The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 3002: Beads in the middle of the jade pendant

While thinking in his mind, Su Yang flew to the vicinity of this space and began to observe this space again.

Although he thought it was basically impossible, he couldn't think of any other places to hide the jade pendant, so he could only observe this space first.

I walked back and forth a dozen times around here, and observed the situation in this space almost all the time, but never found any possible import and export, nor found anything similar to that jade pendant.

And this situation took Su Yang a lot of time.

The people outside and the emperor didn't stop the Black Mist at all. They also found out that it was impossible to stop the Black Mist, so they just let them go.

However, the Emperor and the others followed all the way, so that they could also capture Bai Ying directly, lest Bai Ying hurt the innocent again.

After decades of this, the Emperor of Humanity came in again to report, and an overlapping space appeared outside.

Su Yang has been searching for decades in this, and has not had any clues, and has been waiting for the next overlapping space to appear.

Only when the next overlapping space appears, this jade pendant will appear again, and Su Yang also intends to seize the opportunity to see clearly this time and figure out how the jade pendant appeared and where it is hidden.

This time, the situation was the same as the last time. A columnar black mist suddenly condensed in this black fog and rushed towards that space.

And in that space, a force also fought back, hitting the black mist head-on.

During the whole process, Su Yang stared wide-eyed, but he never saw Yu Pei appear.

Seeing the power of that space rush out, Su Yang's heart suddenly moved, and he immediately flew in the direction of the columnar black mist.

Because the jade pendant will eventually appear at the end of the columnar black mist to absorb the guarding power of that space.

Therefore, he only needs to follow this direction, and he will definitely be able to find this jade pendant.

Sure enough, just halfway through Su Yang's flight, he saw something suddenly appeared in the black mist, as if it had been hidden in the black mist.

Su Yang had just watched the columnar black mist carefully, and didn't notice the existence of this thing.

Now, this thing appeared so suddenly that Su Yang almost didn't react.

Moreover, Su Yang could see clearly that the thing that came out was not a jade pendant, but a string of beads.

It's just that the beads seem to be wrapped in a mass of something. As the black mist dissipated, the beads slowly condensed into a jade pendant, which was the appearance of the jade pendant that Su Yang had seen before.

Before Su Yang could see what was going on, a powerful force rushed over.

Su Yang was already on guard, he knew the guardian power would rush over. Therefore, when he felt that the situation was not right, he immediately flew to the side.

However, he was still a step late after all.

In other words, his time selection is good, but he underestimated the power of this guardianship.

Su Yang had avoided, but was still gently scratched by the edge of the guardian power.

With just this one, Su Yang directly rushed out.

The powerful force almost dismantled Su Yang's Immortal Golden Body and Immortal Bone, and Su Yang almost fainted.

However, in the end Su Yang still held it back.

This is also the result of his indestructible golden body and the indestructible bones being tempered by the entrapment, otherwise, just this slap will be able to directly take Su Yang’s most powerful indestructible golden body and the indestructible The bone was completely shattered.

Of course, after Su Yang's soul was tempered by the energetic aura, it became stronger and he didn't faint directly.

Otherwise, even if he is able to hold the Immortal Golden Body and the Immortal Bone, he himself will be stunned.

While he was not in a coma, Su Yang was able to observe the whole process of Na Yupei's absorption of this force.

It's not that Yupei absorbed this power, but the mass wrapped around the string of beads, manipulating the string of beads to absorb this power.

Su Yang didn't see the thing very clearly, it seemed to be a faint golden light with some blood inside.

Su Yang couldn't help but wonder, what exactly is this and why can he manipulate that string of beads?

Also, what exactly is this bead, and why can it condense the black mist and absorb such a powerful protective power?

In doubt, this string of beads has absorbed all the guarding power.

Immediately afterwards, the jade pendant flew out of the black mist and went directly outside.

Su Yang knew that this jade pendant was going to use the strength it had just absorbed to hit the seal of the overlapping space outside.

Su Yangqiang endured the severe pain and wanted to fly out, but he was really injured so badly that he could not chase after him, so he could only give up.

He looked at the space below, wanting to see if there were any changes in the space, and if there were any gaps or the like.

This was just a casual glance. As a result, Su Yang suddenly realized that something was wrong with just this one.

For decades, Su Yang has been observing the black fog and this space.

It can be said that Su Yang knew everything in this black mist and this space.

But now, Su Yang looked at it and found that there was something missing in the space below.

This is a mountain range originally hidden in the central area of ​​this space. The mountain range is not very large, but the location is very good. This space seems to be built around this mountain range.

However, now, this mountain range is missing, and the central area of ​​this space is actually empty.

Su Yang is stunned, what's the situation?

Yupei appears, and the mountains are gone?

Could it be that the jade pendant is related to the mountains?

Or, that string of beads is related to this mountain range?

Yupei, is it really hidden in this space?

Su Yang's heart jumped, he took a deep breath, forcibly pressed the pain in his body, and flew to the vicinity of this space to observe carefully.

He was far away just now, and he was worried that he was wrong.

However, when he approached this space, he found that he had not read it wrong, that mountain range was really gone.

The place where the mountains were originally located is now a pile of huge pits, as if those mountains were moved away by someone abruptly.

Su Yang's heart is full of shock. Isn't this amazing?

But what is the situation?

While thinking about it, the jade pendant flew in from outside, condensing the black fog again, absorbing the guarding power of this space again, and going out again to attack the seal of the overlapping space.

And this time, Su Yang can be regarded as clearly seeing the whole process of black mist condensation!

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