world for its dual cultivation and tonic skills."

"Even many of the companions of high-level monks are disciples of my Hehuan Sect."

“Although the price is a bit expensive, it’s worth it.”

The Hehuan Sect female cultivator Miaomiao looked at Zhou Sui and tried to introduce the Nascent Soul monk to a certain place to have fun.

After all, she will also get a commission.

The more she consumes, the more commission she gets.

"Oh, if that's the case, I wonder if there are female Nascent Soul cultivators?"

Zhou Sui raised his eyebrows.

"Well, although it is rare for Elder Yuanying to come out to receive guests, it is not uncommon."

"If senior can give them a price they can't refuse, they probably won't mind having fun with senior for a while."

"For example, there are fourth-level treasure pills that can improve cultivation, top-grade spiritual stones, spiritual treasures, etc."

"Everything is negotiable, as long as senior can afford the price."

Xiu Miaomiao, the daughter of Hehuan Sect, chuckled.

Obviously, the female cultivator of Hehuan Sect has no scruples. As long as she can afford the price, she can sell everything.

She looked at Zhou Sui expectantly.

If the man in front of me can afford the price, then I, as the middleman, may gain a lot.

Of course, the price of a Nascent Soul female cultivator is very expensive, and ordinary cultivators simply cannot afford it.

"Let's take a look first."

Zhou Sui said calmly.

He also secretly sighed in his heart, as expected of the Eastern Barren Continent, as long as he could afford the price, even the Nascent Soul female cultivators could have a try, but this could only be said to be the specialness of the Hehuan Sect female cultivators.

If it were other sects, it would probably be impossible to do this.

This is also closely related to the exercises practiced by the Hehuan Sect.

However, he did not enter Baihua City to have fun, but to find the spiritual roots of heaven and earth.

He headed in the direction indicated by the Object-Seeking Gu.


At this moment, Baihua City.

Many female cultivators from the Hehuan Sect noticed Zhou Sui as soon as he entered Baihua City.

Although Zhou Sui disguised his true appearance, the strong energy and blood in his body could not be concealed at all.

Even if it is only half of the original body.

But for ordinary monks, it is still unimaginable.

Especially for the female cultivators of the Hehuan Sect, they are like Tang Monk meat.

Immediately, many female cultivators from the Hehuan Sect were shocked.

"Elder, a big fish has come to our Baihua City."

"The opponent is a Nascent Soul cultivator, but his pure Yang energy is extremely strong."

"I have never seen so much pure Yang energy in a man."

"Perhaps it is the pure Yang body in the legend."

Immediately, female cultivators from the Hehuan Sect went to report this matter to the major Yuanying elders.

"What? A body of pure Yang?"

"A man like this actually enters our Baihua City. Isn't that God helping me?"

"If I get the pure Yang energy from this man, it will definitely help me break through to the middle stage of Nascent Soul."

Suddenly, all the Yuanying elders of Hehuan Sect were extremely excited.

They were wearing cool clothes and looked very charming.

Due to the effect of the technique, all of them are extremely beautiful. Although they are not as good as Ji Bingyu and others, they still have a different taste, which is enough to make countless male cultivators fall under their pomegranate skirts.

"Sister, I'm attracted to this man."

"You have a good reputation, so you probably don't need another man."

"Sister, I have been single for many years and have no one in my relationship. I just need a man to fill my emptiness."

"Leave this man to me."

A Nascent Soul female cultivator in blue immediately spoke.

"Fart, lie without drafting."

"You have been single for many years, and there are many real disciples from famous and upright families who are your guests."

"The man next to you has never been broken, yet he dares to say that he is lonely, empty, lonely and cold."

"I don't know how you have the nerve to say such things."

A female Nascent Soul cultivator in white sneered and exposed the other party's lies without mercy.

"If you say that, we sisters have no choice but to try to steal a man from me."

"Haha, just grab a man and I'm afraid you won't succeed. This is an opportunity to become enlightened. Who would give up?"

"That's right. Such a top-notch man is rare in the world. If he makes a mistake, this village will not have this store. No one will give up."

"It's not necessary. For the sake of a man, we sisters are killing each other. Why bother? Women should help women."

"In this case, why not give this man to me, and I will make it up to you sisters in the future."

"Hey, how can you say such ignorant words with your mouth and compensate us in the future? How else can you compensate us? Can you find a new man with a pure Yang body?"

"Well, naturally I will get married to this man, and then we will give birth to more than a dozen sons. By then, all of my sons will have pure yang bodies, and I will naturally be able to take advantage of all my sisters."

"Fart, thank you for saying such a thing. If one could inherit a pure Yang physique, there wouldn't be so few men in the world with such a physique."

Many Yuan Ying female cultivators of the Hehuan Sect were talking about it, and no one wanted to give up.

"That's enough, I like this man."

"None of you are allowed to take action."

At this moment, a clear and charming voice rang out, spreading throughout the sea of ​​consciousness of every Nascent Soul female cultivator.

Suddenly, a stunning beauty walked slowly and slowly from a distance. What came into view was a pair of beautiful eyes. She was full of charm and enchantment, and it seemed that just one look at her could make a man numb all over.

She has long black hair, high temples, and beautiful appearance. Her eyebrows are slightly raised, making her look noble and noble, like a high-ranking goddess. She is indescribably noble.

The most important thing is that she has an excellent figure. Even if she is wearing a loose robe, she still cannot hide her proud appearance.

Appearing in this place feels like standing out from the crowd.

Many Nascent Soul female cultivators were overwhelmed by the aura of the woman in front of them.

It was as if other women were vulgar and vulgar, but she was the real fairy, with an extraordinary temperament.

All of them had low eyebrows and didn't dare to speak at all.

The person who came was none other than Xia Shuiyang, the senior sister of the Hehuan Sect. She was a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. She was only four hundred and fifty years old. She had a promising future. She was hailed as the next head of the Hehuan Sect. She was extremely valuable and unattainable. .

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