Three golden-armored men descended from the sky, accompanied by bursts of lightning and thunder, like a **** descending to the world, shocking the world.

A burst of thunder shook almost everyone on the scene. The only one who can barely wake up is the only powerful masters like Su Yang and Liu Shuangcan. As for those people in the ten big families and six big families, all of them fainted, without exception.

When the law enforcement came to the world, only land gods have always been visible. Like Su Yang, someone who is already close to the land immortal realm can only barely hold up without fainting. However, Su Yang also seemed to be imprisoned, unable to move at all, and could only watch it all.

The ugly man was extremely excited, he hurriedly stepped forward, bent over and arched his hands: "Welcome the law enforcement!"

However, as soon as he finished speaking, Huo Yuanzhen made another move here, still slashing his head with a palm.

The ugly man furiously escaped Huo Yuanzhen’s blow and roared: "Huo Yuanzhen, the law enforcers are here. You dare to make a mistake, don’t you put the law enforcers in your eyes!?"

"You don't have to say this kind of condemnation, and you don't have to instigate discord!" Huo Yuanzhen said: "The law enforcer, you can't care about my killing the land gods. What happened to them? Besides, you think you are like a dog. Wagging their tails, can they really protect you? In the eyes of law enforcers, land gods are treated equally, don’t you understand?”

The ugly man gritted his teeth and said: "They don't care about killing the land gods, but if you hurt people below the land gods, you are provoking the majesty of the law enforcement officers. Hmph, Huo Yuanzhen, don't jump around, don't hurry up to enforce the law. Do they have to provoke the law enforcement officers when they plead guilty?"

Huo Yuanzhen ignored the slightest, still chasing the ugly man to fight. The ugly man was a little confused, he really couldn't understand what was going on.

Huo Yuanzhen actually dared to attack the people below the land gods, and when the three law enforcement officers arrived in person, she dared to continue to attack in front of the law enforcement officers. Isn't she afraid of the law enforcement officers at all?

You must know that the law enforcers themselves are the top three figures on the dark list of the evil list, and only then can they be qualified to become law enforcers. Although Huo Yuanzhen's strength is not weak, she can't make it into any of the three rankings. In other words, Huo Yuanzhen's strength is not worth mentioning in front of law enforcement. How could she be so bold and dare to provoke law enforcement?

At this time, the three men in golden armor had already landed not far from this villa. One of the men frowned and shouted angrily: "Boldly, when you see the law enforcer, don't kneel down yet, do you want to challenge the authority of the law enforcer!"

Huo Yuanzhen sneered coldly and ignored the three.

The ugly man got excited, he didn't know what backing Huo Yuanzhen had behind him. However, since the law enforcers are here, Huo Yuanzhen's backing is useless. In front of the law enforcers, who is behind Huo Yuanzhen is meaningless!

Su Yang also looked nervous, what did Huo Yuanzhen think about this, why did he provoke law enforcement?

Seeing Huo Yuanzhen ignore him, the three law enforcement officers are all furious. The law enforcement officer who just spoke raised the golden sword in his hand and said angrily: "Huo Yuanzhen, didn't you hear this seat? You dare to ignore this seat, ignoring the law enforcement officer, the crime is even worse. Even if you didn't kill that person, We will never spare your life!"

"Enforcer?" Huo Yuanzhen sneered: "If you don't spare my life, then you come and kill me!"

"Huo Yuanzhen, do you really think we dare not kill you?" The man at the head was also angry: "We think you are a woman, so we don't want to care about you, but you are so arrogant. Today, just stop blaming us for being rude!"

The ugly man was full of excitement and said loudly: "Three, this Huo Yuanzhen, together with Ye Jiansheng Lian Wanxiong from Pingnan Province, is simply deceiving people too much. She sheltered that surnamed Su and killed countless people, and even the law enforcement officers did not take it seriously. , The sin deserves death!"

"Ye Jiansheng, Lian Wanxiong, so courageous!" The man on the left shouted furiously again: "Huo Yuanzhen, immediately kneel down and apologize. Otherwise, we will kill you first, and then kill the two!"

The ugly man was even more excited. There were three law enforcers here. Ye Jiansheng even Wanxiong Huo Yuanzhen was not worth mentioning.

Huo Yuanzhen's face was calm, with a sneer at the corners of her mouth, and she did not speak. Even Wan Xiong in Yuankong didn't speak, as if he didn't pay attention to the three law enforcement officers.

Seeing this situation, the three law enforcement officers were even more furious. The man on the left directly raised his golden sword and roared: "Huo Yuanzhen, how dare you ignore us..."

Before the words fell, in the distant mountains, there was an abrupt voice suddenly: "Bow."

The man on the left immediately closed his mouth and glanced at each other with the other two men, their faces flushed. Suddenly, the three directly turned around and flew away, as if they had seen the most terrifying thing, they dared not stay here for a moment.

The ugly man was still waiting for the three law enforcement officers to kill Huo Yuanzhen personally, but he didn't expect this to happen. He couldn't help but stunned, and at this time, Huo Yuanzhen had already walked up to him and smiled lightly: "It seems that these law enforcement officers can't help you today!"

The ugly man was dumbfounded. The law enforcement officer appeared in person, but he ran away again. What happened? What are these three law enforcement officers thinking? Enforcers, don’t they need to enforce the law?

"Still stunned?" Huo Yuanzhen said: "Come on, don't waste time, let me kill you quickly. Don't look at what time it is, don't you know if a girl sleeps too late will have bad skin? Want me to stay up late and work overtime here?"

The ugly man was almost vomiting blood, Huo Yuanzhen didn't take him seriously. He gritted his teeth and roared: "Huo Yuanzhen, do you really think you can kill me?"

"If I can't kill you, you can kill me!" Huo Yuanzhen said: "The battle of life and death is like this. If I don't kill you, won't you kill me?"

As he spoke, Huo Yuanzhen had already reached the ugly man, and he slapped his hand again.

Huo Yuanzhen's slender hands looked very feminine, but every time he shot, the power was terrifying. With a palm, the ugly man almost desperately tried to dodge. If he can't dodge, he can only work hard. He has to step back a few steps each time, and the strength gap between the two is very obvious.

"Huo Yuanzhen, I'm fighting with you!" The ugly man roared, and his body suddenly burst into colorful light. In this light, he quickly rose into the sky, and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

"You said you wanted to fight with me, but it turned out to be fleeing. Is it interesting?" Huo Yuanzhen sneered and chased after him. The two disappeared into the distant sky at the same time.

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