The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 864: Ugly man fiasco

Everyone at the scene, except Su Yang and Liu Shuangcan, everyone else was in a coma.

The momentum of the three law enforcement officers coming into the world is too great for these people to bear.

Liu Shuangcan's situation is not much better, he broke one hand and one foot and is now lying in a pool of blood. Although he was not in a coma, he did not have the strength to struggle.

As for Su Yang, he was completely immersed in the situation just now.

This is the first time he has seen a law enforcement officer. In his previous guesses, the law enforcement agents were all gods. After all, they were selected from the top three of the three lists, regardless of their strength, aptitude or ability, they are unmatched.

Such a character, if he were to come into this world, would definitely be unparalleled and majestic.

However, the three law enforcement officers just now completely changed Su Yang's view.

The three law enforcement officers do look very imposing, but they also give people a sense of superiority. Although the law enforcers are powerful, it is still inevitable that people will not be convinced.

Furthermore, Huo Yuanzhen's attitude towards these people was also beyond Su Yang's expectations.

This is a law enforcement officer. When Huo Yuanzhen faced these three people, he didn't have the slightest panic. On the contrary, he was very calm and composed, ignoring these three law enforcement officers. What is the situation?

Could it be said that Huo Yuanzhen is not afraid of these three law enforcement officers?

However, that is the law enforcer, who can manage the existence of all land gods. According to Ye Jiansheng, except for a few places, no one is not afraid of law enforcement. What is the situation?

Also, when these three law enforcement officers came out, they were clearly overwhelming, and they wanted to directly crush everyone below. But why did he suddenly run away?

What's more, what's the situation with that dog barking?

The three major law enforcement officers fell from the sky, and even Zhao Ping's strength at the scene fainted to the ground. Why is there a dog who is not afraid of the power of the three law enforcement officers, and dare to bark a few times?

Moreover, the most important thing is that the three major law enforcement officials heard the barking of the dog, but did not say a word, and turned around and ran away like a snake and scorpion. What happened?

Could it be that the law enforcers are afraid of dogs?

Su Yang's head was dizzy, he really didn't understand what was going on.

More than ten minutes later, Huo Yuanzhen fell from the sky, she was still carrying a person in her hand, it was the ugly man.

The ugly man is now full of blood, dying, curled up on the ground like a dog, looking extremely miserable.

This land god, who was arrogant before, lost to Huo Yuanzhen and ended in a disastrous defeat.

At this time, many people on the scene gradually recovered.

Seeing this ugly man fell to the ground, the people of the top ten families, could not help panicking.

Land gods shot, this is their only hope. As a result, even the land gods were beaten like this, so do they have any hope?

Huo Yuanzhen walked to the ugly man and kicked him: "Hey, get up, pretend to die!"

The ugly man sat up reluctantly, vomited a mouthful of blood, lowered his head and dared not speak. In the previous battle, he was completely defeated. Huo Yuanzhen was also merciful just now, otherwise he would have died, so he really didn't dare to be arrogant in front of Huo Yuanzhen now.

"I don't have to kill you, but you have to stay in Hanxi Province and don't go anywhere." Huo Yuanzhen said: "Moreover, your family will have to die a few people, otherwise I can't explain to Su Yang. ."

The ugly man looked at Su Yang in the distance, his expression depressed. He really couldn't understand. With Huo Yuanzhen's strength, why bother to explain to Su Yang? Shouldn't this be Su Yang kneeling at her feet?

"I...I will kill all the Fang family who mixed this matter..." The ugly man whispered.

"That's right!" Huo Yuanzhen smiled: "Everyone is kind, so good, why have to fight **** for tat, right?"

The ugly man lowered his head and said nothing, his strength was not as good as Huo Yuanzhen, of course he was not qualified to say anything.

The people in the Fang family next to him were dumbfounded. This is their land god, who just succumbed like this?

Especially Patriarch Fang, he discussed the matter jointly with Patriarch Chen and others. Now Huo Yuanzhen said that he would let the Fang family die a few people, so he was undoubtedly the first to die.

"Uncle Qi, our Fang family, how can we succumb to these people..." Fang Patriarch said anxiously.

Before he could finish speaking, the ugly man slapped him directly with a palm in the air, and Patriarch Fang's body shattered on the spot, and he was undoubtedly killed on the spot.

There was dead silence at the scene, and those in the Fang family who had originally wanted to speak with the Patriarch, all closed their mouths at this moment. They understand now that in order to keep the family, this land fairy in their family doesn't care about their life or death, and even kills them personally!

"Take a thorough investigation of this matter, everyone involved in this matter must die!" The ugly man shouted in a deep voice, "From then on, the Fang family has quit the top ten families and will no longer mix anything with Hanxi Province!"

Everyone in the Fang family looked at each other, all bowed their heads, no one dared to have the slightest disagreement.

Everyone in the other families was also stunned. At this moment, they completely understood it. Su Yang can really crush their top ten families!

Of the ten major families in Hanxi Province, three of them have land immortals. As a result, two land immortals appeared and one land immortal spoke, but they all acted according to Su Yang's intentions. So, who else can save their top ten families?

The people who were proud of their faces because of the appearance of the ugly men were completely panicked at this moment.

The problems of these three big families have been resolved, so what about the other families?

These three big families, supported by land gods, died of the Patriarch, and all the people who were involved in this matter. Moreover, the family was forced to withdraw from the top ten families and no longer mixed with anything in Hanxi Province.

So, what will the result be like for other families that don't have the support of land gods?

Huo Yuanzhen walked to Su Yang and said, "Hey, Su Xiaozi, I have helped you so much, how do you want to thank me?"

Su Yang looked speechless, Huo Yuanzhen was completely different from Ye Jiansheng Lian Wanxiong. Although this woman is now over the past few years, she has basically been practicing in retreat all her life. In fact, her character is still at the girly stage.

Moreover, to the land immortals, Huo Yuanzhen's age is indeed not too old, he is still quite young.

It is for this reason that Huo Yuanzhen's character can be called an ancient spirit, which makes even Wan Xiong unable to use her, let alone Su Yang.

"Senior Huo, thank you very much for this matter." Su Yang quickly said, "It just so happened that I got a 500-year-old snow lotus from the Sage of Medicine, and I wanted to give it to Senior Huo to make a soup."

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